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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3418520 No.3418520 [Reply] [Original]

So ive been depressed 4 a while but after watching a bunch of videos to do with retro gaming and collecting, i have decided thats what i want to do After countless years of being unmotivated to do anything Give me some tips, tricks etc. thanks

>> No.3418523


What do you do for money? It becomes an expensive hobby.

Also: does the guy who owns that suff have to monkey bar his way to the far end?

>> No.3418524

Spend your money on something worthwhile like self-improvement.

>> No.3418531

Try buy a gameboy or mayb Nintendo then u runnin bb

>> No.3418537

Go to fucking Goodwill, seriously, everything is cheap as shit most of the time. Do you want a 20$ Xbox? Goodwill. Copy of Homeworld for $2? Goodwill. Most of the time they lump PC game jewel cases in with the music CD's, so you'll have to do some browsing. And if you buy a console ask to plug it in first to see if it powers on.

>> No.3418591

money really isnt a problem, i live in my parents old house thats paid off and got a bunch of money after my grandpa died (about 250k) i just dont wanna fuck up

>> No.3418605

According to my experience you should only buy stuff you are gonna play or stuff that is aesthetically pleasing.

I collect cartridge stuff JAP only then i use everdrives to play them. While being european i don't see the point in collecting cartridge PAL shit.

>> No.3418624

how could you exactly "fuck up" ?
You just choose what you wanna collect, and start hunting for good deals. Ebay, Amazon, etc, are the first places to start with. There's also plenty of those swapping sites and events for collectors.

>> No.3418626

well i mean ya but i just would like some general tips besides the obvious, idk, maybe im just a bitch

>> No.3418628

This. Get a gym membership or learn a skill.

>> No.3418638

What "obvious"?
Seriously, it's not rocket science. The thing about collecting stuff is about gathering things you want. Obviously this kinda asks for some basic knowledge about the subject matter, like what would be some rarities worth your effort, or how specific games or consoles work.

I personally collect to use, not to decorate my shelves. Sure, along the way I've gathered things I have no major interests in, like working Commodore 64 + some games, but those are some nice extras.

If you still can't make up your mind, try looking some collecting guides on Youtube etc. The MetalJesus channel has some good beginner collector's guide videos on various retro consoles and their variations.

>> No.3418642

Pick a focus (or several):
- only system x
- only games you plan to play
- software and merchandise related to some game franchise
- complete in box games
or just collect "everything."

Haunt thrift stores, pawn shops, yard sales, flea marts, craigslist.

Don't hesitate to buy out someone's whole system because you already have most of the games they have. If the price is good, grab it. Keep the ones you need. Swap out the nicer copies for the doubles, or if you want to get obsessive, collect label variants. Sell the extras so you can buy more. Play it right and the stuff you kept might effectively become free.

And if you see something at the thrift store that you *might* want to buy, grab it. Or else someone else will. You can always change your mind and put it back. And it'll guaranteed be gone the next time you visit.

>> No.3418643

250k is not enough to collect unless you become a reseller

>> No.3418664

>living in a paid off house
>have 250k+
Video games are fun and all, but holy shit you're set. Go fuck around, enjoy life.

>> No.3418683

thats the problem, i really want to enjoy my life, i try to travel, do hobbies etc but i cant find enjoyment out of life. Ive been watching collector channels and it made me feel kinda happy,

>> No.3418695

seriously don't it gets expensive as hell

>> No.3418698


Why don't you give to charity, try and make other people happy with your money, altruism is a good depression cure.

>> No.3418701
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Dunno, but here's some more pictures and info.



>Collector: Yes, my son plays games. He has a few hundred games in his room that he plays.

>> No.3418706

Just buy a Porsche, pick up tail, then travel to Italy and do the same. Fuck video games. You think I'd be here if I could buy a sports car?

>> No.3418719

why aren't you impregnating a woman m8?

>> No.3418721

Second this. You're a decade late, man. Should have done that when most videogames (especially Nintendo ones) were one buck a piece. If you really don't know what to do then do something to improve yourself on the long run, like >>3418524 and >>3418628 say.

>> No.3418787

i dont know really, depression kinda fucks me cause i dont feel like going out, i live a really shitty Neet lifestyle and spend like nothing every year, i just need something to do, ive tried everything

>> No.3418790

i already own a sports car, my grandpa was rich, i just hardly use it. its kinda like insurance to me, if i dont use it and run out of money ill sell it

>> No.3418794

Sure if you're buying everything brand new in mint condition, including NES games and systems.

>> No.3418802

You should seriously work a simple job to put things in perspective for a little bit.

>> No.3418805

How about doing something to help others or make the local neighbourhood a better place? You have free time and are independant. You might find doing this a bit more rewarding than just blowing everything on a pile of stuff.

>> No.3418808

If you think buying things will make you happy you have another thing coming for you

>> No.3418816

i worked a simple job for 7 years (since i was 16)

>> No.3418819

well i mean, its not really buying something to make me happy, its just me trying to find a hobby. Most people who do hobbies that make them happy usually pay money

>> No.3418823

ive donated a lot of my money to local non profits

>> No.3418828

"durr my grandpa was rich, I alredy have sports car I sell when no want, I alredy work norml job for 7 years since I was 16 "

Please waste all of your money collecting bullshit instead of doing intelligent things with your money, because you sound like a total fucking idiot. Hope your life is rad after you waste all of your money!

>> No.3418829

Considering your position as a lonely and moderately wealthy recluse my suggestion would be to build a small home arcade. Arcade machines are the patrician collectible and you have the means to collect them. Just be on the lookout for good deals near you and hire someone to move them for you - a moving company if you don't have the motivation to ask a mexican at Home depot but there may be someone who hauls shit cheap on craigslist.

Once you have a small collection built up, start having one day a month where you open it up to the local gaming group on Facebook and maybe buy a keg of beer. You'll meet all kinds of people, just be on the lookout for ones who want to spend your money for you. Don't let them, but if she's a fuckable chick you might want to let her think she can for a couple months.

>> No.3418840

Why not get into Magic or DnD or something? Then you can socialize. Sure it's with other nerds but it's better than wasting your life and money on video games - retro games at that are a solo endeavor.

Otherwise this; >>3418829.

Ultimately if I were you I'd put that shit into stocks, grow my wealth and then buy toys later on, at the same time I'd start lifting, not for anyone else but for myself, being /biz/ and /fit/ is a much more rewarding hobby. But since you're set on games, start with something you grew up with. Just know video games aren't going to fill that void in your life.

>> No.3418841

Yes but this hobby involves excessively buying things. Why not just play the games instead. They're much more fun playing than searching for

>> No.3418853

you seem a bit mad

>> No.3418858

i mean ya youre right he was rich but obviously i wouldnt waste all my money on it

>> No.3418859
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>> No.3418907

Sell house, get apartment, play diablo 2 for the rest of your life. You can do it anon.

>> No.3418912


Yeah, fuckin pissed m8. I'm a broke ass bitch lmao.

>> No.3418919

Don't waste your money on collecting old videogames. If anything, it could simply morph your depression into compulsive hoarding.

If you want to play old videogames. Emulation is pretty much free. There is a lot of happiness to be derived from genuinely good games. Sometimes, if everyone says something is really good, they make actually be right. So do your research, learn some game history, select some legendary titles and persevere with playing them

>> No.3418924
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I do not know if this is something meta, as in "4chan /vr/ thread get to role-play having a large theoretical resource pool for /vr/" or legitimately serious. I'll answer seriously just to entertain the scenario:

I come from the opposite end of the spectrum, as the admitted burger flipper with a modest collection on /vr/, and envious of your position. I do not have any diagnosis of depression or anything because I lack the means to proper health care. I am not one to tell others how they should spend their money because obviously I should have spent mine on self-improvement in health care and my own well-being. I will assume you have your ducks in order, and have done the altruistic (charitable) and self-improvement (fitness, wealth management, retirement plan, etc.) checkboxes ticked.

My collection does bring me joy as I do play what I do have when I get a chance to, some of the thrill is in the hunt for some of these items. Depression is a complicated issue, and it just may be possible "collecting old videogames" may just be a spur of the moment idea for a hobby. Like any hobby, it is costly, but limit a very small portion on this potentially temporary bit of joy which may only be a phase. Also a large fund pool may eliminate the "hunt" portion of collecting, so definitely aim to acquire games at a lowest possible mark (below eBay may be too challenging in this climate) and I'd imagine some reseller would take full advantage of their highly valuable item only to sell then call you a 'sucker' in making them more wealthy may not do well for your mental health. Playing games are as simple as emulating on a good device, or just everdrives and original hardware, so I guess you're somewhat in it for the "hunt" as well. So do your research (will you have fun, is the price right, etc.) and stick to the limts (like 'no game over $80). Just have fun.

P.S. Totally get a good woman (women?), I hear they are nice.

>> No.3418932

Buy what you'll play. That is, try to build a game library, not a collection.

If you buy from ebay, bid don't buy out unless it's a fresh insane deal.

Also check out reteorgb. That site will help you figure out a lot when it comes to modding consoles and/or hooking up to a HDTV.

>> No.3418958

>money really isnt a problem, i live in my parents old house thats paid off and got a bunch of money after my grandpa died (about 250k) i just dont wanna fuck up

Collect video games by all means then. Invest some of that money so it lasts. Go to school [casually/part time] or learn a trade to keep your mind stimulated and challenged.

With that much money you have a huge opportunity right now.

>> No.3419070

man if i was you i'd be taking it easy. I'd say you should get you an old beat up camaro for cheap and get a camera and go on a year long road trip across the country going to little dingleberry towns in the middle of nowhere to hog up all the sweet dealio's from junk stores and maw and paw shop's that the nasty reseller turds haven't hogged up yet and video tape it and stick it up on youtube, im sure us fat retarded vr dingleberrys would watch that, and then a year later u come crawling back to your shack hauling a fugging trailer stuffed to the gills with 100 copies of super mario/duck hunt, and then you'll be like "i can die now and be happy for i have seen all their is too see" and then u open a bottel of shampain and doo doo in ur pants

>> No.3419158

dont listen to anyone here if you like collecting. it is an expensive and slightly souless hobby, but thats what you're into right now, it will help.

always get a low price and keep checking craigslist & thrift stores regularly even if nothing pops up. set ebay alerts at prices you are comfortable with. check prices guides.

>> No.3419251

This sounds awesome. It would be like on those antique picker shows where they raid storages and stuff. Bring someone along to film the entire trip.

>> No.3419268

The biggest fuckup people do when getting in is buying way to much to start with.

You should really limit yourself to things you're actually going to play

Collections are built over years and years, not bought overnight. Everyone who buys thousands of dollars worth of games at once ends up regretting it and selling off their collection.

>> No.3419459

>Everyone who buys thousands of dollars worth of games at once ends up regretting it and selling off their collection.*

* Citation needed.

>> No.3419541

did you try exotic prostitutes?

and.. and walking as little as 30 minutes on leap days?

>> No.3419579

For real?

Start learning what stuff costs so you can spot deals on eBay. Setup feeds for eBay, Craigslist/Kijiji or whatever you have where you live. Hit up yard sales. Check your paper.

Once you got a good grasp of what is what, with your big money you can start travelling to find stuff.

Buy tons of 'lots' sell the duplicates.

Go to pawnshops and used stores and make friends with the people who work there so the call you when interesting stuff comes in - ie the pawn shop isn't going to buy that giant box of 2600 carts ( that has some super rare stuff mixed in) but they might direct the person to you or buy it for a fixed price and sell it to you for a trivial markup

If you're not going to work, make a youtube reality show of you looking for retro games.

Good luck bro. I would personally not do this. I would just buy every system you care about, buy a everdrive cart a godlike crt and maybe pay some someone to build you a kickass mame cab.

>> No.3421089
File: 952 KB, 2000x1333, M16A1 b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a transferable M16A1 rifle and invest AT LEAST 50k of what you have.

>> No.3421151

i already have invested 65k, im set i just need something to do to pass the time

>> No.3421160

>collecting to fill the void

Literally Generation Playstation.

I started my collection when I was 5 years old and just never stopped.

Good luck, if money's no issue you can just feebay all the major releases.

But protip chico. A big wall of games won't fill the void in your soul.

>> No.3421204

>I just need something to pass the time
you should visit /k/

>> No.3421540
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Guns pass the time.