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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 420 KB, 800x500, Tyrian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3313183 No.3313183 [Reply] [Original]

why don't you like comfy pc shmups /vr/

>> No.3313185

Because MUSHA exists

>> No.3313189

because euroshmups are for babbies that can't recognise poor design

>> No.3313193

literally the only complaint is "the shield is there because parts with unavoidable damage" which is objectively untrue. They are completely different styles too controlling a ship with a mouse is too nice Also I love the fuck out of some proper japanese shooters, tyrian is just comfy to play you're the babby :^) you werent even alive when this genre was at its peak and now you're an elitist trying to impress who exactly?

>> No.3313240

damn nigga you inferred quite a bit from one guy's opinion

>> No.3313250

There is not a single western shmup that is able to hold a candle to a great Japanese shmup
Prove me wrong. Pro-tip: I'll probably thank you because I could use a good shmup

>> No.3313251

I know what your average /vr/ shmup elitist is, I used to be like them before I found out how fucking comfy playing with a mouse is

>> No.3313258

Stargunner is pretty damn solid horizontal shmup and its free on gog, tyrian is also really solid despite what everyone on here says. The game is just so chock full of features anyone can find something they like. It has modes that require fighting game inputs to pull of special moves, the story mode has branching paths and all sorts of hidden secrets. I dont even like to compare it to traditional shmups which are score based games its more of a traditional single player adventure game that just happens to be a scrolling shooter. Its not about being a dick waving contest like japanese shmups. Its also free on gog, sorry for the rant.

>> No.3313260

comfy is just an excuse to not git gud

>> No.3313265

on lord of the game tyrian is harder than most video games period. my favorite traditional shmup is git gud kyukyoku tiger, it loves to make the powerups purposely fly away from you right into enemy paths. Why are you too autistic to like both anon?

>> No.3313341
File: 22 KB, 512x424, 9dafd729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like how tyrian is like this retro ode to japanese shooters (particularly compile and hudson ones) and is made as if its a euroshmup but it's not but it evokes something that never really existed but still resonates.

>> No.3313416
File: 20 KB, 320x256, Project-X_-_Special_Edition_93_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer to play Amiga versions (with UAE) whenever possible, because the dosbox joystick stuff doesn't work for me. It never gets calibrated properly with my gamepad and always drifts and/or has strange delays.
The gamepad is nothing unusual either, just a common Logitech Dual Action. Works well with MAME and other emulators too.

>> No.3313847

There is nothing elitist about it.
Its the fucking cancer shitposters that dont know when to stop.
i come here once in a while to have nice discussion about thing love and what do i get.


>> No.3313940

I'd rather a community of elitists who actually play these fucking games and know what they're talking about than clueless collector cunts and nostalgia tards like you who know absolutely fuck all about this genre at all. Please give us more ill informed opinions on how you like some shmup based on aesthetics alone or maybe some ill informed bullshit claim about some game being too hard or lacking some design that you aren't even good enough to recognize in the first place. Elitist just means dedicated individuals with a real passion for what they do and is a term coined by casual cry babies who don't have it in them to not be lazy degenerate fucks who collect things to make up for their lack of skill at everything that requires effort. The shmups community is too busy playing and enjoying what it does to care what outsiders think anyway. You stupid cunt with the i.q of a carrot.

>> No.3314451

HAHAHa that is rich, the shmups community is too busy bitching about input lag and other fucking memes to play anything. I don't even know how you get collector out of this? Just because you enjoy a different type of shooter doesn't mean you aren't good at other ones. Your community is a bunch of autistic socially retarded neckbeards who wave their epeens around talking about their scores that nobody gives a single fuck about. You can't even explain why you would dislike tyrian specifically because all your arguments are shit tier memes or projections (degenerate, casual) implying someone doesn't have passion just because they aren't a massive faggot. You're some shitty virgin weeb 20 something who cries into his dakimakura everynight because nobody gives a fuck about your "achievements", you weren't even alive when this genre was actually popular so you're on the same tier as shitty dad rock kids. I can project all this from your use of the word degenerate you fucking child.

>> No.3314458
File: 1.16 MB, 292x323, chloe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pc shmups

>> No.3314464

you have more control with a mouse than a joystick. PC shmups are much more maneuverable

>> No.3314492
File: 38 KB, 473x309, puke-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3314505

You have much less precision with a mouse.

>> No.3314508

HAHAHAHAHA you sound like a console FPS kid.

>> No.3314509

arguing that digital has more control than analog is objectively wrong and fucking retarded. Go drink bleach

>> No.3314523

When you need pixel-perfect control in a low-speed environment, key, pad, or stick are all preferable due to the direct 1:1 nature of the inputs to directions and the ability to input fine adjustments without worrying about overcompensation or having to increase input to reverse course.
For aiming, mouse is clearly superior. For movement, mouse sucks ass.

>> No.3314532

haha oh wow. nigga go buy a fightstick

>> No.3314540

And for that matter, you know what PC FPSes use for movement control? I'm sure you don't, since you're too busy shitposting to play games. It's a keyboard.

>> No.3314562

>western shmups


>> No.3314631

Because they're absolute shit.

>> No.3314636


>> No.3314643


>> No.3314658
File: 23 KB, 265x294, Firesharklv4_3301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PC only? Well, you can emulate this, does that count?

Don't mind me, just kicking back with my comfy max-power DEATH-FIRE, trying to spend more time avoiding power ups bouncing off the screen than enemy bullets

>> No.3314698
File: 38 KB, 242x242, 05boss1[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All this snark about Western shmups

Japan did release some PC shmups too you know? Alltynex Trilogy, ChoRenSha68k and Crimzon Clover are all hella based.

>> No.3314803

no they're not. I love all sorts of games though Im not really the type to hate on shit arbitrarily. The only arguments I have seen as to why they are absolute shit are all memes that apply to shitty bitmap brothers amiga shit that nobody fucking cares about then trying to apply that generalization to everything western. Always meme arguments

>> No.3314804

There's a setting in dosbox that usually causes drifting, in [joystick] switch timed=true to timed=false (or vise versa, just make it opposite of what it is now)

>> No.3315018

That is the most wrong thing I have ever read. Holy shit.

>> No.3315073

Tyrian isn't a Japanese shmup though.

>> No.3315159

I got Jamestown and Space Moth DX in the Steam Summer Sale, and having spent a few hours with both they seem like very solid Western shmups with great pixel art.

Both are clearly influenced by Cave, with Jamestown being similar to DoDonPachi, and Space Moth DX is similar to Mushihimesama. Both games have their own scoring systems and unique stages though, they're not just clones.

Zenohell and Aqua Kitty are meant to be really good as well, but I haven't played those yet.

>> No.3315315

>Hey guys, Remember Tyrian? That was pretty fun, right?
>everyone starts fighting because Japan or PCs or something some other bullshit
You people suck.

Anyway, anyone here play Raptor: Call of the Shadows? I had the shareware version of that back in the 90's and loved it to death. I still get the music stuck in my head sometimes.

>> No.3315328
File: 67 KB, 640x320, hydorah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite non-Japanese shooting game was made by a Spanish guy. Try it, it's free.

>> No.3315461

Not him, but I loved Jamestown. My only complaints are that it feels slow compared to a cave shooter. And the aspect ratio feels off for a vertical scroller.

>> No.3316207

Well said.
Tyrian is awesome! Long, and with a sense of adventure.