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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3427236 No.3427236 [Reply] [Original]

Was this guy any good for /vr/ stuff?

>> No.3427242

Meh. It and the new version, the Pyra, use ARM processors so you need to find compatible Emulators but I fancy the new Pyra (when it comes out) will be able to do up to PS1.

>> No.3427316

Thinking about getting a pyra to use as an emulation machine for microcomputers, c64 and speccy and Amiga and the like. Maybe a little mame in there too. Would it work well for that?

>> No.3427319

Just buy an old netbook for two dollars.

>> No.3427415

Netbooks can't fit in your pocket. The closest thing to compare the Pyra to would be the GPD Win.

The Pandora was pretty great for /vr/ stuff provided you lucked out and bought it from the founder's associate and not from the founder. The founder of the Pandora took the money and ran, while the associate was left with pretty much no money to compensate the people that got screwed, but was able to get Pandoras out to his own customers at a loss.

The associate is the guy behind the Pyra. The Pandora had a shitload of community support behind it that let the hardware run tons of systems, and the Pyra's probably going to inherit all of the Pandora's systems out of the box.


I'm excited for the Pyra, but it's an incredibly niche device.

>> No.3427671

GDP WIN = x86 (but comes with win10, probably hardware locked to it with this secureboot thing, you could probably run something else but fuck paying companies that want to fuck their patrons in thebutt)

ITG xpPhone = some alledged x86 pocketpc/handheld but i cant figure out if it really exists.

Pyra = ARM, so i cant run my ultima online "AFK" mining macros while at work or taking a shit and be able to respond to any manual test if i am AFK mining

why even live

>> No.3427872

I just got one, it's pretty clunky, drivers and libraries are a bit of a mess, a lot of the emulators are now outdated. Pretty much everyone has stopped porting to it and are now waiting on the Pyra, so if you wanted to buy something purely for emulation today then you'd probably be better off with an Android device since the software is better maintained.

For the stuff that has been ported? It works really damn well and I'm looking forward to the Pyra resolving most of the issues.

>> No.3427989

The main guy behind the Pyra says that x86 + Wine emulation runs just fine for programs that can run on potatoes so if your Ultima Online macros can run on a potato it can probably run on the Pyra.

>> No.3428076

GPD Win is not hardware locked. People report having Linux running on it, so you definitely can dualboot or just wipe to save space and install win 7.

Gamepad hardware is rigged to be recognised as either generic DInput or XInput (swithcable) gamepad so it can be used by any system that can recognise XInput.

>> No.3428086

I've heard the GPD Win is more powerful than the Pyra, but it's also a whore for power consumption and heat output. The power consumption thing would make sense given that it's x86 and Intel doesn't know how to make a mobile chip that doesn't catch on fire.

>> No.3428094

I looked at pre-ordering it until I saw the GPU.
Don't know what I expected, but it would make for a sweet emulator handheld overall.

>> No.3428132

They are putting in real fan at last (hope it would be properly placed lol)

AFAIK GPU plays minor role in most emulators, unless you do filters/shaders.

It would've been impossible to install discreet GPU onto such system though due to heat and power drain. It would turn into an unwieldy bulky brick that can play a game for about 80-90 minutes before giving out.

PS2 games played show 90-95% speed so it's probably gonna play games same as any average PC from about 2008, though it seems that no other PC game they played can achieve FPS higher than 25-30 on lowest settings because of GPU. For me some 25-30 FPS is plenty sufficient, especially on a handheld system with 5" screen, for some it's not, all depends on perspective/tolerance.

They say that Wii emulation is even better in some games than PS2 now with new Dolphin update.

Or maybe it's all just my wishful thinking because I decided to gamble and budge in while device is at least barely within my price range, rather than when it gets a 500$ release where information would be plentiful but I won't be able to buy it either way.

>> No.3428774

>Or maybe it's all just my wishful thinking because I decided to gamble and budge in while device is at least barely within my price range, rather than when it gets a 500$ release where information would be plentiful but I won't be able to buy it either way.

wait is it for sale already?



how do you know this things are trustable, and i can see theres only that option but they for $670k already, how cheaper was it earlier?

>> No.3429256

Why not buy a cheap android tablet, USB adapter and USB pad instead of these box of shit?

Because you'll look stupid in public with a tablet with a joypad plugged in?

Whereas presumably this cool slab of sexy tech will make you popular with all the girls?

This isn't a shitpost, I'm genuinely curious about how you can get excited about a badly hobbled 5" clamshell netbook

>> No.3429609

Where I live used netbooks which are in good shape with nothing broken usually cost at least $100 (unless you stumble upon an occasion when someone wants to sell quickly).

>> No.3429810

Well for me the Pyra has GNULinux on it right off the bat without having to deal with the shitshow that is trying to root your android devices so that's a major reason why I want it. As for the cool and sexy tech thing I can guarantee owning one of these will make you less fuckable than before so nobody is buying any of these for cool points.

>> No.3430014

>Because you'll look stupid in public with a tablet with a joypad plugged in?
>Whereas presumably this cool slab of sexy tech will make you popular with all the girls?
no, I just want to play games without Some Assembly Required®.

>> No.3430573

GPD is an experienced manufacturer, they already have working prototypes out in the wild. EvilDragon already got his hands on one and you can see his opinion on it here: https://pyra-handheld.com/boards/threads/gamescom-sensor-upgrade-and-other-nice-news.77849/page-2#post-1389370

>> No.3430598

Waste of time. Just plug a joypad into an android tablet.

>> No.3430605

because the point of portable gaming emulation is it being, you know, portable

having to carry all that crap with you everywhere for the chance you want to game for a bit beats the whole point

you're going to look stupid with both. no one is picking that stuff to look cool. don't pick up stuff that doesn't even help you either

>> No.3430613

I wouldn't recommend the Pandora to new users since it's reached the end of its lifespan.

>> No.3430618

You can't buy a Pandora anyways since they stopped manufacturing them a while ago and the owners aren't selling their Pandoras. The Pyra will be the successor.

>> No.3430659

They were in stock less than a week ago on Dragonbox, that's how I received mine.