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/vr/ - Retro Games

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330138 No.330138[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


What's her name /vr/?

For me it's Space Station Silicon Valley and Rogue Squadron. Why does N64 emulation suck so much?

>> No.330152

Die Hard Arcade.

I just want to fight bikers, firefighters, and sumo dudes like in the movie.

>> No.330157

I've tried so many ROMs and so many emulators but it just wont work.

>> No.330159

You could try the PC version of Rogue Squadron. No idea how and if it runs on newer systems though.

>> No.330164

Panzer Dragoon Saga


>> No.330178

I ended up doing this and it works on Win 7.

>> No.330182
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Panzer Dragoon Saga is emulatable.

>> No.330202
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Day of Reckoning 1/2.

I managed to find a fix for Dolphin, but in the end it ran SLOWLY AS FUCK. As if my PC was on perma slo-mo.

Also don't turn off texture caching while running these.

>> No.330227
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>Why does N64 emulation suck so much?
Because the project64 developers are a bunch of lazy cunts. However, emulator devs don't like to step on each others toes, so no one else wants to try and make a new one. Last I heard, someone did get tired of PJ64's shit and started work on their own emulator.

>> No.330262

There's only so many consoles to emulate. Fuck em. N64 emulation should be pretty straight forward shouldn't it? There's so many lost gems on the system.

>> No.330265

>Space Station Silicon Valley
Is the PS1 version that different?

>> No.330267

A. The controls. You can't capture that on an emulator.
B. Most n64 games suck.
C. why are/were you not playing rogue just on pc?

>> No.330270

Solitaire Poker (Ryu Kyu) for the Game Gear, on any PSP emulator I tried (they seem to have a common source). Just shows glitched graphics. Works fine in PC emulators. I miss her.

>> No.330271

Conkers Bad Fur Day

Overall N64 emulation is shit, glad I got the real deal right across the room.

>> No.330274
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>most n64 games suck

>> No.330282

I heard that yesterday's release of PJ64 2.0 made Conker work.

>> No.330284

I've had problems with Lunar: The Silver Star for the Sega CD. The game actually runs fine, but I can't get it to save properly. Every time I restart my computer I lose my save files.

>> No.330294

I tested it yesterday and it didn't work.

>> No.330296

It's true. The frame rate makes the vast majority of them unplayable.

>> No.330308

I had no idea it existed. Thanks.

>> No.330349

Shadow of the Colossus. :(

>> No.330352

There are so many ways you can go about this. You can either:
1) Run the Saturn version on SSF, since it's arcade perfect.
2) Run the PS2 version with the snazzy updated graphics (Original version is also there)
3) Run the original arcade version on SSF, I hear it does do Titan STV games too.

>> No.330376

Dead or Alive on the PS1 doesn't have sound

>> No.330389
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Rayman, which apparently just refuses to work with a playstation emulator.

I might just download the PC version.

>> No.330393

Conker works on the Mac n64 emulator. some graphical bugs like shadows and the pause menu, other then that works great

>> No.330405

spyro 1-3 have sound issues and 3 will put you back to the start after beating the game as anti piracy

>> No.330406

I was gonna say Body Harvest too.

If anyone doesn't know, in the second level there is a ramp you have to walk up to enter a building that you need to get in to continue the game. Emulated, you walk right through the ramp. As far as I know there is no fix.

>> No.330418

wow this game looks awful, resi 1 had better voice acting

>> No.330423

I could never get it to work, for whatever reason.

>> No.330424

Tales of Symphonia.
Never really had problems with older games thanks to dosbox, winUAE, snes9x, scummVM etc.

>> No.330425

>Download Castlevania ROM
>ROM is in Spicanese
>Can't read shit, esé
>Download another one
>Flickers twice as bad as a normal NES game
>Fuck it, GBA version
>Download Classic NES - Castlevania ROM
>Game Pak Error. Please Reset.
Dracula cursed my ROM folder.

Captcha: Truth lstory

>> No.330438


>not having a hard copy of Rayman, Rayman Gold and Rayman PSX

You could just buy a copy of the PSX rayman, they're pretty cheap and abundant

>> No.330440

Make sure you force the expansion pak to off.

This game doesn't even play on real consoles with an expansion pak...

>> No.330450


I've had the same problem with a spanish ROM.
To be fair, there isn't an awful lot of text in Castlevania, so it's not really a big deal.

>> No.330460

The saturn version works flawlessly if that fails.

>> No.330468

Hmm, I might try that but the problem has just been awful graphical glitches.

>> No.330469

Paper mario 64

>> No.330485

chrono cross. of all the PSX games i've played on epsxe, chrono cross just runs unplayably slow.

>> No.330501

odd have you specified your vram in the graphics settings? that usually fixes slowdown for me

>> No.330525

hmm i think i just have it set for auto-detect, I'll give it a shot.

>> No.330549

You need the greatest hits version of 3, it doesn't have the anti piracy.

>> No.330565

I cant get Emerald Dragon to work on UNZ for the FM Towns... which is supposed to be the best version of the game.

>> No.330576

Fixed things right up, thanks a lot anon!

>> No.330594

all in a days work

>> No.330617

The PS1 version has half as many stages.

>> No.330620

I've gotten Conker to run decently using a Glide plugin with PJ64 1.7.

>N64 emulation should be pretty straight forward shouldn't it?

Nope, not when there's a different chip set in almost every cartridge to run the games on the system.

>> No.330643

Be sure to use the PAL (european) rip. For some reason the person who ripped the NTSC american version (which is almost every very version online) fucked it up and SSF won't progress from disc 2.

>> No.330656
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Ape Escape 2.
Fuck's sake. Just. Why won't you work?

>> No.330672

I know you've mentioned getting Chrono Cross to run, but for some friendly advice, I'd recommend switching over to PCSX-R

>> No.330691
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>Hyped because i found there happens to be a Ninja Gaiden for Arcade
>Get the best Arcade emu
>Spend time setting it up
>Get ROM
>Doesn't work, because its a clone of other game
>what ? well maybe it turned to be an awesome clone so lets get the original to get it working
>Get shadow warriors (the original game)
>Boot this Shit up

tl,dr, The original ninja gaiden is
a beat em up

>> No.330693
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Mystical Ninja on 64...

Someone told me the slowdowns are because of the sky... Fuck the sky...

>> No.330697

That would be true.

>> No.330698

You could say the same about PS1 and Saturn games.

Just stop, you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.330718

There's a guy working on a cycle-accurate N64 emulator. It's still pretty early in development, but there's been a decent amount of progress.

Of course, that wont mean it's usable at runnable framerates on anything but the highest of high end computers when it's finally gotten to a usable point, but I'm sure it will improve the quality of N64 emulation.

>> No.330725


Cycle accuracy isn't the problem with N64 emulators; graphics glitches are.

>> No.330737

Sssh... Don't upset the frameratewhores now. They're a feisty bunch.

>> No.330745

Which a very accurate emulator will mostly fix. It's not like he's just going cycle-accurate on the CPU and HLE'ing everything else. His gpu is planned to be pixel-accurate I believe.

>> No.330754

Bad Mojo

>> No.330759

Banjo-Tooie. I've tried 4 different ROM's (although I'm guessing some were identical and the only difference was PAL/NTSC) and at least one emulator other than Project64. I can never get past the opening cutscene; when the fog rolls out of the witch sisters' drill tank, the game chugs for a couple of frames and then crashes.

I want to play it bad, help

I emulated the whole thing, but a the final fight (probably due to all the sound at once) ran at exactly 1/3 speed and the lack of a joystick (I just used a keyboard) made spinning the final boss around possible only by quickly rotating the camera. Some graphics were messed, and aiming your gun is really really difficult. Unless you want to use tons of save states, get a controller.

>> No.330775

Shit man, this. It's based on an old version of QuickTime that runs at 5 or so FPS on modern systems.

>> No.330793

i emulated Conker like 6 years ago on a Pentium 4 with a GeForce MX (very outdated by that time)
and it played perfectly aside some minor graphic glitches , no slowdown , is your PC a Toaster?

>> No.330808

Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard

>> No.330812

I have gotten Banjo Tooie to work. Pretty sure I was using PJ64 and a rom from emuparadise if that helps.

>> No.330818

>graphics glitches are.

That's a pretty broad generalization. Really, there's all sorts different problems with different games.

Someone should post a link to that wiki that details all the right settings you need for specific games to run properly

>> No.330819

Thunder Hoop.

>> No.330823

I think it's worse than a toaster, anon. I have a laptop with the same capability as a toaster, and it ran Conker's Bad Fur Day like a charm.
He must be playing on a rock or something.

>> No.330828
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Nigga you serious?

I mean that's sad and all but just

How can you have problems playing Paper Mario

>> No.330840
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lol framerate whores

>> No.330936
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Thanks mang

My laptop is indeed sub-toaster. It's survived one reformat (but I never could find a few remaining drivers) and has some damaged hardware. The following things have caused it to crash:
- Full volume or multiple applications playing audio at once
- Sudden fan failure (causes immediate shutdown)
- Approaching the full use of my 4GB RAM (causes immediate shutdown)
- Going below about 90% battery
- Windows Media Player
It's still fine with getting cum all over the keyboard so I don't know what the fuck is into this machine

>> No.330980

Chaos Gate

>> No.330984

It most likely hates you for getting cum all over the keyboard.

>> No.330990

Every Atari Jaguar game.

>> No.330993

Am I the only one who had problems emulating Mega Man 3 in Nestopia?

>> No.330996

Banjo kazooie....it always stops at random

>> No.331020

for some reason when i run mario 3 there seem to be some graphical glitches. nothing major but its definitely noticable. or maybe thats just how the game is

>> No.331027

Megaman X3 and all coprocessor games on Higan

I demand a detailed explanation of how

just getting the CX4.bin ROM of the coprocessor and slapping it on the SFamicom.sys folder is not enough

>> No.331087

Kirby 64. Game doesn't respond to anything, meaning it's stuck at the title screen then goes into the demo.

Banjo-Tooie works fine for me, except when it locks up and it won't save the game properly. For example, I've gotten everything up to Grunty's Industries and if I'd load the game, I'd have missing collectibles in levels and on levels I haven't gone to yet.

>> No.331103

Remember that Silicon Valley has bugs even in the cart form. There's one golden item you can't get.

But for me the one I can't get to emulate properly is Zelda's Adventure for CD-i.

>> No.331105
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Every PS2/GC/Xbox game, except for some shovelware ports for the PC.
I honestly missed all that generation because i didn't have a console. Now, i have an old PC and not enough money. Nothing important that i'm missing i guess.

And a lot of PC games.
>You will never play Heavy Gear, Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine and Prince of Persia 3D.
>You know they are not that great, but not being able to play them makes your soul ache.

>> No.331106

Metal Gear Solid.

The sound and cutscenes stutter and the game sometimes freezes up on sounds that blast at 200% volume even in cutscenes and in the codec.
I found a way to fix it, but now all my settings are messed up with graphical glitches for every game. I singlehandedly ruined everything just trying to fix one game.

>> No.331115

>Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine
I still have the .iso or whatever. I kept putting it off, I thought a virtual machine would let me play it eventually. Am I really out of luck?

At least ScummVM exists.
>Fate of Atlantis
>Monkey Island

>> No.331116

The last ZSNES version could do it.
At least, i remember getting the ROM from EP and playing it on the 1.51 ZSNES version.

But yeah, that chip addon is a bitch to emulate.

>> No.331141

I'm going to compile a list of games that don't work on some emulators. Unless that's been done before.

>> No.331143

Try FCEUX. Haven't had problems with MM3 there.

I had the disk. I think i played it on Win2000 or XP; there were times where i would rrun the game and it would crash fifteen minutes later, and restarting the game wouldn't even let me run it from the saved part. I had to literally uninstall and reinstall the game to play fifteen more minutes, until it wasn't enough.

I know there's the N64 version, but i don't feel like picking that. Maybe another day.

>> No.331152


>> No.331160

>ZSNES version could do it.
Yeah no.

Please, just use SNES9X, or bSNES if you're stickler for total accuracy. Which ever one you use, chip addon problems are nothing to worry about

>> No.331168

Nope. What are the specific problems

>> No.331180

Duke 3D. DOSbox wants me to choose a soundcard, but I don't have them of course and so there is no sound in the game.

>> No.331186

And everybody tells me how great it is.

>> No.331190
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>> No.331192

Kirby Super Star on my PSP runs like shit

>> No.331208

Garry's Mod and STALKER

I run GNU/Linux

>> No.331209

>PS2/GC/Xbox game

>i have an old PC and not enough money

There's your problem. Upgrade that shit and then bask in the glorious HD upscaled world of PCSX2 and Dolphin emulation. Xbox 1 emulation is ruled out however, due to the emu's author not knowing anything and the games being copyprotected differently on a per game basis

Don't listen to him. Any recommending ZSNES (a 5 five year old emu with no updates) has no idea what they're talking about.

Just get Duke 3D: Atomic Edition

PSP in general is ass for doing SNES emulation

>> No.331217

3 games.
Dragon Force 1, Dark Saviour, and To~Ri~Co.
Fucking sega saturn emulation is like pulling teeth.

>> No.331221

well how do you do it in bsnes that was the question , have you even tried to, the cx4 error ?

>> No.331227

What emu are you using and what plugins?

>> No.331231


Kirby 64 is controlled with the d-pad, not the control stick.

>> No.331242

Well with bSNES i'm no expert, but I'e had literally zero problems with MMX3 in SNES9X. Try that.

>> No.331248

ePSXe 1.7.0
Pete's OpenGL Driver 1.77
Eternal SPU Plugin 1.41.

>> No.331253

Whoops, meant for >>331221

>> No.331274

Use Microsoft Virtual PC. It automatically includes a Soundblaster 16 in its simulated hardware. Free download, all you need of your own is DOS.

>> No.331283

Bad ROM stories?

>Had a proficient internet connection at home really, really late in my life. Around 2007; i didn't even experience Kazaa when it was great and most of my contact with games was from friends or TV shows, Arcade and emulation.
>Emulating GBA games.
>I find out about Megaman Zero 4, the one i haven't played. Too poor to buy the handheld and game.
>Looking around in the deposit sites for the ROM, like searching uncharted waters.
>Download three ROMs in japanese, two with the text messed and one .gba file that had hentai in it. I deleted that one, afraid of someone finding it. I was so confused opening that on the VBA
>Eventually find it.
>The game isn't even that great; the thrill of looking for the right one was greater.

>> No.331286
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Mother fucking Yoshi Story, I didn't even like the game that much but 'goddam fuck this gay earth.

'Guess I'll have to get a legit copy from the mexicans.

>> No.331295

Throw out ePSXe and relpace it with PCSX-R.

Then use Pete's OpenGL plugin 2.9 and the latest release of his audio plugin (1.10, I think), or Eternal's Audio plugin 1.51 (it might be 1.50).

MGS1's audio usually depends on some of 'async', or some such terminology. Most audio plugins have an option to enable it

>> No.331297

I recently got MegaN64 for my phone and it can't run anything except Mario 64 decently. Then again, I don't expect it to.

>> No.331348

Gonna try that, thanks bros.

>> No.331387

Pokemon Puzzle Challenge. Every emulator I run it on gives horrible slowdown which makes it feel like I'm cheating

>> No.331394
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But I thought emulators are perfect and work better than consoles.

>> No.331405

is that the one on the GBC? it's gash, don't bother

>> No.331416

Beat it Tensnake. No one wants to hear to purist horseshit

>> No.331418
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Mega Man fucking Legends

Yet Tron Bonne works perfectly (not that I'm complaining I love me some Tron Bonne

>> No.331451

>The controls. You can't capture that on an emulator.

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.331456

what's the problem?

>> No.331471

Donkey Kong Country 2.
The directional barrels--the ones you can spin left or right--never stop spinning. I was able to beat barrel bayou but Klobber Karnage is just nightmare mode now.

>> No.331475

Last time I checked that game worked pretty well.

>> No.331486

What emu is being used

>> No.331490

>Having your C buttons on a stick or spread across shoulder buttons.

>> No.331513
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Thank you for answering my question with a "Yes".

>> No.331517

>Not creating different controller profiles for games use C-buttons as buttons and others for directions

>> No.331523

I use my PS3 controller for emulation.
L stick for movement. Left and right on the R stick is left and right C-buttons, up and down on the D-pad is up and down on the C-buttoms. L and R respectively. X is A and Square is B. R2 is Z.

>> No.331532

It apparently works now on PJ64 2.0

>> No.331536
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King's Quest: Mask of Eternity

>> No.331543

Yeah I just want something consistent and logical. Going into the menu every time I load a game is annoying as shit.

>> No.331564

That game emulated fine on PJ64 1.6, even on Widescreen.

>> No.331569

Chrono Cross on a ePSXe.

>> No.331574

But that game was terrible.

In my opinion.

>> No.331587

That started working on 1.7 I think

>> No.331592

PS2 version of Tekken Tag Tournament.

Doesn't really matter, though. The arcade version is much better, and emulates perfectly.

>> No.331597

World off Warcraft. I don't even know how to check if the file is legit. It seems suspiciously tiny. I don't want a virus from this shit. I just want to see what all the buzz is about.

>> No.331605

Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance

>> No.331612
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>mors ePSXe faggots

If only there was a emulation general on some other board where you could see how wrong you are

>> No.331619

I have the PC version working flawlessly in DOSBOX.

>> No.331623
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I'm not against emulators but there are tons of people here and on /v/ who constantly say it's completely pointless to own consoles when you have emulators then I talk about how emulators don't run perfectly on some games and they brush it off like it's irrelevant. I don't get why you can't just have both. I don't emulate but I'm not against it. I just like to fuck with the emulation elitists.

>> No.331630

This man knows what's up.

>> No.331636

I know it gets a lot of hate on this board, so I'm totally open to working alternatives.

>> No.331639
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whoa, one game? working?? Wow, innovation right there. Bitches.

>> No.331641


It also has graphical glitches, like not showing the HUD and looking like total crap underwater.

>> No.331667

I don't use zsnes but I don't get why so many people feel the need to come and bash it. It works for most people, yeah it's not 100% accurate, but most people on here do not give 2 fucks about that.

>> No.331670

Maybe he was just informing you that you could emulate that game now.

But if you'd rather get your panties in a bunch that's okay too I guess.

>> No.331689
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I just w-want to be able to play this one. It's the only version I haven't played yet. I own the PS1, Dreamcast, and GameCube versions and I currently have the SourceNext PC version installed, but my life will not be complete until I play this damn version with green blood and the first-person control option.

>> No.331702

Agreed completely. DKC2 is the only game that hasn't worked flawlessly for me, and the one error is pretty minor and not game-breaking.

>> No.331724


For some reason, I get a static-like effect at certain camera angles, usually in cutscenes.

How fix?

>> No.331745
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Game stutters after first boss.

Which is to say, in the cutscenes after you escape from the first gigantic reaverbot.

>> No.331760


>encouraging tenshits

>> No.331763

On ZSNES i've noticed 1 single audio omission on the whole game compared to the original cartridge and it was a single bell like sound effect when you kill the phantom bird boss

>> No.331803

my grief with pcsx2

Ridge Racer 5 - weird textures, slowdowns
R: Racing - no cars visible...
Raw Danger - massive slowdowns
Earth Defence Force - slowdowns

and all the fucking Ace Combat games

>> No.331930

I still have issue losing audio after the disc switch in MGS. Any remedy? What's the go to emulator + plugins these days?

It's been a few years since I've bothered.

>> No.331954
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Not retro, but Chibi Robo
It looks like a really charming game. I just want to play vidya that I never payed for.

>> No.331973

ZSNES is like that
Try SNES9x

>> No.331984

I could never get Cadillacs and dinosaurs to work but by some miracle It worked about 5 minutes ago

>> No.332032


I've emulated it on Wii and Dolphin. It works pretty well, but get ready for a lot of cutscenes

o yah, and telly is an annoying piece of shit

>> No.332040

Pacman and Chomp Chomp

I've used the rom with and without an original Pacman rom, but it still wont work...

And its so fun too...

>> No.332092

It's pathetic that emulating N64 WADs on Dolphin runs better than any N64 emulator.

>> No.332131

Chrono Trigger for me. I've tried snes9x, zsnes, and bsnes. I've tried downloading roms from different sites, but the same result. Game will glitch after the ocean palace event and either freeze, or the saves and savestates don't get saved.

>> No.332141

Did you try the ds version?

>> No.332146

I think the N64 as a console aged horribly (the actual hardware simply has gotten slower and worse looking over time) but the actual games still look and play as good as they did back in the early 90s on an emulator.

I wish more people would try N64 emulation.

>> No.332171

There are some graphical glitches, but the game seems to run okay under MAME.

Also, ST-V boards and games are pretty cheap these days.

>> No.332207

Metroid Prime. Audio is totally screwed up.

Also SMG2. Needs an actual Wiimote to get through a few waggle gimmick levels

>> No.332225

N64 is a great engine, but the controllers suck

>> No.332227

Use eDuke32.

>> No.332306

Sorry for being retarded, but what's vram and where do I find it in the settings? I also want to play Chrono Cross.

>> No.332308

Kirby 64, but admittedly I haven't tried anything except PJ64.
Does it run nicely on Mupen?

>> No.332329

I guess it's not really emulating but even with Dosbox and the like i cannot get Gender Wars to run.

>> No.332341
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>> No.332346

Paper Mario 64 looks like dick on PJ64.

>> No.332348

>shitty 3rd party controller

>> No.332371


>implying anything could be worse than the original N64 controller

>> No.332373

What's wrong with Kirby 64? I only played it emulated (years ago) on PJ64, and I can't remember having any problems.

>> No.332379
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>> No.332403

>not just using an adaptoid for a real controller

>> No.332407
File: 21 KB, 500x479, Hori-Minipad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only substitute I will accept.

>> No.332410

Oh shit, might have to try mupen then.

>> No.332417

Is the z trigger on the right side?...


>> No.332418

>not having felt this magnificent piece of hardware

HUD doesn't display correctly, specifically you can't see what powerups you get. There were probably other issues too.

>> No.332421

It's on both sides.

>> No.332432

Holy shit, look at that D-pad. How are you supposed to use it?

>> No.332442

95% of games don't use it anyway.

>> No.332463

That doesn't make it good. I use my Tomee for all kinds of games.

>> No.332465
File: 8 KB, 212x237, re2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't run this shit on epsxe without crazy glitches and random freezes. :(

>> No.332472


Copy all the inis and cfgs to:

%APPDATA%\Mupen64Plus (just copy/paste %APPDATA% into run (Win+R) if you need to get there faster)

You'll also need to make a save folder in that folder, called 'save'. Then you can play; either use a frontend (google some) or do the following:

1. open command terminal (search for 'cmd')
2. drag mupen64plus-ui-console.exe into it
3. type a space
4. drag your ROM into it
5. hit enter

I know it's long winded, but it's worth it. Also check out the cfg in the Mupen64Plus folder, you can use it to change the video plugin. You'll need to set the plugin directory using it anyway. Available options are: rice, glide64, glide64mk2.

tl;dr do that stuff or wait for the mupen64plus core in RetroArch to be completed

>> No.332481
File: 97 KB, 450x383, tumblr_lsg3tsg0dz1qiip6uo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steambot Chronicles on the PS2. Emulation for that game is still shitballs. Not retro enough, but that is really the only game I've tried and failed to emulate. I was using my original disc, just hoping to get better visuals out of an emulator.

I suppose my tastes in emulating older vidya run fairly vanilla, sticking mostly to NES, SNES, Genesis and sometimes TG-16.

>> No.332494

Found your problem. Use PCSXR instead.


(that has a link to the latest build of PCSXR too)

>> No.332497

Don't forget the exclusive alternate costumes and extra documents! I'm a big RE2 fan and it really sucks how this version can't be emulated... Oh well, keep hope, you may someday find the actual cart like I did.

>> No.332508

Tactics Ogre for GBA. This game hasn't been released in Europe. ;_;

>> No.332515

>not using a US copy and emulating

>> No.332520


Most IREM games after Disaster Report 1 have problems with PCSX2, so if they fix that one they may fix a lot of games, it might be related to something in the engine of those games.

>> No.332527
File: 11 KB, 220x170, pc-7X9oTffwHCnOb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subhunt. There doesn't seem to be a way to make the sounds work in DOSBox except for the midi music.

>> No.332534
File: 945 KB, 499x277, 9iTqw8x.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you kind sir. In return, have this gif.

>> No.332535


>implying importing a US copy isn't expensive as fuck

Fucking "collectors" items. Also, the only existing ROM of this game doesn't work properly. The controls are barely responsive.

>> No.332543

Rogue Squadron on the N64.

What the fucking fuck.

>> No.332547

All versions of Resident Evil refuse to work for me. I may end up burning a disk and trying to trick my PS2 into running it.

>> No.332551

Well, I'm not too keen on the idea of buying an N64 just to play a game I can play on 3 other systems, ya know? But I love the game too much, so maybe that's what has to be done.

>> No.332553

That's sexist and disgusting.
Check your privilege.

>> No.332564

Thanks. Copied into a notepad file. I'll try tomorrow.

>> No.332573

Mr.Driller 2 Arcade
Timesplitter 2-3 on pcsx2 and dolphin, fucking graphical artifacts

>> No.332576

Or you can just copy down this link if you need a tl;dr:


>> No.332578

Probably all of that weird microcode or whatever that factor5 were using.

>> No.332581


Get the fuck off 4chan.

>> No.332582

Well, how do you use the analog stick on PS controllers?

>> No.332591

By mapping them to the D-Pad.

>> No.332596





>> No.332609

The only thing I remember using the second stick for on PSX was accelerating and braking in racing games (which was awful) and ape escape. I guess it was being used for camera though.

>> No.332654

Why don't you just dual boot?

>> No.332664

Resident Evil 2. It works up until a certain point, where it freezes and my computer crashes

>> No.332673

The only thing worse than an N64 controller is a 3rd party N64 controller.
>mfw out of all these lack of N64 controller on emulator complaints nobody has even commented on this guy

>> No.332702

Most people complaining about pj64 v2.0 clearly never tried Glide64 video plugin, it actually fixes loads of graphicall issues on some games.

>> No.332708

It plays great through pcsx2, I get a consistent 30-50fps on my stock i7 920.

>> No.332709

Can't access second cd of Lighthouse in my dosbox..

>> No.332721

If I had an N64 controller I'd be playing games on my hardware.

>> No.332746


I had a 3rd part y one that was better than my original. Made by interact maybe?

It got rid of those limbs it had on the sides.

>> No.332761

I don't emulate too often but Mega Man 64 was a nightmare to get working (also the first game I emulated.) I eventually got the right plugin and configured it properly and still it would take several times to boot up properly.

I was amazed at how much easier it was to emulate Mega Man Legends 2.

>> No.332765

I have Gamester N64 controller and it's surprisingly better.

>> No.332784
File: 390 KB, 656x560, pj642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This I'll agree with.

>> No.333078

I'm gonna try SS Silicon Valley again to see why were there so many niggers complaining

>> No.333089
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>> No.333370

This, also Resident Evil 2 for the 64.

>> No.333402

Mupen64plus with Glide64 Video plugin.
Just finished my play through. I'm a huge n64 emu lover.

>> No.333465
File: 342 KB, 646x506, what is this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is going on?

>> No.333481

>using PCSX
>not PCSXR

>> No.333485

>shapely adult woman

>> No.334136


Don't what the fuck youre deal problem is. I'm emulating Lodis on my goddamn phone without any issue, aside from some audio hiccups

>> No.334181
File: 11 KB, 300x305, Tinkerbat[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shantae has GBA only features
>Only emulator I got it to work on was BGB

I just want the Tinkerbat dance without having to spend 4000$ on a cartridge...
Or for my fucking flashcart to ship already got damn aliexpress I'm never using you again

>> No.334256

Don't be hatin' on zsnes. That thing is 60% x86 assembly. You can't even handle all that speed.

>> No.334273

Connecting a console controller to a PC necessitates a translation layer (for most people DirectInput (part of DirectX)), this introduces a sub-second input lag, which makes PC emulation the inferior choice.

>> No.334278

zsnes was good in 1999.

This is 2013. There is no reason not to use higan/bsnes.

>> No.334301

Protip: Port your savegame over to an advance emulator and load inside that pirate town. The screen looks messed up, but you can still earn the Tinkerbat dance, save, and resume emulating on a GBC emulator.

>> No.334568

I was playing it last night using an english rom on Project64 2.0. It was flawless, just try again.

>> No.334585

What does higan have over zsnes besides multi-console capability?

>> No.334591

Dragon Quest VII

>Menus not displaying right
>change filters to see menu
>sprites vanish because of this
>change it again
>menu and sprites working, over world map is gone now

Such a fickle game it was... hoping we just get the 3DS remake.

>> No.334601

Monster hunter Tri.

>> No.334639


There is an English rom floating around.

You got that Spanish one from cool roms right? that's usually my first source and I was quite disappointed, English one is still on the first of google though

>> No.334650

Not sure if it counts as emulating but I can't get Shivers to work. Love that game but it's Windows 95 and Windows 7 hates that. Installer won't work, no workarounds that I've found. It's killing me. I'd try a virtual OS but I'm not paying to upgrade Win 7 and I don't trust pirating anything OS related.

I wanna play Shivers dammit.

>> No.334695

You can use VMware for free and it's better than than the virtual machine shit Microsoft offers.

>> No.334727
File: 28 KB, 350x350, 2424690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Megaman Wily Wars for Genesis. I hear there are tricks to make it work these days, but for the longest time it was impossible for the rom to record progress. Making the system exclusive bosses (the entire reason why you'd play the Genesis version over the originals) impossible to reach.

>> No.334739
File: 40 KB, 319x320, 90916-Virtual_Boy_Wario_Land_(Japan,_USA)-1-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking game. I want to play it but don't want to fork out for a Virtual Boy!

The music is all weird and about halfway through, the screen splits and graphics go all funny

>> No.334762

Worked fine on PSXFin.

>> No.334783
File: 11 KB, 273x184, fsdsdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michigan: Report from Hell

Yankfag here. I have wanted to try this game for years but have never had the hardware to emulate it. Even tried to mod my PS2, ended up with a dead ps2.

>> No.334801


>> No.334814
File: 100 KB, 800x600, tpw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if anyone can tell me how i get this working i'll suck their dick

>> No.334856


>> No.334861

You have to use an older version of the emulator to run RE2.

1.6 should work fine with it.

>> No.334868

nigs nogs don't even know what Accuracy means

>> No.334876

I wish. I have a hard copy but it crashes when I try to play it.

>> No.334883

USB polls at 250hz. Most games run at 50hz or 60hz, max.

An LCD television introduces more lag than a controller adapter.

>> No.334921

>tfw I can get this working flawlessly
Use a No-CD crack anon, it loads perfectly

>> No.334929

The one problem is background music is nonexistant doing this.

>> No.334959

Being one that owns a VB and VB Wario Land I can tell you that a lot of people are missing out by not having played that one.

Really been hoping Nintendo does a 3DS remake.

>> No.335651

Having those three have their comic debut in the Sonic crossover issues was a pretty clever idea

>> No.335712
File: 84 KB, 475x616, Buster Rod G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, you know, I never thought about that. Yeah, them being Genesis exclusive does make that meaningful.

>> No.335748

Radiant Silvergun used to be that game for a long time because of Sega fucking Saturn emulation.

>> No.335756

This. Wario Land on VB was really good; shame that they put a great game on a failed system.

>> No.335781

Use LLE you fucking retard

>> No.335817


What patch is he talking about?
Does it fix lightsources going through walls and other lighting glitches too?

>> No.337285

It's pretty good, I have a physical copy of that.

>> No.338379

Star Wars Episode One looks like shit

>> No.340572

I emulated and 100%'d Panzer Dragoon Saga just last month on SSF.

Perfectly doable.

>> No.340609

i have the game installed somewhere. you dont really need a no cd crack if you can mount the cd.

but know that the theme park games do have stability issues regardless.

>> No.340639

I don't know how old you are, but you're maybe unaware of the nostalgic, emotional attachment a lot of us oldies have with ZSNES.
Back in ye olde days, it was *by far* the best SNES emulator and most of us used it for years happily giving 0 fucks about accuracy. Yes it's been overtaken by higan and snes9x since then, but it will always have a little place in our hearts, like Links Awakening and Street Fighter 2.

>> No.340643

That has nothing to do with emulation.

>> No.340649

Mischief Makers.

>> No.340662

hell, most people still use zsnes. hipsters complaining about accuracy are the minority.


plus zsnes can run on a toaster

>> No.340668

I haven't tried in VMWare with a Win95 install but would it work for stuff like Heavy Gear 2 and DK2? Win95 incompatible games are the worst, DOS lovers have DOSBox, arcade/console people have Retroarch/MESS/MAME, all those Win95 gems lost like tears in the rain.

>> No.340841

One of the Paper Mario Games would always crash the emulator right after the first Boss Fight

>> No.341078
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>> No.341105

install Win95 in Dosbox.

>> No.341116
File: 118 KB, 1024x768, 67733_omikron_the_nomad_soul-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not emulation in the typical sense... but won't work on anything older than xp even when told to. Why won't you run Omikrooooon!?

>> No.341117
File: 25 KB, 548x696, u r 1 cheeky kunt m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u 'avin a giggle m8?

>> No.341132

Use a Hori-pad for most games, standard N64 controller for the two games that use the D-pad rather than the control stick.


>> No.341136
File: 650 KB, 3840x1080, win3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google it.

This is me running Lost Mind of Dr. Brain through Win3

>> No.341142

I'm fairly certain Dosbox has more overhead than VMWare.
It probably works but seems suited to masochists rather than gamers.

>> No.341146

Ecco the Dolphin for the Dreamcast and Rule of the Rose for the ps2.

>> No.341153
File: 79 KB, 1024x768, sof_01m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The DOS version of Sorcerian, not that it's any trouble to get emulation for graphics and gameplay down, but trying to get sound emulation to work proper because the game originally has some bomb-ass music, but every time I've tried to emulate it and fiddle with settings I can't ever get the music emulated properly and it sounds like garbage with skipped notes.

On the other hand, I also have the big floppy discs for Wizardry, but no drives to put them in so I'm bummed about that too.

>> No.341156

Oh man Omikron. I remember reading in articles two years before the games release promising that it would feature a fully dynamic world, multiple solutions to every problem, and it was implied that you could soul jump into any random npc that touched your body after you died.

Bullshit, bullshit, and not really a random npc at all.

I have a hard time getting any translated console game running with emulators on the DS or Android

>> No.341157
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Just get a step-by-step guide. Then there's not much thinking left to do by the installer.

But, yeah, it's not all easy if you haven't tried it before. Took me close to two hours to finally get it working.

>> No.341161

Snes9x is more compatible than ZSNES, though. Unless you're counting Romhacks.

>> No.341167
File: 902 KB, 1280x960, mess64 2013-04-01 23-48-14-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's emulatable in MESS. Technically. The framerate, of course, is ass.

>> No.341168

The only ROM I ever had trouble with is Shantae, but that's a pretty popular example of a game that doesn't deal with emulators.

That and X-treme Sports.

>> No.341170

Not as Molyneux is at could have been. Think they were just limited by what games could actually do at that point but yea.. a bit linear and restrictive than I would have liked but still pretty decent for what it was and in its time.

>> No.341176

Ikaruga. Game always loops and goes back to the start screen.
It seems it does this because of low FPS at the start, making the game run slowly, but the audio plays at normal speed regardless of FPS, making the game think it's desync, and then reboots itself. Maybe the DC version is easier.
They should just release it on PSN or Steam already

>> No.341191
File: 99 KB, 640x576, retroarch 2013-04-03 06-32-14-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gambatte seems to deal with it well enough, although this is just from trying it out right now. Never played the game personally. Does it fuck up later on?

>> No.341204

Yeah, definitely a case of Quantic Dream having way too big a scope.
The same thing happened with their game Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy), it too was supposed a big dynamic world where your choices were to be super-impactful (and it was originally to be released on an episode to episode basis, interesting fact). We saw how that worked out in the end.

Having said that, I really enjoyed Omikron, not for the gameplay because it was shit, but rather for the unique fourth-wall breaking world they created, and that fucking David Bowie soundtrack.

>> No.341207

On VBA it lags up something fierce

>> No.341232

Jumping flash 2


>> No.341267

God tier soundtrack. True man. True.

>> No.341306

I had this exact thing happen to me. I tried a ROM from a different source and it worked fine. I can't remember where I got it, though, sorry.

>> No.341601

>>Space Station Silicon Valley

Works on Project 64 2.0 from what I hear.

>>Rogue Squadron

Factor 5 (Star Wars games, Indiana Jones) used custom microcodes, some of which have yet to be reverse engineered because doing so requires a fuck-ton of work and N64 emulation is a mess when it comes to cooperating.

In this regard, Rareware and Factor 5 had microcodes unique to their own games. It took years to get the sky in Goldeneye\Perfect Dark working, since it used a crazy rendering method nobody understood and Rare had just thought seemed a good idea at the time. You've gotta understand that the N64 is a bizarre piece of hardware. It can do some amazing shit, especially with the framebuffer and streaming from cart, but the hardware is esoteric. This makes it bloody hard to build an accurate emulator.

At the moment, Project 64 1.6.1 with unofficial RDB and the Glide 64 plugin are the best bet, beating even PJ64 2.0 for now.

>> No.341629

>You have to use an older version of the emulator to run RE2.
>1.6 should work fine with it.

You need 1.6.1 with Glide64 for the graphics. As for sound? Not sure. There is a plugin which handles speech okayish, but I'm not sure which.

>> No.341634

Never heard of MESS. will check it out, I can probably wring a few more fps out of it.

>> No.341637

>It can do some amazing shit, especially with the framebuffer and streaming from cart, but the hardware is esoteric.
So the N64 was the PS3 of its time?

>> No.341651

hes talking ps1 not 64

>> No.341652

>So the N64 was the PS3 of its time?

Yes. Exactly that.

>> No.341661

>hes talking ps1 not 64

Sorry. But hey, the N64 version is officially better than the PS1 version. It has better music and animation, for a start.

Apparently it was the most expensive port in history.

>> No.341959

Raiden II...


>> No.342007
File: 147 KB, 692x584, rayman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, I'm running Rayman on psx_1_13, and i runs perfectly.

>> No.342543

Radiant Silvergun.

why[.jpg] i tried with satourne and ssf and nothing, maybe a config error but i cant figure out...

also, psp version of FFT

>> No.342553
File: 343 KB, 886x697, Burning Rangers (J) - Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There will never be competent Saturn emulation
>Can't find a chip for my Saturn for love nor money

Why the fuck is this thing so piracy proof even in this day and age? The DC reads burned discs without even modding the thing and you can run a PS2 softmod from a fucking memory card.

>> No.342591

Whitescreen after a pretty early scene with Peach. Not that guy, but I had the same problem.

>> No.342597

SFF is competent, you just can't pretty it up with filters

>> No.342605

The N64 version doesn't run well on emus ;_;

>> No.342890

Metal Slug 3. Total lockup, no way to run it

>> No.342914

Vigilante 8: Second Offense

N64, PS1, Dreamcast nada

>> No.342925

Jet Force Gemini.

Why won't you work :(

>> No.342936


I heard that there's a patched rom or something that actually works.

>> No.342953

Pretty sure JFG works. What have you tried?

>> No.342956

try the arcade version

>> No.342968

Gauntlet Legends

>At least you beat it at the arcade with your brother, Anon.
I know, but still.

>> No.343112
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x960, nestopia 2013-04-03 13-47-38-75.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't get it, what's your problem with the game?

>> No.343647
File: 411 KB, 640x902, DQVIII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon Quest VIII. I know its not retro, but I've been trying for 3 days to get this fucking game to work. Why does it only lag in cutscenes but not in the main gameplay? Why do people online keep claiming it runs 'flawlessly at 55-60 FPS' when you have to use speedhacks to get it working and all that does is keep the FPS up and make the game itself run slower? Just because the frame rate stays at 60, it doesn't fix anything if the emulator itself slows to a crawl to maintain that FPS.

Venting over.

>> No.344159

Conker runs fine and you even get to see a penis!

>> No.344176

Dude, I'm a huge MNSG fan and I raged so hard when I tried it on PJ64 some years ago and it got single digit FPS.

But recently I replayed it with different settings and it works almost flawlessly.

If you need help I might post my plugin list or something.

MNSG is one of my fav games of all times, I've played and finished it like 10 times

>> No.344236
File: 31 KB, 386x461, goemon settings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here anon, use these settings.
I can play it just fine.

>> No.344242

Why aren't you running glide?

>> No.344257

Because the games I want to play work well with those plugins

>> No.344328
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1440, Project64 2013-04-03 16-03-27-65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, not so much. Jabo's D3D8 1.7 even has the same menu slow down. The outside is kind of good with slowdowns here and there.

>> No.344341
File: 2.23 MB, 1920x1440, Project64 2013-04-03 16-04-11-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.344434

Slowdowns are completely bearable for me.
When I tried it ages ago it stuttered so hard I gave up after the first castle.

>> No.344517

>Space Station Silicon Valley
How the fuck did I not know that existed? I have the N64 cart anyway.

>> No.344535


Google racketboy, they have modchips and its simple to install.

>> No.344614

VBA is old as hell. VBA-M, however, seems to handle it just fine.

>> No.344659
File: 1.14 MB, 1192x896, retroarch 2013-04-03 15-37-32-73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seriously, so many "problems" in this thread boil down to shitty ROMs and ancient emulators. Read up on what's actually recent, and you'll find almost everything in this thread works just fine.

>> No.344730

Pokémon Snap.

>> No.344753


The last time I tried, it still wasn't working on PCSX2, and my PS2 is lowres at native, fuck it.


>> No.344754
File: 33 KB, 195x195, 1254630830564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use shitty emulator like zsnes or old as fuck version of epsxe or pj64

>> No.344789

What? Saturn has been emulated to hell and back. sSF runs everything I tried, including Burning Rangers. I used to emulated them a lot in, like, mid-00s, so I'm sure it works.

>> No.344795

Oh, but to be fair, it doesn't help that googling, say, "PS1 emulator" gives you as the first hits sites with extremely outdated information and links, so a lot of people download old and shitty stuff without knowing any better. Also, lots of people just use whatever they've been using since 2005 or whenever they first got into emulation, so they may not be aware of improvements in emulation.

>> No.344805
File: 1.84 MB, 3236x2173, Skygunner-USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.344820

boot in software mode. i dont remember if switching back to hardware mode worked and use a svn build

>> No.344823

But muh 1080p.

>> No.344843

Case in point: all the people saying Shantae doesn't work in VBA. Most likely they are not aware VBA itself is a dead emulator, but there's a continuation known as VBA-M, which fixes a lot of VBA's issues.

>> No.344862

I can get it to work but when theres to much shit going on then it slows down. saddly this game is all about multiple enemies and constant explosions. so it can't be emulated well. unless you have some super rig, then it might emulate fine then

>> No.344882
File: 108 KB, 377x373, 21a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donkey Kong 64, so many fucking graphical glitches...

>> No.344891

if thats the case then I urge people to go to this website. its got a lot of up to date emulators. I check it once in awhile to see if an emulator has made any improvements.


>> No.344934


it runs fine for me on Project 64. 2.0

>> No.344963

Why are you even using VBA in the first place?

>> No.345048

what I want to know is why other people ask why they are you using a certain emulator?
if it works then it works whats the big deal.

>> No.345065

i stopped emulating years back. i actually have a job that can afford me some vidya so if there's ever a game i'm absolutely dying to play that i can't pirate i'll just throw some dollars down. Most recently bought super metroid so i could bring it up to a friends house in vermont.

>> No.345078

VBA-M works with it flawlessly from my experience. Though if there are specific bugs, I don't know, but lag is not something it does, smooth as butter with proper vsync unlike earlier versions of VBA.

>> No.345087
File: 196 KB, 400x399, frodo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't you guys just buy the games you really want to play that don't emulate properly.

>> No.345123

One time the graphical glitches somehow managed to glitch me into a black dimension, and I had to reload my game. I didn't know emulator issues could cause actual warp bugs and shit. Or maybe this is a documented glitch in the actual game that I'm not aware of.

>> No.345143

Why do you keep posting this in every emulation-related thread?

Enjoy your $200 Earthbound.

>> No.345167



I was playing it two days ago with the 1.6 release.

>> No.345169


This is the only one I've posted in since this board started.

>> No.345183

I saw you in that PJ64 thread two days ago, homolord.

>> No.345189


must be the acceptable cart only, with sticker ripped off and someones initials sharpied on the back. hope it still works.

>> No.345193

I haven't seen anyone mention SNESGT.

I've been using this emulator for a while now and I find it to be great. Runs everything I've tried to play perfectly fine so far, has some nice options too. It's made by a Japanese guy but there's an english version.

>> No.345196

Most N64 games on PJ64 have some form of graphical issues. No plugin is perfect to date.

It'd be nice if excitebik64 actually worked as well.

>> No.345214


There haven't been any I've noticed. But I only play the more popular games.

>> No.345228

>I only play the more popular games
>Banjo-Tooie still crashes all the time

>> No.345230

PJ64 have some form of graphical issues

if thats true then I haven't noticed much for most games. I agree that some games dont emulate a certain graphic perfectly, but its nothing to hinder your in game progress

>> No.345234


Hah I forgot about that. Also stop implying all retro games are expensive physically. Like I've said before, I'm not against emulation but I mean if the game doesn't run properly, you might as well buy it if it's not expensive.

>> No.345251

Has PJ642.0 actually fixed anything in any game? Everything I've tried that was broken before is still just as broken now.

>> No.345257

>air strike patrol

I used to be able to play it as a kid but now it freezes before the first mission loads up.

>> No.345306

That's why I still have a Saitek P2500

>> No.345316

i've noticed so far that silicon valley fixed that problem with the collectable items not showing up. but everything else wrong with it still remains luckily the parts that don't work well are just cutscenes

>> No.345330


>> No.345360

>not gay

As far as N64 gaemz go, it's in the top ten.

>> No.345395

don't know what anybody is talking about crashing on banjo-tooie I played it just fine and this was years ago.

>> No.345456
File: 498 KB, 450x288, 1363952631527.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon

Goddammit, i used to play the living hell out of this as a kid, but never owned it, just rented over and over. It's like someone decided to make Japan in to a land of stereotypes, then a coloring book, then a game...it's so good.

And i can't run it for shit. And it looks like there's no real way to do so. goddammit, i want my sushi sub level back...

MFW i tried to load it after tweaking settings for hours...

>> No.345619
File: 8 KB, 705x84, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get a bit of help here? Looking for some plugins to fix these trouble games. I don't know where I'd go to get them or anything.

Thanks guys.

>> No.345632

>ITT: N64 Games

>> No.345648

PJ64 2.0 has made amazing strides with it. Try again.

>> No.345670

Factor 5 built their own tools and there is a lot of custom code that goes into the rogue squadron games. It is hard to emulate

>> No.345691

All of those are fucked except Zeruda. Enjoy N64 emulation.

>> No.345879
File: 96 KB, 570x350, Pokemon-Heart-Gold-and-Soul-Silver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not really a retro game but Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver have given me too many problems to keep trying to emulate it. The game works fine up until you get your first badge but after that it randomly freezes when you enter houses or start battles.

>> No.345882

The problem with that website is that they do NOT update the pages for the emulators. They still say Jnes is one of the best NES emulators, when Nestopia and even FCEUX have since outclassed it. Also, the emulators are ranked in order of popularity, so people going there are more likely to download ZSNES instead of Snes9x, when the latter is much superior.

>> No.345897

Works fine for me, bro, in DeSmuME

>> No.345907

BSNES/Higan Accuracy is the only emulator capable of playing it faithfully, as far as I know. No other emulator can get the shadow to work right or some shit.

>> No.345917

Let me guess, you're using No$GBA.

Get Desmume, latest SVN. Never look back.

>> No.345934

Even then, IIRC, weren't there patches or some shit that worked fine in NO$GBA?

But, yeah, DeSmuME is probably the best option.

>> No.345940
File: 62 KB, 681x592, AH HAMBOIGAHS!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use DeSmuME
>now everything runs too slow due to toaster


>> No.345951

Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko

My PS1 emulation of it runs slightly too fast and is really irritating to play as and my N64 emulation has screwed up all the water textures in ways I didn't know were possible. Annoying, but at least playable.

Most games I can never get to run are games for specific versions of Windows that never run properly with any others. I don't think I've ever got Tribal Rage, Interstate 76 or Liberation Day to work properly, no matter what compatability options I mess around with.

I'm probably doing something clearly wrong, but I'll admit that I'm no buff when it comes to emulation.

>> No.345953

If you aren't willing to go past toaster-level emulation, a flash cart would probably be for the best then.

>> No.345964

I have a toaster because I'm poor. Too poor for a $400 flash cart.

>> No.345968

>$400 flash cart
Try more like $20-30 for a decent one.

>> No.345983

NDS flash carts are $15 to $40 depending on which one you buy, where you buy it from, etc. You add on another $10 for a MicroSD card if you don't already have one.

Look here for more information, guy: http://www.gbatemp.net

I went with a flashcart a few years back because I was too cheap to buy a new computer for emulation and too cheap to buy the games (that said, the ones I want I bought eventually anyway, but I'm just saying).

>> No.346052

Any recommended settings?

>> No.346101
File: 44 KB, 500x670, 1198028101695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first Settlers game. Amiga version with superior sound and music.

Its probably not too hard but I am not particularly smart. I still have trouble with emulating DOS games properly. Amiga would be hopeless to even try.

I never really learned the times table either.

Now I am luckily studying liberal arts at my local college and I can safely say that modern video games are incredibly sexist.
I've really wasted my life.

>> No.346489


Gambatte should deal with anything, since it's "only" verified against a few thousand corner-case hardware tests

>> No.346494

Well, it IS the most accurate Gameboy emulator.

>> No.346521

>The game isn't even that great; the thrill of looking for the right one was greater.
I know that feeling.

>download some obscure old game
>it doesn't work right
>spend a couple hours downloading different programs, tweaking DosBox settings, etc.
>finally get it working
>play it for a total of about five minutes

>> No.346637

Silhouette mirage, both versions

>> No.346647

You and I should go hunting some time.

>> No.346695

>Any recommended settings?

Defaults are usually fine. Some games need the OPENGL renderer.

If you need more performance disable advance level bus timing.

>>Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko
>>My PS1 emulation of it runs slightly too fast and is really irritating to play as and my N64 emulation has screwed up all the water textures in ways I didn't know were possible. Annoying, but at least playable.

One word - Glide64.

>> No.346724

I can't emulate Phalanx. It doesn't boot on ZSNES, and on SNES9X is only reaches the title screen.

I really wanna play the banjo man game, this is unfair.

>> No.346728

>don't know what anybody is talking about crashing on banjo-tooie I played it just fine and this was years ago.

It generally doesn't crash any more. Use PJ64 1.6.1

The crashing was caused by a very special copy protection mechanism Rare built into the game which required the emulator to simulate an additional memory chip which had number sequences written to and read back from, something no pirate cart at the time could do.

>> No.346790

>One time the graphical glitches somehow managed to glitch me into a black dimension

That's not a graphics glitch. It seems to be a combination of a known glitch in DK64 and Project 64's less than perfect emulation core.

It's very similar to the way destroyed objects don't behave correctly in Perfect Dark\Goldeneye.

>> No.346806
File: 820 KB, 1192x896, retroarch 2013-04-03 19-14-42-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Works just fine on both Snes9x and bsnes. You're probably using a really old version or something. Latest Snes9x is v1.53.

>> No.346807

Hey You Pikachu! Unless they fixed it in the last Project64 update, it requires a microphone yet the emulator has no microphone capabilities.

>> No.346816
File: 44 KB, 300x301, 1362346583570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe it's 2013 and no one has STILL made a microphone plugin

>> No.346834

That, or it's a bad ROM dump. Emuparadise should have good ones.

>> No.346904
File: 91 KB, 640x640, guardian_heroes_sega_saturn_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guardian Heroes.
Never ever got this one to work. Saturn fucks my shit up

>> No.346907
File: 61 KB, 667x471, lodoss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 1 problem with lodoss now, the widescreen hack in nulldc is all to fuck and i refuse to stretch or use distracting borders.
means I gotta grab my small 4:3 monitor or play on the console with low resolution everytime

>> No.346936

That's always worked, aside from HORRIBLE lag going into the menu.

>> No.346949


It works perfectly on SSF

>> No.346978

I always get stuck after the intro, any tips?

>> No.346989

Dolphin emulates it better than any N64 emulator.

>> No.346996


I got it to work on Yabause

honestly after all that struggle getting it to work the controls made it really disappointing... fuck that lane shifting

>> No.347003

>>Paper Mario 64
>That's always worked, aside from HORRIBLE lag going into the menu.


And get Project 64 1.6.1 update.

>> No.347005

Well that and the flickering in town. I remember long ago there was a glitch in one level where it rendered everything as black, ended up playing that part in wireframe mode, it was awful.

Also, I'm not sure if this game counts since it was 2000 (at least on Dreamcast), but what method of playing Grandia II do you guys think is the best way?
I've heard the DC version is the best version, not sure how good DC emulators are though. I beat it on PC long ago, but the highest res you can get is 1024x768 if I recall, and there doesn't seem to be any widescreen hacks for it. Also has a lot of bugs with the FMVs.
I played some of it on PS2 long ago too, but I don't have my PS2 anymore and I heard the PS2 version is the worst anyways.

>> No.347007

all you complaining about shitty gamecube games: just get a cheap wii and softmod it.

N64 games are the most painful for me. I own a legit one but Conker and Tooie are dead expensive here. They're some of the most expensive N64 games, along with Pokemon Stadium 2.

>> No.347020

>>Well that and the flickering in town.

Yes, which has been fixed since forever with Glide64.

Understand that the Jabo plugin hasn't been updated in forever because Jabo quit the Project 64 project over the fact the lead dev was being a fuckwit.

>> No.347030

What would you say is better, Project 64 1.6.1 + Glide64, or Project 64 2.0 with the 1.6.1 plugins + Glide64?

>> No.347052


It was pretty simple, I guess i just downloaded SSf, got the bios somewhere, set it up (Bios path, game pad etc) and mounted the iso on daemon tools.
The only issue i had was that SSF wasn't recognizing the mounted images as real CDs so i changed daemon tools' virtual drive type. After that everything worked flawlessly.

>> No.347056

Oh, I was just saying that was a problem. I haven't played it in forever on PJ64 though so I didn't know it was fixed, that's good though, it was really obnoxious.

How good is MM with Glide64?

>> No.347057

>What would you say is better, Project 64 1.6.1 + Glide64, or Project 64 2.0 with the 1.6.1 plugins + Glide64?

At the moment, 1.6.1 is better, until 2.0 works its shit out. The emulator isn't entirely backwards compatible, since it doesn't handle configuration files the same anymore.

That said, nothing stopping you installing both. But for now, I'd favor 1.6.1

Also, get the unofficial RDB file.

>> No.347079


Not him, but so far, the best version of Pj64 (imho) is 1.7 rev23.
I think i got it bundled with Glide 64 and a shitload of other plugins. It was some torrent on tpb, if someone's interested i may look for it again.

>> No.347087


>Also, get the unofficial RDB file
Looking around on google, there seems to be a few different versions of it. Which one is the latest? (09 was the last update it seems)

Also has anyone ever tried out that Netplay plugin for PJ64? It works pretty great, a lot better than PJ64K. Have had a few Mario Party sessions with friends, a bit of lag sometimes but great fun.

>> No.347097

>How good is MM with Glide64?

Fairly good. Needs framebuffer enabled, IIRC But surprisingly, Jabo 1.6.1 fixed a lot of the issues with previous plugins, including the day transition effect.

>> No.347130

>Not him, but so far, the best version of Pj64 (imho) is 1.7 rev23.

The problem is that Project 64 1.6.1 has better plugins that the ones used in 1.7 Jabo got sick of the payware shit, etc, and released improved ones for free. 1.7 doesn't actually do all that much, core-wise which 1.6.1 can't.

This is the best RDB:


>> No.347148

Star Ocean SNES on PSP. I can't play ANYTHING on my laptop literally. So I'm stuck with what my PSP can do. At least the PSP Star Ocean isn't so bad. I just really wanted the beautiful graphics without slowdown ;_;

>> No.347172

>This is the best RDB:

Thank you

>> No.347308

Well this is odd.

Just opened up PJ64 1.6, and I've had this one forever, haven't downloaded anything new. When I opened the About Project 64 section, it launched Internet Explorer, which just updated to 9 apparently and asked me to configure. I hit ask me later and it closed, but it was still open in task manager. I tried it again, this time it opened two instance of IE in task manager, but nothing popped up.

What's going on oh god help

>> No.347335

Uh... did you try rebooting? Never heard of this.

>> No.347343

Nah. Did a scan but nothing came up. It still opens up an instance everytime I go to the about section, just really weird.

>> No.347363

I opened up internet explorer and restored the previous session. It opened up a bunch of windows with the about:blank page, so probably just a false alarm. Still really weird.

>> No.347482

I really want to play the old N64 version of Animal Forest (Animal Crossing), but the lack of internal clock emulation makes this an ordeal. Is there some kind of plugin that emulates the clock?

>> No.347564

After putting Glide64 into the PJ64 folder, going to the settings section gives me this error:

the procedure entry point _guGammaCorrectionRGB@12 could not be located in the dynamic link library glide3x.dll

I click OK and it says failed to load plugin glide64.dll

Any ideas?

>> No.347595

Try to find glide64.dll?

>> No.347607


This file is included in the bundle. Place it in the main PJ64 folder. It's an API emulation layer, basically.

I hope you're using the 2012 Glide64 final, as well.

>> No.347626

>I hope you're using the 2012 Glide64 final, as well.
Yep, and that worked, thanks. Turns out I just extracted the whole rar to the folder, so it was sitting in the Wrapper folder.

>> No.347661

Why? The GC version is the same, but with more stuff.

>> No.347683

Computer's too shitty to emulate GC.

But also I'm just interested in playing the original.

>> No.347706

The star wars pod racer game for N64 is so fucking hard with the arrow keys. Fuck and i loved that game

>> No.347708

Sim City 64. The Japanese-only N64DD game that can't be emulated, and as a result of nobody ever owning a DD, even if it could be emulated, it would never be translated.

>> No.347712

>what is a USB controller
>what is a brain
>I'm stupid lol

>> No.347734

DragonQuest 8
>never played a DQ game
>Get recommended to play 8
>Told it works in emu
>Emu doesn't support ATI worth a shit
>game unplayable even though I exceed system spec

>> No.347757

>>what is a USB controller
>>what is a brain
>>I'm stupid lol

Um, you do realise a lot of PC gamers don't own a hand controller, right? Because, you know, PC games are designed for mouse-keyboard?

>> No.347761

you're better off staying innocent about your memories of Space Station Silicon Valley.
replaying it again now, it's pretty shitty.

>> No.347770

Not all of them. You do realize that PC's have had controllers since the early 90s and joysticks long before that, right? I'm not even the guy you're fighting with, but you do realize that what you said is not true, right? Free Sidewinder gamepads alone was half the reason I saw people on Heat.net and that was back in 99.

>> No.347774

No, I realize that PC game-players will own a mouse and a keyboard and a controller, and perhaps additional controllers, and a joystick, and hell, maybe even a racing wheel. Because we know that we have the option.

>> No.347790

Also i've considered installing motion sensors and foot pedals for various games.

>> No.347795

Flight sims. Racing games.

Some games would require a command station.

>> No.347801

>Actually believing this

>> No.347828

>no Megaman X picture

I expected more of you /vr/.

>> No.347840
File: 153 KB, 1024x768, wot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any reason I'm getting this issue with Majora's Mask? (The texture of her dress is missing)
Using Glide64 (2012 Final). Everything else seems fine except this one thing.

>> No.347851

Uh, that Glide64 configuration window looks wrong, if you're supposed to be using Glide64 Final. What emulator are you using?

>> No.347863

PJ64 1.6.
glN64 0.4.1 is the only option I have for graphics plugins (besides Jabo).

I'll try reinstalling it if that's the case.

>> No.347870

Im not going to buy a controller just to play an old n64 game, id rather just buy the cartridge since i still have my 64

>> No.347887

Buy a Mayflash N64 controller adapter. They're only like... $12 on eBay. They work like a charm.

>> No.347893

>complains about self-imposed limitations
>gets told that they don't have to exist
>complains about having an option
>offers a better option anyway

What are you bitching about again?

>> No.347903


You need to put the Glide64 dll file inside the plugins folder.

And make sure you get Project 64 1.6.1

>> No.347913

anyone know how to get MGS to run on epsxe? Ive got it running (sometimes) water and sound are fucked.

>> No.347915
File: 20 KB, 320x240, The-Ocean-Hunter-game_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still can't play Ocean Hunter in MAME. Such an awesome game. Spent so much to beat it in an arcade, but damn worth it.

>> No.347949
File: 422 KB, 1097x602, pcsxr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get PCSX-R, and the recommended plugins.

I use OpenGL 1.78 with these settings. Enable GTE Accuracy and the widescreen hack (with aspect ratio turned off) under CPU settings for even more eye candy.

>> No.347959

Figure out how to texture hack her so she's nude.


>> No.347989

I did. That's what is underneath.

She's a demon.

>> No.347993

I might do that, thanks.
>Thinking I am complaining in any way
Reading Comprehension anyone?

>> No.348028
File: 1.18 MB, 1920x1080, pcsxr 2013-01-30 20-18-16-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the result, with added AA from my graphics card.

>> No.348080
File: 13 KB, 362x256, star wars rogue squadron N64 original tatootine level.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motherfucking Rogue Squadron

>> No.348109

How was Rogue Squadron anyway? At this rate I'll probably never get to play it.

>> No.348126

This reminds me that I wanted to try emulating Hybrid Heaven on the N64. Anyone ever tried it?

>> No.348157

Protip: It's on PC

>> No.348167

I never even heard of it until a few days ago. I tried emulating the game, but it crashed within minutes of actual gameplay.

>> No.348179

That's a shame. I'll probably try fiddling with it anyway

>> No.348186

I will never get Starcraft 64 to emulate properly. I'm sure once every single N64 game is working 100% accurately, SC64 will remain as the last incompatible game.

>> No.348196

Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete on PS1
goes apeshit between disc changes

>> No.348201

>wanting to play Starcraft 64


>> No.348232

Glad i'm not the only one.

>> No.348243


I actually first played starcraft on the N64. I just want to experience it again.

>> No.348312

If you're at all familiar with the PC original, you're gonna play it for all of a couple of minutes for nostalgia, then you're gonna be wishing you were playing the real version because it's so goddamn clunky with the controller, not to mention the visuals are painfully low-res. It's like wanting to play Doom on the SNES after you've experienced it on PC.

>> No.348339

I owned it for PC and 64 and the only thing the 64 had going for it was 2 player coop which was actually really really fun other than that it is just a clunky port that sucks. I dont really like Starcraft though so Id probably get the 64 version just for a fun coop game.

>> No.348360

Oh yeah i dont have sc64 anymore because I traded it for

jet force gemini
mario kart
mischief makers
army men 2
carmageddon 64
and jeremy mcgrath supercross

best trade ever even if i got that shitty dirtbike game, carmageddon is a butchered pc port but its still fun running over zombies or killing the other dudes

>> No.348369


Yes, I'm familiar with the PC version. I've played it tons, and still do on iccup. I'm interested in seeing how such a grandiose piece of shit ended up getting me into the competitive brood war scene, considering how bad the game was when I think about it. Six commands maximum per unit? Awkward console controls? One song per race and a shitty version at that? No voice acting?

I don't understand what I liked about it. That's kinda why I want to check it out.

>> No.348389

I do recall there being an N64-exclusive UMS map where you and a friend have to survive a Zerg onslaught for a long time, which I thought was really fun. AFAIK they never ported it to the PC version.

>> No.348394

I dont get why SC is so popular when WC3 is just so much more fun imo. I think hero building added so much to the RTS I hope WC4 isnt a complete piece of shit

>> No.348412

Yep thats the map I was thinking of too when I said that you have a huge building the middle and you just gotta build D the whole time Ive had it blow up on 0:00 so many times I've only beaten it once shit was hard but fun, most frantic shit on a 64 controller

>> No.348417


I remember some sort of initiative to port the UMS' on the N64 to the PC, but I guess the person just got lazy and abandoned the project.

Technically it shouldn't be hard to do. I mean, multiple players holding out against a zerg swarm would be a pretty simple map to make. Hell, they have it in SC2.

>> No.348454


Not really getting into it much, but Warcraft places a higher emphasis on micromanagement and unit efficiency, whereas starcraft places a higher emphasis on economic management and long term strategy.

Funnily enough, WC3 influenced SC2's early map design with a focus on hard to hold bases and 1 base battles. Which doesn't work with starcraft.

They're both great games, though. But I'm a tad biased, I've loved every RTS I've touched.

>> No.348486

Yeah thats exactly why I like WC, SC just seems so over whelming so much shit to be doing once its the same amount in WC but on a larger scale because you have more small units to worry about than leveling up a hero. I like them both I just can't play SC competitively because I dont have the patience for it. Love me dem custom games though haha

>> No.348862

Damn, I was LITERALLY just getting ready to play this! Does anyone know what emulator to use for this?

>> No.348893

I have no trouble emulating this game. If you have issues with saving, why not just use save states?

>> No.348939

almost everything is horribly emulated on the Wii64 in the homebrew channel. No idea why it got such high marks when the only games that don't crazy or aren't slowed down as fuck with buggy ass sound are the fucking Zelda babby games.

>> No.348942
File: 22 KB, 256x249, 256px-Shadow_Madness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shadow Madness for PSX, for some reason the game freezes when I try to change discs

>> No.348953

because its amazing they got it to function that much lol its like 2 kids making that and the WiiSX PS1 emulator lol

>> No.348971

Fucking hell PSP emulator makers!

>> No.349206

Kega Fusion or Genplus GX (in RetroArch) are both great choices.

>> No.349212

PSP emulation is still super early, dude. Wait another year, and it'll likely be much, much better.

>> No.349260

Speaking of which, anyone know how well the Mega Man games run on any of them?

>> No.350291
File: 36 KB, 256x357, 256px-Bomberman_Generation_box[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.350719

Who else here plays VC (SNES, N64) games on Wii and gets glitches, scanlines (talking big-ass scanlines here), ghosting and other artifacts and shit appearing on the screen?
Is that just a fact of VC life or is there a fix/workaround? I've updated my Wii modules with the latest releases.
If I could just get SNES to work without problems, I'd be happy. N64 is mostly good.

>> No.350730

Nice retro

>> No.350828

It works. I finished it a couple of years ago with some minor graphic glitches.

>> No.350834

You'd have to take a picture. Scanlines should only appear on a CRT TV.

>> No.350920

The scanlines are the least of it. I'll try and get a picture.