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File: 48 KB, 256x186, lttp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3290309 No.3290309 [Reply] [Original]

Is it better than OoT and MM?

>> No.3290316

Don't know, never played it myself.

>> No.3290341

I think yes. I never liked the 3d zeldas, they're kind of a gimmick in my opinion. Still great games, but 3d doesn't add too much. The puzzle elements in the 2d games are just as in depth and offer just as much, and the gameplay is just as solid.

>> No.3290346


>> No.3290357

Well, one of the most noticeable things that the 3D games add is atmosphere. Nothing in any of the 2D Zeldas compares to stepping out into adult Link's Hyrule Castle Town for the first time, or watching the sky get dark as the moon begins to fall in MM. Plus I think that some of the 3D dungeons, like Forest Temple, Snowhead, and Stone Tower were more interesting than any of LttP's dungeons.

>> No.3290367


It's also better than every other game ever made.

>> No.3290372


OoT and MM are great though, ALTTP is the gold standard though.

>> No.3290375

>like Forest Temple, Snowhead, and Stone Tower were more interesting than any of LttP's dungeons.

I agree that they're more interesting from an atmospheric standpoint, but I personally think they're less interesting in terms of design, especially the latter two dungeons you've put out as examples (that said, I think what ST did with the whole upside-down things was kinda neat). You're free to still have your prefs though.

I "wonder" if this thread is meant to start shit in a subtle manner.

>> No.3290383

>I wonder if this thread is meant to start shit in a subtle manner.

Not really. I've always known that LttP has a lot of fans and I've never really understood why. I think OoT and MM both stand head and shoulders above it. Frankly I think a lot of the LttP love is due to nostalgia, but I'm also interested in hearing any reasons people want to give.

>> No.3290392

Ocarina is just as bad if not worse than link to the past in terms of nostalgiafags

They're both great games despite the fans, though.

>> No.3290396

Agreed. Ocarina is great but greatest game of all time great? Definite nostalgia goggles there.

>> No.3290448

Oh, I don't think OoT is the greatest game of all time, not even close. I do think it's great though.

>> No.3290450

>I've always known that LttP has a lot of fans and I've never really understood why.
Pretty much the same reasons OoT/MM generated similar sizable fanbases; people liking thing.

>Frankly I think a lot of the LttP love is due to nostalgia
Same thing could also be said for much of the love towards the N64 titles really. I'm also saying this as somebody who doesn't have LttP as a favorite either.

>I think OoT and MM both stand head and shoulders above it.
For me, maybe in a few ways but not all.

>> No.3290451
File: 215 KB, 400x392, linksawakening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LA > LttP > MM > OoT

>> No.3290453

I was referring to all those greatest games of all time lists.

>> No.3290459

My nigga.

>> No.3290464

No. It's not even the best 2D Zelda.

>> No.3290469

Personal ranking of classic Zeldas:
>LA > HF > LttP = OoT > AoL > MM

>> No.3290480

>MM that low
What's the matter... too casual to learn how to handle the time mechanics?

>> No.3290484

Retarded question, but was is HF?

>> No.3290497

great contribution. thanks.

and no, ALTTP has the weakest atmosphere by far and the least compelling story

>> No.3290505

Hyrule Field

>> No.3290507

I had little to no problems with handling the timer. The reason why I placed MM low is because while it had some interesting ideas going for it in terms of gameplay and story, the rushed dev time for the game left said ideas with what I felt was a mostly halfhearted execution. With MM, I felt they were biting more than they could actually chew.

Hyrule Fantasy, which is basically Zelda 1.

>> No.3290514

100% right here

>> No.3290524

>the weakest atmosphere by far and the least compelling story
Both of which it made up for with really decent gameplay and overall design (for the most part) along with the music. Then again regarding story, Zelda from a storytelling perspective was never much compelling to begin with (again, for the most part).

>> No.3290534

awakening changed the theme song
fucking unaccaptable

>> No.3290536

WTF? Nobody mentioning Wind Waker?!
Link to Past > Links Awakening > Wind Waker

>> No.3290537

wind waker felt so empty

>> No.3290538

Not Retro.

>> No.3290545

I think Wind Waker plays the best, but it only had 2.5 good dungeons (I didn't like the buddy system thing, and the water temple had an annoying first half) and I don't care about the game world.

>> No.3290546
File: 48 KB, 641x512, 1284903862890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It didn't have enough "real" dungeons, the sailing took too long, and the triforce hunt was super gay.

Fix those three things and WW becomes a perfect game.

>> No.3290551

>triforce hunt
Was I the only one who jewed enough rubies where it wasn't much of a problem?

>> No.3290558

The money wasn't the problem. The process was the problem.

>look up where to find chart
>go get chart
>take chart to Superfaggot
>pay Superfaggot to translate the chart for you
>follow the map
>get Triforce piece

>> No.3290564

And I should mention that "go get chart" was never that simple. Sometimes you just had to do a mini-dungeon to get the chart, other times you had to do annoying favors for NPCs, etc. It was a slog.

>> No.3290575
File: 90 KB, 179x257, 1458524945275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Zelda II anything past that is like white noise to me. I can tolerate ALTTP but that's it.

>> No.3290607

>wind waker
>water temple


>> No.3290610

Honestly, even though it isn't a "real" Zelda game it's my favorite just because the difficulty is perfect.

>> No.3290646

I would personally raise the first chunk of dungeons a tad bit. I would put the very beginning of the game that low.

>> No.3290719

Tower of the gods. It's been a while.
I really didn't like the part where you wait for the water to rise and fall.

>> No.3290764

Don't know. Never played OoT or MM.

>> No.3290779

How is it not a real zelda game?

> Swordplay
> Overworld
> 8(ish) Dungeons with bosses
> Each dungeon contains an item needed to progress in the game

I guess you could say AoL is missing bombs, arrows, and a fire rod. Fine. But it's otherwise chemicaly all there.

>> No.3290850
File: 88 KB, 640x905, Zelda_II_The_Adventure_of_Link_(NA).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it better than ALTTP?

>> No.3290962

I hate Zelda zealots who have their one or two favorite games in the series and trash-talk the rest. Be thankful that there's still an overall good action adventure series around. I'd kill for sequels to my favorite action adventure games. But most Zelda fags only care about fucking Zelda. Had those people actually tried playing other action adventure games every once in a while, the genre wouldn't be on its deathbed today.

>> No.3290974

>is it better than OoT

>better than MM

>> No.3290976

Zelda 2 is one of the worst games I've ever played and I say this with complete honesty. I truly can't understand how anyone enjoyed any part of it.

>> No.3290982


>> No.3290993

In my personal opinion....yes.
Although the later games were much bigger and there was more to do, I just love the style of ALTTP so much.

>> No.3290997


>Great music
>ok combat for the time
>serviceable platforming
>weird level up system

Its an ok game. Shouldn't have been a Zelda game, but its an ok game. I'm pretty sure the bulk of you haters haven't played a bulk of classic Atari, Intellivision, Coleco, or even other NES games because seriously anon it really isn't THAT bad.

>> No.3291030

Zelda is not an RPG. Zelda II is.

>> No.3291038

>this shit again
>muh level building

>> No.3291061

>fixing all of something's problems makes it perfect
Well you don't say?!

>> No.3291109

>Be thankful there's still an overall good action adventure series around.
Anon, you didn't play Skyward Sword...

>> No.3291127

You're right; I didn't. But I played most games in the series and the majority of games are good to great. And I'm willing to bet that SS is at least decent too. Yet, faggots who love a number of Zelda games will claim games x, y or z in the series are complete and utter trash, just because they didn't like them as much as their favorites. They can fuck right off.

>> No.3291168

>RPG means level-up mechanics

>> No.3291227

In terms of gameplay and dungeon design its superior.
OoT and MM are miles ahead in terms of narrative and atmosphere.

>> No.3291239

I do like the dungeon designs but the game is so fucking punishing compared to later installments. Enemies in the dark world do a ton of damage. I can't overlook that shit.

>> No.3291245

Anyone who complains about Zelda 2 can be safely assumed to have only barely dipped their toes in the NES library.
They're probably played SMB, Metroid, Zelda 1, etc. and when confronted with a game that isn't a timeless masterpiece they think "THIS IS THE WORST NES GAME EVER". Same for TMNT desu.

Or they just heard other people complain about it and want to pretend they play retro.

>> No.3291250

Think so? I played it through this past Christmas and found it pretty forgiving. The enemies do a lot of damage and a lot of them have attacks that are difficult to dodge, but there are loads of opportunities to restore your hearts.

Unrelated, but if anyone's interested in replaying it, there's a great day/night cycle hack floating around online.

>> No.3291252

There's some challenge, but I just can't see how you can call it punishing. You always restart near where you died too.

I guess it's impossibly difficult if you compare it to the later games where you can't even die unless you really try.

>> No.3291289

I think most Zelda games are at least decent, even if they're very different from my favorites. The only Zelda game that is really complete trash (outside the CD-i or whatever) is Skyward Sword. It really is just a shitty game.

>> No.3291293

>In terms of dungeon design it's superior

What are your favorite dungeons in LttP? What do you like about them?

>> No.3291295



>> No.3291298

Skyward Sword had gimped controls and some very game design choices.

But calling it a shitty game is just wrong. There isn't a software publisher on this planet who wouldn't give their right arm to produce a game of Skyward Sword's quality.

>> No.3291306

I mean... I guess I don't really know what else to say about it except the fact that I didn't like it. I could give some reasons, like the crushing linearity, the hand-holding, the bland and uninspired world, etc. But all that really matters in the end is that there are dozens of games, new games, old games, indie games, arcade games, whatever, that I would rather play than SS. That's all that really matters yeah? Sure it has great production values, but everyone on this board knows that production values aren't everything.

If you liked it, I'm not going to stop you though.

>> No.3291314

To be honest it's not a Zelda game I go back to a lot. There's some great stuff in there but the controls, lack of exploration etc make it very un-Zelda like.

I think most of the hate comes from being such a high profile series. If it was just some random adventure game on the PlayStation, people would probably sing it's praises.

Again, I don't love the game. Don't hate it either. But I can appreciate the work and craft that went into it.

>> No.3291346

It just feels less like a game where you can explore and fuck around, and more like one where you have to watch your back all the time. That's not a bad thing but it's different from the later games (even Link's Awakening, which came out right after this one!) in a way I don't enjoy so much.

>> No.3291363

I wouldn't quite say you're under constant threat, but it is kind of frustrating in the Dark World to be greeted with another full set of enemies every time you change screens. Granted, you can just dash past them, but they are a nuisance if you really want to poke around everywhere. It's sort of a moot point in dungeons, because those are supposed to kill you.

>> No.3291717

Well, later on when you upgrade your equipment and get more hearts, even the dark world becomes much more manageable, so it's mostly a problem around the time when you first enter it. In a way I like that, it makes you feel that you're in a strange world and that it's really dangerous. I think you could say that it's very atmospheric.

>> No.3291725

OoT and MM suck, so yeah, easily.

>> No.3291779

As someone who just starting playing LTTP for the first time, I really wish I played it first. Going from that to OOT must've been amazing.

That said, I do appreciate the better music in OOT as the snes sound chip gets on my nerves after a while

>> No.3292007

this game is super cute.
I love that animal town. especially the goat grill with her faux photo letter to Mr. Write.