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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 204 KB, 250x427, Brandish_The_Dark_Revenant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3373807 No.3373807 [Reply] [Original]

Well this game is fucking brilliant

Some guy on /vr/ kept memeing it and I finally downloaded it for PSP and it really is the Dark Souls of /vr/

Note to mods: it's a remake of a retro game so no bully pls

>> No.3373818 [DELETED] 

remakes don't count enjoy going to jail

>> No.3373831

>not trying the PC Engine or the Snes one first.

>> No.3373835 [DELETED] 

They do count, fucking newfag

>> No.3373887

Why not PC98?

>> No.3373923 [DELETED] 

>thread about psp game
>le "I'm looking for a retro dark souls" meme

Return to wherever you came from

>> No.3373927

Game looks good, can you coop?

>> No.3373932

>psp game
I was one of the first posters on this board you little bitch. Not only that, I was the person who gave moot the idea for /vr/. So watch what you say or I'll smash your fucking teeth in.
Also, liking Dark Souls and playing retro games isn't mutually exclusive you little cunt.

Don't think so, it's singleplayer

>> No.3373936

>Snes one
It's like you hate yourself or something. Playing Brandish without the minimap on screen is like sticking a screwdriver into your dick. Koei also fucked up that soundtrack something fierce.

>> No.3373949

This is the best /vr/ pasta I've ever seen.

>> No.3373992

It sure is summer

>> No.3374010

Hot chick
Will play

>> No.3374016 [DELETED] 

Naw they don't. Try making a Dragon Quest thread with one of the DS remakes as the main image and watch it get modded quite quickly.

Talking about them in a thread seems fine, but if it's starting a thread it will get deleted. In general ports seem fine, even the 3D M2 Genesis ports, but full remakes don't get allowed.

>> No.3374038

Because I forgot.

>> No.3374180
File: 35 KB, 500x500, GTFO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was one of the first posters on this board you little bitch. Not only that, I was the person who gave moot the idea for /vr/. So watch what you say or I'll smash your fucking teeth in.

Oh christ that made my day

>> No.3374183

Bought this for my Vita a few weeks ago, was on sale for $7. Quite enjoyable dungeon crawler but also seems extremely linear. Definitely not a roguelike.

>> No.3374250
File: 210 KB, 768x1024, brandish1x68kart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it was ever marketed as a rogue-like... I mean, it's been a straight-forward dungeon crawler for several decades now (and rogue-like formula wouldn't work all that well for Brandish anyway, since it has as much a focus on exploring and puzzle solving than just surviving waves of enemies).

I have the PC Engine CD version, which is pretty fun (if crude to look at). It feels fresh and straight-forward, moreso than some of Falcom's other early titles.

It's one of those games that if you can't get over the bizarre way it handles the camera, you're not going to like the game. Though the PSP version makes the sudden jarring turns tolerable, visually.

>> No.3374275

No one said it was marketed as a rogue-like... I don't know why I injected that sentence into my post. I guess, to me, it looks like a RL. That was what I expected. Essentially it is a linear puzzle game.

>> No.3374596

>ITT: Generic shitposting on ports

>> No.3374617

Did Falcom ever make something Rogue like?

>> No.3375627

No, not yet. The first two Dragon Slayer games superficially seem close, but they have pre-designed dungeons and aren't as reliant on you dying over and over, difficult as they are. I'd compare the very first Dragon Slayer to games like Adventure, Temple of Apshai, and puzzlers from around 1984. Dragon Slayer II: Xanadu really was its own beast, very unique compared to competitors.

Brandish 2 and 3 are more non-linear, based around the occasional hub with spokes leading to dungeons. VT/4 returns to the first game's structure in most ways; no matter what, all the games have intricately designed dungeons which, even when you learn them, are still fun to crawl through.

It's true, though. Playing Brandish w/o an active minimap sucks, as many people get used to its shifting perspective by using the compass and minimap as reference. Having to bring it up and then return to moving is detrimental. And the music definitely wasn't arranged well for SFC, though Koei did better arranging 2's soundtrack for the SPC.

PC Engine version, meanwhile, messes up pace of combat. You're best off playing either the PC-98 version(s) or The Dark Revenant.

>> No.3375637

>the Dark Souls of

Stopped reading there.

>> No.3376602

>le dark souls of x omg so good

Fuck off.

>> No.3376701

bit triggered tb h

>> No.3377839

>the dark souls of /vr/
>not kings field


>> No.3378013

>King's Field
>Not Shadow Tower
holy shit could you be any more pleb

>> No.3380169

lol what a cunt

>> No.3380178

King's Field 1(US) is closer to Dark Souls in my opinion because of its massive interconnected world.

>> No.3382035
File: 233 KB, 1200x1024, brp_05l1200x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love brandish. Finished it back in the day on super famicom and on psp too. Awesome game, underrated.

>> No.3382043

And KF2 is DS2, in that it tries to do the same thing but bigger and better, yet only succeeds in making it emptier and flatter.

>> No.3382169

I was one of the first posters on this board you little bitch. Not only that, I was the person who gave moot the idea for /vr/. So watch what you say or I'll smash your fucking teeth in.

>> No.3384046


I liked the 3rd Brandish game myself. Punching dragons with a blue haired amazon in a loincloth never felt so cool.

>> No.3384053
File: 24 KB, 353x372, 1401983225538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be out of games to play after finishing the original Suikoden, so where would you guys recommend to start with Brandish?

I have a PSP but the music and the atmosphere of the PC98 version seem better. None of that stuff matters if there's no fan translation, though.

Also, any tips or how to get the most enjoyment out of it?

>> No.3384071


You can switch to the PC98 soundtrack in the PSP version if you want. I found myself switching often since I liked both.

>> No.3384082

Nice. I guess I'll try the PSP version then.

>> No.3386678

Not related but could you please remind me the name of the show from your pic? Used to watch it but cannot remember the name for some reason.

>> No.3386692

Gaycenter CX

>> No.3386698

I was one of the first posters on this board you little bitch. Not only that, I was the person who gave moot the idea for /vr/. So watch what you say or I'll smash your fucking teeth in.

>> No.3386735

Thank you. That was driving me crazy.

>> No.3389930


>> No.3391378

I feel like I'm being an idiot but I can't find the English version of this. Googling tends to bring up fan translation links that don't seem to lead to anything complete. Then I get news of XSEED localising it but I can't find a translated download, only the Japanese one.

>> No.3391483


It's not %100, and I'm not sure if there is a 100% translation out there(other than the official on PSN), but this translates most of the text in the game with the exception of some of the menu text.

>> No.3391495

Okay, thanks.

Man, this is just the kind of game Sony should put on PS+ instead of totally forgettable indie shit.

>> No.3391951

Is it worth it to play the PC-98 version of this if you have played the PSP version?

I heard the game was made easier on the PSP but I have no clue about its truth.

>> No.3391972
File: 652 KB, 1406x1406, big-brandish-piano-collection-ost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3392061

wow, who did the art?

>> No.3392108

I forgot that this thread was a thing, and that I replied to it. While the person who replied to you pretty much covered the important parts, I just wanted to point out that you're a massive fucking faggot and neither of the two things I pointed out are "generic shitposting", and are very specific to Brandish.

>> No.3392136

The fuck are you even doing recommending that shitty patch. Just link him XSEED's version.

>> No.3392416

>implying the guy asking for the game knows how to convert from PSN to PSP
How about you do it?

>> No.3392420

It seems to have been wiped off the net, dude. Strange.

Good thing I downloaded the US PSN version a few days ago.

>> No.3392423

Well I (OP) have the PSP iso if anyone wants it, didn't think it would be hard to find this. I'll put it on mega if anyone wants it.

>> No.3393363

Just fucking buy the game from the PSN to supoort Falcom/XSEED. Then download the game ready to use on a PSP with CFW or on PPSSPP. That's exactly what I did

>> No.3393381

Neat. The guy wanted a download, I gave him one. I don't care either way.

First you get mad I don't link him XSEEDs version, then when I ask why you didn't bother, you scream he should buy it instead? Are you autistic or just socially inept?

>> No.3393716

>Having fun, even though there was a puzzle that involved timing something off-screen which was bullshit
>menu system is wonky, and makes it a pain in the ass to do ANY sort of switching during combat
>apparently if you don't 100% the floors before, even if you 100% the current floor, you can't get the bonus item for that floor because reasons?
>get to level 8, have done some leveling and arm STR is pretty good now, doing massive damage with weakest sword
>boss fight!
>try to use magic, it doesn't do shit. I paid 8,000 gold for this?
>ok, I'll attack!
>each hit does 1 point of damage
>each hit the enemy does knocks out half my health
>was doing OK until he went into 3 clones, then shot fireballs at me from off-screen
>get 2-shot and die in a second
Goddamnit, is this one of those games where you need to grind a shitton to avoid getting assraped by everything?

>> No.3394016

>Goddamnit, is this one of those games where you need to grind a shitton to avoid getting assraped by everything?

OP compared it directly to Dark Souls, so you should have been expecting Artificial Difficulty from the start.

>> No.3395435

>Neat. The guy wanted a download, I gave him one. I don't care either way.

Too bad the translation is incomplete and shit

>First you get mad I don't link him XSEEDs version, then when I ask why you didn't bother, you scream he should buy it instead? Are you autistic or just socially inept?

The point was to actually support the developer/publisher by purchasing the game on the PSN, then download a backup of that very version *already converted from PSN to PSP* so that Anon-kun could play it, you fucking dickwad

>> No.3395437

You have severe problems.

>> No.3395921
File: 7 KB, 201x251, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was one of the first posters on this board you little bitch. Not only that, I was the person who gave moot the idea for /vr/. So watch what you say or I'll smash your fucking teeth in.
Also, liking Dark Souls and playing retro games isn't mutually exclusive you little cunt.

>> No.3396096

>Artificial Difficulty
We're just gonna throw out buzz words now, aren't we.
The game doesn't baby you, it doesn't have artificial difficulty

>> No.3396157

Took me like a week but I got all the games and got them working on a PC-98 emulator...currently playing through 3 and got to the desert.

Only problem is that it's a pain when I get stuck to try and figure out what the Japanese site I use as a guide is talking about.

>> No.3396170

There is no definite Japanese site for walkthroughs. Just search for the name of the game plus 攻略.

>> No.3396543

Says the idiot who recommended an incomplete translation patch full of errors over an excellent translation

>> No.3396552

Are you using this? http://www2.oninet.ne.jp/t_sera/br3/index.html

Weird to hear Dinque's killing you that quick. Defense increases whenever you take damage, so maybe get knocked around a few times on that floor, resting in-between, and come back. One level-up makes a big difference, but that fight's easy—make sure to keep health potions ready in a quick-to-reach part of inventory.