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File: 11 KB, 256x224, 396330-the-legend-of-zelda-a-link-to-the-past-snes-screenshot-kakariko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3298616 No.3298616 [Reply] [Original]

I love A Link to the Past, don't get me wrong - but is it me, or is that game's art style kind of ugly? Something about the color palette doesn't appeal to me.

>> No.3298743

I always thought both ALTTP and SMW looked kind of weird as a kid actually. Growing up I kinda like SMW's art now but ALTTP still looks kinda ugly to me, still it was released pretty early in the system's life time so I guess it's understandable.

>> No.3298819

Weird thing is I loved ALTTPs style but never enjoyed SMW, ever. Even now I just can't seem to enjoy the way it looks. Weirdly enough I love Yoshis Island for its style.

Maybe SMW falls into a weird uncanny valley. for me.

>> No.3298824

Looks kinda RPG Maker desu.

>> No.3298847


Agreed, I never got the hype for these games. I skipped 16 butt era entirely because the games looked really unappealing to me.

The physics in SMW were really strange, there was no input delay like in SM3 but at the same time the jumps felt really short and ended way too fast without any air time or momentum to them.

Alttp had horrific collision detection, where half the sword strikes barely connected and you had to spam the attack button like a retard. But then again, bad collision detection is a staple of 16 butt gaming.

At least sword strikes in the first two Zeldas felt like actual strikes, with force behind and actually connected.

>> No.3298927

Shits cozy as fuck
You're an underage faggot
Kick rocks

>> No.3299000

I thought the colors were well blended and soft. if anything the post-star world overland colorscheme was fucked up

>hating 16-bit
how? 16 bit was my favorite because it was best 2D you could get before we switched to 3D and started from 0. I loved the animated backgrounds in sega games or the moving textures in snes games.

>> No.3299027

it's you, this is the only zelda game that actually pleases my senses

>> No.3299249

You're mentally ill. That's the only logical explanation.

>> No.3299251

Don't forget to take your meds, grandpa.

>> No.3299261
File: 34 KB, 445x295, 1465612847953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I first played ALTTP on gba and it bored me to death, never even got past the second or third early dungeon, but years later I played it on the snes and I liked it a lot more.

>> No.3299265

This so much.

>> No.3299364


Never occured to me. Got this when I was 10 and played it for years. I suppose they did keep some of the original NES feel tho, and I mean that as a good thing. I've never gotten into the first zelda tho, but NES games overall just has that feel to them.

Games being just games, simple and fun.

Link's Awakening somehow looks better imo, they've kept the style from ALTTP but rationalized it into pen drawings (original black and white version, maybe I should add or you kids are going to think of some weird color GBA version, right).

>> No.3299370

For me it's weird, but I liked Link's Awakening / Oracles better. Even looking at the graphics, there is something about them. Still to this day I wish for a 4th game.

>> No.3299380

>original black and white version, maybe I should add or you kids are going to think of some weird color GBA version
Link's Awakening DX had color on the GBC

>> No.3299418

I'm sure it's nostalgia, but ALttP's art style still give me a warm fuzzy feeling inside

>> No.3299423

I really like the environments, but most of the character sprites are ugly af

I mean they're ugly in a way that's tolerable and fits with the world, but they're all fckin weird lookin

>> No.3299427

zelda games in general are really bland looking, i've never been able to get into them.

>> No.3299484

Wewliosis of the lad.


>> No.3299490

>16 bit was my favorite because it was best 2D you could get before we switched to 3D and started from 0.
This. All that innovation and R&D into 2D thrown in the fire when it was on a roll, just because muh ploygonz!

>> No.3299539

Are you Me?

>> No.3299881

Link's Awakening is my all-time favorite Zelda game.

>> No.3299887


>> No.3299904

It's mine too.

My second favorite is Twilight Princess with wii controls

>> No.3299909

again, why?

>> No.3299916

desu I skipped the 3D era basically until Wind Waker
I hated the idea of a Zelda that wasn't top-down

never properly played OOT or MM until the remakes (though I rented MM a few times)
I don;t see what you mean about the sword not connection, it hit when you were actually aiming at the enemy, and I liked that you could block attacks if necessary
it was only annoying because you could only attack in 4 directions

I don't see why its "ugly" the sprites were great and the different areas has a lot of colour and variety, especially when compared to Dark World.

my only issue was telling what some sprites were was difficult, like the famous aghanim hair

>> No.3299917
File: 51 KB, 240x160, zeldaminishcap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I like ALTTP I have to agree. The character sprites, link included, look ugly and the environments look all flat and lack a sense of perspective.

Minish Cap was a huge graphical improvement over ALTTP, although ALTTP was an early SNES game, so it's understandable.

>> No.3299923

>an early SNES game, so it's understandable
the artists had years of prior experience with their graphics software

>> No.3299943

Looks good to me

>> No.3299947

i don't get the hipster link's awakening opinions

link's awakening was the only zelda game i played as a kid and thought lttp was way better when i played it when at like 20

>> No.3299951

i love link's awakening too

>> No.3299953

>i don't get the hipster link's awakening opinions
that's because you dismiss them as hipster opinions, instead of actually trying to understand them

>> No.3299987

I honestly found it magical OP.

>> No.3300041

The story, the world, the characters. The overworld feels like its own dungeon with all of the obstacles and paths, and the dungeons themselves are innovative and memorable. It's one of the earliest games I know of to have such an emotional ending and feeling of loss when it's all over.

>> No.3300851

>Minish Cap was a huge graphical improvement
Spotted the fruit.

>> No.3300872

It's a bit unique, but it's effective.

>> No.3300901

Nobody cares.

>> No.3300930

I also think it's a bit ugly, but everything has the same style, so I think they were going for that dark (not sure if that's the best way to describe it) look.

Speaking of that, I really like how almost every major Zelda game has a different art style, and they're all beautiful in some way. Before I knew there was an actual timeline, I used to think this was because the games were all retellings of the same story. There are some exceptions like OoT and MM, but I like to think that's because they share the same protagonist

>> No.3300943
File: 3.63 MB, 2007x2007, A_Link_to_the_Past_Overworld_Map_(Dark_World).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking about it and think it may be the darker color pallet used. Bright colors in the game are very rare and generally the pallet uses much darker colors in everything. Another thing is the game taking place mostly in the dark world which had a dreary color pallet to show how its in ruined. Honestly I'm not sure how I feel about it looking back.

>> No.3301106

The art style was basically the Zelda team trying to come to terms with 16-bit limitations.

>> No.3301117

I like the way the game looks, but both it and world look a little washed out to me, I guess I'm a fan of very stark colours.

>> No.3301134
File: 20 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your picture made me realize that it's really the character sprites that look off. The world and some of the monsters look borderline gorgeous, but the characters like Link and the NPCs look really strange, like they almost don't belong in the world. It could also have something to do with the wonky perspective.

>> No.3301431

>Alttp had horrific collision detection, where half the sword strikes barely connected and you had to spam the attack button like a retard.

The biggest flaw. It was hard adapting to it after starting on the Game Boy with the much tighter LA.

>> No.3301721

yeah it looks like garbage, especially the text dialogue boxes.

>> No.3301880

The GBA port improved the hit detection significantly.

>> No.3301883

and it fucked up the viewport and runs on a platform that can go fuck itself

>> No.3302136 [DELETED] 

If you weren't born prior to the 90's your opinion is irrelevant.

>> No.3302172

Aesthetically it's a little ugly, yes. OoT has way better aesthetics. And like someone mentioned, for some reason they insist on ugly text in early Zelda games. Link's Awakening's text was just horrid.

>> No.3302191
File: 122 KB, 640x480, 34381-Legend_of_Zelda,_The_-_A_Link_to_the_Past_(USA)_[Hack_by_Euclid+SePH_v1.0]_(~Legend_of_Zelda,_The_-_Parallel_Worlds)-11[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually believe zelda games (and ALTTP is no exception) aged very well because of its aesthetics

>> No.3302201

its fucking videogames who cares

>> No.3302202

people interested in video games do. You are likely to find them on image boards dedicated to video games

>> No.3302881

Links Awakening DX for the GBC is objectively the definitive version.
I don't usually make fallacies like this, but disagreeing is literally a case of nostalgia goggles that you refuse to remove likely due to an ego complex driven by immaturity and an irrational fear of change/innovation (IE: Autism).

>> No.3302889

TP is objectively the worst Zelda game.

Tried way too hard to be darker, grittier, and realistic, even if the plot itself wasn't, even if the series isn't really suited to that type of tone.
It also tried way too hard appeal to western audiences. It felt very cringey. The developers wanted so hard to make a Zelda game for the west without actually understanding the west or the fact that Zelda is inherently a Japanese franchise.
With the exception of Goron Mines, Temple of Time, and City In The Sky all of the dungeons were either mediocre or just bad, barely any sidequests, story and atmosphere was all over the place in terms of themes, pacing, and direction, the graphics did not fit the series and were also ugly, overuse of brown and bloom, Zant's nonsensical character turn in order to accommodate the story getting needlessly ganonjacked, The Triforce, The Master Sword, Princess Zelda, and Ganon just seemed needlessly tacked onto the game in order to please fans who would bitch and moan if they weren't in it, and I can count the number of original music tracks in the game on my fingers.

>> No.3302892

I liked LTTP's visuals, makes me think of the days where electronics had wood put into them.

>> No.3302893

Link's Awakening is a game for more intelligent players in regards to the presentation of the narrative.
Tezuka has openly talked about how the tone of the game was inspired by Twin Peaks and it's obvious. The game has a very surreal feel, that really sets it apart from most fantasy games like it.
The narrative was told in a very subtle yet brilliant way, that was very emotionally rewarding for players capable of picking up the subtext and the moral complexities and dilemma Link was facing in his quest to destroy the island and its inhabitants.
The enemies aren't evil, they just don't want their entire world to cease to exist.

>> No.3302895

>runs on a platform that can go fuck itself
>Muh retro nostalgia elitist autism
The GBA was a brilliant console. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.3302937

You skipped the 16-bit era because it was ugly? Does "butt" mean beginning or end? Typically it means end. Or did you mean bit? Also, what magical 8 or 32 bit hardware were you playing in the meantime? Or did you stop gaming entirely until development matured to the point it met your standards? Or is this simply code talk for "I lived in a third world country, had a famiclone, and couldn't afford a SNES."?

>> No.3302958

Limitations? Given the time frame most Nintendo staff were probably new to the hardware and pretty excited about having more than a few shades of ANY color to work with. Any limitations to the game were due to ROM size.

>> No.3302959

>arbiters ground

You just invalidated your shitty opinion

>> No.3302962


GBA was pretty shitty though

>> No.3303000
File: 113 KB, 468x263, 1385943513477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Light World is very ugly, yeah. But Dark World is pretty good.

I think it's intentional, because the game only swaps the differences between the two worlds (i.e. turn this [yellow] into [brown]).

It was probably the cheapest, maybe only way for the game to work considering it already had to use a larger than average cart as is.

>> No.3303046

I feel the same way. Same with Super Mario World.
Link's Awakening and Super Mario 3 look much better, even though they're on weaker hardware.

>> No.3303183

Why is Links hair pink again?

>> No.3303186

Link was really really gay.


>> No.3303193

So his bunny form could use the same color palette.

>> No.3303206

ITT: memelords

>> No.3303280

While I do agree that AG should be in place of the Goron Mines, he's right on mostly everything else. Add in the mostly underwhelming Wolf sections and there you go. The quick item select system was neat at least.

>> No.3304413

Is the palette altered for the Gameboy Advance release like how they brightened and changed the mario games?

>> No.3304446


For people who grew up with Link's Awakening Non DX, what makes it better or worse than the color version? I saw people here say they prefered the gameboy version but I still don't get why because I grew up with the color version.

>> No.3304458

>Speaking of that, I really like how almost every major Zelda game has a different art style, and they're all beautiful in some way. Before I knew there was an actual timeline, I used to think this was because the games were all retellings of the same story. There are some exceptions like OoT and MM, but I like to think that's because they share the same protagonist

I hate the idea of blatantly stating the timeline so much. There's so much about it that doesn't make any sense and it really makes any conversation about it in the way that you're describing no fun at all on the internet. People always want to figure out where on the timeline a new game will fit instead of talking about how it's a taking elements from previous series or how interesting the lore is on its own. I won't get into it but it's obvious they didn't plan for it to be that literal. Like they broke up the games made by Capcop. Arstyles don't match up. Etc. Almost every game since Link to the Past have been a re-imagining of the NES version in some way, except for sequel like things like you've said. That's extremely close to retelling epic legends. You're not wrong for thinking that. It was always gameplay first > story and plot later. Or at least I've always thought so.

>> No.3304484

hated MC's style desu. Not even a lazy WW ripoff, just plain and generic.

>> No.3304613


>> No.3304724

I never thought ALttP was ugly. I still think it's really cute. Same with the Game Boy games.

why did you include start? I've always warped with just Select.

it's been proven that the bunny form uses different colors than Link's hair.

>> No.3304728

>why did you include start? I've always warped with just Select.

I forgot the details.

>> No.3304740

>bad hit detection
Um, what?

>> No.3304917

>and it fucked up the viewport
I found it pretty minor, actually. Not ideal, but not really an issue.

The GBA was a cool system in general. Lots of great games.

>> No.3304918

I can see why people might think the monochrome lends well to the game's dreamlike surrealism. I'm fairly neutral on it, but I understand it.

>> No.3304921

>The GBA was a cool system in general

>Lots of great games
I wouldn't call ports, rehashes and cheap franchise dreck "great games"

>> No.3304925

>Tried way too hard to be darker, grittier, and realistic
Darker, yes. Realistic? Not hardly. It just blended Ocarina of Time's aesthetic with a kind of chiaroscuro. Visually I think the game was largely effective at drawing out the nostalgia and melancholy it wanted to. The game had a lot of issues, but being too Western or "realistic" aren't among them.

>> No.3304957

>I wouldn't call ports, rehashes and cheap franchise dreck "great games"
Boktai, Ninja Five-O, Castlevania Aria of Sorrow, Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission, Mega Man Zero, Advance Wars--none of these do anything for you?

>> No.3304969

Advance Wars would be the only one in that list. Zero Mission is a rehash anyway. And I'd rather have GB wars than Advance Wars

>> No.3304994

>Zero Mission is a rehash anyway
It's pretty different overall.

What's wrong with the rest?

>> No.3305004

>Visually I think the game was largely effective at drawing out the nostalgia and melancholy it wanted to.
Not that anon, but I thought OoT's visuals in themselves (especially in most of the Adult era locales) executed a feeling of melancholy much better than TP, which I felt was executing it in a mostly insincere manner. Well, the twilight sections and almost anything associated with them were interesting at least.

>> No.3305008

>What's wrong with the rest?
very little. Personal preference. They're console games on a handheld, I don't like that. When it became clear that devs treated the GBA like a 4th gen console I lost all my interest. Stuck to the GBC before eventually adding a DS lite to it later.

>> No.3305023

>before eventually adding a DS lite to it later.

>> No.3305030

my first handheld was a GBC. My second handheld was a DS lite

>> No.3305042

But why a DS Lite, or any DS series handheld for that matter? They are just as bad, if not worse than the GBA when it came to developers treating it like its more than it actually is. The shitty touch screen gimmick didn't help much either but hey people ate it up anyways.

>> No.3305074

friends talked me into it.

>developers treating it like its more than it actually is
we're probably talking about different things. When I said the GBA was treated like a console, I was refering to games designed for the big screen, for when you sit back and play for hours in a row. Handhelds support more of a pick up and play style, and the GBA missed that mark badly. The DS meanwhile returned to what makes a handheld a handheld, and its "gimmicks" were actually a major part of that. With two screens, touch input and a mic, plus some really odd low poly engine, ports would almost invariably fail. The second unused screen, the shoehorned touch controls, prime indicators that a game was not a DS game, not meant to be one. The unusual hardware opened up a world of handheld game design, and the 3D hardware lead to the most gorgeous low poly artwork since the PS. Compare that with the PSP, which was from the very beginning designed to be a living room system in your hand.

>> No.3306361

Are you me?

>> No.3306373
File: 62 KB, 525x414, veiw-heras-tower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the look of the official art, but the sprites are pretty ugly and hard to make out. Very fisher price like.

I feel the same way about Super Mario World.

Something about those two games, while both amazing, look like garbage in comparison to other titles on the SNES.

>> No.3306383

I don't get the beef with either game's graphics. They look alright to me.

>> No.3306387

He says the word "garbage" just to inflame you. He's a sad little man trolling. Don't take the bait.

>> No.3306390

I think you're the one who got baited senpai. You sound more mad that me.

>> No.3307617

The DS is incredible grandpa.

>> No.3307650

What the fuck are you talking about? I did not get baited, I told you in a polite way to stop replying to troll remarks such as "look like garbage".

>> No.3307654

The Dark World is a medley of ochres, umbers and siennas. I love it.

>> No.3307768


"Garbage in comparison" isn't the same thing as flat out looking like Garbage.