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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3323579 No.3323579 [Reply] [Original]

Levels that make you want to just shut off the console once you reach them.

>> No.3323595
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The title screen.

>> No.3323638

The game just gets progressively worse after Green Hill zone and doesn't pick up again until Star Light zone.

>> No.3323643

Wrong game.

The music keeps me going,

>> No.3323695

treetops spyro 1

>> No.3323715
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>> No.3323723
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Now the game is work

>> No.3323737

I've been recently starting to enjoy Marble Zone in Sonic 1, but Labyrinth still feels like a chore to get through. It doesn't help that I keep fucking up the big shortcut in act 1.

>> No.3323767

Your fucking opinion is all over the damn board, give it a rest...we can't help but get it.

Skies of Arcadia, heading to Ixa'taka for me. Sailing against the wind, going two inches every half hour, with battles every five minutes, makes me not want to play the original.
It didn't seem that unbearable when I played the GC version though, and not just because of reduced encounter rates...

>> No.3323782

Marble Zone is great. The people who complain about it are the ones who think every level needs to be gofast like Green Hill. But actually Sonic 1 had a variety of level types it experimented with - speed in Green Hill, careful platforming in Marble, pinball physics in Spring Yard, water physics in Labyrinth...

>> No.3323876

Man I was so bummed about Sonic 1 recently. Tried to get through it by collecting all the emeralds which I have never done before and ended up with 5/6. Those special stages really are tough.

>> No.3323879

Kid Icarus is pretty good until you get to those fucking palace levels.

>> No.3323881
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They're not so bad once you get the hang of how they work and start to pick up on the clues leading you through the mazes.

At least they're not those awful tube runners from Sonic 2.

>> No.3323882

up, down, left, right, A, C, Start

>> No.3325932
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>> No.3326924
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>> No.3327003

future dream of changing the discourse FOREVER by me. METAL GEAR SOLID IS A CHEAP CHEAP. every thread, a new legend rise. My opinion chisels on the stone tablets of critique of all time...

>> No.3327019
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, take your stinkin' paws off me you damn dirty casual .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheating? You casuals make me sick.

>> No.3327049

nigga that's the best one

>> No.3327128

Almost all of the original Sonic makes me feel uneasy. The gloominess of Marble Zone. The constant threat of drowning in Labyrinth Zone. The fear of falling from massive heights in Starlight Zone. The industrial dystopia of Scrap Brain Zone. It's such a lonely discomforting world to be in.

>> No.3327142

really makes you think

>> No.3327152

lay off the shrooms

>> No.3327163

I love how the Marble Zone music kind of sounds like the verse to that Music To Watch Girls By song.

>> No.3327348

Marble Zone always felt more mysterious than gloomy to me. But I guess it was trying to be gloomy. I mean you're traversing through the underworld of a lost Pompeiian civilization.

>> No.3327405


>> No.3327658

As a fan of the classic sonic games. I have to admit that first couple of stages are the most fun.

I play sonic 2 just to get super sonic. And you can get it pretty soon in the game. After that i don't want to play it anymore.

I don't know if is me or any game that have pacing issues makes me shut them down.

>> No.3327674

It's that the mechanics of sonic games are such that the game becomes less and less fun as the difficulty goes up.

The first few levels of sonic games are fun because you are able to run through them quickly for long stretches without stopping. As you get further along, obstacles become more difficult to get through, which results in you having to SLOW DOWN, not because the obstacles are difficult to see coming, but because the momentum physics model makes it impossible to make careful corrections at speed.

They're bad games.

>> No.3327683
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Thats the cover, not the title screen dumbass

>> No.3327704
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>me as a child

>> No.3327719


got stuck on this when i was 9 or 10
never figured it out. had to use the level select cheat to get to ice cap zone

i found out the solution when i was like 23 because i googled it after remembering the barrel for some reason

>> No.3328190

Naw senpai marble zone is the only shit level

Star light > spring yard > labyrinth > green hill > scrap brain >>>>> marble

>> No.3328225
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>> No.3328262
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>> No.3328270 [DELETED] 
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>Any zone below Labrynth