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3377735 No.3377735 [Reply] [Original]

How come Nintendo dropped out of the arcade scene? They made some pretty great arcade games.

>> No.3377742

It stopped being profitable.

>> No.3377746 [DELETED] 

1. Their games weren't very good
2. They aren't good at innovating technology, which is necessary in the arcade business
3. They don't know much about hardware
4. It was safer to just stay with consoles

>> No.3377747

>games that have infinite replay value that you pay-to-play
>not profitable

>> No.3377752

if no one is paying to play then it's not profitable

>> No.3377753

As in, it stopped being profitable for Nintendo because they only had two successful games and a bunch of expensive flops like Punch Out.

>> No.3377757
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The simple answer is that it was the runaway success of the Famicom. There was no real sense in producing arcade games only to think about porting them to your own console. That's a lesson Atari should have learned. The Vs system and Playchoice 10 were interesting innovations but I guess they didn't turn out to be very profitable or maybe market research indicated they hurt sales of the console games more than they helped them?

Whatever the exact reason it's not hard to see just from lining up the dates and shit that it was definitely the Famicom/NES that killed Nintendo's arcade development.

>> No.3378234

You're crazy if you think it was anything other than a business decision. As
pointed out, once the Famicom took off, Nintendo clearly had a business decision to make as to whether they were going to make arcade games or home console games. Clearly console games won out.

Makes sense really. I'm sure it's not easy to manufacture and ship giant arcade cabinets. The idea of making more money with less hassle by selling tiny plastic consoles with even smaller cartridges was probably very appealing. Making arcade games may not have been quite "not profitable," but clearly it was more profitable to make console games.

>> No.3378245
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>Their games weren't very good

>> No.3378292 [DELETED] 

They weren't. Compared to games of the same time they were rudimentary and dull.

>> No.3378296


And PAL sucks.

>> No.3378301

And these superior arcade games would be?

>> No.3378304


>> No.3378306
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>> No.3378309


>> No.3378314

Stargate, Jump Bug, Space Dungeon. Wizard of Wor was also better, but not too much better technically.

>> No.3378315

If that's what Cadash translates to in your native language, then I agree.

>> No.3378317

Maybe I'm just ignorant of japanese arcades but wouldn't they get a one time payment for the cabinet and the arcade would pocket the quarters?

>> No.3378318

Kek those games are fucking trash.

>> No.3378321
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>How come Nintendo dropped out of the arcade scene
They didn't.

>1. Their games weren't very good
Their games were good enough to propel them into being one of the biggest game companies of the world. Also they are remembered to this day and age unlike some other bullshit that you might come up with.

>> No.3378323

>literally a Defender and Robotron sequel
>better than DK or DK Jr
Wew lad
I can't comment on JB or Wor, but they look pretty lame.

>> No.3378326

Donkey Kong is incredibly lame. Wizard of Wor is an all time great.
DK is.

>> No.3378329

I literally had to look up Wizard of Wor, Space Dugeon and Jump Bug. Nobody remembers these games because their probably shit, while DK and Mario bros are beloved to this day and have a strong legacy due to solid game mechanics.

>> No.3378334

>All time great
>literally forgotten

>> No.3378336

You just have shit taste.
Nobody forgot it, you never knew it because you're underage.

>> No.3378337

Those Vs cabinets in the mid to late 80s made some bank surely.

>> No.3378338

Arcade version of donkey kong 3 is god tier

>> No.3378356
File: 78 KB, 400x219, Triforce_case.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek i love how stupid Nintendo naysayers are stupid on this board. Nintendo is still fairly active in the arcade scene at least compared to other big software companies.

>2. They aren't good at innovating technology, which is necessary in the arcade business
>3. They don't know much about hardware
The Triforce says hi.

>> No.3378360

Wasn't the Triforce developed by Sega like the Chihiro and the PS2 derivate?

>> No.3378364

Triforce is a modified gamecube so not really. Sega just provided a GD-ROM drive for the thing. Sega and Namco developed games for the triforce alongside Nintendo but Nintendo basically developed and owned 90% of the hardware.

>> No.3378375

Well now that I think about it Sega and Namco may have designed the chairs and other stuff that goes with the arcade systems though, I didn't initially consider those. The arcade boards are mostly Nintendo though.

>> No.3378462


No, they're remembered because of advertising. It has nothing do with their quality, nintendo shill.

>> No.3378482

Arcade scene collapsed in America and never really recovered but vidya continued to sell so that's the direction they went.

>> No.3378558 [DELETED] 
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>more colours and higher resolution
>"hurrr pal sucks"

>> No.3378567

Your two games that actually take advantage of PAL's expanded bandwidth and higher resolution aren't worth it when you have to run basically every other game at inferior speeds and with letterboxing.

>> No.3378969

The fact that so many gamers still name Nintendo as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" video game company ever only tells you how far Nintenbabies still are from becoming serious gamers. Sega gamers have long recognized that the greatest vidya of all times are Space Harrier and Zaxxon, who were not the most famous or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Atari gamers rank the highly controversial I-Robot over vidya games that were highly popular in arcades around America. Nintendo gamers are still blinded by commercial success. Nintendo sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Sega gamers grow up playing a lot of Sega games of the past, Atari gamers grow up playing a lot of Atari games of the past. Nintendo gamers are often totally ignorant of the vidya games of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that Nintendo did anything worthy of being saved.

>> No.3378980

did you know Hiroshi Yamauchi wasn't actually a human being? He was a vessel that enclosed 7 yakuza oni spirits from 7 different regions in Japan. These oni monopolized the gambling in Japan with the hanafuda Nintendo cards and put a spell so that no other company could produce cards, truly evil.

Yamauchi, often referred to as "大魔王 ティラノ天堂" (Great Evil King Tyranotendo), tyranized the video games market with his monopolic practises, it is said that the Master System or the PC Engine didn't actually ever exist, and that they were invented time after so hide the fact that the Famicom was actually the one and only console existing in Japan.

>> No.3379000

F-Zero AX too
that shit is cash

>> No.3379180

>Nintendo and Sega are in arcades
>they both have good consoles

>they both have no good consoles

>> No.3379598

Sega is still in arcades though.

>> No.3379731

Maybe in Japan they were profitable, but in America, people were losing interest in arcades and migrating to home consoles. Nintendo got out while the getting was good.

>> No.3379753
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Punch-Out is awesome!

>> No.3379767

That's why I didn't write anything about arcades in 2010s.