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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3319151 No.3319151 [Reply] [Original]

Back in the golden age of gaming, were you mostly a console gamer or a computer gamer?

>> No.3319154

Smartphone gamer.

>> No.3319183

console. Just didnt like the keyboard mouse

>> No.3319204

Both. Console games were for when Mom and Dad needed to work, and PC games were for when they wanted to use the TV.

Eventually my parents got a nice office computer for themselves and let us have "the family computer," which we were free to mess around with, although we still had a lot of console games. Having multiple ways in which we could play games was especially important in a house with multiple kids since we didn't have to fight each other as much for a turn (though we still did have occasional spats about who was spending too much time on one particular machine).

These days TVs are so cheap that even a lot of average families can afford to stash one in every room. I feel like having to learn to share everything built character, though.

>> No.3319216

WC2 on Kali ipx emulator

>> No.3319218

my parents bought a win95 machine for $2000 and some awesome pointnclick EDUCATION SOFTWARE. I played sega genesis because I didnt understand how to use computers yet. Not until 2000 when we got w98/XP did I start installing viruses on my parents computers.

>> No.3319229

Both, like any real gamer. Now go back to >>>/v/

>> No.3319246

Consoles were for children, while computers were for adults. Since the average /vr/ poster is a millennial, most of them don't know jack shit about comps.

>> No.3319431

Had a C64 then an Archimedes. I always wanted a Mega PC, but they were very expensive.
You could get joysticks and pads for computers.

>> No.3319440

Golden age of PC gaming isn't retro though.


>> No.3319448

>not retro

>> No.3319450


loved my dos games. loved my master system/genesis games.

>> No.3319452

Naw. Early to mid 2000s blows out the entirety of PC games up to that point.

>> No.3319453

>this is what millennials actually believe
haha oh wow

>> No.3319460

If your term in includes people born 1980 to 99 then ya I guess.

Far too many amazing, genre defining, and just plain great game came out during that time.

Games like Morrowind, BF2, WoW, HL2, CS Source. Just to name a few.

>> No.3319462

You're a retard.

>> No.3319467

You name 1 great game and I can name 5 from that time period. Unless your genera is text adventure. You got me there.

>> No.3319469

>text adventures
Fucking yanks.

>> No.3319470

I was referring to my post. Not the post talking about 87.

>> No.3319482

Well, the Golden Age wasn't in the 70s.

>> No.3319484

We can agree on that. But text adventures went beyond just the 70s.

>> No.3319494

Maybe on crappy yank computers that couldn't properly display graphics.

>> No.3319517
File: 120 KB, 246x307, pc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PC gaming

>> No.3319965

>90% NES
>9.5% games on my dad's computer
>0.5% arcade machines

assuming the golden age was the late 80's-early 90's

>> No.3319985

Did anyone here actually go to any arcades before they died out?

>> No.3320020


>> No.3320040

Whats your favorite memory at the arcades? I think mine was discovering SNK by playing a Metal Slug cabinet.

>> No.3320045
File: 127 KB, 768x224, StreetFighterHonda-38.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did anyone here actually go to any arcades before they died out?
Was too young and too short but I use to like going to the arcade and watch things get heated as lines formed behind Street Fighter, Mortal Combat. A few years later when I got started Killer Instinct came out. But it seam like the beginning of the end. Games were starting to focus on graphical appeal and not on skill like Mortal Kombat or great music like Street Fighter. I still remember Street Fighter II had the best tracks.

>> No.3320051

Probably the days spent on Mortal Kombat. I made a lot of friends by playing that game.

>> No.3322376

>console gamer or a computer gamer
>no arcade gamer
OP is truly a faggot

Arcades died out? So sad. What happen? Do American eat too many burger and break all seats? Oh, that's right, you never had seats.

>> No.3322382

There were numerous great arcades near me till I was in my late teens. Vernon Hills, IL had Aladdins castle till the mall kicked them out. Because they brought in the wrong crowd. (Teens) Gurnee IL had Rink Side which use to be amazing until they slowly changed to be more like a chuck e cheese in recent years. They use to have every great fighting game. Now it's all ticket and mobile games.

Shame... I miss TMNT and Marvel Vs capcom 2

>> No.3322386
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No, we totally didn't have seats

>> No.3322396

Yes, I'm italian and old enough to remember those days, actually any cafè had AT LEAST three machines inside, nothing complicated like a full driving cabinet and for some reason in my city beat em ups were the weapon of choice.
Spent a lot of coins, still remember the first time me and my brother saw the Out Run full cabinet and we were blew away.

>> No.3322534

>Back in the golden age of gaming

The 2nd gen? Because you know that's generally what that refers to, right?

>> No.3322554

a hundred percent DOS/Windows, started in the very early 90s
I didn't understand consoles for the longest time

>> No.3322558


>> No.3322563

sounds like you haven't touched anything older than that. You missed out.
For bonus, BF2 and HL2 are sequels, CS Source is a remake and WoW a rip-off. You're not exactly making your point well

>> No.3322565

>What happen? Do American eat too many burger

Your English is horrible.
Give up speaking foreign languages.

>> No.3322568

since when is the 2nd gen the golden age? 3rd - 5th is commonly considered the golden age. 2nd gen had no idea where to go yet and 5th/6th gen was commercialized junk

>> No.3322654

The isometric perspective that so many classic RPGs where made in during the 1990s is actually objectively less immersive than 3rd or first person perspectives, and sidescrollers are inherently simplistic gameplay wise. And the graphics technology back then didn't allow for anything too distinct or interesting stylistically.

>> No.3322660

>actually any cafè had AT LEAST three machines inside
It's funny the expat Italian community here always had a machine or two in their businesses, was really fun to be able to play a few rounds when going grocery shopping or getting a haircut. Them's were the days.

>> No.3322663

>I didn't understand consoles for the longest time

You'd just put the cart in and press the switch ON, and game would start, it was pretty easy to use.

>> No.3322668

early 2000s pc gaming was defined by a few pretty good fps games (and a ton of awful ones) and that's about it. you're 'avin a laugh if you think it was better than the 90s.

>> No.3322678

Deus Ex, Thief 2, Red Alert and Diablo 2 were released in the early 2000s bro.

>> No.3322679

sure, but the hardware was shit, the software expensive, the inputs severely limited. Why would anybody want to deal with all that?

>> No.3322681 [DELETED] 

and if we don't count 2000, which had deus ex and baldur's gate 2, the early 2000s were just plain shitty.

>> No.3322689 [DELETED] 

literally all in 2000, as well as baldur's gate 2. if we don't count that year then the early 2000s were actually trash.

2001-2004 was a wasteland for decent games on pc.

>> No.3322697

Morrowind, Battlefield 1942, GTA 3 to San Andreas, Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction(most people only cared about Diablo 2 after this expansion pack came out), and Warcraft 3 are all pretty good imo.

>> No.3322705

>the inputs severely limited.

Unless you're playing something like an RTS (which are indeed meant to be played on PC), most arcade games are good with a d-pad and 2, 4 or 6 buttons at most.

Mainly it's about what kind of games you were interested in, if you liked japanese games, you would suffer a lot on a PC back then, emulation didn't exist yet.

>> No.3322707

PC gamer when the SNES and Genesis were big.

>> No.3322714

>Unless you're playing something like an RTS
or a sim, or anything involving economy, or anything involving typing, or anything requiring more than one d-pad, or ...

>emulation didn't exist yet
neither did japan, so it all worked out

>> No.3322732


Yeah, those are all genres meant for PC, while action/arcade-oriented games are better played with a pad.

>neither did japan, so it all worked out


>> No.3322736

>or anything involving typing

MS Office was my favorite game growing up!

>> No.3322743

You got odd preferences. I had plenty of fun with Infocom and Sierra's Quest games

>> No.3322768

In the early/mid 2000s I would play nothing but shitty flash games and old pc titles you'd buy at a discount super market.

[spoilers]and I had more fun than I do now[/spoilers]

>> No.3322878
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I was an idort console kid. We had a PC but I was too into my Nintendos and Segas to really care.

Most of the computer games at school I got to play were educational, like Mario's Time Machine, Math Blaster, Word Muncher, Oregon Trail, Thinkin' Things, Carmen Sandiego, and pic related.

Though sometimes we would get to play just for fun games like motherfuckin' Karateka on the Apple ][ though.

>> No.3323120

>a cabinet is a seat
literally retarded

>> No.3325308

>swallows bait as fast as it swallows burgers