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3356397 No.3356397 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't people remember Phantasy Star when talking about classic RPGs?

>> No.3356416

Cause people mainly remember Phantasy Star for its online games
not the original games

>> No.3356417
File: 30 KB, 1280x960, ps-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walk into local game store
>"do you have phantasy star?"
>"no, you have to buy that online, it's not sold in stores"
>they think I want a fucking MMO

>> No.3356419

subjectively, and I say this having grown up with a Nintendo, Phantasy Star is the best of the "8-bit" console RPGs. Probably second and third place are FF3 and Mother (no particular order).

>> No.3356431

Because it's only from late 1987. Classic RPGs like Ultima or Wizardry are from way earlier.

>> No.3356434

>Why don't uncultured swine know about Phantasy Star

>> No.3356435

I know no one who ever mentions ultima while talking about classic RPGs, as true as that may be.
Friendly reminder that 1987 was the year Castlevania came out for the NES and people remember that. Also the first Final Fantasy game.

>> No.3356442

I dunno about Mother, but compared to FFIII Phantasy Star is just leagues tighter and more interesting.

By the way, Phantasy Star 2 is long and hard, with a really unforgiving loot cycle. I've made my way to the Dams and I know I'm early on but this game is kicking my teeth in.

>> No.3356443

Phantasy Star is constantly mentioned on /vr/, especially lately.

>> No.3356446
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fair point.

>> No.3356449

I'm having the same problem in IV. I grew up on the NES; bought a Genesis two years ago with PS IV, and am still stuck on laShiec/lassic.

Hell of a game, though. Hell of a game.

>> No.3356450

Who transliterated the name as Tylon instead of Tyrone?

>> No.3356460

Does the talk command works like the one in DQ VII ?

>> No.3356461

The fans who translated the only version of the game with FM synthesis intact.

In japanese the name is タイロン. "ロ" can be phoneticized 'ro' or 'lo'. it's really somewhere between the two when pronounced properly. I consider both to be valid.
タ イ ロ ン
Ta I Ro N
Ta I Lo N

>> No.3356462

It's like, I understand what they're doing in PSII and I really appreciate it/realize how it must have blown people's minds back in the day, but the compounding complexity of the dungeons plus the encounter rate and the small rewards are brutal.

You sure as hell feel like you've progressed once you actually do, but those moments are far between one another.

>> No.3356464

Tyrone is a real name like Alisa or Lutz. Tylon is nonsense.

>> No.3356468
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I dunno, I never played past DQ4. Never really liked those games anyway, to be totally honest.

>> No.3356473

Really hoping that's sarcasm. Assuming so.

ルツ = lu tsu = lutz
アルサ = a ri sa (or a li sa) = alis

>> No.3356474

Talk in DQ is primarily partner chat, right?

I've never played VII, to be honest. Looking forward to it on 3DS.

>> No.3356476
File: 15 KB, 622x480, 15551_prev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm serious.
>Lutz is a short form of Ludwig and may refer to:
>A female given name derived from Alice

Meanwhile Tylon is a brand of measuring tape.

>> No.3356478
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I see, it's completly different.

>> No.3356479

My main reason for turning to old sega games is that Nintendo's adding DLC to party games like smash 4 ('aww you don't have my favorite character, I'm going to complain about how I'd be winning if I had Roy all night long') and most recently Pokemon Go putting microtransactions in a game for small children just leaves a bad taste in my mouth; I've been disillusioned with the entire current generation of games (except minecraft if that counts, but I don't play it much anymore).

>> No.3356482

If you'd never read (or watched) ranma you'd not call that a name, would you?

Who's to say what constitutes a name and what doesn't somewhere else?

BTW, ranma comes from luan'ma in chinese.

There are lots of weird names out there.

>> No.3356485

His name is タイロン which is the Japanese way of writing Tyrone.
Transliterating it as a made up name is ignorance like Belldandy.

>> No.3356490

I should add that I'm actually in a scanlation group on /a/.

And also I see this all the time - Tylon is closer to how it would be pronounced by someone in Japan than tyrone, so my guess is that's what the translators decided they wanted here. LaShiec is closer than 'RaShiec', so the same story there. Though I admit LaShiec makes more sense in the same way Tyrone makes more sense. But in Japan it'd get pronounced closer to "Lashiec".

>> No.3356495

>his name is タイロン
Yes, I said that. Like 10 minutes ago.
see >>3356461 .

It all comes down to your priorities as a translator. It's not how I would handle it, but it is valid.

>> No.3356498

Arisa might also be closer than Alisa seeing as it's an actual Japanese name.

It's as valid as Lutsu which isn't a name either. Or Y Burn.
Might as well go on and translate Megaten with such romanizations.

>> No.3356506
File: 31 KB, 1280x960, RetroArch-0713-122155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to 'anonymous'. Didn't remember to hop back.

Clearly there's no convincing you to 'just go with it'. Oh well. It's not a Big Fucking Deal to me.

>> No.3356507

Ranma is Japanese old word,means "tangled hemp".
Famous example Ranma1/2 also

>> No.3356509
File: 252 KB, 1440x2392, 1467164510315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mentioned it because of Ranma 1/2.
And it was a chinese word.

Apologies for the shitty left to right flipped scanlation. It's a very old one.

>> No.3356510

If a translator can't even get a common name right it makes you question his ability to translate other things.

>> No.3356524
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It's a literal translation, not a Big Fucking Deal, just get the fuck over it.

>> No.3356536

If you consider making things up a translation. I guess that's why people hate them.

>> No.3356539

>making things up
>directly translating katakana into their nearest latin alphabetic equivalents

>> No.3356540

Many character of the names in Ranma1/2 is darlived from the Japanese mythology.

>> No.3356548

That would be Tairon for most part. Maybe Tiron if you want a mimic English.
And it's wrong.

>> No.3356565

Okay, you aren't understanding something.

Japanese people don't pronounce the 'R' like americans or british people would.
Tailon is closer to how it sounds phonetically when spoken by a japanese person. You know the stereotype that asians can't pronounce an 'R'? That.

It's a stylistic choice.

>> No.3356582

It's obvious that you are the one in a scanlation group while I gave up on that.

>> No.3356589

Our group doesn't work like that, but I was explaining the logic.

>> No.3356594

It doesn't matter. I'm never going to rely on scanlations and the like again.

>> No.3356620

Mkay, then. Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa ("actually, I am") volume 3 gets released in 6 days and will be published as "My Monster Secret." One volume every 3 months. Meanwhile we're in volume 15 scanlated.

>> No.3356630

Meanwhile raws are on volume 17+.

>> No.3356646

Yes, and we push out a chapter a week. What more do you want?

If you read japanese well enough to use the raws, by all means go ahead.

>> No.3357207

Because it's an RPG on the Sega Genesis as opposed to being an RPG on the SNES.

That's my two cents at least.

>> No.3357219

occasionally you can talk to monsters and convince them not to fight you. I think it only works on humanoid monsters.

>> No.3357223


Your two cents are incorrect, that's a Master System/MarkIII game.

>> No.3357319

1. People forgot the original Phantasy Star games because everybody says "skip straight to 4 it's a masterpiece."

2.The first person dungeon crawling aspect scares people away. I've seen a lot of people who aren't into JRPGs much even complain about refusing to play JRPGs where they can't see their characters in battle, so that's another possible reason.

3. Sega's consoles are not known for having JRPGs in the west (not sure if there are many untranslated ones or if there just aren't any), so when people look through the library they aren't looking for JRPGs.

There are probably plenty other reasons, too. Even I've shied away from them just because I don't wanna go out and buy graph paper.

>> No.3357345

What people? /vr/ talks about it all the time, at least.

>> No.3357362

we post about phantasy star all the time, retard

>> No.3357374

Because most RPG fans were either on PC or Nintendo consoles.
Same thing why Sakura Wars is not very remenbered (although I would blame lack of localization for this case)

>> No.3357472
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I love the Phantasy Star games. Well, II and IV anyways. I beat the original Master System Phantasy Star a couple years ago and had fun with it, mostly. I can never get myself to play III for very long. I enjoyed the original iteration of PSO as well, but PSU, PSO2, and all the other online spin-offs are dongs and I wish the series would go back to being a turn-based RPG series. People only seem to care about the online entries.

I wonder how accurate the translations for the games are, though. I know the original had numerous name changes and weird grammar issues, but I haven't heard anyone compare or cite examples of translation errors from PSII or PSIV.

>> No.3357509


>Everybody on /vr/ remembers it, so it's not obscure


>> No.3357527


because most retro fags don't know shit that's not nintendo

>> No.3358390

It's 80$ a copy for the master system.

>> No.3358583

> I've made my way to the Dams and I know I'm early on
You're maybe half done. Enjoy the Dezolis dungeons. (I'll pray for your soul.)

>> No.3358586

No, it's for talking to monsters. Some speak your language, some require use of telepathy or a magic hat (yeah!) to talk to. You can converse with giant spiders.

>> No.3358592

Alis would be アリス. アリサ is without a doubt Alisa.

>> No.3358605
File: 32 KB, 480x800, Maps for Phantasy Star (Android).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>graph paper
There's an app for that.

>> No.3359773

People talk about this game a lot here.
But nobody ever, ever talks about Miracle Warriors.

>> No.3361268

It's popped up before, even had a couple of tiny threads. I have some nostalgia for it.

>> No.3361839

The first game is nice, the second is fiendish.

>> No.3361907

I played it after Phantasy Star when I was desperate for RPGs but it was kind of disappointing in comparison.

>> No.3363639

Huh. I think that's what it cost when it was brand new. In Australian dollarydoos. Man, kids complaining about how games are expensive here nowadays don't know how good they have it.

>> No.3363648

Phantasy Star 2 is brutal but you'll feel like a champ when you beat it.

If you have the guide you can beat the bastard dungeons.

The ending is one of the most shocking and holy fuck moments in all of vidya...and dat end theme by Bo.

>> No.3363683

PS2 was my first contact with the jrpg genere. I still remember her soft smell hainging in the spring air while we didn't exactly know what we were doing.

>> No.3363705

Stop responding to this shit thread, just read the posts and you'll notice it's a poor excuse for the retarded OP to blog about unrelated shit

>> No.3363709

...but I miss those days

>> No.3363716

The ending of PS2 is probably one of my favorite endings of any video game ever.

The main characters literally be Hitler if Hitler was actually right, in space, with super-technology and shit.

It's like if the people of today actually turned around and lynched the richest 1%. It's completely insane.

PS is just a really solid and interesting RPG that is for some reason a lot more spare and less grindy than any of it's sequels.

PS3 is just mess, to this day the menu icons make absolutely no sense to me.

PS4 starts out great, and then almost immediately after it starts picking up speed, the best character, WHO SHOULD HAVE SURVIVED INSTEAD, up and fucking dies, and then you're stuck with fucking blonde haired Amuro clone for the rest of the fucking game only he's actually somehow even more retarded and annoying than the actual Amuro.

>> No.3363720

PS2 is hardly brutal. The Crescent Gear breaks the entire game and the difficulty is largely in the dungeons being a pain in the ass to navigate.

>> No.3363735

Dragon Warrior is king of 8bit rpgs

>> No.3364108

it's a fantasy/scifi game you fuck

>> No.3364130
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>ctrl+f "metal max"

>> No.3365426
File: 709 KB, 1052x738, PS2adventure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Phantasy Star 2 text adventures add a lot of character backstory to the game, and I only recently learned they existed. It was great playing PS2 again and doing the character's adventure when they showed up to the party.