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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 145 KB, 421x282, Game_&_Watch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3336616 No.3336616 [Reply] [Original]

Game & Watch Discussion. What are your favorites? What do you own? What have you picked up recently?

I'll start, I own Ball and Donkey Kong Ice Hockey and am looking into picking up Pinball and probably Oil Panic.

>> No.3336634

I only have Mario Bros but it needs a bottom screen polarizer. Anyone have a good source or can I just cut a smartphone one to size?

Also, how does one dismantle the top half? Are there screws under the front label?

>> No.3337547

No game and watch love on /vr/?

>> No.3337715

Those Tiger ones were pretty cash.
I even bumped into one emulator for the Terminator game, but didn't find a way to save it.

>> No.3337730

I've been playing some games online here: http://www.pica-pic.com/

I have to say, Zelda is pretty swagmoney

>> No.3337752

...And that's where I played the Terminator one, too.
Can't figure out how to play that Bartman game.

>> No.3337783

I only have a Fire one.
My favorite is probably Octopus, but I've only played that through the G&W Gallery games.

>> No.3337835
File: 400 KB, 2852x1607, 850_44_1196453390563_Gakken_Runaway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was a kid I only had the Nintendo Parachute one. It was okay.

My favourite one I've ever played is this great Gakken one, "Runaway" or sometimes it's called "Searchlight". I like how it uses its diodes opposite to how most games do, turning them off to show the light is shining there. It's really cute and creative.

>> No.3337853

this one is real good

>> No.3337898
File: 196 KB, 300x300, Game and Watch Gallery 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this and a lime green gameboy color for Christmas when I was 3. I remember being fascinated by the unlockables which made me really want to push for high scores. The modern versions of the game have fantastic music too.

>> No.3337914

I never owned a legit Game and Watch, but I had a few mini versions.

I had a keychain in the shape of a gameboy with Fire, and Donkey Kong Jr. I also had a watch with Donkey Kong on it. I wish I knew where those went.

I played everything on Game and Watch gallery 1 and 2, but I think out of all that I played, Fire was my favorite.

>> No.3337954

Was visiting my parents recently and looked in some old boxes. Found my siblings old Oil Panic. I thought my parents threw it out. Still works flawlessly.

>> No.3338856

These games are legit

>> No.3339091

I main G&W in smash. (life is suffering)

>> No.3339459

He's pretty good tho

>> No.3339521

parachute A SHIT

>> No.3341794


>> No.3341824

I don't know much about LCD screens, so I'd like to ask: how does this screen work? Why other screens were monochrome?

>> No.3341841

It is monochrome, there's a color overlay ontop of the LCD screen.

>> No.3342129
File: 24 KB, 320x236, jaquette_front.jpg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have pic related. It was given to me by my parents in 1987 as a Christmas present. Even now I keep working batteries in it, and I've broken the 1000 points barrier in Game B for God knows how many times. My high-score is something like 1680 points, but around there the game starts running so fast, it becomes unplayable. You just don't have the reaction speed to deal with it anymore.

The gameplay is solid though, everything that ever was great about old school gameplay is there. It's simple, addictive and easy to get into, and it encourages you to get better. The only thing that bugged me about DK II was that this game does not give you the coconut that you could previously drop on enemies in the earlier Donkey Kong-games, leaving you fully defenseless against them. But beyond that, DK II is probably THE best of the Game&Watch gallery.

>> No.3342153

what's the people jumping out of a burning building one?

cause that one is fun as fuck

>> No.3342160

Parachute and Chef have excellent music.

my lfavourite game would have to be classic Octopus.

>> No.3343223

Octopus is a good pick, I second this

>> No.3343234


>> No.3344023
File: 17 KB, 500x500, gameandwatchfire.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You must be talking about Fire.

>> No.3345728


>> No.3345770

My father owned the orange DK one. Too bad my sister ended up breaking it one day when she played with it without his permission. I bought another one a couple of weeks ago for the nostalgia, but I feel like making a collection of them once I can afford it.

>> No.3345787
File: 93 KB, 912x684, 292030_10150300087287227_520255401_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My collection + Caveman.

Played the fuck out of them as a kid.

I know, I fell for the Tiger meme. Was so obsessed with Battletoads I got it, and what a piece of shit it is.

I still load up Zelda every once in a while. I remember the sense of achievement I felt when I actually finished it while my friends watched in the playground. Wish my motor skills were still that responsive. :(

If no one has Tropical Fish, I highly recommend hunting that one day. Awesome game.

>> No.3345804

I'm so fucking jealous of your Zelda, shit's expensive

>> No.3345813


I have the same one. The JR-55. had been given to me for a birthday and played a lot to it, i mean a LOT. Found it some weeks go but the screns show some rot. Im in tears.

>> No.3345825


Wow, just searched eBay. Very surprised.

As good as the game is, it is definitely not worth those prices. None of them are.

>> No.3346504

to people that desperately want them they are worth precisely these prices

>> No.3347876

I had a Chef clone a couple of years ago.
Wish it still worked. G&Ws are very easy to start and pretty light to pick.

>> No.3347896


You really didn't need to type that statement.

>> No.3347935

Not him, but YOU really didn't need to type YOUR statement. Fuck, it's a discussion board. People are allowed to say whatever they want here as long as it's directly or indirectly related to its subject, even if it's obvious enough or vaguely implied. Why be so picky about it? Jesus.

>> No.3347950

Do ports count? I always loved Gameboy Gallery, which was a "remake" of the first five G&W games.

>> No.3348006

Jesus christ both of you grow up

This is true, but is also the reason shit like Earthbound goes for $200. By all objective measures G&Ws should not be as expensive as they are.

I'd say ports count, the Gallery games are a lot of fun.

>> No.3348086
File: 151 KB, 1600x1200, unspecified.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have pinball. I want to sell it now because I don't collect stuff anymore

>> No.3348184

OP here, I'm interested in buying it depending on your asking price and the condition it's in

>> No.3348359

>By all objective measures
few things in markets are more "objective" (term's near useless on here) than a trade happening when buyer and seller agree on the conditions. Whether you agree with their conditions is completely secondary.

>> No.3348361

ya das the one

>> No.3349543

I'm talking more about gameplay, content, that sort of thing.

>> No.3349551

they are all completely irrelevant, really. Even for new games, prices are not determined by the "value" of what the game contains, but exclusively by what people are willing to pay. Even if you would tell me, that game is worth $x, that is just your arbitrary value that you assign to what the game offers. Others may be willing to pay more, others less. There is no definite or "objective" measure.

>> No.3349563

You literally just proved my point. There is no reason people should be willing to pay this much money for these games. Are you seriously telling me Earthbound is worth $200 and Smash 64 is worth $70? Collectorfags need to find a new hobby to ruin.

>> No.3349570

>There is no reason people should be willing to pay this much money for these games
How do you come to that conclusion? Absolutely nothing I said supports it. If someone considers the price acceptable, who are you to tell them otherwise?

>Are you seriously telling me Earthbound is worth $200 and Smash 64 is worth $70?
To some people, sure? Not to me, but I'm not buying them anyway, for these prices or otherwise. Tell ya what. To someone what needs Earthbound right now, and has money to spare, the game is worth $10,000. To someone that really needs to watch their money, and are just curious to play the game once or so, it's worth less than $1. Both prices are entirely valid.

>Collectorfags need to find a new hobby to ruin.
If these prices don't meet your conditions, don't buy. It's not rocket science.

>> No.3349641

Stop derailing the thread

>> No.3349650

feel free to post on topic. The thread's been fairly silent in that regard

>> No.3350796

So anyone want to sell me their zelda game and watch?

>> No.3352856

pls don't die

>> No.3352963

My niggas, also helmet lvl 2 music is so good

>> No.3353327

I was a huge fan of the GB/GBA Game & Watch Gallery games growing up. I would love to pick up a few of the real things though. Where is a good place to get them?

>> No.3354903

Auctions, be prepared to pay a fuckton

>> No.3355008
File: 52 KB, 600x397, 4897-3-mario-game-super-mario-bros.-game-watch-remake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this as a kid. I loved it and thought it was awesome. Way better than my tiger double dragon. Many a long car ride were spent on this little blue bastard.