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File: 651 KB, 777x1024, 7043354199_575e911997_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3324356 No.3324356 [Reply] [Original]

So with the finding of Happily Ever After a few months ago, do you think we might stumble upon Ultimate Journey? I want to play this game so badly.

Also; Unreleased game and prototype thread.

>> No.3324403
File: 356 KB, 1026x600, 52139683_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has Crash 'n the Boys: Ice Challenge ever been dumped?

>> No.3324505
File: 4 KB, 256x224, Tower of Radia (prototype)-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone actually find that? I guess at least we have the translated japanese version, but it's neat to see what we would have gotten. Kinda like the whole Tower of Radia proto getting found after someone had already translated that.

>> No.3324551

inb4 Socks the Cat

>> No.3324582
File: 383 KB, 780x1110, towerofradia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't know Tower of Radia got dumped. I've seen the westernized version of its cover art on Lost Levels once, but I've assumed they only announced it for US release.

>> No.3324584
File: 476 KB, 1215x1749, Biohazard_2_Flyer_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if I want to play the modded version trying to restore the game. I'm still holding out that the 90% version will someday (probably never) get leaked.

>> No.3324596

Konami's Dive Bomber Squad is now playable on the latest version of MAME.


>> No.3324607

Has the 90% completed version ever been confirmed. I know someone said that the voice acting was never actually recorded and that those voices in the Biohazard Complete Disc were just placeholders.

>> No.3324618
File: 403 KB, 1244x807, Arc_Hound_preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to imagine how the power-up system in this version would've worked, considering the Famicom's second controller didn't have Select and Start buttons.

>> No.3324627

No real confirmation outside of what was said in interviews with developers IIRC. Yeah those voices in the trailers are placeholders.

I remember reading that the zombies in the RE 2 CG intro are the original CG models of Leon and Elza but scrapped and reused, implying that cut-scenes might have been completed or at least started.

>> No.3324641

I wish they had kept Elza's costume as an alternate for Claire. It was kinda unfair she only had one costume in RE2 while Leon got two.

>> No.3324738

That would be a nice nod to the fans who followed re2 through it's development. Otherwise it wouldn't really work for Claire seeing as she rides a chopper and not a sport bike.

>> No.3324870

This is rad as fuck. I need to read into when this was discovered

>> No.3325123

Katakis 3d



>> No.3325415

>another shitty TOSE/Bandai game as if the NES didn't have enough of those

>> No.3325423

Are we sure this wasn't another re-skinned Famicom game like Whomp-Em, Dragon Power and Yo Noid? I get serious "anime license or too Japanese action game that we have to change to make it palatable to Westerners" vibe

>> No.3325820

Nope. This was an all new game. Fully finished, even got reviewed in EGM.

>> No.3325826

Fools could have had River City / Renegade fans who didn't like sports games buying their franchise if they'd just called it Mr. K 'n the Boys or something. No damn unity to the western releases.

>> No.3325845

But I thought only the SNES could perform "Mode 7"? Why did home consoles never require tah-tay for their games? I guess some Dreamcast games had it optional.

>> No.3325848

Voice control through the microphone.

>> No.3325850

>Socks The Cat
Still pissed. The cart went from one hoarder (DreamTR) to another hoarder (some idiot who paid 4K), and the worst part is the new guy wants to make back his investment by producing repros through a kickstarter campaign. The rom exists but they insist on not releasing it because they want the internet to suffer for criticizing them.

the only way things could get worse is if he smashed the little thing to bits

>> No.3325862

They also took down the gameplay footage as a form of damage control, so there's that too,

>> No.3325886

>producing repros through a kickstarter campaign

That's not too bad, the ROM will surface eventually, and it will make a good collector's item.

>> No.3325901
File: 134 KB, 643x260, man of edo is repulsed on a multitude of levels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's not too bad
You're joking right? Let's say the thing goes live now, gets funded, and Gayboy McSucks-A-Lot runs away with 15 grand and doesn't deliver what he promised.

Give a jew leeway and he'll part the entire fucking red sea.

>> No.3325916

It is his to do what he wants with it. And before someone says he doesn't own the data, he apparently legally owns the copyright now or something. Similarly, when someone doesn't own the copyright, it actually makes more sense for them not to release the data online at least from a legal standpoint. Most developers don't give a shit, but still.

That being said, I think this is a silly idea. Whether he owns the copyright or not, this isn't a "real" release. As someone who is an avid collector, the only way I will ever own the game is if I obtain a prototype cartridge of it. If I don't have that, I might as well just play it on an emulator or on a flashcart.

>> No.3325924
File: 428 KB, 525x384, nw-pre-blizzard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want the location test build of Night Warriors to get dumped some day. I've seen hints within the past few years that boards may still exist out there somewhere.

>> No.3325927

If it was reviewed in a magazine, my feeling is that most likely yes, it will find its way out there some day. Granted, I don't know jack about the development history of this game, but if it made it to the having produced a review copy, chances are there are more than one protocart in existence and at least one of them apparently left the company.

>> No.3326526


>> No.3326551

Ironically they're now using the River City name to localize every Kunio game in the US, even though they don't bother changing the names and graphics anymore.

Also, Downtown Nekketsu Koushinkyoku was better than Bikkuri Nekketsu Shin Kiroku. Wish they had localized that instead.

>> No.3326592

Come on! Frankenstein The Monster Returns wasn't that bad.

>> No.3328418

Tyrannosaurus Tex anyone?

>> No.3328587


>> No.3328671

Do you have a link to the Radia proto ROM? I can't seem to find it...

>> No.3328772


>> No.3328789

Fuck yeah, thanks anon. Is this proto actually beatable or is it unfinished?

>> No.3329664
File: 378 KB, 750x1066, 1A242167-BB14-C6D9-B549A53D6ABF1DB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's completely finished and was ready to ship. Shit like this perplexes me. Why greenlight a translation if you didn't think a game was worth publishing over here? See also: Makai Island and Earthbound.

>> No.3330558

hardcore for genesis

>> No.3330569


>> No.3330583
File: 4 KB, 256x224, 4081118743_700767dc10_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another puzzling one, Capcom's Titan Warriors.

It was originally going to be called Neo Vulgus and there exist photos proving that it was demoed in January 1988. However, Neo Vulgus was never released. They at some point changed the title to Titan Warriors (or perhaps Titan Warriors was just the Western title for Neo Vulgus). Several years ago the game was dumped and uploaded to the internet, with the origin cartridge being NES-style and the copyright info referencing Capcom USA. It just seems peculiar that Capcom developed a game to (or close to) completion, produced a Western release version, and then never released it anywhere.

>> No.3330994

Yeah it's pretty bizarre, I was wondering if it was an Earth Bound-like situation. At least Nintendo finally released it 25 years later.

>> No.3331057

>But I thought only the SNES could perform "Mode 7"?
Wow. The marketing is STILL this strong. Sure the SNES is the only console with a 7th mode dedicated to scaling, skewing and rotating bitmaps but the Neo Geo for example was powerful enough to just do the same thing with a sprite in normal mode. It's like thinking only Genesis was capable of "blast processing"

>> No.3331068

Was there any released images of what design the EB NES cart and box would look like? Or was that the point where they said "fuck it"?

>> No.3331081

No pictures afaik. I think there's only writing about what was supposed to be included, like a map and shit. It was supposed to be kind of grandiose packaging like EarthBound ended up being if I remember correctly.

>> No.3331112

>It just seems peculiar that Capcom developed a game to (or close to) completion, produced a Western release version, and then never released it anywhere.
They did with the NES Strider and Legendary Wings. Those never got FC versions.

>> No.3331140
File: 222 KB, 256x431, Sonic_X-treme_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game had the potential to give the Sega Saturn the popularity it deserved. Shame.

>> No.3331160

But they did get NES versions. Titan Warriors never got released in any region.

>> No.3331164

Yes.. a long time ago.

>> No.3331578

>They did with the NES Strider and Legendary Wings. Those never got FC versions.

Strider WAS going to have a Famicom release, and even had a commercial, but it was canned for them since it was a buggy unpolished title, but leak it to american shores anyways, same shit happened with Arc Hound.

>> No.3331641

They even produced sample cartridges, one of which was dumped around 2 years ago or so.