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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 117 KB, 640x916, gen_genesis_6-pak_p_9rbwli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3390750 No.3390750 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best /vr game compilation and why is it the 6-pak?

>> No.3390783

I got this for my 7th birthday and loved it.

I lost the cartridge though and I have no idea how.

>> No.3390784

Because oddly enough it's cheaper than Streets of Rage or Golden Axe, even though it contains both.

>> No.3390873

Seen them around for $5-$10 loose around me. Pretty reasonable really. You should pick it back up!

>> No.3390891

I have a cart of this that doesn't seem to work past
"produced by or
under license from
sega enterprises ltd."

fuckin bs

>> No.3390918

What's the best game on the 6-pak? Probably Revenge of Shinobi for me.

>> No.3390920

I like to drink a 6 pack while playing the 6-Pak.

>> No.3390929

That shows because your Genesis has TMSS. It would probably show no matter what was placed in the slot, including nothing. Your game is probably completely shot.

>> No.3390930

Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World is better.

>> No.3390968

They should've left out Super Hang-On and put Afterburner II or something instead.

>> No.3390976

Are there any differences between these games and the original carts like lag or slowdown? To me they seem exactly the same as the original carts.

>> No.3391010

try cleaning the contacts with a pencil eraser then 99% iso alcahol.
The price difference kills it, good game though.|

>> No.3391126

While Super Mario All-Stars is great, the variety of the games in the 6-pak make it better overall IMO. Something for everybody.

>> No.3392489

Got this for a present.

Immediately got into Sonic 1 and Streets of Rage 1.
Then Golden Axe 1.
Briefly into Revenge of Shinobi... eh.
Why play Super Hang On when you have Road Rash II?

But Columns... goddamn. I once sat at a friends house and played it for hours. His family kept coming in the living room and asking the score. Like some kind of scientific experiment. I could not be defeated. I was in the zone. Gave up at like 35,000,000. I hear max score is 99,999,999.

>> No.3392496
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>> No.3392515

Super Hang-On for sure.

>> No.3392518
File: 74 KB, 640x569, 50049_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this one as a youngster and loved it.

Didn't play much of the racing game, though.

>> No.3392536
File: 75 KB, 735x400, Sonics-Ultimate-Genesis-Collection-2008-Ntsc-Front-Cover-70165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we are including compilations on newer systems, I would have to give my vote to Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection on the PS3 and Xbox 360. It has a killer list of games including all four Phantasy Stars, all 3 Streets of Rage games, and both Shining Forces.

>> No.3392541

I had that, very good.

>> No.3392553

It probably is
>Golden Axe
Great soundtrack, solid beat'em up for a single playthrough.
>Sonic 1
A classic, great visuals, fun soundtrack, easy to play.
Phenomenal puzzle game without being Tetris.
>Revenge of Shinobi
Solid 2D arcade style platformer, graphics are cool, though soundtrack is a bit muffled (and Shinobi III is a much better game)
>Streets of Rage
One of the best arcade beat'em ups ever created, feels and sounds great to play.
>Super Hang-On
Awesome arcade title, legendary soundtrack.

>> No.3392903

That sounds pretty good, I might do that.

>> No.3392915
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>> No.3392996

>though soundtrack is a bit muffled
You mean the drums, the rest is just fine
>(and Shinobi III is a much better game)

>> No.3393001

>>though soundtrack is a bit muffled
>You mean the drums, the rest is just fine
No it isn't.
>>(and Shinobi III is a much better game)
What the fuck does "kys" mean? For fuck's sake, stop typing in troglodyte.

>> No.3393008

You are retarded, there is nothing "muffled" about the music except for the drums, it's FM synth, not samples.

>> No.3393013

It means KFC yummy spicy

>> No.3393017

for some reason that has different drums

>> No.3393330

Still love that Columns music, hypnotic. I need to put it on mp3. Egyption theme and jewels concept was pretty cool too and really fit for a puzzle game. Certainly beats the tetris theme of... nothing.

>> No.3393354

Probably space issues.

>> No.3393558

Check the contacts of the pins inside by taking the shell off the cart, fixed a gameboy game recently that had a similar problem.

>> No.3393574
File: 23 KB, 300x225, s-l300[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the correct answer for everyone but the most brainless nintendrones

There's also some really cool ones on Saturn that was how I originally discovered MSX

>> No.3393884

That collection sucks

>Having two versions of Altered Beast (Genesis and Arcade)

What a fucking waste.

>> No.3393898


Are there any controller adapters etc so you can play the 360 version with a Dpad that isn't shit?

Don't own a PS3 yet

>> No.3394117

Having to use the 360 dpad is what killed that game for me. Such a shit design.

>> No.3394125

There were different versions of that, even pack with less games. Mine was like OP's but instead of Sonic1 it had that World Cup 90 game.
Anyways, I can't choose 1. I just never liked Columms. Everything else I played a lot. Super Hang-On gives a nostalgic trip every damn time. That version of Shinobi with Spiderman-Batman, Terminator-Hulk bosses same feel.

>> No.3394138

They could've done arcade versions of much, much better games. Or hell, arcade versions of well-known genesis franchises. Period.

Where's my Golden Axe 4, faggots?

>> No.3394141


Just kys Sega

>> No.3394390

You mean like Mega Games I? I had that, probably more popular in europe (Mega - Megadrive and also with a football game). They didn't use real names and didn't even have the teams that were in it (for example Ireland, while they had China who didn't qualify). It was a little silly with the literally overhead cam but quite decent, especially multiplayer.

>> No.3394402

Sorry in fact Mega Games I only had three games so I thought maybe it was another Mega Games, I was going to google it before finishing my post.

>> No.3395117
File: 135 KB, 700x700, dc_1402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3395124

Taito Legends 2

>> No.3395138

Nice variety

>> No.3395145

If only it had S3&K

>> No.3395402

Now ain't that some shit.

>> No.3395606


SoR1 is shit and RoS is a bonafide classic in every way. You have shit taste.

>> No.3395640

Golden Axe is much worse than SoR, though.

>> No.3395729

Was it Egyptian themed? I got the vibe it had a couple of different themes. Some of it seemed like ancient greek/middle eastern, then it had the angels playing as well.

Overall Columns was just classy as fuck.

The soundtrack was great too, especially mixed with the effects when you get a match.

>> No.3395742

I think 3 had the Egyptian theme, but the original was definitely Roman inspired.

>> No.3395746

>Why play Super Hang On when you have Road Rash II?

Because the soundtrack is legendary, of course


>> No.3395757
File: 200 KB, 250x347, 250px-The_Revenge_of_Shinobi_Coverart[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shinobi for me

Incredible soundtrack, the levels are epic and varied, never a dull moment.

There isn't a single song in Revenge of Shinobi that isn't memorable and doesn't just sound awesome.




Also, tell me, what other game in the 90's let you fight Godzilla, Terminator, SpiderMan, Batman, Bruce Lee, and Rambo?

Close #2 for Streets Of Rage

#3 Sonic

#4 Golden Axe

#5 Super Hangon; honestly nothing wrong with it, my favorite 16 or 8 bit racer of all time, but it stands in a collection with super classics.

#6 Columns- again, nothing wrong with it, my favorite puzzler not called Tetris of all time

>> No.3395762

>Having two versions of Altered Beast (Genesis and Arcade)
>What a fucking waste.

Fuck off, they were very different games

Golden Axe arcade had better graphics and sound, though not by much, and the story was told better. Also the ending is hilarious.

Golden Axe Genesis is longer with an extra level and a more powerful boss

They're worthy of including 2 games.

>> No.3395774

The special stages in S3&K are so hard. Can get the chaos emeralds in every game except those.

>> No.3395810
File: 183 KB, 256x331, Midway_Arcade_Treasures_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a pretty fun series. I had all three of them.

My favorite was probably #3. It had the least number of games, but it actually had a port of the Dreamcast version of Rush 2049, which - as it turns out - is a fucking amazing game that I got 100% on.

>> No.3395819
File: 119 KB, 640x903, vampireps2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japan only
Thank you, Capcom. Fuck you too.

>> No.3395908

This. Was going to post this but u beat me to it. Thanks for restoring my faith in humanity

>> No.3396076

Yeah, I am european. And you are right, it was a Mega Games 6 with those games with a white and yellow label.
But now I realized that I completely forgot I had a 2nd 6-pack(friend gave me) with a big "6" in an orange label. Sega Soccer, Columms, Super Monaco GP, Shinobi, Sonic1 and SoR.
Dont try getting perfects, just get the blue spheres. Because aside of that, blue spheres is pretty easy compared to Sonic2 special stage 6 and 7.
But getting the emeralds in Sonic 3 or Sonic & Knuckles on the PS360 Genesis collection is impossible without savestates. The emulation is way too fucked up when it speeds up to point you can't control Sonic at all and get the right rhythim with the sounds(when "Sonic eats a ball").
SoR emulation is also fucked in that collection with enemies being much faster than usual and hiding outside the screen like cowards or going around in circles not giving a chance to hit them.

>> No.3396089
File: 39 KB, 296x247, sonic the hedgehog 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do they fuck up like this?

>> No.3396159
File: 142 KB, 640x998, Sonic Jam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really loved Sonic Jam, it was a great compilation of Sonic 1-Knuckles with all the lock on options.

I believe all the games were ports, not emulated too, which is pretty neat. They all ran perfectly and little things like Easy and Normal modes were cool touches (adding spin dash to Sonic 1 for example).

I used to play the hell out of it all the time. The full 3D Sonic World was amazing at the time too, and all the bonus videos and whatnot were so much fun to unlock.

>> No.3396160

pirate menu disks were far superior to compilations. they had lots of cheats added too m8s and lovely menu art and music.

>> No.3396226

I had a saturn and I didn't even knew there was something like that. One of my friends knew about it because he bought videogames magazines all the time and was a big Sonic fan, that also knew some store that was 2 hours away for some silly reason and thanks to him I could finally play Sonic 3 and with the lock-on of Sonic & Knuckles.
I was amazed how you could also play Knuckles in Sonic 2. I had Sonic 2 in Sonic Compilation(S1, 2 and Robotnik puyo puyo, good compilation too for the Genesis) and if you lock-on that on S&K it would be the Blue Spheres.
But Sonic Jam was like you said, fucking hub with Sonic history, soundtracks, videos, wallpapers, cheats&codes, really that compilation was the shit.

And why I never had Sonic 3? For reason I never saw it on sale, it was rare here as I understood by talking to people about that back in time. Some videogame magazinea had it for sale but it was twice the price of full priced game back then. S&K on another hand was pretty cheap and was sold everywhere

>> No.3396317



>> No.3396320


They weren't even ports, they were reprogrammed for the Saturn from ground up

>> No.3396338

There were indeed two Sega Mega Games 6 collections, one with a green accent and one with an orange. There was also a vol 3 that had the later blue Mega Drive box art styling and a red background but the games were repeated with the exception of Sonic 1.

>> No.3396342


>> No.3396350

Nah, they still had the original source and art files back then, so it was a port. Lots of Megadrive games got ported like that to Saturn - Quackshot, one of the Mickey Mouse games, the Thunderforce titles (as TF Gold Pack 1-2), all the Phantasy Stars, etc.

ground-up reprogrammed ports of sonic are the Gameboy Advance version of Sonic 1, and the recent re-releases of
Sonic 1, 2 and CD.

>> No.3398567

If 6 pak was your only cart thats still endless fun

>> No.3398579

Holy shit I literally ordered this game yesterday along with SoR2 and Sanic 2 for a combined $32 after shipping/taxes for my first ever Genesis I bought 2 days ago at a Mom & Pop (not underage, just a Nintendo family growing up, I even own a Saturn and Dreamcast)

>> No.3398583
File: 992 KB, 490x319, ctGuemB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Gameboy Advance version of Sonic 1

Please never utter those words again

>> No.3398964

I used to have this and another 6-in-1 cartridge with different games on it. Italia '90 was one of them. I can't remember it clearly though so I can't compare it to this one. I suspect that this overlap though in the games.

Sonic and Golden Axe have great soundtracks. I have memories of playing Golden Axe 2 player with siblings, it was always a rush to pick the green dwarf first because his axe was the best weapon. 2nd pick was the Amazonian woman for her fire magic. Hence, we would joke about the blue warrior because he was shit. Shinobi was hard, the final boss was hard as shit and creeped me out as a 4 year old. Never beat it, to this day even. Same for Streets of Rage. I can get to the final level but usually die in the middle of it so I never saw the ending. I know there is a good and bad one of course. I think my problem was never learning the proper way to beat the bosses so I would usually lost at least one life to them.

>> No.3399773

Probably >>3394125 and/or >>3396076

>> No.3400149
File: 210 KB, 800x955, 25245-the-lucasarts-archives-vol-i-dos-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the quality of games in this pack, i think you'd be hard pressed to beat it.

>> No.3400207
File: 63 KB, 595x400, SNK-Arcade-Classics-Volume-1-Ntsc-Front-Cover-7235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought this for Neo Turf Masters alone. $9 factory sealed at the local mom and pop. Ripped that plastic right off.

>> No.3400258

So weeks before even posting this comment I had opened the cart and cleaned the hell out of the board, which I failed to mentioned here, and it still seemed like it didn't want to work after several tries, but a few nights ago I had my gf over to play some Gene and sure enough 6 Pak chooses to work. She also pointed out how Shinobi and Castlevania are sorta similar which I'd never considered before

>> No.3400478

Quality is more important than variety, senpai.

>> No.3400491
File: 76 KB, 467x640, 2374517-genesis_sonicclassics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably my most used game cartridge.

>> No.3400510
File: 2.27 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG0632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mega Games 6 had the same line-up as 6-Pak except Sanic was replaced with Italia '90.

Picked this lot up for a total of £6. Quite pleased with that apart from no manuals.

>> No.3401540

Either Sonic or SoR.

>> No.3401547

>Two versions of the same game are different
Seems reasonable to me. Not having Golden Axe Arcade is the real crime.

>> No.3401552

Phoenician design is actually what it takes from.

>> No.3401564

This pack was alpha as fuck. I still have my copy of DoTT, S&M, and Indiana Jones:FoA from this! It's also what got me to buy The Dig and Full Throttle.

>> No.3401619

Not even close, OP.

Megapak 8 is objectively the best /vr/ compilation ever released. Mechwarrior 2, MOO2, Broken Sword, Jagged Alliance:DG, Sim City 2k, Screamer and Return to Zork plus some other shit if you get bored.

>> No.3401620
File: 233 KB, 800x967, megapak-8-dos-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3401707


Does it work with Sonic & Knuckles?

>> No.3402062

First time I played Sonic 2. I still remember beating the game the first time I played and that my national team was having soccer/football match. Well, except having all emeralds, stage 7 was a bitch, just got super sonic the next day after school.
I think my cousin had one of those Mega Games 3 with SoR. But that shit was pretty rare
Blue Spheres, like Sonic 1 lock-on.

>> No.3402101

SNK Arcade Collection on the Wii.
Over a dozen Neo Geo games for around $40 instead of getting all the cartridges for near $2000.