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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 3 KB, 320x200, 50449-star-strike-intellivision-screenshot-bomb-explodes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3315738 No.3315738 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have an Intellivision thread? I never see this platform discussed on /vr/. Then again, anything from the second generation is rarely mentioned outside Atari 2600.

>> No.3315743

you can go ahead and post some stuff about it, but i guess people don't talk about it because they don't know much (if anything) about it

>> No.3315785
File: 33 KB, 618x330, coleco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My creepy crack head uncle had one but I never got to play it. I was a colecovision kid myself, but I keep meaning to give the intellivision a whirl, at least for that neat looking pinball game it has.

>> No.3315786
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It seems odd, but most people who are still interest in video games in their late 20s or early 30 grew up on third or fourth gen. People who were actually alive when second gen was relevant don't really care that much for the gaming industry, probably because lost interest after the gaming crash.

The fact that most so-called historians lump the 2600 and 5200 in the same generation category betrays a lack of interest in those consoles.

>> No.3315796

>probably because lost interest after the gaming crash
or they're just not posting here. I don't think they'd have the mentality for the social-dominant parts of the web

>> No.3315818

Intellivision is one i'd like to get, I have an atari and enjoy it a good deal. Cloudy Mountain seems really cool from what I've read.

>> No.3315885

No one plays it.

>> No.3315892
File: 35 KB, 1280x720, solaris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image is fucking bullshit.
The 5200 was not "significantly" more powerful than the 2600.

They had near identical processing speeds, same color pallet, both had 8 sprites, etc.

I don't know where he cherrypicked those game screenshots from, but I'm fairly certain the earlier systems all have first person perspective games like that too.

>> No.3315893
File: 73 KB, 1024x562, Z0023983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second gen gets mentioned quite a bit around here. It's the first gen that gets no love whatsoever.

>> No.3315898

Because nobody really cares that much for dedicated consoles that only play some variant of Pong.I don't even count first gen consoles as proper video game consoles. It has to contain interchangeable software media for me to consider it a game console.

>> No.3315901

I wonder who made this picture?
Did he even google the specifications of said systems before doing so?

Was he aware that vastly different powered systems can exist in the same generation, like the Dreamcast and the Xbox? Or even the fucking Genesis and the Super Nintendo processor wise?

There is more disparity between the Genesis and the Super Nintendo than there is between any of those consoles in that image.

What a fucking pretentious idiot.

>> No.3315903
File: 2 KB, 640x306, tunnel_runner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, Solaris and Tunnel Runner were the best graphics available on the 2600. The types of games in that image are commonplace on the 5200/SG-1000/ColecoVision

>> No.3315908

So? The image is saying the systems are totally different power wise, and they aren't. The ColecoVision WAS more powerful, but it's games barely stacked up against the 2600 and that's why it died.

Shits like saying
>The Dreamcast had a 300 mhz processor, and the Xbox had a 700 mhz processor, they were not meant to be the same generation!

>> No.3315914
File: 72 KB, 720x960, 436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said.
There is more disparity between the Sega Genesis and the Super Nintendo than there is between ANY of those systems.

>> No.3315918
File: 148 KB, 1600x1200, odyssey_1600x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has to contain interchangeable software media to be considered a game console
Not only is your argument flawed, it's also wrong. The friggen Odyssey had interchangeable carts.

>> No.3315926
File: 109 KB, 1200x796, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, the Odyssey already had all the games programmed on the motherboard. The "carts" were just interchangeable circuits, that activated each game.

They didn't contain the game.

>> No.3315937 [DELETED] 

you're correct in that the carts are just circuitry, and you're also correct in that >>3315898 specifically stated "software" for a reason. I'd just like to add, the motherboard not so much contained all the games, it rather had all the mechanisms, dot movement components, and so on. The game was still the result of these generic aspects being tied together in a specific form. I admit that sounds like a really retarded level of nitpicking, but it's kind of to clarify the purpose of the carts. Otherwise you could just flip a switch on the machine to get the next game, would be much easier than the cart mechanism.

You can think of the carts like patches for an analog synthesizer. The synthesizer does not have all the sounds programmed on its components. The patch just uses the general purpose components to produce something specific

>> No.3315946

The cart just tells the system what to do. The system could just as well have a switch.

>> No.3315950 [DELETED] 

>The cart just tells the system what to do
that would be software. It also doesn't mesh with the cart having circuitry.

>The system could just as well have a switch
would be some insanely convoluted switch.

Your desire to argue technicalities has been noted though

>> No.3316125

>Was he aware that vastly different powered systems can exist in the same generation, like the Dreamcast and the Xbox? Or even the fucking Genesis and the Super NES processor wise?
>There is more disparity between the Genesis and the Super NES than there is between any of those consoles in that image.
It only goes to show arbitrary generation classification are

>> No.3316192

It's not hard to understand. It's based around the roster of directly competing consoleso and hardware paradigms. You're thinking about it too hard if it confuses you. We've already had threads were this sort of thing was spelled out clearly and concisely. You must be a newfag.

>> No.3316198

>.I don't even count first gen consoles as proper video game consoles.
Well it would be a bit weird if you considered first generation machines proper consoles but not second.

>> No.3316217

I agree, it's more a way to describe the industry hardware at a certain period of history rather than a way of evenly matching two systems. It is more meant to express that they competed for marketshare at the same time. That definition unfortunately doesn't account well for in-betweeners like the dreamcast, or for consoles which started competing against one console and then continued to compete with its successor (Mega Drive and PC Engine came out against Famicom but shortly thereafter competed with Super Famicom).

I think it's useful shorthand for an approximate period of time, but that it doesn't really describe the systems themselves very well.

>> No.3316232

>I think it's useful shorthand for an approximate period of time
after all the things you said before in that post, why do you think it's useful?

>> No.3316276

ubiquity, I suppose. Common usage has lent generations a certain understanding, so you could say "4th generation" and people will have an idea of what hardware you're talking about.

To be honest, I'm not really sure why they would be useful beyond that. I think I said it if only because the term is popular enough that you can pick up on it pretty easily. I think I'm also tentative about discussing it further just because I've seen discussions on here about game terminology (ie. genre names) and it never goes well.

>> No.3316296
File: 117 KB, 640x908, 57857_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo what do you guys think about this? It's not perfect. But for it was worth it had some good stuff.

Can we get this thread back on topic and talk about the Intellivision?

>> No.3316301

>and people will have an idea of what hardware you're talking about
but you just expressed quite well that the hardware included in that generation is not even that useful to pack together, because of technical differences, time of release, and so on. Like, even though you can pack a number of consoles within a generation, that resulting set is quite often not a useful set per se. The systems are too different.

>I'm also tentative about discussing it further

I asked, because I'm a bit of an outsider. My gaming history is almost exclusively DOS and Windows. Only later have I played console games via emulation. As such, the whole generational thing is pretty alien to me. It took me a while to memorize some of the categories, lots of reading on wikipedia, and they still make little sense to me. Like, don't even try to ask me what generation Sega CD, x32, Genesis, Master System or MegaDrive are, or what the differences are. I have no idea. I barely know NES is 3 and SNES is 4, and 5 is when console kids thought 3D was invented.

You seemed to have that understanding just how "random" the generations are, so it confused me a little on why you'd still find the terms useful. That was all.

>> No.3316308

I wish some modern console would go back to having the controllers housed on the main unit.

>> No.3316310

handhelds do

kidding aside I agree, it's kind of stylish and tidy

>> No.3316432

I have a weird feeling that the NX might do that, but that's just an unsubstatiated hunch.

>> No.3316438

The Generations aren't fucking random. They're clearly defined. Just because the second generation spans a more wide hardware/technology paradigm doesn't mean that some systems in the middle of the second generation should be "gen 2.5"

>> No.3316498

I had an Intellivision and about 25-30 games. Astrosmash, Burger Time, Buzz Bombers were all fun games. Baseball was good. Utopia was this weird 2 person strategy game which was interesting.

>> No.3316509

The 2600 had 5 sprites, and only 2 of them allowed bitmapped data (the rest were just dots)

>> No.3317631
File: 272 KB, 1024x731, skyrim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone remember this game?

>> No.3318069

After reading this image I've revised my beliefs.

Colecovision, and SG1000 are early 3rd Gen.

NES and Master System are late 3rd gen.

Atari 5200 straddles the line between 2nd and 3rd gen.
But such a precarious position cannot hold. Every console must fit into a gen.

What gen is the Atari 5200?

>> No.3318074

There's no such thing as gen 2.5

Its called early third gen.

>> No.3318078

>Every console must fit into a gen

>> No.3318790

The Colecovision and 5200 are Gen 2-1/2. They can't do NES kinds of games at all; too limited.

>> No.3320121
File: 157 KB, 428x599, wp41961755_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Intellivision was my first 16 bit console.

Play some fucking Night Stalker, Utopia, Space Battle, Astro Smash. Great games.

>> No.3322175
File: 15 KB, 324x312, mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3322229


>> No.3323864


>> No.3323928

It was also the first home console my family had. My dad actually bought one, after my Uncle had gotten his (the original model) some time after.

I'm thinking it was around the time of the crash, as he got the cheaper Intellivision II model, along with the voice box thing, plus 2 free games w/ a 3rd at 50% off. He got B-17 Bomber for himself & Burgertime as the other one, then let me & my older system fight it out over Donkey Kong or Auto Racing.

I won out the argument, but the stupid game wouldn't work & we had to return it and got Auto Racing instead. Found out years later that the newer model did have problems reading some old 3-party games or something like that.

Eventually we got other good games for the system, either by buying them or borrowing them from others, like family & friends that had the same system.

The best are the AD&D games, Treasure of Tarmin and Cloudy Mountain. They both are good but different as Mountain is more action / adventure while Tarmin is more of a 1st person RPG in a maze or "labyrinth".

>> No.3325590


>> No.3327098


>> No.3329095

Intellivision Pinball is really good.