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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3288894 No.3288894 [Reply] [Original]

Playing pic related for the first time and realizing it is ridiculously underrated. The status conditions are comical and the design for pretty much everything is amazing. How does /vr/ feel about it?

>> No.3288898

it makes my chest tighten and my heart hurt

>> No.3288906

it makes my weeny tingle

>> No.3288907

It was underrated on release, nowadays I guess we could say it's rated fairly.

>> No.3288909


>> No.3288921

gas urself

>> No.3288975

I can't. I'm too busy playing this sick as game.

>> No.3289006


>> No.3289034

I played it multiple times... and I still don't get the appeal. It's just a "lol so randumb XD" Dragon Quest clone with pizzazz. Bigger fish in the sea.

>> No.3289059

Such as?

>> No.3289065

Any game that goes for $100-$200 for the cartridge alone due to insane demand is not what anyone in their right mind would consider "underrated".

>> No.3289207

But Dragon Quest is lolsrandumb too?
>le puff puff

>> No.3289209

In what world?
It's the hipster darling these days.

Not saying it is a bad game or doesn't deserve the praise, but "underrated" doesn't exactly fit the bill.
And even back then it wasn't underrated, it just had the misfortune of not being known, but everyone who played it loved it.

>> No.3289215 [DELETED] 

Ness was Christina Grimmie's favorite Smash character
#RIPchristinagrimmie #guncontrolNOW

>> No.3289217
File: 27 KB, 480x360, mother2bc5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underrated track

>> No.3289241

My favorite part is all the dialogue with random npcs that you don't even need to talk to. it's worth it to go out of your way looking for people

>> No.3289243

*Immensely popular, one of the most well-known SNES RPGs today
*Sold pretty well - 300000 in Japan, 150000 in US. By comparison, FFIV sold twice as much in the US.
*Routinely fetches 200 bucks if you want to buy a legitimate copy
*Main character featured in Smash
*Highly rated by reviewers

In what way is Earthbound underrated?

Anyways, while it is definitely a good game overall this is mostly the case because of its presentation. It's a reasonably standard RPG gameplay-wise that feels special because the setting is very different from others and the dialogue tends to be good. I wouldn't say it's worth the 200 bucks people ask for it today,but only a contrary douchebag would say it's a bad game.

>> No.3289256

> earthbound underrated

Nigga wat

>> No.3289257

Unless you mean underrated when released.

No one liked that pos when it was new.

>> No.3289258
File: 817 KB, 1057x1920, mother2p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Japan liked it.

>> No.3289516
File: 249 KB, 617x560, puffpuff[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He never got a puff puff

>> No.3289885

Ignore these people OP, let's just talk about the game. I played it last year and loved it. It was a lot tougher than I thought it was going to be. Needed to grind a lot when I fought the fire dog

>> No.3290261
File: 2.69 MB, 264x240, 1453779747644.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any game that goes for $100-$200 for the cartridge alone due to insane demand is not what anyone in their right mind would consider "underrated".

I've seen it going for $500, in box, and the box wasn't in the best condition.

>> No.3290293


>> No.3290297



>> No.3290298



>> No.3290303



>> No.3290307



>> No.3290313



>> No.3290318



>> No.3290325



>> No.3290329



>> No.3290332



>> No.3290345



>> No.3290347



>> No.3290349

