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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3302595 No.3302595 [Reply] [Original]

Let's celebrate dad and share some father's day related, retro-gaming stories/experiences! Also:

>What's your dad like?
>What retro-vidya you playing with him today?

>> No.3302606 [DELETED] 

Can't wait to play megaman with my wife's son!

>> No.3302621 [DELETED] 
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>urban family playing modern trash
>my wife's son shit

This thread going places.

>> No.3302625

>What's your dad like?

He's all around pretty boring. He's obsessed with hockey and football, WWI, etc. The only game my dad used to be OBSESSED with was Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine. He was able to get to one of the last bosses before Robotnik. He hasn't really played any games since.

>What retro-vidya you playing with him today?


>> No.3302637

>Let's celebrate dad and share some father's day related, retro-gaming stories/experiences!
I never played video games with him. When he was forced to look after me while my mom worked and I was still young, he'd lock me in the attic so he could smoke weed and pass out on the couch.

>What's your dad like?
Burnt-out hippie retard baby boomer. Guy's a deadbeat who was never father material and left me to be raised by my mother and grandmother. Typical entitled boomer attitude too "me me me, I got mine, fuck off and get yours asshole!" even though he was coddled by HIS family well into his 20's.

>What retro-vidya you playing with him today?
None. I moved out for school at 18 and never looked back and haven't contacted him since, don't plan on it either. I'm 30 now and he never asks my mom about me and I don't ask about him.

>> No.3302643 [DELETED] 

holy shit are you a Cuck and a literal failure at life, fucking lmao famm

>> No.3302646

My dad lives in a different state now, but he generally keeps up with PC releases and my gaming computer growing up was built from his hand-me-down parts, but retro-related, when I was born, he had an NES and then we eventually got a PS1, and I rarely played multiplayer games with him so much as watched him beat things I was too young to get a hang of, like the original Tomb Raider.

>> No.3302682

>What's your dad like?
>What retro-vidya you playing with him today?

>> No.3302685

>What's your dad like?


>> No.3302707
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>fathers day

>> No.3302710
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I'm sorry OP, but my dad's a general retard that believes the president's a space lizard and all musicians from hollywood are black transexuals.

He got me into video games though, he loved playing wave race 64 and soviet strike on the saturn before turning full retard.

>> No.3302715 [DELETED] 


>anime poster

How does it feel to know your dad passed his retard genes on to you? Also that your mom was dumb enough to let him impregnate her?

>> No.3302724 [SPOILER] 
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Not everyone that posts pictures of anime is into it.

Anime is trash but anime girls are the miracle of the universe.

>> No.3302736

How is that anon a c,uck? Do you even know what the word means you stupid summerfag? He sounds more adjusted than 90% of 4chinks given his shit childhood and being raised by a woman.

Jesus Christ.

>> No.3302738

Same here. Nothing of value was lost tho.

Also I'm old enough to have kids of my own, but I'm such a loser that will probably never happen.

>> No.3302743 [DELETED] 

>being raised by a single mom
>not being a cuck

Fuck off idiot, you're probably a feminist too you stupid fuck.

>> No.3302745 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 960x539, 1398848120346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I see. This thread isn't retro it's just /r9k/ faggotry with the usual unfunny /pol/ memes

Why /vr/ of all places. Fuck off.

>> No.3302757 [DELETED] 

It's kinda sad how these newfags like you think every racist meme is from /pol/.

Like 4chan is your hugbox or something.

>> No.3302763

I don't see how that meme is racist.

>> No.3302765 [DELETED] 

Everything is racist these days.

>> No.3302767 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 308x296, 1409677963775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's more of a case of /pol/ faggotry than racism. Thinking everyone hates you because you're racist.

There's a reason it's not well-regarded. I'm gonna stop talking now.

>> No.3302770 [DELETED] 

I couldn't even tell you what "/pol/ faggetry" is anymore since anytime I see someone bitching about it, it didn't come from /pol/ in the first place or is just general racism.

>> No.3302772

Mentioned this in a Street Fighter thread last week. My dad was a tournament player in the early 90s for Street Fighter II with Guile. I've yet to beat him. He's a farmer now. 10/10 would want to raise me again.

>> No.3302784

My dad was too busy drinking and / or beating the shit out of me to participate in anything recreational. If it weren't for my siblings trading with their friends all the time, the family wouldn't have had access to video games in the first place. Dad tended to waste his money on beer runs, at least when he was able to hold down a job at all.

We've been excommunicated for years. Assuming I had kids of my own one day, I couldn't take the chance that my dad would abuse them too.

Not to derail this thread into a more sour note, but just being honest and adding my thoughts. I'm sure there are other /vr/ troopers who grew up in dire circumstances, so know that you guys aren't alone on this Father's Day.

>> No.3302803 [DELETED] 

oh look another SJW cuck itt, man this board is fucking pathetic. you all deserve to raise a nigger's son desu

>> No.3302827

When I got a ps2 my went out and bought vice city. we chopped peoples heads off and it made my sister cry

>> No.3302849 [DELETED] 


>> No.3302862

Estranged. Excommunicated is when you're kicked out of a religion.

>> No.3302871

My dad loves Resident Evil. We've played through most of them together over the years. Played RE4 the most though. Good times

>> No.3302904

Would do outdoors stuff with dad
Would do vidya with mom

>> No.3302920

>what's your dad like?
The very opposite of me, he's a social butterfly who everyone loves. He was dirt poor growing up and grew up with no father in his life. Growing up he was never there really, either working, wanting to be alone, or going out with his friends. Over time I've grown pretty cold around him, I love him but he wasn't a great dad. I feel my mother and grandparents raised me more then he did.
>What retro-vidya are you playing with him today?
None, he never liked games. We never really did anything together when I was a kid and we don't do much together now. He always wished I had done more socially acceptable things as a kid and teen.

Sorry for the blog, nice to get that out sometimes.

>> No.3302927

>Whats your dad like?

He used to be a very egotistical self centered man, a loving father but.. a cutthroat american psycho business type. These days he's older and a much better person.

>What retro-vidya you playing with him today?
None, truth be told I didn't even know it was fathers day and I doubt he much cares.

>> No.3302948

He's the typical buddy-dad. He loves cars, so Gran Turismo was right up his alley. Also enjoyed playing Twisted Metal and Duke Nukem with him.

I remember staying up all night playing endurance races in GT1/2. Great times.

>> No.3304579

>Black dads
