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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 151 KB, 684x549, 20160328trial.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3374019 No.3374019 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone up for exploring this old mmo?
Thought you guys might be interested, since as of only a couple of weeks ago you can try it with no subscription restrictions for a time. We're usually something of a walled garden.

Nexus:TK has been going since 1997, and still features a devoted community and developer updates to this day. It's a great contrast to the modern themepark mmos, as Nexus is centred around community interaction.

It's a wonderful little world to explore, and one of the rare bastions of real mmo roleplaying left. I'm the current head of a clan that's existed from the very start, so I can promise newcomers plenty of resources and friendly faces.

>> No.3374024
File: 287 KB, 1024x768, gmADOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a graphical upgrade here and there, of course. Here's a woefully compressed artifact of what it was like some fifteen years ago.

>> No.3374039 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 317x219, circus - caemy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to play this, way back in like 2000. I was a poet. I was pretty casual though, so I never made it to level 99. This was back when people actually played MMORPG's for the roleplaying, not to powergame.

>> No.3374040
File: 26 KB, 317x219, circus - caemy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to play this, way back in like 2000. I was a poet. I was pretty casual though, so I never made it to level 99. This was back when people actually played MMORPG's for the roleplaying, not to powergame.

>> No.3374051

> Abidah Sevenleaf

>> No.3374057

Bullshit. I was playing Ragnarok at about the same time, and it was all about getting as high as level as you could as fast as you could.

>> No.3374060

from what I remember people were always finding optimal ways to macro in ultima online

>> No.3374061

Coincidentally, one of the weapons in Nexus is called a Sevenleaf Sword.

>> No.3374069

Are you still a transgender Muslim?

>> No.3374079
File: 22 KB, 523x319, engineer eating heavy's sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...where did this come from?

>> No.3374098
File: 63 KB, 608x198, seve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh, just one of the things you said using the stupid troll trip on another board. The name is so retarded that it always sticks out like a sore thumb to me. It's alright you don't remember though, I'm not surprised you can't keep track of the idiotic stuff you spew posting under that name.

>> No.3374172

Random fact: This was the very first MMORPG in Indonesia.

>> No.3374193

You should come back, dude.
If you remember the old GM from back then - Wony - he's back in action, and they're actually updating the game again.
Lots of returning faces right now, even tswolf and silents are still here

>> No.3374198

Heartwarming as fuck, no?
They're talking about a steam page at some point, everybody's ever so excited for all the newcomers.

>> No.3374367

Well shoot.

Why would you save this? Don't you think my life is sucky enough as it is?

>> No.3374386

>Free play to level 49

>> No.3374539

I don't particularly care if you're trans, but Islam is cancer. Didn't you used to be Christian?

>> No.3374542

>implying anything that trip says has any truth to it at all.

It's literally just a trip for trolling and samefagging his posts.

>> No.3374543

Considering you're a transgender and you think you can also be a muslim (protip: you can't, whatever you think you are, it's not muslim,) I'm guessing your life really isn't shitty enough, seeing as being likely disowned by your family was not enough to cure your stupidity.

I'm not even that guy.

>> No.3374547

Her posts^

>> No.3374553

Iran allows you to change legally change MtF with surgery providing you maintain heteronomitive roles.

>> No.3374559
File: 11 KB, 400x250, river king_deep.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. Not a girl. Not trans.

>> No.3374563

Which is how it should be, IMO.

None of this PC half-assed "gender queer" fluff. If you want to be a woman in Iran, you have to be willing to act like one.

>> No.3374578

Because there's one way that all women should act, right kiddo?

>> No.3374582

Is Sevenleaf a Sunni or Shia?

>> No.3374713

still not muslim

>> No.3374726

Just like our tripfaggot friend.

>> No.3374797

The anniversary play lets you bypass this.
Although, y'know, if you turn up just to grind levels you'd be missing the point. Come talk to us!

>> No.3374798

I enjoy the /vr/ tripfags. They are pretty chill and amuse me.

>> No.3374829

I'll be there

>> No.3374831

I never knew that MMO existed.

I can tell from the artstyle, and as a fan of classic RPGs, that I would have loved playing it growing up, had I known it was a thing.

I'd be up to try it out if I wasn't so busy with other things~

>> No.3374863


free private server with revamped content that isn't stale 1997 based korea

>> No.3374939

I remember playing this back in like 2000 or 2001, on my grandparents computer. Pretty straightforward, but fun MMO if I remember. I didn't get too much use out of it because I was running up our dial-up internet bill every night playing PSO on the dreamcast.

>> No.3375092

So is anyone else playing? I'm still in the tutorial, but my name is Abidah.

>> No.3375107
File: 102 KB, 640x800, 1438184967255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3375153

Smiles like he just popped a hemorrhoid

>> No.3375173

>1.9 gigs

dont you think thats a lot for 2d graphics?

>> No.3375208

Wait, shit, I didn't even recognize you. Didn't realize you were coming! I'm the idiot who was hosting that mess of an event just now.

Where's that coming from? It's 500mb or so.

>> No.3375239

the free client? maybe im retarded.

>> No.3375249

Huh, you're not wrong. The base download is only 222mb, but it patches up there. That must be recent, I'm sure it was a lot smaller. They have just implemented a new patcher. Wonder what it's all for.

I'm sitting on my mage right now, but do drop Astrael a letter if you need anything! You're welcome to join us in Bear if you get to know us.

>> No.3375253

I remember playing it in highschool. Its amazing this thing is still going. I had fun with it, but got tired of fighting powerful bunnies and goats by spamming spells. Also had a wife who I'm pretty sure was a dude in real life so I could be catfished into doing things for her. My friend was playing the same racket.

>> No.3375262

Ha! Goats, huh? Wonder when that was.
All under 99 experience is doubled right now, so progressing through the dull bit is a little easier.
If you're actually aiming to rush to 99, if you ask for help then some big guys would be happy to raise you up. It's doable in a couple of hours these days.

>> No.3375280

I cant find anyone nor do I understand how to play this. It reminds me of gaia online.

>> No.3375290

The tutorial area is sparse of people, especially since everyone can leave it immediately now. Give me a few minutes and I'll come say hello - what's your name?

>> No.3375305

lostanon. can i teleport or anything?

>> No.3375306

There's an NPC in an inn that will take you out to the wider world

>> No.3375316

I'll probably jump into this over the weekend, I had no idea it existed even though I thought I'd played every freeish 2D MMO there was.

>> No.3375324

Well, it's not really remotely Freeish.
There's a time limit on this unrestricted play, it's usually $10/month.
Still, it's a nice place with a lot of history and mystery - there's value in just taking a wander and saying hi!

>> No.3375330

I hope you realize you have an entire search party looking for you! Where are you?

>> No.3375342

lol im stuck in the potion shop and I cant get out? im trying to exit the door.

>> No.3375343

You can play for free up to level 49 now, but the game doesn't even really begin until 99.

Like most MMO's, the endgame pretty much IS the game.

>> No.3375374

The old deal was
Play up to level 49, with item restrictions, stuck in tutorial town.

The new deal is
Play up to level 49, with item restrictions, but you can leavve tutorial town.

Additionally -- every new character can recieve, upon asking, five days of no restrictions whatsoever. However, if you level past 49 during this, it won't let you back in without registering.

>> No.3375376

Live reporting from Balakirev on the scene at the Nagen Trial of Hobart. Hobart and General of Koguryo, Amatus, have been banished from the Kingdom of Nagnang!

>> No.3375380
File: 441 KB, 823x770, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would've helped if I'd posted the picture, huh

>> No.3375490
File: 93 KB, 384x289, am i kawaii uguu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such kawaii so wow

>> No.3375506

other anon you are fucked. this game is a literal maze.

>> No.3375510

Hey hey, I'm going to bed because it's 4am.

But even so, drop Astrael a letter and I'll see how I can help tomorrow. You can send mail from shift-m after level 6.

>> No.3375515

It's not that bad if you can remember landmarks.

>> No.3375629

So just avoid the question, huh?

Sure doesn't sound like someone just wants to make a buck off of an old shitty MMO.

Nope, no-sir-eee, sure doesn't see like OP just wants to sucker you into a community just to get you to throw some $$$ his way.

I'm sure money is the last thing on his mind.

Nope, he certainly isn't just posting this here as an advertisement.

[spolier]This thread is a really lame advert for an even lamer game. Is anybody stupid enough to pay for this? Sadly, I think the answer is yes.[/spoiler]

>> No.3375643

I don't own the game, dude. I'm a clan leader, heavily invested in its community, but I'm not making money.
Truth is that while the players absolutely adore the game, it's been stagnant for a decade. With newbies cut off from the world, it was impossible to get new players without personally inviting and guiding them. Recently, management has changed and a lot more effort is going into the game - including efforts to make the game more accessible to new players.

Plenty of people on /vr/ do remember this place, and I thought I'd let folk know that this is a rare opportunity to come try it fully free. You'd be surprised how many old names are still there - we might remember you.

Nexus is still standing after nearly two decades for some very good reasons. The playerbase is the most devoted you'll find on the internet, and all of us like to share the game with others where we can, precisely because it is what so many burned out mmo players are really looking for.

>> No.3375654

What question? You posted "Hmm"

>> No.3375774

these nerds are easily riled up over their furcadia RP game

>> No.3376541

It's not idiotic, being openly trans is brave. No pun intended but, it takes balls.

>> No.3377413

Thanks for showing me around the other day. Are there any spooky places I should explore?

>> No.3377663

As a poet you won't really be able to solo effectively - I'd focus on figuring out how to get the ingredients to learn your spells.
Yudu festival is running all evening tomorrow! Come along to that if you want to check out a few community games.


>> No.3377738

sounds cool thanks

>> No.3378007

Yep, but Ragnarok online got the cash instead

>> No.3378060

I wish /pol/ would fuck off. I'm a practising beard-having, praying Muslim (admittedly on the liberal side) and I can tell you transgender people get a lot of acceptance from moderate Muslims like me. Search up 'Hijras in Pakistan'. We're not as sexually insecure and confused as Christians, I can be glad about that much at least. If these people want to be women, that's their choice.
You are the cancer though.

>> No.3379393

Dude this game is rad. Any touhou skins?

>> No.3379491

You could probably do some of the characters pretty well

I have seen a Marisa cosplay character done

>> No.3379691

well i hope the spirits enjoyed my weed and wine soup.

>> No.3379826

>I wish /pol/ would fuck off
>posts /pol/ shit
Agree about you not being as sexually insecure and confused as Christians. You can marry and rape any creature of any age, gender or species. It's impossible to be confused about what the right choice is when there is no wrong one.

>> No.3380684

Anon why wont you stop derailing?

>> No.3381191

How am I the one derailing when I basically just told a derailing polfag to fuck off. Or are you that goat fucker samefagging?

>> No.3381197

everybody shut up
it's obvious we don't want to play a game where the community is so fucked up there's even an american muslim transgender. I bet these people roleplay sex

>> No.3381198

Buzz, your girlfriend, WOOF!

>> No.3381214

you're both shitting up this thread tho.
from what i've seen players are almost too polite. Similar to many old mmos like worlds where mods will ban you for swearing or harassing. why complain about the tripfag that isn't even shitposting?

>> No.3381415
File: 5 KB, 150x150, hanging on the corner smoking dope, smoking that weed hanging out with my locs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think is in these herb pipes, anyway?

>> No.3381552

best part of the game

>> No.3381575


>> No.3381581
File: 141 KB, 192x150, tiedye.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes aside, it's probably marijuana. It could also be opium. We can rule out tobacco since that's a new world crop.

>> No.3383015

Yep, very PG13. No profanity here.