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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 13 KB, 299x362, 5nPFP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3413827 No.3413827 [Reply] [Original]

So... Did anyone download all the uploaded Nintendo Power issues?
I see Nintendo was busy today with all the take downs... I was only able to look at a few :(

>> No.3413834

damnit. I love nintendo so much but they need to chill out with this shit, if they arent going to let us buy a digital pack of them all or something

>> No.3413839

I would probably do this. But they would be stupid about it and make you read it on a Wii u pad only.

>> No.3413841

Nintendo fucking sucks. Reggie needs to be fired.

>> No.3413876

Sega is so much cooler
The wrong kid fucking died

>> No.3413887

I'm kinda hoping there's a snarky Sonic tweet about this takedown tomorrow. Then I tip my hat to you sir.

>> No.3413891
File: 187 KB, 600x634, 3e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3413950
File: 31 KB, 263x200, 4L_avys2aEo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can they possibly stand to gain by removing old ass NP issues? Man Nintendo is seriously fucked from top to bottom. They haven't made a good game in almost literally a decade and only a few decent ones since 2000 at all, and now this shit. Calling it now, the NX will kill them. At least I hope so. Just to learn their fucking lesson.

>> No.3413953
File: 168 KB, 170x198, 1 (93).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Metroid 2 remake has been taken down too!

>> No.3413967

What lesson? That they should let fat nerds pirate shit?

>> No.3413971

It's in their right to do so, but why? The magazine's been out of print for over decade, what are they losing?

>> No.3413973

They're not a charity

>> No.3413978
File: 40 KB, 532x414, Nintendo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts like a nintendrone cuck from reddit
>buying NX on day 1


>> No.3413983

>It's in their right to do so, but why? The magazine's been out of print for over decade, what are they losing?
The way the law works here in the US, there is a 3 year limit for claims of copyright infringement. And if you don't defend your copyright, then it's open season for anyone to do the same infringement.

So if they DON'T stop people from getting the mag through slightly less than legal means, they could end up losing some rights to their IP's. Same reason many fan-games get shut down. Because if you don't stop that group of fans from making a game based off of your IP, you have no legal grounds for stopping another company from making a game based off of your IP.

Copyright law is fucked for consumers and companies.

>> No.3413993

Oh. Thanks for explanation.

>> No.3414234
File: 64 KB, 512x700, 1441490369521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were Nintendo Power scans up for grabs? FUCK! I missed the boat on that one, I'd love to flip through a complete set again like when we were kids.

>> No.3414236

>And if you don't defend your copyright, then it's open season for anyone to do the same infringement.

This is so fucking retarded

>> No.3414240


people have been predicting nintendo's fall since the 80s.

If you want nintendo to die, don't predict their doom, it only makes them stronger.

>> No.3414243

>expecting laws to be rational
Come on now.

>> No.3414252

Why is nintendo being such a faggot about this? Can they even reasonably argue that this is causing them some kind of loss of revenue when this shit hasn't been available to purchase from them in close to 30 years?

>> No.3414257

They have been being pretty big faggots in general lately. They are riding on normalfag go right now for revenue.

I bet they want to censor all the old naughty nintendo powers from the past and remove all the tiddies.

>> No.3414259

A company is obligated to protect their IP, no matter the circumstances.

>> No.3414261

What else have they been up to lately? I played a ton of mario maker but haven't really kept up with a single game released on a Nintendo console since then

>> No.3414264

>I bet they want to censor all the old naughty nintendo powers from the past and remove all the tiddies.

But... the 90s NoA was the one that was massive censorship. Actually more 80s than 90s, but Mortal Kombat was in the 90s.

Nintendo in the 2010s published Bayonetta 2 and hired a playmate to cosplay as Bayo for promotion, and held a playboy event at the NYC nintendo store with her.

I don't think it's that. They're just being greedy.

>> No.3414265

They're still Nintendo.

>> No.3414275

Oh shit.

I was too slow on this one.

Is there a torrent?

>> No.3414276

Well duh no wonder it is illigealy made

>> No.3414278

Yes, Nintendrone, we all read the PR statement.

I assure you that Nintendo, the multinational, multi-billion dollar company that they are, are more than capable of defending themselves without your white knighting on internet message boards.

>> No.3414284

I'm pointing it out for the retards who seem confused as to why it's down, i.e. everyone in this thread.

>> No.3414307
File: 42 KB, 500x501, tumblr_inline_nl9vhgvxdY1rlkf3f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No good game in literally a decade
>NX will kill them
>Multimillion dollar corporation will die from one console failure

>> No.3414310

fucking someone called it early on the metroid thread.

apparently the remake has a dev blog for years but they were stupid about releasing, shoulda had spread links in multitude of hosting services and announced it "independently" in an "untraceable" website, and optionally linked it from their dev blog like "hey look some one else was also making a remake and they just released it"

i bet the morons got a printed letter delivered to their homes, its not an anonymous upload being takendown, even if i go now and recrete the blog in its likeness, they would have trouble, keke and almost have to claim that it isnt theirs instead of what should be a sacred presumption of innocence.

>> No.3414314

Emuparadise has a magazine section.

>> No.3414321

Why do people defend these fucks
>Kill Paper Mario
>No innovation in mainline Mario ever again
>Ignore F-Zero
>Somehow both ignore and kill Metroid
>Fuck up Star Fox. A lot.
>Kill fangames
>Steal from youtubers
>Take down old magazines from a public library for no good reason
When will you faggots take off your nostalgia goggles, stop sucking Nintendo's tiny japanese cock, and fucking do something?

>> No.3414328

>>Take down old magazines from a public library for no good reason

wait, was it hosted on archive.org ?

they've gone balsy in late years, awesome, when are they hiring burglars to steal source code? least more abbandoned games stay forever outdated because whena a new company finally obtains rights, the sources are gone

>> No.3414330

>was it hosted on archive.org

>> No.3414389

Their last good game was Super Mario Galaxy. Before that, Wind Waker. Those are the two good games they've made since 2000.

>> No.3414404
File: 1.08 MB, 1011x718, Nintendo power.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey to you anyone else who is looking for them, I downloaded them all when they first came out because yeah i knew this would happen

whole thing is like 5gbs, I'll try and upload it tomorrow and I'll come back here and post a mega link assuming no one else has done this or a torrent.

>> No.3414407

I'd also add the Paper Mario games before Sticker Star, Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga and Bowser's Inside Story, Fire Emblem 5-7, and Smash Bros Melee.
but then again, they didn't actually develop any of those.

>> No.3414412

I liked Rhythm Heaven
and the porn that came from it

>> No.3414430
File: 2.90 MB, 420x237, 1464917933326.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3414496

I missed downloading the Metroid 2 remake, anyone know a mirror?

>> No.3414501

You're the hero Anon doesn't deserve. Would rock if you can follow up with this!!!

>> No.3414507

NP anon here
Lemme try and upload mine to a mega.

>> No.3414515


Feel free to distribute this to anyone else who asks

>> No.3414517

>Nintendo digging themselves deeper
I love it. Here's hoping they burn.

I was a fanboy up until last year. I could no longer ignore how awful they are.

>> No.3414524 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 341x400, MOV_a4db539f_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3414529

Will suck anon's e-peen if you pull through for us buddy. Information deserves to be free.

>> No.3414536
File: 107 KB, 759x867, np.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotcha buddy.

>> No.3414540

I for one haven't bought a single thing from nintendo since Twilight Princess and you know, Shigesato Itoi already quit for good. Gunpei Yokoi is dead. Miyamoto gives no fucks.

Lets just abandon them.

>> No.3414541

if you make a torrent I'll probably seed it for a while

>> No.3414542

I was a fanboy up until Sticker Star came out. If there's ever a game that can shake your faith, that's the one.

>> No.3414545

I thought about putting it on my seedbox, but I'm out of bandwidth for another 9 days, and between buying extra bandwidth or renewing at the new billing cycle, I'd rather renew the cycle.

>> No.3414548

I gave up on them a few years back when they went full asshole with their youtube claims (shutting down vids that used a single sound effect from their game).

>> No.3414554

>Nintendo Power
Garbage advertising pamphlet. Nothing of value was lost.

>> No.3414563

I am monitoring this thread.

>> No.3414565

Thank you for the status update, sir.

>> No.3414568
File: 118 KB, 764x718, 1446832652806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3414571
File: 500 KB, 807x594, SegaVisionsMouthCopulation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo Power had some decent strategies and maps scattered in among the crap, though.

Sega Visions is still up, for what that's worth.

>> No.3414576

NP anon here guys, uploading is going at like 700KBps, it'll take what looks like 2 hours, I'm probably gonna go to bed soon. Expect a link in like 8 hours or so.

>> No.3414578 [DELETED] 
File: 622 KB, 426x426, cuck crisis moment.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this thread filled with nintendrones or is it just one dude?

Either way, absolutely fucking disgusting that these kinds of shills exist at all, you cucks would probably let miyamoto smash your girl and say thank you

>> No.3414579


we appreciate your effort.

>> No.3414581

Or they could gpl it

>> No.3414627

>Praise you.

>> No.3414628

This. They really are the Apple of video games, too much litigation, not enough innovation.

>> No.3414773
File: 45 KB, 800x600, 1452471879499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hero

>> No.3414796

I've been a Nintendo fan my whole life and even I can realize they've gone to shit.
You're blind.

>> No.3414806
File: 456 KB, 1944x1080, 1464098275843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew up with Nintendo, my earliest gaming memories are of me and my family playing NES and then SNES. Those 2 are still my favorite consoles.Obviously, I was a big Nintendo fanboy and hated on Sega.

But even I realize that Nintendo has been shit for the more than a decade now. Frankly, I can't even stand the ugly faggot that is their CEO reggie whatever the fuck his name is.
I wish what happened to Sega happens to Nintendo after the NX so they can stop being such assholes to the public.

>> No.3414829

This. I can't believe there are people sad about the scans getting taken down. Anyone old enough to have read it when it was published would remember (or be able to look back and see) how terrible it was.

>> No.3414834

I was a sega kid and now like Nintendo a lot. 3DS is one of my favorite systems of all time. It's library is amazing.

>> No.3414837

You're insane, and clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Nintendo Power was wonderful. I flipped through a few of them when this archive sprung up. Brought back a flood of great memories.

The comics were a joy.
The articles on technical aspects were VERY intriguing now as an adult. They had an entire four-page article solely about memory management for the NES.
It's still interesting to go back and see what games were topping the charts and what was doing well back then.
And the maps of all the games they provided were just plain great, which is what the bulk of the magazine was.

Stop being such a dickjerk who hates everything nice.

>> No.3414847

>You're insane, and clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Nintendo Power was wonderful.

I guess we'll just have to disagree. I don't think not liking one of the shittiest gaming magazines around makes me insane, but to each their own.

>> No.3414852

Not him, but regardless of your opinion on Nintendo Power, it's pretty shitty that so much content has been taken away like that.

>> No.3414874

Nintendo needs to take the goomba out their ass. I'm sick of stupid "crackdowns" like this. I was going to take the time to look through a lot of those NPs

>> No.3414879

>Everything that was created before I was born should be free to me with no restrictions for ever.

>> No.3414884
File: 15 KB, 150x287, samus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3414887



>> No.3414889

retromags.com pulled all of their NP scans yesterday too. Nintendo are such fucking faggots.

>> No.3414890

Why do you try to stir shit? The magazine archive was something nice, and it being taken down is not nice. Commenting on that is not entitlement.

>> No.3414892


I know that feel. Now that I think about it, I have a 3DS but don't own a single nintendo games. It's mostly third party stuff because shitendo can't make a single good game anymore.

>> No.3414894

Saying you want something that isn't rightfully yours is the precise definition of entitlement.

>> No.3414895
File: 96 KB, 250x332, Nintendo_Power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you go anons, now you'll be playing with power.


>> No.3414898

Grab it while it's hot. Reporting link to Nintendo now.

>> No.3414935

You sure are doing a good thing, anon!
there's a reason everybody fucking hates you, you fucking white knight faggot

>> No.3414947

>sticking it to a bunch of fags upset that big ol Nintendo is being mean to them
>white knight

Might want to rethink your insults next time, Kiddo.

>> No.3414956

You're assuming a human is the one who did the take down in the first place. They won't respond to your letter, they have no reason to.

>> No.3414957

That's a pretty entitled attitude, t b h famicom

>> No.3414958
File: 35 KB, 500x372, 1 (86).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just kidding, right?

>> No.3414960

redditfag from /r/nintendo

>> No.3414963

Literally never been to reddit. Don't even like Nintendo all that much. I just like you kiddies less.

>> No.3414969

Why are you even here? Do you have nothing better to do while eating for your Mom to make you tendies?

>> No.3414970

>>>/b/ is over there

>> No.3414971
File: 3 KB, 364x46, shitternet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3414981 [DELETED] 

It's a slow work day.

Been to /b/ already today. You guys assblasted that Nintendo took some of their shitty old magazines down is funnier than what's going on there atm.

>> No.3414989

but isn't
>sticking it to a bunch of fags upset that big ol Nintendo is being mean to them
a very childish thing to do? I don't give a damn, I already got the link, but why do you even feel the need to "stick it to a bunch of fags"? Please enlighten us, oh totally mature person.

>> No.3414990

>Please enlighten us, oh totally mature person.

Where did I give the impression I attempting to be mature? I'm just killing time at work on 4chan, dude.

>> No.3414997
File: 140 KB, 640x883, Nintendo_Power_Issue_058_March_1994_0069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3415016

it sounds like you probably already live a more miserable and empty life than I could wish on you

>> No.3415020

Well then don't. If your employer catches you, I don't think he'll be amused.
Besides it's not like "you can report links to Nintendo" anyway. The most likely outcome is a canned email reply unless you manage to find the only autistic that cares in the US division. Not worth the risk of your boss finding out you spend billable hours on 4chan.

>> No.3415021

Thanks supafam!

>> No.3415060

Thank you anon. Though, anyone know why they're all thumbnails?

>> No.3415063

They should be pdfs and few CBR, thats what the zipfile should contain.

anyone else who downloaded it have a comment?

>> No.3415180

>They should be pdfs and few CBR
Fuck, wish they were all CBR/CBZ. That shit runs so much smoother on my computer.

>> No.3415212
File: 840 KB, 884x535, np1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think what he means is a lot of the files are heavily fucked with some type of weird compression that takes all the details out of screenshots and makes some text illegible.

>> No.3415215
File: 1.33 MB, 954x1235, np2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another example

>> No.3415229


I'm sorry anons, I had no idea they looked like that, I assumed they'd be fine quality. Sorry if I wasted anyone's bandwidth.

>> No.3415234

This is a stupid question, but did you compress them at all yourself, or were they like that when you downloaded them from archive.org?

>> No.3415236

If you have a quality pdf, you can convert to cbz with:

zip -9r

>> No.3415238

>1 file at the time
>each file takes ~2 minutes
>~154 files
fucking emuparadise

>> No.3415247

>its ok when nintendo does it

>> No.3415295

>No innovation in mainline Mario ever again
Oh fuck off, there's nothing left to do in mainline Mario. Mario Maker needs to be their new focus.

>Kill fangames
I'll never understand everyone's attachment to fangames. They have no soul, they have no connection to the actual creators of the properties they're based on. How can you give a shit about something like that? It's just a shell, no matter how much you pretend to appreciate some random fuck's vision of a series who just happened to learn how to code a game, it'll never be a true entry.

>> No.3415340

Thanks bro, shitty compression or not. I threw out roughly 10 years worth of Nintendo Power issues a long time ago, except for a few special issues, and I regret it every time I see a thread about NP or any old gaming magazines.

>> No.3415342

>those random italic lowercase e's in the letter

>> No.3415384

>They have no soul
That's just not true. There are fangames and romhacks just as good if not better than their source material. "Mario Adventure", "Rockman 4 Minus Infinity", and of course AM2R are great examples.

>> No.3415405
File: 243 KB, 1600x1066, girl-eating-hamburger1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks m8

>> No.3415425

You sound like a massive faggot.

>> No.3415427

I bet you liked DBGT.

>> No.3415450

What does that mean? Dragon Ball GT?

>> No.3415454

What else could it possibly mean? Even if the context wasn't enough of a clue Google would've solidified it.

>> No.3415461

What does that have to do with shit? What does that even mean? What does my opinion of Dragon Ball GT matter in this situation?

>> No.3415462

Fuck it, why not. Thanks.

>> No.3415465
File: 6 KB, 455x214, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You poor thing.

>> No.3415472

I've been downloading a lot of stuff recently so maybe AT&T is throttling me. Just a couple days ago I could get up to 2mbps on downloads, now it barely ever breaks 100kbps.

The lowest it went was 25kbps

25. fucking. kbps.

>> No.3415478

Truly the worst. I do sometimes wonder how much longer Cox will let us run wild though. We have a monthly data limit but they never enforce it.

>> No.3415530

Archive.org has torrents for all content. The only thing that was needed is to download and keep seeding no matter what happens on archive.org.

>> No.3415534

That probably means they were originally saved into .djvu.

>> No.3415551

throttling is a result of there literally not being enough infrastructure to handle the usage of all the customers on the network

there's nothing that can really be done about it, we'll probably just continue to use it more and more as time goes on, and development will never catch up to demand

>> No.3415581

how is this shit not illegal? or how have companies that dont do this not replaced the shitty ISP's yet? If im paying for 1 gb/s but only get 500 kb/s (which is the best in my podunk small town) why is there no repurcussions to the company?

>> No.3415632

These were the pdfs supplied straight from the archive entry, however the CBRs seem to have perfectly fine quality.

>> No.3415652
File: 529 KB, 456x900, 1450906681715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Play/N64 Magazine/NGC Magazine was a mag that was legitimately great back in the day, yanks don't know what they missed.

>> No.3415654

>how is this shit not illegal?
A lot of states and cities actually have statutes banning municipal internet. There's also significant market barriers to entry for new ISPs. The major telecoms lobbied hard in the 90s and 2000s to set it up this way in order to maintain their business model without actually investing in infrastructure.

>> No.3415656

The AM2R guys should have made it a Zero Mission rom hack, I don't think they can go after those unless they are distributed pre-patched or for money.

>> No.3415696

>3DS is one of my favorite systems of all time. It's library is amazing.
Yeah, that's what I thought initially too, but then I realized what a mediocre system it truly is.

>> No.3415707

It really is. No good first party games and all the "rpgs" are like 12 etrian odyssey games

>> No.3415731

off course it does, i want to mobslap ppl when they make a fucking PDF to store images inside.

>> No.3415748

Buuut it is the modern day PSP with all of it's emulators and homebrew. At least the New 3DS is.

>> No.3415760

You seem to think that fanfiction can rival the original even when it has nothing to do with the original creator.

>> No.3415765

I too sadly see compression issues :( A truly valiant effort and kudos to the BOSS who uploaded these though.

>> No.3415767

>I liked [thing that has no issues or even competition] but then I realized I'm a contrarian and want to hide it by pretending it's the fault of [thing] and will do so as vaguely and pointlessly as possible.

>> No.3415768

So what if it wasn't made by the creator of the original? Can't a game be good in it's own right?

>> No.3415797

You're a cute one, aren't you? Yeah I admittedly had fun with it and the few early titles it had for the first few months of its release, hoping that some of the new titles it would get at least look decent. Then titles that looked less and less interesting came on by (at least personally), and I continually grew less and less interested in the thing until I stopped paying attention to it completely.

>thing that has no issues or even competition
isn't how I would describe it at all. Sorry I don't like thing.

>> No.3415861

>Oh fuck off, there's nothing left to do in mainline Mario.
Last Nintendo console I had was a GC, but didn't people like Galaxy 2 and 3D World? The latter in particular seemed like it mixed the formula up a bit from the previous 3d games.

>> No.3415863

Galaxy 2 was fucking GOAT-tier. Took Galaxy 1 and just made it even bigger and better

>> No.3415879

The Vita has chances of getting there soon, now with HENkaku being around.

>> No.3415887

I should have said 2D Mario. 3D might still have a chance.

>> No.3415928

>You're a cute one, aren't you?
lmao there is no better way to make sure I'm not reading the rest of your reply than to start it out by acting like this much of a gigantic faggot.

>> No.3415932

>3D World
3D World was a downgrade from the other 3D games in everything but the looks department.

It had pretty graphics, but Nintendo basically transposed NSMB's boring mechanics into 3D gameplay, unlike the gameplay evolution that took place between 64/Sunshine/Galaxy.

>> No.3416029

its fine, still readable in most places and DEF better than nothing

>> No.3416047

It is still much appreciated, guy.
Thank you for this

>> No.3416159

Retromags.com is remastering the entire run

>> No.3416184

if you guys wants to piss off nintendo


>> No.3416378


Nintendo's youtube channel is so fucking cancerous

>> No.3416392

Actual lawyer here.

You're incorrect. It's TRADEMARK law that you need to actively litigate, or else you risk losing it. There is no such obligation under COPYRIGHT law. They are 2 different lines of statutes, 2 different legal doctrines, 2 different public policy rationales.

Pick up a book, dog.

>> No.3416431

NOA isn't shit most of the time (except localization on one game and thats it)
most of the problems with nintendo are from japan. games are still good though

>> No.3416446

the children are our future and our future is doomed

>> No.3416448

no their just shit all of the time.

>> No.3416453

>(except localization on one game and thats it)
>one game

>> No.3416460

Then what? Finish your sentence.

>> No.3416613

>t. every old person in history

>> No.3416614

underage confirmed

get a job

>> No.3416849

What's stopping Nintendo themselves from putting up the old issues of NP on their official site?

That way everyone is happy

>> No.3416861
File: 447 KB, 470x321, fp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah I admittedly had fun with it and the few early titles it had for the first few months of its release
>enjoying 3DS launch titles

>> No.3416875

The ads.

>> No.3416876

I like the look of that duck. What game is it from?

>> No.3416885
File: 24 KB, 60x95, 1395722334272.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duck Game
lol look at her

>> No.3416907


Reggie and his lawyers, iwata wouldn't mind

>> No.3417058

thanks, irons still hot.

nintendo doesnt want us to have it, but we dooo, makes my dick hard

>> No.3417082

>Pick up a book, dog.

we tried, nintendo wouldn't let us

>> No.3417147
File: 349 KB, 557x602, 1455643892221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kept a tab open, waiting to get to them
>they got taken down

Well fuck.

>> No.3417156

Nintendo's problem is that they're (naturally) averse to making a relatively conventional console because the Gamecube didn't do so hot (in terms of marketshare, financially it beat the Xbox which was always a moneypit), but they pretty much have to make another Gamecube if they want to keep up (unless the whole console market just implodes, of course). They got taken off-track by the Wii's early success, and tried to keep it up with the Wii U even though it was clear by 2009 the Wii lost its appeal.

>> No.3417173


remember that the Wii U failure, was becaue of a MS dick move, mainly because of KINECT's Failure

>> No.3417185

> but they pretty much have to make another Gamecube if they want to keep up
They already made Wii.

>> No.3417189

Is that Saturn game?

>> No.3417190

I think it would have failed either way. It's weird, I haven't cared much about Nintendo in the console space for a long time. N64 didn't interest me. Got a Gamecube, but never amassed a large collection. But I've loved every one of their major hand helds and 3DS is among my favorite systems. I would be happy to see them just leave consoles behind entirely.

>> No.3417195

He means another console that competes with it's contemporaries in terms of hardware.

>> No.3417386

yeah, its called shadow spirits

>> No.3417412

Reminder that the best quality collection is on Blackcats. All issues in CBR format, 11 GB.

>> No.3417417

>four page article about memory management

Which issue was this? Want to satisfy my inner /g/entooman.

>> No.3417445

>Wii details come out, turns out it won't support HD
>figure that's a non-issue, HDTV's were fucking expensive in 2006
>also figure that the Wii would just have lots of interesting games instead of polygon-pushing shooters
>turns out low-end hardware and motion controls just leads to shovelware deluges that would embarrass the PS2, which had the excuse of sheer volume
>also everyone got an HDTV within a few years anyway

>> No.3417448

What exactly did MS do? All I know is that the Wii U kept up the Wii strategy after the gimmick wore out.

>> No.3417461

They shot in the head the Wii U, when they announced that "the next gen wont have kinect based games" which simply made all devs who had contracts with nintendo follow that

also MS killed the Kinect failure later to make sure of that, the same old strat that MS used in the 90's to break companies

>> No.3417671

> when they announced that "the next gen wont have kinect based games"
And still Kinect was packed with XBox.
By the way, when did they say that?

>> No.3418043

Eh, the wii had loads of sovelware, but that's not to say the goid stuff wasn't fuckin' good.

I thuroghly enjoyed Warioware Smooth Moves, Twilight Princess, Smash, Super Mario Galaxy 2, or Cooking Mama.
Hell, even Wii Sports Resort was pretty good.

>> No.3418069

Rhythm Heaven Fever was the best game on the system.
Some other great games were Super Paper Mario, Megaman 9 and 10, Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn, and Donkey Kong Country Returns.

>> No.3418258

The motion controls were fucking great. It's a shame they were basically dropped for this tablet bullshit.

>> No.3418349

Yeah, although I think Skyward sword pushed it a bit to far.

Maybe my remotes were bad (originals with motion plus add on) but the movement was really finicky and only moved how I wanted half of the time.

>> No.3418364

End yourself.

>> No.3418441

That was when they thought that they could push Wii U to have decent sales numbers, after Mario Kart 8 and Smash 4 failed to move as many units as they probably hoped they just stopped caring.

>> No.3418459

id give the console market a few years, but then again population boom means that the figures are pretty skewed

>> No.3418475

Also I think console FPS are a lot better with Wii Remote pointing.

>> No.3420340


>> No.3420379

I re uploaded them, although I did get some fairly compressed pdfs.

>> No.3421643

>Doesn't like Etrian Odyssey
>No other RPGS!

Casual baby

>> No.3421653

Dragon Quest XI is coming out for it.
If that game isn't localized y'all niggas better make a translation

>> No.3422059
File: 32 KB, 625x626, 1e9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Steal from youtubers

I think you're in wrong board. /v/ is 2 boards to left.

>> No.3422103

Wait, they took them all down from IA? Fuck, I knew I should've snatched them all.

>> No.3422131

Stealing from ANYONE is bad, even stupid e-celebs.

>> No.3423135
File: 179 KB, 659x884, nintendo is DEAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure I downloaded those years ago from, idk, I think oldgamemags.com??????

>> No.3423160

Splatoon did gyro controls just right though, I'd say it's almost better than Wii remote pointing (although I'm kind of sad Nintendo forgot about wii remote pointing for Skyward sword in lieu of slightly shitty gyro pointing).

>> No.3423175

i hope they die

it burns that sega are dead while marios smug face lives on

>> No.3423479

>"hey look some one else was also making a remake and they just released it"
the it still would have been taken down. He didn't get a C&D. the website hosting the download took it down.

>> No.3423481

Doc said he never received any such letter

>> No.3423486

Well Sega has fucked up a lot as far as games go but they are definitely much nicer than Nintenblow.

>> No.3423924
File: 44 KB, 336x480, d1b69b48062996af5d5f0e1a04725e02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just checked Emuparadise and it seems they have a game magazine scan section with all of 'em. They even have glorious Tips and Tricks magazine scans. Not sure if these are the same NP scans as the archive.org ones, but hey, there's a mirror of anything you'd want to read if you don't feel like downloading everything.

>> No.3423947
File: 717 KB, 1280x1536, nintendo_power_100_-_1997_sep.cbr-nintendo_power_100_-_1997_sep-028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just downloaded issue 100 and compared it. They're clean as fuck.

>> No.3424016

I don't know if Microsoft ever announced any official discontinuation of the Kinect, but the new Xbox One S model lacks the Kinect port (you have to buy an adapter if you want to use it).

>> No.3424030

why they take the magazines down but the roms are never taken

>> No.3424057

What's some good 90's listening music while I read?

>> No.3424061


>> No.3424067
File: 15 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was listening to pic related when I first got that issue. Or No Doubt. Possibly both.

>> No.3425573

looks like someone is out of happy

Nintendo of usa sucks, they should replace him

>> No.3427484
File: 314 KB, 640x436, 1401898614430.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I decided to scroll all the way down the catalog or I could have missed this gem.

>> No.3427497

Pokemon Uranium was taken down too!

>> No.3427630


>> No.3427672
File: 65 KB, 600x284, gamepro_ratings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which was the best gaming mag and why was gamepro 5.0?

>> No.3428190


>AM2R is openly in development, then gets released, THEN gets taken down
>PU is openly in development for years and gets also only taken down AFTER it was released

Is it just me or does it seem to anybody else that they appear to on purpose wait until the project was released and it's on the net and THEN take them down because gotta do what ya gotta do? As if they want to give them the chance to get it out first?
Seems not so bad after all. The Nintendo power thing was a dick move though.

>> No.3429317

Wind Waker was awful.

>20 minutes to get a sword
>enter first dungeon
>sword is taken away and forced to play it as a stealth mission

What the literal FUCK? That isn't Zelda at all.

>> No.3430021


>> No.3430029

These cocksuckers, I get it they have to be the only company shutting down rom sites. Whatever, but now taking down out of print Nintendo Power? Those available magazines would help there cause, these fucking faggots are shit. I'm glad they are a dying breed. Fuck them. They love that corporate cum cleaned off their chins with copyright clauses

>> No.3430484

The 1.5 and 2.5 pictures are hilarious.
>it's shit but it's good in the context of how shit it is

>> No.3431265

Could anyone upload it in parts? I can't download it all at once because I don't have a MEGA paid account.