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3300325 No.3300325 [Reply] [Original]

Been a while since we had one of these.

>Do you like SS1, SS2, or Deus Ex the most out of the retro Spector cyberpunk trilogy?
>Are you looking forward to the upcoming SS1 remake and SS3?
>What did you think of Enhanced Edition?
>Any mods/TC's you've enjoyed?


>> No.3300330

>What did you think of Enhanced Edition?

Still no invert y-axis mouselook

>> No.3300331


>Do you like SS1, SS2, or Deus Ex the most out of the retro Spector cyberpunk trilogy?
I need to finish SS1, I like it so far though
Haven't played SS2
I've probably played Deus Ex at least 4 times by now.

>Are you looking forward to the upcoming SS1 remake and SS3?
SS1 remake could be good, I'm not sure. SS3 having Spector on it is a good sign, but you never know about big brand projects these days, I'm cautiously optimistic.

>What did you think of Enhanced Edition?
Not much of an opinion, really.

>Any mods/TC's you've enjoyed?
GMDX is fucking great for Deus Ex. I started a GMDX playthrough some time ago and need to get back on it.

>> No.3300670

Deus Ex>SS1>SS2
They're all amazing though
Not sure about the remake or SS3. I know I'm in a minority on this but I don't want SHODAN to return, she's had her shit pushed in twice now and is beginning to look like a moron. The metaphor she uses at the start of SS1 about citadel being her body, with the cameras being her eyes and the nodes being her brains is hilariously disturbing when you think about it and realize that the game is I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream but with the roles reversed.
Enhanced Edition is great and I'm happy more people get to play best Shock.
As for mods I know it's controversial on here but I liked The Nameless Mod. Yeah the writing is annoying but the levels are excellent, especially the mountain base towards the end. Deus Ex Nihilum is also great.
Zodiac sucked

>> No.3301003

>Do you like SS1, SS2, or Deus Ex the most out of the retro Spector cyberpunk trilogy?
System Shock 2
All three are good games

>Are you looking forward to the upcoming SS1 remake and SS3?

>What did you think of Enhanced Edition?
Makes the game enjoyable, System Shock 1 is awful without mouselook. I can handle some DOS RPG control schemes but not a game with full 3D aiming

>Any mods/TC's you've enjoyed?
No. I avoid all mods except for essential quality of life mods like the aforementioned SS1 mouselook mod.
I'm sure some are good, but I'd rather try a different game than play a mod of a game I've already finished.

>> No.3301150

Retro games

>> No.3301173

SyShock > Deus Ex > SyShock 2

SS2 is basically Bioshock Zero. It's got casual gameplay elements like psi, dumbed-down level design, a hilariously terrible plot, and mind-numbingly simple hacking compared to the first game. It was the only one not helmed by Warren Spector, so that's probably the reason. Deus Ex might've had augs, but at least they weren't as broken as some of the stuff you could eventually unlock in SS2.

>> No.3301261

I just started playing SS1 today is there anything I should know going into this? I down loaded the aiming mod for the enhanced edition.

>> No.3301310

Don't use the mouselook mod. The game was intended for keyboard-only, so learn the original game's controls first.

>> No.3301317

use the mouse look mod. The original game's controls were poorly designed, albeit ambitious, and ruin the game.

>> No.3301343

ruining the game would actually be using controls that weren't intended by the developers

if you use mouselook you're a faggot

>> No.3301349

So I should play games like Doom and Blood with arrow keys instead of wasd?

>> No.3301369


Use the fucking mouselook. It is an objective improvement to the game and a necessity for any shooter. Don't make it hard on yourself. Go with the most comfortable controls and focus on enjoying the game

>> No.3301650

Deus Ex=SS1>SS2

>> No.3301652

I agree with this. mouselook drastically improves the game

even the original devs said to use the mouslook mod back when they did a commentary stream of the game back in 2014

>> No.3301764

Use mouselook
The Laser Rapier is fucking amazing

>> No.3301961

SS2 is the weakest game LGS made if you ask me. Just something about it felt off compared to their other games.

>> No.3302063

This honestly. The PSI elements in 2 felt entirely unnecessary as they'd previously established bionics as the go-to powerup method. The 'skill tree' also made things unnecessarily RPG-ish and all they really needed to lock you out of some of the 'higher powered' weaponry was just not give it to you so early/plentifully.

Deus Ex is ambitious as hell, but occasionally trips on that ambition.

The only design choices I can really dislike about SS1 was the joke weapons (riot shotgun/stun pistol) and the eternally respawning hoppers on the reactor level.

I'm not sure I can legitimately complain about the controls as I beat the game the first time with them as a kid back in 98, but in my most recent playthrough last year I'll confess to using the mouselook for convenience. I've heard the reasoning for them was to simulate panic and necessitate forethought in weapon and target selection, but I

>> No.3302070

the respawning slug things on the maintenance level were way worse

>> No.3302105

>and necessitate forethought in weapon and target selection, but I

Damn the respawning hoppers got to anon

>> No.3302109 [DELETED] 

>>Do you like SS1, SS2, or Deus Ex the most out of the retro Spector cyberpunk trilogy?
They're all fucking terrible
>>Are you looking forward to the upcoming SS1 remake and SS3?
Fuck no
>>What did you think of Enhanced Edition?
Don't know shit about it because these games are fucking horrible
>>Any mods/TC's you've enjoyed?

Games with shit gameplay are shit. Stop posting shitty games.

>> No.3302440

Or you could stop having shitty taste.

>> No.3302857
File: 18 KB, 330x330, hackers gonna hack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you constantly monitor SS threads just to shitpost?

>> No.3303160

Back to /v/ friendo

>> No.3303319

Deus Ex is the only one out of all them I've finished.

I played a little bit of system shock 2, but I got stuck shortly after the med bay. You know that thing that sometimes happens to you in video games, where you don't know where to go next, so you backtrack, go forward, re-explore every damn place you've been but can't find a way to progress? And then after a while, you realize you're definitely stuck retreading the same paths and checking the same places because of muscle memory and now you've totally lost any sense of context as to what you were supposed to be doing? Happened to me with SS2.

Never even tried playing SS1, since I was apparently too casul for SS2. I did try playing Ultima Underworld, but ended up (again) getting stuck because I'm too dumb to solve some of the puzzles. Ultima Underworld is really different from SS2 though, but I'm told it was at least somewhat similar to SS1.

>tfw too casul to be really good at puzzle / immersive sim RPGs

>> No.3303343

Some of the original devs were streaming the game on Twitch a little while ago and even they were recommending the mouselook mod.

I've been meaning to play the Ultima Underworld games though and I understand they have similar gameplay to SS1. Are there equivalents to the mouselook mod for them and are they worth having?

>> No.3303494


>Deus Ex might've had augs, but at least they weren't as broken as some of the stuff you could eventually unlock in SS2.

>Regeneration + Power Circulator
>Not broken

So much for meticulously-placed medkits medbots and vendors!

>> No.3303649

you know your PDA in SS2 has a "notes" tab that tells you exactly what you're supposed to do, right?

>> No.3303668


also you can press M to bring up the map, and then turn the automap on

>> No.3303792

Shock 2 > DE > Shock 1

Which really isn't an insult to any of them, they're all great. I think Shock 2's more closed, linear, isolated experience is just more interesting than Shock 1's meandering or DE's open world. More tight dev control and whatnot.

>> No.3303864

Neither of those augs are as broken as literally being able to clone your own items like in System Shock 2.

Also there's psi/hp regen in SS2 anyways.

>> No.3304793

if SS3 doesn't have cyberspace levels I'm gonna be mad

>> No.3305109

Ultima Underworld plays a lot better than SS1. I played it a few months ago and it was fantastic. Just takes some time to get comfy with the controls.

>> No.3305489

>thinking modern games will have effort put into them


>> No.3306080

Underworld Ascendant looks like it has effort put into it, and it's being made by the same people

>> No.3306093

>Do you like SS1, SS2, or Deus Ex the most out of the retro Spector cyberpunk trilogy?
SS2, my first sweetheart.
>Are you looking forward to the upcoming SS1 remake and SS3?
Cautiously optimistic on the remake, not so sure about SS3. Prey reboot seems like it will be a decent SS-style game, especially with Chris Avelone on the writing team.
>What did you think of Enhanced Edition?
Pretty good, actually. Worth the money.
>Any mods/TC's you've enjoyed?
Didn't try any.

>> No.3306106

You joking? The trailer for it made it look terrible.

>> No.3306126

Terrible? I think it looks good:

I especially like the context-sensitive magic system they showed off, it looks like it could make for some pretty interesting gameplay.
I'm just glad they're not just doing a retro styled game with modern graphics à la Grimrock, it seems like they're genuinely trying to innovate within the genre.
The graphics aren't amazing, but it's definitely got that Underworld vibe, and that's all that really matters

>> No.3306132

If they can get the atmosphere down and fill the game with interesting dungeons then I think it'll be fine. I seriously hope they drop Unity for System Shock 3 tho. All games on Unity look the same no matter how much developers try.

>> No.3306148

I don't think there's much chance of that happening given that they dedicated an entire video to praising unity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8iJyxtGT4g

>> No.3306153

>All games on Unity look the same no matter how much developers try.
The SS remake kinda reminds me of Unreal Engine 3 more than Unity. Maybe because of the weird plastic-y shine on everything.

>> No.3306317

I'm more worried that they'll remove the ability to lean around corners

>> No.3306781

You can change that in the configs pretty easy. Just have to add a negative sign in front of the sensitivity or something

>> No.3306856

wouldn't that invert the x-axis as well?

>> No.3307056


Did that but cyberspace is still normal y-axis though.

>> No.3307169

Yeah, cyber-space is really fucky. I just used the keyboard. Even then, I don't remember if I could invert it or not. Might just have to suck it up or not play. Cyberspace gameplay is a relatively small portion of the game.

There are separate values for horizontal and vertical mouse sensitivity in the config

>> No.3307201

>Cyberspace gameplay is a relatively small portion of the game.
True, but you'd better be fairly competent with it if you want to beat the final boss...

>> No.3307541

Is the Enhanced Edition the version to get?

>> No.3307845

Just go download System Shock Portable. Though it's harder to find now because Night Drive has been going after uploaders since they took over the copyright from an insurance company.

>> No.3308391

They haven't been "going after" them.
The people who made System Shock Portable worked directly with Night Dive to create the Enhanced edition.
They took the portable version down voluntarily. If you still want to use System Shock Portable you still can, but it's been replaced with an installer that takes files from a purchased copy to build SSP, rather than having all the files itself.
And besides, I've played both. SSE runs way better than SSP.

Also System Shock is only 3 bucks on gog right now.
I'm usually against paying jewy studios who buy up old copyrights to make a quick buck, but these are the people who brought System Shock out of copyright limbo. The System Shock IP was split up and owned by like 50 different companies, and no one knew how to get it back. If it weren't for NightDive, System Shock 3 wouldn't be happening right now. They deserve the money

>> No.3308775

>SSE runs way better than SSP.
Of course. SSP runs through Dosbox while SSE is a native Windows app. Doesn't matter though unless your computer is a toaster.

>> No.3308808

even with a good computer it's difficult to run SSP in its higher resolution modes

in SSE all resolutions run flawlessly, and it even allows custom resolutions and has a widescreen mode

>> No.3309596

Playing SS1. Is there any use for items such as beverages, flasks, helmets, limbs, etc.? Also is it babby mode to use On-Line Help?

>> No.3309646

No. Yes.

>> No.3309673

SS1 > SS2 > Dude Sex

>> No.3309842

I think there's a head on level 3 that you can use on a retinal scanner

other than that all the body parts are useless

>> No.3309874

>DX lower than the abomination that is SS2


>> No.3311124

I'll explain for him: shit taste

>> No.3311245

it's a shit game

i'm not gonna explain it because there's no use explaining it since people will defend it to death

>> No.3311275

let me guess, you got bored and quit on Liberty Island because you have adhd

>> No.3311290

The SS1 remake looks so fucking bad. If it weren't for the name slapped on it it would be utterly indistinguishable from any other first-attempt "survival horror" Unity tech demo shit on Early Access. I understand the desire to stick to the original look but it does not scale at all to the quasi-photorealism it's going for.

SS3 is slightly more complicated because I think Otherside is capable of making a good game but I'm not really sure the world needs another "System Shock". I'd've preferred a new IP along the same lines so I'm less disappointed and not forced to compare it to its forerunners (e.g. Arx Fatalis vs. Underworld), but marketing.

>> No.3311316

More details about the System Shock Remaster and its Kickstarter from a reddit AMA: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/4pbc01/iama_founder_of_night_dive_studios_stephen_kick/

>More footage on the 28th with the launch of the Kickstarter. We'll also be unveiling a ton of new concepts.

>I hope we reach our minimum goal of $900K - it will provide us with what we need in order to finish the game the way we envision it, but I believe we'll raise considerably more. We've gone all in on the Kickstarter and I think everyone will be surprised by what we have to offer. We're doing things no other crowd funding campaign has done and we're doing everything we can to differentiate ourselves from other high profile projects that have failed to deliver on their promises.

>Yes, the remake will follow the original very closely in terms of story and levels. The gameplay will be smoother and more streamlined mostly due to the reworked interface. We've taken what was great about Shock and Shock 2's interface and created a hybrid that fans of the genre will feel very familiar with. All the weapons and enemies will be there, but re-imagined and updated by the original concept artist Robb Waters. We've identified a number of areas in the game that we're going to expand by various degrees - we felt there were great story telling opportunities just waiting to be explored. Veterans of the series will definitely find some surprises this time around...

>> No.3311317

>We are offering physical copies of System Shock on Kickstarter - just wait and see!

>The core mechanics themselves will be present, but we've gone great lengths to make sure the players experience will be smooth and intuitive. There is an inventory mode that allows you to examine, equip, and drop items but you'll find it much easier to use than the original. I'd describe it as a hybrid between Shock 1 and 2, so you could definitely say we're influenced by more modern games.

>The interface has been redesigned to be streamlined and easier to use. It's starting to resemble a hybrid of what is in Shock 1 and Shock 2 with some Deus Ex thrown in for good measure. Either way it's completely intuitive for veterans of the genre and new players alike.

>Personally, I'd love workshop/mod support and something we're currently discussing.

>> No.3311348 [DELETED] 

hopefully they cut back on the rgb shift

>> No.3311351


hopefully they cut back on that chromatic aberration shit they had in the teaser

>> No.3311380
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>more streamlined
>re-imagined and updated
>core mechanics themselves will be present, but...
>we're influenced by more modern games

>> No.3311498

the original still exists, nothing stopping you from playing it instead

>> No.3311738

i actually beat it

>> No.3311751

I've always considered SS1 LGS's masterpiece. But I guess you can say that about any of their games.

>> No.3312137

name 1 thing you hated about playing it then

>> No.3312148

how poorly scripted it was

>> No.3312162

script seemed ok to me, but then you're probably referring to the cut content and how the endgame was rushed, right?

>> No.3312263

well its not just that

i explained this on /v/ a few times before but it's just poorly thought out

in Battery Park for example, whether or not you "slaughtered" soldiers is controlled by which way you entered a building, it's not affected at all by how many NSF soldiers you actually kill

i didn't know about the door behind the vending machine on my first playthrough so i snuck in from the front, after many saves and reloads i managed to get in without killing every body, yet at UNATCO everyone congratulated me on killing everyone

anna navarre didn't even kill anyone either, which is weird because sometimes she either did or didn't

>> No.3312326

Except none of that affects the gameplay.

>> No.3312330


we're talking about the script here, nigger

see that's why it's pointless to argue with DXfags, it's such an awful follow-up to the LGS legacy

>> No.3312337

You say its pointless but you still reply? Whatever bro, I don't care either.

>> No.3312339

someone insisted i tell him why i hated deus ex (that's not the only reason either) and i did

>> No.3312345

Obviously someone came in after you left and killed them all, and then you got the credit for it back at Unatco HQ.

>> No.3313037

>m-muh script

fuck off, if you want a good script go watch a play

deus ex has amazing gameplay, that's what's important

>> No.3313131

>reading comprehension
i'm obviously not talking about the writing, retard

>> No.3313360

How do I disable auto aim in Deus Ex? Preferences says the default value is 0.93 (same as Quake); setting it to 1 disables it, I take it?

>> No.3313657

0 should mean off.

>> No.3313738

I set it to 1 and there's still no auto-aim. I mean, I don't think there's 93% auto aim by default. That would be extremely noticeable.

>> No.3313970

Polygon article with some more details on System Shock Remaster (now just System Shock)

>> No.3314363

>The remake is being sold as 'System Shock'
>The orignial is being sold as 'System Shock Enhanced'
There's something very wrong with this. It's simultainously pretty funny and very annoying.
At least the original and probably best verion is being marketed as superior.

>> No.3315271

So since this is going to be multiplatform does that means they're going to remove leaning and prone?

>> No.3316238

I hope not
I really loved having 9 different stances