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3390854 No.3390854 [Reply] [Original]

Is Shenmue worth playing today, or was it only worth experiencing when it was relevant?

>> No.3390893
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I never played it back when it first came out. Last year I got a hold of a copy and decided to see what it was all about.
I had a lot of fun, the game has a slow pace and is very charming. You can why it was amazing for the time, though it has aged today.

If you decide to play, pace yourself and relax, it becomes comfy. It's best to put yourself in the mindset of the year 2000 gaming.

>> No.3390912

I played it brand new back in the day and loved it. Played the shit out of Space Harrier and Hang-On in the arcade. It did get slow in a few parts(driving hi-lo got old fast) but it was a great experience. I still have my original copy but my DC quit working years ago. Not sure how it holds up.

>> No.3390928

Shitty moviegame that was only praised for its good graphics (for '90s standards).

>> No.3390939

It's the Japanese equivalent of Heavy Rain with basic fighting elements

>> No.3390952

There's a huge amount of hype around it right now. It was years ahead but that puts it years behind being "modern" which is kind of a negative around here - so yeah your impression will be very subjective

This, sort of but more open world.

>> No.3390954


Like >>3390893 said
the first is pretty comfy, almost like a detective game, the second has a different atmosphere which is also nice. Both games are very good with the only real flaws being the QTE's

>> No.3390961

You should definitely play Shenmue, if only for the experience. The second game is much better though, the first game has a lot of waiting.

>> No.3390980

>detective game
So it is like Heavy Rain

>> No.3391020

If Heavy Rain only had three chapters but they were much bigger

Plus Virtua Fighter

>> No.3391094


Everyone here is wrong. This game is first and foremost about the insanely deep immersion level.

Every open world game after has just focused on breadth not depth.

>> No.3391117

Imagine a game where you walk around doing menial task for random people but with god damn shit Resident evil tank controls.

I hated it

>> No.3391120

It's still worth playing to get a sense of how incredible it was in 2000. No game up to that point had been that filled with minutiae and had that much of a focus on trying to be legitimately realistic.

The game was an absolute labor of love and it showed.

>> No.3391123

I played the second one first on the XBox and didn't play the first one until years later. I think 2 is better.

>> No.3391137

It's surpassed in nearly every way by the Yakuza titles, especially 2.

>> No.3391153

Apples to oranges. Shenmue is an adventure game while Yakuza is a beat 'em up.

>> No.3391158

Shenmue is literally The Last of Us: Japan version

>> No.3391160

>shit resident evil tank controls
Kill yourself

>> No.3391163

ITT: sonygger falseflaggers bitch about Dreamcast's inclusion on /vr/ while the other gen 6 consoles are banned.

>> No.3391165


Oh god this.

It only got popular with absolute retards, the same retards that liked point and click and visual novel none-games.

>> No.3391170

They're both adventure games with heavy emphasis on plot, world-building, light RPG elements and fisticuffs.

>> No.3391179

Found the youngfag. Shenmue was a masterpiece when it debuted.

>> No.3391181

Can anyone here vouch for this S-Video cable?


>> No.3391185


>> No.3391187

shenmue still is one.

>> No.3391189

Oh shit, wrong thread

>> No.3391190

Nah. The fights in Shenmue are few and far between. The emphasis is on looking for clues and interacting with NPCs. The point of Yakuza is to just go around and beat people up. Sure, there's a hub world, but you don't really need to explore it that much.

Shenmue has more in common with Grim Fandango and other classic PC adventure games than Yakuza.

>> No.3391391


>He can't handle RE controls

>> No.3392009

Yakuza is a 3D River City Ransom
Shenmue is an adventure with a shitload of mini games, and fighting is one of them, which sometimes they let you do.

>> No.3392079

> it only worth experiencing when it was relevant?
Well if you're one of those people who can't put themselves in the retro zone and look at it as a 1999 game with 90's expectations there might be nothing there for ya.

If you think games 'age' then jog on, yeah.

>> No.3392103


>> No.3392130


wut he said

>> No.3392145

>Hating tank controls

They're comfy desu

>> No.3392174
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8-bit Shenmue.

>> No.3392375

>grim fandango
It's weird to see I'm not the only one that thinks this.

I liked shenmue a lot, it didn't have the most incredible or exciting gameplay, it had some repetitive and tedious parts, but the experience was great.

Music, atmosphere, story, weather, environment, characters, and the running around looking for clues and hunting people down to ask questions all worked together. I'm engaged whenever I play through it, but it does play like a movie which is divisive thing amongst people that play it.

The map isn't huge, but it's rather large and very detailed. I can spend whole in game days just checking everything out with no story progression and not get bored. If you're looking for a game that's all about action this isn't it.

The game play rewards you in a strange way, if you're not good it doesn't become unbeatable(although there is a bad ending which I think would be impossible to get unless you tried, I never knew about it til a couple years ago), but the game does become more tedious. If you're not good at exploring near the end you'll have to complete a time consuming event at the beginning of everyday that can get old pretty fast. If you're not good at fighting or don't learn the system you can win by button mashing, but it takes much longer to win a single fight, and it's not nearly as fun.

I think it's a game everyone should play at least once, if nothing else it's unique. I think it's still worth playing today.

>> No.3392401

Fuck off kid

>> No.3392424

You're almost as dumb as they are.

You don't have to "put yourself in the retro zone", you just play like any other game. Compare it to every other experience you've ever had.

>> No.3392425

Will if you have a Dreamcast then you can just burn a disk, so yeah it's defiantly worth it.

It's by no means a bad game though I'm not gonna tell you you'll love either, but for a game as influential as it was, it's surprisingly unique and I'd say it's a must try for every Dreamcast owner.

>> No.3392426

>cult classic

>> No.3392440

Shenmue 3 is being made, so it would be worthwhile to play it to get ready for the new one.

>> No.3392596
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>> No.3392604

Yes it's awesome

>> No.3393157

It was the final nail in the coffin for the Dreamcast

>> No.3394145

Dreamcast is remembered today thanks to games like Shenmue.

>> No.3394154


Now, Mizzurna Falls? THAT was a game. Makes me sad that the west never got to experience the original Twin Peaks knock-off that inspired Shenmue and Deadly Premonition.

All the amazing open world shit? MF did it back in 98. Showers, toilets, townspeople with schedules and places to be, driving a car around a cozy town years before GTA3.

>> No.3394168

It's remembered thanks to Phantasy Star Online

>> No.3394183

There are a lot of other games that did things before Shenmue, but Shenmue is still a very good game.

>> No.3394212

>final nail
Yeah, that's why they made the sequel. The ps2 on the horizon was the final nail not Shenmue. Honestly the DC never stood a chance.

>> No.3394462

Just because it was a great game doesn't mean it sold well.
Shenmue was supposed to be the Dreamcasts killer app bro and it fucking flopped

>> No.3394519

It actually didn't sold bad at all, it was one of the best selling DC games. The costs were huge of course, but i think Suzuki said some time ago that they didn't lost money with Shenmue.

>> No.3394526
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>tfw this was the only "next gen" game I've ever played.

I was blown away by how different this game was compared with the games that were inspired by this one.

It felt more like a true open world game than even GTA was.

>> No.3394543

What he said was that the revenue on Virtua Fighter games alone made back all the money pumped into Shenmue.

>> No.3394563

Shenmue is extremely impressive but not all that fun to play imo. Great atmosphere though. Shenmue 2 is a huge improvement. Probably my favorite game.

>> No.3394582

Mizurna Falls is a wonky meme game only praised for its novelty and because it never left Japan. Like an ever more hipster Deadly Premonition.

>> No.3394619

Back when I played it(back when it was new) I loved it. Big open world that was part detective story part kicking ass. Even back then tho, the whole dock section really dragged on waaay too long. Not to mention the whole area was drab and boring compared to the city sections. Game was 10/10 for me up until that part.

>> No.3394681

If Dreamcast had been pushed forward a year or two, used DVD instead of GD, had better piracy protection, and used a redesigned controller with more buttons and analog sticks, it wouldn't have failed.

>> No.3397830

I have been fascinated by the idea of an "open world" game since kid, but always been disappointed in practice. The "open world" is impressive for a short while, but very quickly starts to feel quite small and dead. I doubt Shen mue would be an exception to that.

If you want to explore big and open-ended world, real world is probably better for that. Video games are better for stuff like fighting that would be dangerous and not nearly as cool/flashy in real life.

>> No.3397979

>the retro zone
Whatever the fuck that is.

>if you think games 'age'
Yeah, mostly because they do.

Really, this is all just a disingenuous way of saying "yeah, this game is shit, so if you go into it expect shit you won't be let down."

Or you could just not play shit, and accept the fact that not all games were good when they were new, and only become worse as time passes.

>> No.3397995

The "open world" of Shenmue is actually very small. You do all your traveling on foot.

Really, the most impressive thing about the world is the recreation of the Kowloon Walled City in Shenmue 2.

>> No.3398342

so if it had been a completely different console..

I think you're also forgetting how expensive DVD technology was at the time

>> No.3400539

it's fun, op.

I replay it every other year. I admit...the controls have aged badly but otherwise the game is still impressive today.

>> No.3400554

So jack the price of the console up 50bux and throw in a DVD drive. Would've still sold for a profit and not been at an huge disadvantage against the Playstation X2.

>> No.3401052
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>Playstation X2.

>> No.3401797

>if the DC was the XBOX with VMUs