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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 18 KB, 372x342, hello dark NES my old friend I have come to you again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3426258 No.3426258 [Reply] [Original]

How does /vr/ feel about people spray painting their retro consoles? Has /vr/ done it too and have pictures to share?

>> No.3426267

i wouldnt mind painting if i had a super yellowed super nintendo, or some damaged shell.

when i was a young idiot i tried to paint my gamecube with acrylic paint. a gajillion years later i retouched it with a green after dismantling it and installing my mods

>> No.3426271

Its their private property, so it's their own business.

>> No.3426282

Only justifiable for restoration purposes.

>> No.3426283

I bet you enjoy the work of Ayn Rand, you fucking nigger.

>> No.3426298

Liberal cuck?

>> No.3426310

I didn't enjoy it, but I did try to read Atlas Shrugged a couple times, and I own a copy of Stand.

>> No.3426357

Who cares, its theirs

>> No.3426376

jesus, sometimes you people.

its not even someone ripping special chips consoles to make emulators
clones or some shit, its a fucking shell, they could put the circuitry in a acrylic case and smash the old one for all i care.
>not being autist about some mass produced plastic shell means you fall under some bahavioural label

>> No.3426379
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>> No.3426392

Ayn who? Ted Kaczynski got the same kind of point across far more expediently.

>> No.3426393

I don't see why I should care.

Isn't Rand a liberal?
Besides, her writing skills are terrible so it still makes sense.

>> No.3426398
File: 64 KB, 900x638, gameboy-kirby-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I very much enjoy DIY gone wrong

My favorite thing is characters on platforms they don't belong on (FFX decals on a MAME cabinet) or anachronous character designs

>> No.3426406

It's pretty gay but you can't stop people from doing it.

>> No.3426410

If the plastic hasn't yellowed and the thing looks good for its age, there might not be much point. However, yellowed ones tend to be uglish and a paint job should help make it look better.

>> No.3426417

>not wanting a golden nintendo

>> No.3426453
File: 12 KB, 500x258, B00005LE2Q.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS is why people need to get respecting retro PC gaming more! Case modding is far more sensible on those!

Sure, consoles may end up with broken internals, and have shells that can be taken off, but this makes far more sense with computers which are far more likely to end up getting deemed to be garbage and "ethically" thrown around and broken by cyber justice warriors anyway, and are far more swappable.

If only one part of a console case comes of and snaps back on easily, it's dead obvious for people to focus on painting or doing whatever to that part.

>> No.3426573

I don't care. People can do what they want, but these days you can get a shell on AliExpress or eBay and fuck with that.

Either way do what you want with your shit.

>> No.3427890

I damaged my NES's plastic trying to do a Retrobrite treatment. It happens that I'm having some body work done on my car and I'm going to see if the shop will spray my NES's top half for a few bucks more while they're at it. The car is a light silvery color so hopefully it will look good.

I wouldn't do this if I was just going to spray it with a can from Home Depot, and I wouldn't do it if the NES didn't already look like shit.

>> No.3428128

Post pics if you do.

>> No.3428350

I don't mind if its done well, especially if its used to cover up yellowed plastics.

>> No.3428360

I went to some kid's house years ago and saw his NES, it was black with other colored paint dripped or flicked on it like a Pollack painting. I thought it was pretty cool then

>> No.3428664 [DELETED] 

if i saw some tardloaf that did this i'd beat him up for being a retard, beat up the nintendo to put it out of it's misery, beat up his mom for giving birth to the tardbaby, and beat up myself for being an autistic retard lmao

>> No.3428690
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>> No.3428707

That weakens the strength of the plastic though, and it can be done incorrectly.

>> No.3429371
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>> No.3429374
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>> No.3429380
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>> No.3429404

Paint always peels eventually though. Is there some way of dyeing the plastic?

>> No.3429405


This one is pretty kewl.

>> No.3429408

This gets me rock solid

>> No.3429425

Does paint peel off your car? Then why would car paint peel off a console? You have to wash the damn thing thoroughly before painting it. Wet sanding it, using plastic-specific paint with primer, 2 hands of paint and top coat ensure a professional coat that won't peel off no matter what, but i never had to go that far. Car paint on a sparkling clean shell gets scratched less than the original plastic...

>> No.3429428

>Not painting the black streak white for sexy contrast


>> No.3429431

>Does paint peel off your car?
Good point but do they use that kind of paint? The normal stuff you get in cans isn't nearly as hardwearing as far as I know.

>> No.3429498

I have a few Sega Mega Drives (Genesisusises) totaling to 7 not counting the addons. In my area, no one likes the Genesis, it's all Nintendo. Thus, I wouldn't sell them because they go for $5 at best in my area (despite the few craigslist postings in my area with dollar bin sports games wanting $100USD for the bundle). So my most useless one, the one lone model 2 (I prefer the look of the original "High Definition Graphics" or "AV Intelligent System/High Grade Multipurpose Use") I hope to one day give it a nice paintjob.

I am hoping to get something looking as good (to me) like this N64:

Unlike Nintendo, with its many franchises with identifiable colour schemes, Sega does not aside from Sonic's cobalt blue which I think would make the model 2 look worse. So I am thinking of giving it the color scheme of Ayanami Rei in a kind of car-paint, which is the same reason I love the BMW 18 default colors, they resemble mai waifu. See: https://youtu.be/nnODX_VEp2c

White all around, blue ring around the cartridge port and power/reset buttons, black back vent holes, black power/reset section and controller ports, keep the red power led, undecided about the "Sega plate" is how I am thinking to do it. Then I realize I do not have the time nor want to spend the effort so the Genesis2 will stay unloved.

>> No.3429529

>pic not related to opinion

Confused me there for a second.

>> No.3429534
File: 129 KB, 1168x838, vYxeWW9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Is there some way of dyeing the plastic?

Yes. It's called vinyl dye.

And here's an absolutely sexual Dreamcast.

>> No.3429540
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>> No.3429542
File: 72 KB, 1024x613, BlackDC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not fond of the white on this one.

>> No.3429552

Amazing. I stand corrected.

>> No.3429562

Looks quite good.

Good point.

I came.

>> No.3429565

Any of you /vr/ bros that have done this got any tips or tutorials? Got my hands on several consoles that I would like to mod.

>> No.3429574

Don't really care just make sure your shit looks good before sharing it online.

>> No.3429595

Id paint mine. I found it in a barn and it looks awful (chipped and yellowed)... Still works though, go figure.

>> No.3429634

Wow so it's been modded too!

>> No.3429652

Except it doesn't look golden, but rather as if the console was being pissed on and the piss got soaked into the plastic.

>> No.3429656

Haha I just mean the corner. Its ugly as fuck. Cleaned it for like an hour and its still awful.

>> No.3429659

>I found it in a barn
Seriously? I'd understand basement, attic, even a shed, but a barn?

>> No.3429668

It was in a box of old junk in a garage area of the barn... I didnt ask questions. The owners were gonna toss it haha.

>> No.3429730
File: 3.58 MB, 5312x2988, 20160815_221049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not /vr/, but relevant

>> No.3429803

Not him but
Have you done it? It only weakens it on a microscopic layer, something that wears off.

Painting can be done incorrectly too, but I don't mind it if it's done well.

>> No.3429905
File: 449 KB, 1817x1660, KirbyCafe3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, pic was related

the end result is nice enough I suppose, but that's GBA Kirby applied to a GB

>> No.3429918

You'd be surprised at what you can find in a barn, it's not unusual for people to use it as storage because it has space

>> No.3431170

I would love going to that Kirby Cafe one of these days

>> No.3431219

I would pay less for a painted console than an original restored one. I remember the NES a certain ways and not tuned like a car.

>> No.3431362

Cool in theory, but fingerprints, man. I'm an autist when in comes to fingerprints. Matte finish or bust for me.

>> No.3432441
File: 196 KB, 318x402, 1444159435463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sexy af. have some gore

>> No.3432445

Every time I go by this thread it just reminds me about how annoyed I am that one of my black Sharp NES controllers vanished.

>> No.3432457


I did a black and purple SNES after my snes yellowed. The only issue I have is that I can't fucking put a gloss coat over it without the black spray paint cracking and bubbling.

>> No.3432462

You can't just pain a yellowed SNES.

Well you can, but the yellowing induces a chemicla change in the plastic which turns it incredibly brittle.

You'll probably never see a grey SNES that has cracks, yellow ones crack and shatter constantly.

Do the Retrobrite first. It's basically hair peroxide + oxyclean.

More importantly than fixing the yellowing is that it restores it's durability. but everyone gets fixated on the aesthetics.