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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3289985 No.3289985 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, what's going on?

>> No.3289994



>> No.3289996

I saw that piece of shit at GameStop one day and was aghast anyone would even market it.

Exactly how badly much did Nokia fuck up?

>> No.3289997

A friend of mine had it.

He had money to blow but I felt sorry for him nonetheless.

>> No.3290001
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I had the biggest laugh when someone showed me how you use the phone and he looked like half of Metal Mickey.

>> No.3290008

Morbid curiosity moved me to try out the demo with that Tony Hawk game. The sheer banality terrified me.

I did some cursory googling and Nokia had to lie about how many units they sold to save face. Ha! What assholes.

>> No.3290010 [DELETED] 
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>this looks fun

rip weekend

block buster stories?

>> No.3290018

I think one major problem was that you had to take off the cover and battery just to change the game. Seems like only a small thing on the face of it but when I heard about this it put me right off.

>> No.3290025

Huh, didn't know.

I knew the library for it was going to be shit, so after that demo at GameStop, I passed on it.

>> No.3290026
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>you had to take off the cover and battery just to change the game

>> No.3290051

they fixed that problem on the next model by HAVING AN EXTERNAL GAME SLOT LIKE ANY OTHER HANDHELD. But it still didn't fix the fact that the games were shit.

>> No.3290147

Was this the one that was just a ponzi for the Swedish mafia?

>> No.3290163

What has a house music collective got to do with it?

>> No.3290196
File: 33 KB, 425x262, tiger_telematics_gizmondo_opening_shot[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we had the Ngage reppin Symbian
Tapwave Zodiac with PalmOS
and Gizmondo with WindowsCE

They all died and now mobile gaming is the shitstain it is today. Wooo

>> No.3290205


>> No.3290236

It had what, two good games? Who the fuck thought a vertical screen would be good for gaming.

>> No.3290269

I had one and I really liked it. Yes, I'm sorry.

>> No.3290321

What games did you have for it?

>> No.3290593

This. Back then at least games were games not just transparent revenue mills. Ngage had a Rifts RPG and original Xanadu and Elder Scrolls games plus all them sweet S60 and J2ME games. Playing Tibia on Ngage live online on the go was pretty cool in 2004. Emulation wasn't bad either.

>> No.3290616

>Elder Scrolls

damn bruh, I had to look this up to see how it looked and I'm rather impressed.

>> No.3290637

It's kinda Daggerfall tier post-Morrowind and the framerate is pretty bad but if you're an Elder Scrolls completionist it's playable. The library is actually pretty decent. There's an MMORPG sequel to Sega's Dragonforce, ports of Rayman 3, Spiderman 2 and both X-Men Legends game with wireless multiplayer. There's a decent Diablo clone, a bunch of turn based strategy games and good driving games. It's kind of like the 3DO, it was a video game console that was taken fully seriously but only for a very brief period of time.

>Who the fuck thought a vertical screen would be good for gaming.
It's because of its Symbian heritage. If Nokia hadn't gone out o business you could probably play its whole library on modern "feature phones"

>> No.3290915

I really REALLY want to play the rifts rpg, but emulation doesn't seem to happen for the ngage. Sad really.

>> No.3290949


>> No.3291035

>what's going on?
An underage faggot just saw an lp and shitted up 4chan. Typical summer day.

>> No.3291142

I wanted one for Sonic N before I found out it was a port of Sonic Advance.

>> No.3291173

I wanted one when I was a kid, it just seemed really cool. Probably a good thing I was too young for a mobile phone.

>> No.3291209

I still have two real ones and an MMC but there should be a Symbian emu that will run Ngage games you're probably just looking in the wrong place.

>> No.3291215

I played motherfucking King of Fighters on a real N-Gange.

I actually met a few people who owned one, but I never wanted one myself, it seemed too expensive, and not nearly as good as a GBA that was out already. You didn't buy an N-Gage because of the games, but because the whole "it's a phone that plays games" deal. The screen was too small and cramped for KoF, and the controls also weren't the best.

But anyway, I see the N-Gage as a total 2000s aesthetic thing, just look at it, that curvy, shiny futuristic silver look, it screams 2000s and even late 90s.

But yeah, so it isn't /vr/.

>> No.3291278
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>Tapwave Zodiac
god damn, I haven't heard that name in at least a decade. It seems like the industry had so many more ill-conceived ventures in the 2000s compared to now. I guess the most comparable thing is Kickstarter failures like the Ouya.

>> No.3291286

I've been meaning to pick up both a Zodiac and an Gizmondo before they all dry up just to have a real game-focused piece of hardware to run Palm and CE games on - of which there are a lot.

These products likely would have been more successful if not for iOS.

>> No.3291754

What always got me about this thing was people called it a taco, so when Nokia released the revision they called it the QD which could obviously be made fun of as quesadilla.

Plus "side talking" to as a great meme too

>> No.3291774

There are much fewer consoles now than there was in the '90s and early '00s. With technology being commercially limited at that time, the Fifth Generation saw no shortage of failures (Phillips CD-I, Virtual Boy, 3DO, LaserActive, M2).

At this point, Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft have dominated the markets, and with home computers continuing the change gaming, creating a separate console to compete is moot.

Side note: imagine if Sony and Nintendo did successfully partner up to create a console. Would Nintendo have to be forcibly broken up to prevent a monopoly?

>> No.3291991

I always though "Cutie" which I didn't care for either. Also, mine was terrible to corrupt MMCs

"Xbox" would just become synonymous with "PC Gaming", Microsoft would buy Steam (and maybe GOG as well) and it would basically just be the final "console vs pc" war just as brutal as SNES vs Genesis but I'm not altogether convinced it would be as good for the gamers.

>> No.3292559

I contemplated buying a QD when they were selling for 40 a pop but never did get one.

>> No.3292954

>Exactly how badly much did Nokia fuck up?
Considering that the N-Gage predicted the future, they didn't. They were just years ahead of their time.

>> No.3292961

N-gage games are better than IOS games.

>> No.3293138

Too little too late.

>> No.3293143

I used on as my main phone for 3 years. And not the QD one the taco one. It was bretty sweet desu. There were some good Puzzle Games available

>> No.3293350

I just searched gameplay footage.

It's surprisingly impressive. This was before the DS


>> No.3293374
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I didn't carry one for that long before I switched to a Wallaby WinMo ("XDA"). I was already carrying a taco then I used its auto-redial feature to win a QD from [adult swim] but I ended up selling it and going back to the taco because of the MMC corruption issue - and the rubber bumper trying to fall off all the time.

They also sent me this sick messenger bag that I've gotten far more use out of but looks like the value of the phone has again climbed up above that.