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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3300481 No.3300481 [Reply] [Original]

We should define retro by consoles that were about gaming, and consoles that became multimedia systems.

I would argue that the 6th generation was the last generation to focus on gaming, and beyond that, consoles became focused solely on multimedia.

>> No.3300485

You bumped a thread off the board for this? Get AIDS

>> No.3300486

We'll have to ban Sega CD, Playstation, Saturn, and TGCD then.

>> No.3300492

It's for the best, I think.

>> No.3300496
File: 70 KB, 1024x747, Z0067312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would argue that the 6th generation was the last generation to focus on gaming,
See DVD remotes for Xbox and PS2

>> No.3300497

So computers were never retro?

Forget it. Your childhood will never be retro.

>> No.3300505

Do you think playing DVD movies changes them to multimedia when the games were on DVD format for size purposes, though?

>> No.3300507

Might want to look up what multimedia means, famicom.

>> No.3300512

How is playing a CD or a DVD multimedia if that just comes along with the fact it uses games in that media?

Wouldn't that just be a feature of the medium (CDs hold games and music, DVDs hold games and movies), not the media itself?

>> No.3300514

Wii can't play DVD movies without hacking.

>> No.3300519

And yet it has a million other features like Netflix, Youtube, Internet browsing, etc.

>> No.3300520

All DVDs and CDs are the same according to your logic. Ok retard.

>> No.3300524

What I am curious about, legitimately, is why the Gamecube is not considered a retro style console if the Dreamcast is.

The Dreamcast had more online functionality than the Gamecube, and "online gaming" is something this board screeches about as being "modern."

I can understand the Xbox and PS2, but not the Gamecube. Especially if Dreamcast is allowed.

>> No.3300526

I wish you trashbags would just stay on /v/

>> No.3300528
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>> No.3300529

GameCube belongs here as much as Dreamcast. Therefore, Dreamcast shouldn't be here

>> No.3300534

Yeah, I don't understand the distinction.

What is the reasoning behind those?

>> No.3300537

Gamecube is retro now that Xbox scorpio was announced. Let me talk about melee and f-zero gx here.

>> No.3300539

Online connectivity built in...?
The PS2 and GameCube didn't have that, the Dreamcast did, and it's allowed here.

>> No.3300542

Theoretically every game, even one's released now, are based on, and heavily influenced by, Arcade gameplay. Arcades literally shaped the way games are played in homes and defined what video games are now.

>> No.3300545

>Nintendrone spam even here


The part about online connectivity needs to be changed

>> No.3300554

Online connectivity thing doesn't even make sense. Consoles only developed that to compete with the PC market so they could continue to exist. It has nothing to do with retro gameplay.

Internet development coincides with but has nothing to do with a retro game console. All original consoles had modems, even the Atari 2600. It wasn't built in because it was useless at the time, so if you wanted it, it was an accessory. When speeds became much higher, it became useful to build it in to compete with PCs.

>> No.3300559

That guy is just a shitposter.

>> No.3300565

You're probably to young to remember, but the ability to play DVDs was a huge part of the PS2's marketing. For many the PS2 was their first DVD player.

>> No.3300572

Being that I'm 29, I bought my first PS2 as a DVD player as well.

And I also realize that gaming evolving onto DVD's is the only reason that was a feature.

>> No.3300574

>Consoles only developed that to compete with the PC market
Consoles never competed with the PC market until the 6th gen.

Games like Halo changed the normally PC dominated genres around to console dominated.

>> No.3300575

>Consoles never competed with the PC market until the 6th gen.

No fucking shit.

>> No.3300578

>Consoles never competed with the PC market until the 6th gen.

Excuse me?

Consoles being PCs was a huge thing in the 1980s. They competed with PCs, but internet wasn't a big thing then.

Obviously, when internet gaming took off on PCs, consoles had to get it too or they would have just lost.

>> No.3300580

I don't understand your point then. You're agreeing with the image? I read it as you weren't.

>> No.3300583

>Consoles being PCs was a huge thing in the 1980s
Are you high?

No mainstream console released ever had any prominent computer feature (like word processing) if any at all in America.

>> No.3300584

Internet has nothing to do with what's retro and what's not. Internet was only added to consoles so they could continue to compete with the PC market.

Yes, consoles competed with PCs even in the 80s and 90s. Sorry you didn't know that.

>> No.3300586

>No mainstream console released ever had any prominent computer feature (like word processing) if any at all in America.

Holy shit this underaged idiot.

>> No.3300587

Console and PC markets were separate.

One of the main reasons Atari fell apart.

>> No.3300589
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I wonder what this is

>> No.3300590

Name one, champ.

Go ahead and google some obscure accessory and say it was a thing. I was around for these consoles unlike you.

>> No.3300593

Fucking wrecked.

>> No.3300595

Why it was a feture is beside the point. It was a feture and a big one, the PS2 was ipso facto a multi media device and it was marketed as such.

>> No.3300596

Garbage that sold a small fraction of what the 2600 sold?
Literally ignored completely?
A failure?

>> No.3300598

Every single 1980s gaming console had PC interactivity.

>> No.3300603
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Why is it a thing with millennials that when they google and see something pop up that clicks in their mind as something that represented a whole generation even though the thing sold like shit and lead to the company's failure?

>> No.3300605

>does the console's generation top selling and most influential titles have heavy arcade influence?

Confirmed: PS1 is not retro (Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo, etc).

>> No.3300606
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Of course it's a failure, that means it didn't exist.

>> No.3300607

If you count peripherals I guess, kiddo. You got me there.

Man that must mean the PC and video game consoles were direct competitors. Yep those IBM gaming PCs of the 80s. Sure remember those things.

Oh wait you'll post some failed combo PC/video game console again as an "argument"/

>> No.3300608

Because I didn't Google it. It's literally a well known fact video game consoles in the 70s and 80s were trying to share marketspace with home computers at the time.

What the fuck do you call the Commodore 64 and the ZX Spectrum?

Yes, I do. The whole point was you buy the fucking gaming console and turn it into a home computer.

>> No.3300612

>the games were on DVD format for size purposes

Initially they were on DVD format for copy protection purposes, since DVD burners cost 2-3x what CD burners did. For the PS2, anyway.

>> No.3300615

all of these consoles were failures.
how hard their addons failed is a moot point.
the fact of the matter is, internet connectivity wasn't a thing that consoles had to worry about until it became mainstream and quick on PCs. Then, to fucking survive, consoles also had to have that feature.

It's not rocket science.
Modern and retro has nothing to do with "internet connectivity."

>> No.3300616

If it isn't cartrige based, it isn't retro. Come at me.

>> No.3300617

Can tell you right now, kid.

IBM did not give a single shit about video game consoles.

They never competed.

>> No.3300620

Famicom had one game that did word processing and came with a keyboard, therefore it is a PC. right? right?

>> No.3300621

No dumbass.
Internet become a thing on consoles because they started directly competing with them with shit game like Halo. A pure rippoff of popular PC titles at the time. Mainly Unreal and Quake.

>> No.3300625

Missed that part were I said America huh?

Googleing so hard you can't read.

>> No.3300626

I guess the IBM Personal Computer had no concern with gaming, whatsoever.

>> No.3300627

Bally Astrocade was a computer that also had the BASIC programming language with it.

I don't understand the arguments here.

Just because you only used them for video games does not mean they weren't trying desperately to make themselves known in homes for more than just games. Most if not all of them had addons that made them full fledged computers.

>> No.3300628

They didn't. A bit later in the 90s there was some PC game stuff but video game consoles? Never far as retro is concerned.

>> No.3300629

>They didn't
So you're the child here. Your incredibly limited exposure to the IBM is showing. You must have been 4 in the 1980s.

By 1987 IBM was the largest and most important platform for computer game companies.

>> No.3300631
File: 55 KB, 500x500, interlacedchen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bally Astrocade
Wow like every home in America had one of those? Totally not a failure.

The argument is you don't take an example that is .0000000000000000000000000001% of the market and say it's competing with the biggest compute Company at the time IBM.

You are underage at best if that's your argument.

>> No.3300632

By 1987 the PC market was growing so quickly that the formerly business-only computer had become the largest and most important platform for computer game companies. More than a third of games sold in North America were for the PC, twice as many as those for the Apple II and even outselling those for the Commodore 64. With the EGA video card, an inexpensive clone was better for games than the Commodore 64 or Apple II, and the Tandy 1000's enhanced graphics, sound, and built-in joystick ports made it the best platform for IBM PC-compatible games before the VGA era.


Yeah, a fucking fact.

>More than a third of games sold in North America were for the PC, twice as many as those for the Apple II and even outselling those for the Commodore 64.

Deal with it.

>> No.3300635

IBM set many standards, slugger.
They didn't make shit for games till the 90s though when they got into personal computers more competitively.

>> No.3300636

Intellevision and ColecoVision were certainly not .00000001% of the market.

Stop using your tired ass old anime/fire emblem images. I'm sick of seeing them every hour I browse /vr/.

>> No.3300641
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>They didn't make shit for games till the 90s though when they got into personal computers more competitively.

Wew lad.



Wew, that sure is the 90s.

>You googled facts! I'm talking about my anecdotal experiences as a 4 year old in 1987 on my dads IBM!

>> No.3300643
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>More than a third of games sold in North America were for the PC


>> No.3300646

... Yeah. it is.

>> No.3300649

Funny thing is people are copying them and I love those anons that do it.

>Intellevision and ColecoVision
Ya they were like .00000002%
>I can't read for shit the post

>> No.3300651

Hilarious how many dumbass older people (or actually underage) are in this thread. Saying PCs didn't compete for gaming space in the 80s, and saying game consoles didn't try to secretly advertise themselves as computers.

This whole thread is full of fucking idiots with no knowledge of PC or home console gaming at all.

Why the fuck do you think the Atari 2600 called itself the Computer System?

>> No.3300653
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And how games did IBM sell?

>> No.3300657

How many games did IBM sell?

>> No.3300658

Intellevision and Colecovision were half the market, the other half was the Atari 2600 and the Odyssey 2.

Are you brain dead?

>> No.3300661

I don't know, but the fact PCs took more than 33% of the gaming market from consoles is highly significant. That's a higher market share than the Sega Master System had competing with the NES.

>> No.3300662

>Intellevision and Colecovision were half the marke
Stop man. You're making an ass of yourself.

Those companies were irrelevant then and are now sans a few funny commercials.

>> No.3300664

They didn't release keyboards to the NES in America because they were afraid that kids might type "penis" with it.

>> No.3300665

What the fuck are you talking about? They sold 2 and 3 million units respectively, while the Odyssey 2 sold over 2 million. That was insane in the second generation and they blew everything else out of the water. The Atari 2600 lived on because it had funding and was solely based on video gaming, while the Intellevision and Coleco had to drop out because they had other areas to focus on in their companies.

What the fuck is wrong with you? You're like a history revisionist who makes things fit his view.

How old are you?

>> No.3300667

And of that 33% how many were IBM games?

You know the worlds biggest computer manufacturer at the time. I'm sure they wanted a piece of this gaming market that PC apparently dominated.

>> No.3300669

Does it matter what TYPE of home computer it was?
No, it doesn't. The fact is, consoles had to fight home computers. Period. And when internet got faster and lan parties became a big thing, consoles had to adapt, notably in the form of online gaming.

>> No.3300671

>They sold 2 and 3 million units respectively,
I got news for you. That may be a lot in your 3rd world shit hole but that's like 1/8 of US sales of video game consoles. Being generous.

>> No.3300673

Those companies sold more consoles than the Virtual Boy, 32X, Sega CD, Sega Nomad, 3DO, CD-i, Atari Jaguar, and more.

So what the fuck are you on about?

>> No.3300676

So this hyper competitive PC gaming market that consoles games sales got obliterated in. You say the worlds largest PC manufacture never made a game? Oh...

Well that Atari company? Ya I assume they become the worlds fastest growing company by selling PC, surely? Oh they made it off arcade sales and home video game consoles?

Ya but here's this obscure failure combo console!

>> No.3300678


... That's not true, actually. In the early 1980s that was a huge chunk of the video game market.

>> No.3300681

>Those companies sold more consoles than the Virtual Boy, 32X, Sega CD, Sega Nomad, 3DO, CD-i, Atari Jaguar, and more.
Sounds like some serious shit. Outsold the Virtual Boy!?!?

>> No.3300682

>hyper competitive PC gaming market that consoles games sales got obliterated in. You say the worlds largest PC manufacture never made a game?

What are you talking about?

You're saying things I never said.

1. PCs and consoles competed for gaming market space as early as the 1980s
2. In order to adapt to PC gaming, consoles used internet connectivity in the late 90s

3. Internet is not a deciding factor when determining if something is retro or not

>> No.3300685

I can't confirm that. Too lazy to care.

I can confirm you're a fucking idiot if you select 1 to 2 years and say that represents the generation.

>> No.3300687

Yeah, outsold a console made by Nintendo, the company responsible for revitalizing the industry after Coleco, Intellivsion, and Atari caused it to crash because they were over inflating the market.

That's when they sold more than any other console in that generation. So why the fuck wouldn't I select those years? If it took them two years to outsell everything else, what the fuck is the point of looking at other years? They still outsold everything else.

>> No.3300689

PC and console were separate and never compete until 6thgen as I said a few times now.

Each had unique limitations.

>> No.3300690

>PC and console were separate and never compete until 6thgen as I said a few times now.

I just showed you that's not fucking true. I just gave you the statistic, 33% of video games were being sold to HOME COMPUTER OWNERS.


>> No.3300691

Company B outsold Company A's failed product. So Company B is better.

Flawless logic.

>> No.3300693

What the fuck is this logical fallacy? Who said "Company B is better"

This is about number of units shipped, which is what drives competition in and industry. You want to sell more than the other guy or you lose money. What the fuck, are you trolling right now?

>> No.3300694

33% is nothing.

Who the fuck rates anything at 33% good?

>> No.3300697

You've been beaten in your argument and now you're just shitposting.

>> No.3300698
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>> No.3300701

Let me help you out.
>Company B outsold Company A's failed product. So Company B is better.

Intellevision outsold Nintendo's Virtual Boy. So Intellevision is better.

Is the logic you're using.

>> No.3300702

We can use the movie industry for comparison if you'd like.


Looks like every single movie studio is doing really bad in your world view of failed economics.

Did you go to college? I wonder, how did you do in your classes in High School?

No one ever said Intellevision is better. Quote who said that.

>> No.3300703

I'm serious. Who rated 33% good?

Type 4 cancer survival rate?

>> No.3300705

>Those companies sold more consoles than the Virtual Boy, 32X, Sega CD, Sega Nomad, 3DO, CD-i, Atari Jaguar, and more.
>Those companies sold more consoles than the Virtual Boy, 32X, Sega CD, Sega Nomad, 3DO, CD-i, Atari Jaguar, and more.

>Those companies sold more consoles than the Virtual Boy, 32X, Sega CD, Sega Nomad, 3DO, CD-i, Atari Jaguar, and more.

And one more time becouse I know you kids suck at reading with obamacore and all.
>Those companies sold more consoles than the Virtual Boy, 32X, Sega CD, Sega Nomad, 3DO, CD-i, Atari Jaguar, and more.

>> No.3300706
File: 35 KB, 548x366, 1q2013-uk-software-unit-sales.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3300707

Okay Fire Emblem Guy, quote where the word "better" is used.

>> No.3300714

33% of an entire market is huge. Your shitposting is off the charts.

>> No.3300716

>Wii beaten by the fucking PC
lol, Nintendo is such a joke nowadays

>> No.3300717

Proved my point. Thanks.
"Better" was used 7 times before this post. Sure you can find it.

>> No.3300721


Wii was released in 2006 and that's a chart from 2013.

>> No.3300725

In large markets with many competitors, cornering the market is a tough challenge. A single competitor owning large shares of the market is rare. Nintendo managed to dominate 90% of the third generation home console market share, but if you include Home Computers and Arcades, Nintendo was not that much of a dominating force.

33% is a large number, and few companies today in their respective industries have such impressive margins.

>> No.3300726


And from the UK, which seems weird since I thought UK was Sonygger land, but Xbox has the biggest share according to that chart.

>> No.3300729

I just posted that as one example for him, since he has no grasp of economics. Companies rarely get past the 20, or 30% when competing with many other companies. I'm not sure why he kept repeating the "33% is bad, that's horrible, that's cancer survival good" meme.

>> No.3300730

You're not talking about a single company you idiot. You're talking about ALL PC games.

>> No.3300731

Fire Emblem Guy is a board wide known troll. When he engages in arguments he uses the same stale responses, and when he is beaten by actual statistics, he just starts shitposting and using logical fallacies off the charts. He normally starts with these images

And if it continues, he goes into pure shitposting. He gets triggered really fast and I'm not sure if he's ever actually serious or just trolling the board for fun.

>> No.3300734

He's the main reason we can't have retro discussion threads. While gaming moves into phones and virtual reality, he's still shitting all over the place about how a GameCube isn't "retro."

>> No.3300738

I don't post here often so I didn't know about Fire Emblem Guy.
I was actually trying to post a serious thread because I tried to talk about GameCube on /v/ and the thread just got bumped off. And then I had an actual thread going and it was 99% shitposting.
I guess /vr/ is the same if there's more Fire Emblem Guys.

>> No.3300740
File: 396 KB, 850x447, sample_97efa644c3be09fe5c0b3c59d5b1ff8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>naw fuck those rules I want these rules instead
>Ya but the rules were already here and have community around them.

The post 90s tears really are entertaining but damn am I glad you shits can't discuss garbage like Kingdom Hearts here.

>> No.3300742

We should accept the status quo because it works good enough and quit whining about changing the rules to allow newer systems when there are already plenty of pre-y2k games to discuss. Not /vr/'s problem that /v/ is a complete shithole and you can't talk about anything seriously over there.

>> No.3300745

The same rules also changed to allow Dreamcast. I'm genuinely curious what the difference is for the GameCube.

>> No.3300749

/v/ is bad because it's a shitpost for current generation gaming and what's hyped and popular.

The board is not bad because it's a haven of discussion for 6th generation video games.

>> No.3300750

More like, the rules always allowed Dreamcast/Naomi games, we just had an autistic janitor that deleted DC threads for no reason.

>> No.3300753

>Saturn, and TGCD


>> No.3300757

This board would be less prone to arguments and retro discussion if they simply allowed GameCube as well as Dreamcast. Then an actual argument could be made as to why those two are specifically retro together.

>> No.3300768

If Gamecube, PS2, and XBOX are allowed to be retro then a ton of threads you OFTEN see on /v/ will be allowed here.

it's not like you can't talk about those games there. Please go away. Nobody cares how old something is, you don't THINK Gamecube or playstation 2 when you think "retro". You just don't.

>> No.3300769
File: 57 KB, 380x518, saturn-vcd-card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your face when Saturn had an official movie playback peripheral


>> No.3300774

>you don't THINK Gamecube or playstation 2 when you think "retro". You just don't.

Gamestop does.


>> No.3300780

>listening to fucking gamestop
undageb&s, all of them.

seriously, there is no shortage of discussion here. There's no reason to allow anything after 1999

>> No.3300787

It also had a modem, a keyboard, a mouse, internet play, web browser, and ports of FPS games that used analog lookspring and abxy for moving forward/back and strafing.

It's literally an xbro console.

>> No.3300794 [DELETED] 

I will always report Dreamcast threads. I literally don't give a fuck. Not-retro, never will be, even if our autistic janitors allow it.

Fuck all of you.

>> No.3300803

>internet play
>ports of FPS games with strafing

>> No.3300806

>release date: 1998
>rules: anything pre-2000 is retro

Stay butthurt, autist. Dreamcast is retro!

>> No.3300808

>calling moi an autist.

Wow. Top kek.

>> No.3300835
File: 1.60 MB, 1876x1118, laserdisc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, able to play an obscure asian speciality format.

Saturn wasn't economical enough for playing CDs. Sega wasn't a CD company like sony was.

>> No.3300841

>Saturn wasn't economical enough for playing CDs. Sega wasn't a CD company like sony was.
What? Sega CD, Saturn and Dreamcast could all play music CD's.

>> No.3300867

>sfc got radio broadcasts via satellite
fucking sfc, so not retro amirite

>> No.3300869

>it's okay when Nintendo does it

>> No.3300873
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>selling the same game with locked DLC
Fucking Jewtendo.

>> No.3300892

>>ports of FPS games with strafing

They did not control like modern games though, while the Saturn ones had the exact analog lookspring on left + movement on right + shooting by triggers scheme.

>> No.3301324
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I totally understand the feelings about Xbox and PS2 being the first "modern" consoles. Their games share a lot in common with modern console games.

But I really don't understand the logic of allowing Dreamcast but not Gamecube.

We seriously need to allow Gamecube discussion.

>> No.3301331

Bad idea.

Allowing even more of Gen VI with arbitrary reasons is just going to cause the Sony fanboys to go even further into full shitpost mode.

>> No.3301361

>You're probably to young to remember, but the ability to play DVDs was a huge part of the PS2's marketing

Do you mind posting then a PS2 advertisement that focused on the DVD movie playing capabilities?

>> No.3301364

GameCube launched in 2001 and shared multiplats with the PS2 and Xbox.

>> No.3301379

You need to realize the Dreamcast isn't allowed.
The rules haven't changed since the first week. The sticky is meaningless compared to the rules.

>> No.3301391


>> No.3301394
File: 69 KB, 614x411, 1465966016165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres only one official rule and it literally says "platforms launched in 1999", and the dreamcast was launched in 1998 in japan, and 1999 in north america.
Dreamcast is considered retro by that rule, faggot, kill yourself.

>> No.3301401

You overlooked the second part of the rule that says "No 6th generation consoles". Dreamcast is a sixth generation console no matter how you spin it.

>> No.3301415
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>> No.3301418
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>> No.3301435
File: 346 KB, 1200x900, aiwa mega CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I say anything about sega CD? No, I specifically left that out, along with Playstation(which gets praised for the sound quality, especially for certain revisions). In fact, with the games being rather disappointing, that must have been an appealing use, they even made many all in one versions of it, though several years later, when it became exceptional as a console that could play burnt games, then it became wasteful for CD playback, if you knew this.

Dreamcast was dated with its optical drive type. I bet it couldn't even play CVD/SVCD discs. And it's laser wore out easily.

So, restating is necessary, Saturn was uneconomical for CDs.

They should probably just shove them in into a generation 6 gaming board.

>> No.3301437


I for one can confirm that when I was 14 I was able to use the DVD player as leverage to get my mom to buy me a PS2. She asked if I wanted a DVD player for Christmas and I told her "why not get a PS2 for the same price?"

She fell for it and so began my affair with my favorite console of all time.

So yeah, think of it this way- the ads were aimed at players who wanted games (duh) and the DVD was a very nice extra selling point that did have a real impact on sales as I know first hand.

>> No.3301450

These aren't advertisements by Sony, they are magazine covers

>> No.3302249

Sweet! that includes the GBA!

>> No.3302264

The arbitrary rule of "before 1999" makes no sense if we're allowing the Dreamcast. It's a sixth generation console, very obviously feels and plays like a sixth generation console, and it has internet out of the box.

The GameCube doesn't even have internet out of the box, and it's somehow not allowed.

>> No.3302265

arbitrary and autistic

>> No.3302269

>very obviously feels and plays like a sixth generation console
expand on that, please

>> No.3302270

Don't even respond to that guy. He has problems.

>> No.3302272

If you binge play games on the N64, PlayStation, Super Nintendo, etc. and then jump to the Dreamcast, which I do often, or Xbox or GameCube, you know immediately the Dreamcast is NOT part of the previous eras of gaming. It's a totally unique polished 3D experience with good controls, good camera angles, fully loaded areas, no fog of war or sharp polygons, etc. Especially if you play the Dreamcast in 480p alongside the Xbox, and GameCube in 480p.

The 6th gen is a very obvious jump from what started in the 5th. Average 3D became polished and detailed 3D in the 6th gen, and games like Sonic Adventure 2 and Super Mario Sunshine are totally different leaps than what was possible before.

>> No.3302278

Wasn't there a "two generations old is retro" rule or am I imagining things. I'm 19 and grew up with 6th gen. I think that sentence will make some older folks angry, but it wasn't my intention. 6th generation doesn't feel quite retro yet to me though. Maybe when current gaming is on the 9th gen it will. IDK where I'm going with this.

>> No.3302279

thanks for the level-headed response. I have to say, I have not played 4th, 5th, or even 6th gen at their time, so I'm largely unaware of the technological leaps that happened, and in particular, how player perception was affected

>no fog of war
minor nitpick (hopefully not gonna egg my own face with it), fog of war is a strategic concept. You're likely referring to distance fog, used to obscure pop-in

>> No.3302287

Yeah, distance fog, not fog of war. I was using fog of war as an insult.

>> No.3302292

I'm glad I don't get the insult then. By the way, not retro but GTA SA used fog brilliantly to make the world bigger. You can mod the game to remove the fog and increase the drawing distance, and it fucks with the perception of distance so badly, when you can see from one city to another. The map was deliberately designed for the fog that was in the game. It was not just a technical limit, it was a design choice/aspect

>> No.3302312

>good controls
Single control stick and lack of face buttons equals good controls?

>good camera
Sonic Adventure?

>fully loaded areas, no fog of war or sharp polygons
Pretty much every N64 game by Nintendo or Rare already had this

>> No.3302320
File: 18 KB, 927x885, 1458467245287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dreamcast controller was pretty fucking awesome for the time, and the Keyboard and Mouse make up for any shortcomings you're referring to.
>Sonic Adventure?

>> No.3302326

looking at your pic, low poly 2D graphics are super rare

>> No.3302356

>Pretty much every N64 game by Nintendo or Rare already had this

That's just fueling the fire that 6th gen is retro, then.

>> No.3302451

I wish retards would stop making threads about how X console should be retro now.

There's always at least 2 going and you're bumping actual threads off of our board.

Get fucked kiddies, your xbox will never be retro.

>> No.3302953

Didn't you already post here?

>> No.3302967

>Get fucked kiddies, your xbox will never be retro.

That's good, because the main discussion is about GameCube.

>> No.3302982


GameCube was a shit console. Nintendo jewed out completely on features. Like having normal sized dvds

>> No.3303168

It was also released before 1999 no matter how you spin it. Gamecube is not.

>> No.3303457

Depends on the context

>> No.3303520

>Thinks America is the world.

>> No.3303760

I think Dreamcast is an appropriate cut-off point. You could say the modern era of gaming (Sony vs Microsoft) began right after it was discontinued.

>> No.3303803

That's why the second part exists specifically to ban the Dreamcast. There was no other sixth generation system released before 2000.

>> No.3305357

Retro should be defined as any console that wasn't manufactured by Nintendo.

>> No.3305364

Is the Sharp Twin Famicom retro?

>> No.3305372

Licensed by Nintendo, so not retro.

>> No.3305373

FF was heavily arcade influenced?

never played any FF games, genuine question

>> No.3305447

Is the Dendy retro?

>> No.3305465

You had worse problems if you had to play videogames on the Dendy.

Such as living in a communist shithole.

>> No.3308949

Retro shouldn't be defined by this shit or how long it has been out for. The 6th gen was the first modern console generation because it was the start of how games are and seen as currently. The 5th generation is an arguable precursor but the 6th is what really grounded how games are supposed to be looked at now. No matter how old they get the Gamecube, Dreamcast, PS2, and XBox will never be retro.

>> No.3308982

Personally I define anything that's two generations old as retro, but this is just my personal opinion on the matter.

>> No.3310060

The majority of games I play are 6th gen. It's my favourite gen.

I don't want to see 6th gen on /vr/ simply because it will attract the PS2 babbies. Other discussion will be drowned out by PS2, Gamecube or Xbox discussion based purely on the amount of people who are fans of those platforms.

I don't want that to happen. /vr/ should be a safe haven from that kind of talk.

This thread is lame, and we have it too often.

>> No.3312006

>RPG is based on arcade games

>> No.3312098

Yeah but the actual games were good.

>> No.3312104

>good games
Ya like 3 games?

>> No.3312132

Even when you disregard first-party games, Gamecube has a lot of great exclusives.

>Rogue Leader
>Eternal Darkness
>Baten Kaitos
>Gotcha Force
>Super Monkey Ball
>Crystal Chronicles
>Twin Snakes
>Lost Kingdoms
>Bomberman Generations

>> No.3312136

For Gamecubew that's "great". Those games are just mediocre overall.

>> No.3312157

At the very least, they're good, well-made games. Can't you just admit that the Cube wasn't a bad console?

>> No.3312172

I never said bad. There's far worse. I wouldn't call it good.

>> No.3312615

Ps2 and xbox were mutimedia systems used to play cds so you can throw them out of the window.

>> No.3312795

Those goalposts man. You didn't ask for a Sony advertisement, you asked for advertisements in general. It having a built in dvd-player was a huge selling point for many people.

>> No.3312832

Totally, except for that whole 1999 and before thing. It's almost as if there was a vision of what was to be discussed here when the board debuted. A vision I happen to agree with.

>> No.3312863

Kek. So were the TurboGrafx cd and Sega cd.

>> No.3312868

The Wii was focused on gaming, so according to your logic, that's retro.

The 3DS and Wii U are focused on games, so according to your logic, those are retro.

>> No.3312870

How do I downvote this thread I cannot find the button.

>> No.3312876

PS1, Saturn, Mega CD and Jaguar are all multimedia systems. In fact that buzzword was first used to describe those systems and any CD based system or add on.

>> No.3312878

Remember, sage goes in the options field.