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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 19 KB, 256x177, Cruis'n USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3287441 No.3287441 [Reply] [Original]

Post games you enjoy that are considered to be shit by the majority of gamers. If you post games that the majority of gamers like in an attempt to be contrarian, you are acknowledging that you are an edgy faggot who can't read.

I really like the Cruisin' series, both in arcades and on N64. I can see why they are hated and my love for them is probably mostly nostalgia but I find myself booting one of them up once a month or so.

>> No.3287443
File: 17 KB, 369x266, Stunt Race FX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also really enjoy Stunt Race FX. I can look past the low framerate and graphical glitches and enjoy the game for what it is. I also love the personality all the cars have.

>> No.3287463
File: 142 KB, 400x266, Cruisin' USA girl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The girl who shakes her titties at you at the end of each race is the best part of the game.

>> No.3287481
File: 348 KB, 363x500, sonic-spinball-usa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3287485

This, so many love this game, but we all know deep down that it's kind of garbage. I've read that it was actually coded through a compiler as opposed to direct assembly, probably explains why it runs like shit.

>> No.3287567

I never played Cruisin USA until i was an adult and I fucking love it. Chicago is brutal in the best way. about 5 years ago my friends and i used to get drunk as fuck and do the whole circuit. good times.

>> No.3287636
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>> No.3287663


>> No.3287685

Oh man... After watching the video I'm just shaking my head here.


>> No.3287692

Cruis'n USA is still remembered pretty fondly.

>> No.3287698

Do any of the Cruisin games emulate well?

I really enjoyed USA and World but I want to see how bad it honestly was.

I dont want to plug in my N64+CRT

>> No.3287704

Posting for the sake of comparison


>> No.3287712

>silky smooth 3fps

>> No.3287721
File: 14 KB, 320x200, might-and-magic-2-ss1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might and Magic 2. Even fans of the series tell people to start with 3 at the earliest, with many recommending 4+5 or 6 instead. No one recommends 2. And with good reason.

The game does not play fair. At any given time throughout the game, it will throw monsters at you that you realistically have no hope of beating. The majority of the enemy encounters in the first town you start in can not be beaten by a new party. Unless you know the shortcut around the initial grind, there's pretty much only one way to get started in the game. Have a robber/ninja, buy lockpick, go to locked door just SE of starting location, pick lock. Lock pick failed? If hurt, rest. If someone died, go trade them out for a new one, since you don't have money to spare for reviving. Once lock is picked, go inside and fight skeletons. Have cleric cast spell that will kill about half of skeletons. Finish off the rest. Is robber/ninja dead? Try again with new team. If alive, search for treasure and have robber/ninja disarm traps on treasure. Did trap kill robber/ninja? Try again with new team. If alive, pick lock to get back out. If robber/ninja dies, try again with new team. Made it out alive? Go rest and use gold to get better armor for team. Save, go back and do it again. Keep doing it until your team can fight and survive against something besides a small group of skeletons.

That being said, I enjoy it a lot since the game is horribly broken. Fighting against 250 enemies, they call for reinforcements, now I'm fighting against 1000+. I've got a +54 armor. I have so much HP that the screen no longer displays it. I've got a STR of 245. I've got potions that will put me +5 levels for a single fight, and more than enough to push myself over level 200. And even with all that, I'll STILL run up against enemy groups that will stomp my team, and I still haven't beaten the 66 Demon Kings.

It's not really a good game, or a good RPG. Still love it.

>> No.3287825

Strength. This poster has strength.

>> No.3287879

I loved Cruisin USA! One of the only games my sister would play with me growing up.

I remember it took us a few minutes to realize Z not A was acceleration. We were so young... Couldn't believe it wasn't the A button!

>> No.3287898

Cruis'n USA and World pretty much ruled the arcades over here. They were definitely not shit games.

Spinball was fucking great for a 4-level mini game. The music kicked ass.

>I've read that it was actually coded through a compiler as opposed to direct assembly, probably explains why it runs like shit.

Comix Zone was thought to be impossible on the console, but they got it working and they coded it in C as well. If you have a good compiler, then it can very well get better results than ASM, unless you know the target CPU in so much detail that you could write a compiler yourself.

The reason Spinball was a simple game was because they had 6 months to make it out of scratch.

>> No.3287905 [DELETED] 
File: 328 KB, 1600x1062, Prince_Of_Persia_Trilogy_PAL-[theps2games.com].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3287913

>3d and instant replay on a SNES

Even though its at 4 FPS, I am relatively impressed.

>> No.3287941
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>> No.3288054
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>> No.3288087
File: 60 KB, 354x502, Jaws_(NES).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really not that bad....right?

>> No.3288118

Seriously? The Genesis port does all that at an actually playable frame-rate.

>> No.3288159
File: 81 KB, 736x736, 50f72e975eb49537b9e16d96ab36011f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gets a lot of flack, but I absolutely love this game.

>> No.3288316


Remembered fondly sure, but it's objectively a bad game.

>> No.3288321


I like it well enough. It's actually my earliest gaming memory.

>> No.3288342

Genesis also had a notably faster CPU over the SNES

>> No.3288345

It's just a repetitive grind but the game play is fine

>> No.3288346



Fuck off, retard.

>> No.3288401

I see Exotica machines all the time still.

>> No.3288407


Still a masterpiece compared to the C64 port.

>> No.3288523

>Genesis also had a notably faster CPU over the SNES

Genesis also had to do way more work since it was more difficult and much slower to upload procedurally generated tiles into the graphics chip.

>> No.3288614

>I can see why they are hated
I don't think that's the case.

>> No.3288640
File: 3 KB, 256x240, Family%20Feud%20%28U%29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3288735
File: 71 KB, 509x708, 724654c86804033d39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The controls are slippery and there's no saving, two things that are pretty important for a long platforming game. But there's just something about it that is really endearing to me.

>> No.3289249

>2-3 months ago
>start a thread about how much I love the Cruisin' series
>/vr/ tells me it's shit
>Start a thread about how Cruisin' is shit but I love it anyway
>/vr/ tells me it isn't shit

I can't win.

>> No.3289261

Shaq Fu had some cool special moves with unique properties no one ever bothered to figure out. Kind of the only reason I like it.

>> No.3289283

Crusin' isn't hated...what are you talking about?

>> No.3289530
File: 328 KB, 1600x1062, Prince_Of_Persia_Trilogy_PAL-[theps2games.com].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3289531

you re-discovered an effect known since at least the usenet days. I don't know its name right now, but it basically means, what ever statement you're making on the net, responses will be overwhelmingly contrarian to it. Not because the internet is full of shits, but because the people agreeing with you remain silent, because they see no need to repeat what you already said, or add an echo chamber. Meanwhile, people disagreeing feel the need to make that disagreement heard, to provide a counter point. In other words, the people responding to your threads are two distinctly different groups. The ones that love Cruisin' remained silent in the first thread, the ones that don't love it remain silent now

>> No.3290087


Very interesting, thanks for your input Anon!

>> No.3290174

AR's far from shitty.
The default control scheme may be garbage but there's alternatives, the gameplay's fine, and the music's ace.

>> No.3292054

i think this was my first vidya fap

>> No.3292061

that music was pretty decent


>> No.3292079

Only compared to modern racing games and gran fucking turismo. Cruisn is still an awesome if silly racing game today.

If I saw your last thread I would've posted in it for sure. I love the game, one of the things I was looking forward the most when upgrading to a Core 2 Duo ten years ago was finally having a cpu fast enough to run USA and World in MAME.
Still play them every once in a while.

Is that the N64 version? It sounds like trash compared to the arcade one:

>> No.3292249

Army Men series. Just really like the concept.

>> No.3292346
File: 208 KB, 400x300, snes57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea of being able to freely explore my favorite dinosaur island really appealed to me.

>> No.3294250

same reason I not only tolerated, but actually enjoyed Trespasser

>> No.3294258


Favorite gameboy racing game, checking in!

>> No.3294281

Why do people hate this game? It's really enjoyable and it also has a great soundtrack.


Ocean games had really good music in general.

>> No.3297178
File: 201 KB, 256x326, Shadow_the_Hedgehog_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3297485
File: 32 KB, 300x225, Rampage+2+-+Universal+Tour.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like the NES or the first one, but the 2nd one is fun. As fun as it can be to play the same level...250 times? I forget how many there are. I've never beaten space completely though, and I hear you have to do it twice.

>> No.3298398

I dunno, I always enjoyed it.
The only things that suck are no saves and the indoor sections are pretty boring.

>> No.3298406
File: 36 KB, 640x640, 243166_Hot-Wheels-Turbo-Racing__00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loved the shit out of this as a kid, still pretty fun for me

>> No.3298550
File: 15 KB, 250x172, ClayFighter_63_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clayfigher 63 1/3 and Sculptor's Cut are my guilty pleasures. Both games are horrendously broken, and I kinda enjoy figuring out all sorts of dumb shit (engine quirks, braindead/infinite combos, etc.) the games have.

>> No.3298637

AeroFighters Assault. It runs slow, it's ugly, the voice acting is annoying...and it was the first dogfighting game I ever had. Loved it to death, always wanted to rent it when I could. Couldn't ever get past the air carrier level. Rogue Squadron was a revelation when I got it.

>> No.3299312
File: 14 KB, 256x224, Lagoon_snes_gameplay[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game right here. Painfully average at best, but it offered a relatively good OST, a great sense of adventure and scale, you felt like you traveled the world within the games relatively short run time, and the combat was fun even if magic was pretty useless most of the time. Comfy as fuck to boot.

>> No.3299350
File: 20 KB, 256x224, Lagoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3299357

>Stunt Race FX

This game got ratings around 80-90% in reviews, it was technologically on the front line at the time.

The revolutionary thing about this game was the full 3D - being able to turn the car in any direction and drive all over the map.

Most racing games played like on NES, all you can do is move left/right on a road that keeps racing towards you.

>> No.3299359


Whoops, didn't read the thread before posting.

I'll add I liked the world, the feel of the graphics and sound, even if the animations sucked bad. It's a nice game if you look past the horrible parts like hero has a 3 inch sword, moves like a trash can and huge dungoens with no hidden items.

I even had to draw a map of the ice cave because I couldn't find the boss.

Somehow still leaves me with a positivbe feeling.

>> No.3299387
File: 7 KB, 1600x1200, stunts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was technologically on the front line at the time
yeah, no

>> No.3299395

Other anon who posted Lagoon here. Something about it felt so...grand? Despite all it's flaws it still managed to give you a sense of accomplishment. Another thing of note; it guest stars David Bowie as your best buddy, Thor.

>> No.3299403


It was. The title includes FX because it has the FX chip in the cartridge.

>> No.3299405

I gave you an example of a different platform doing stuff that's miles ahead of what the FX 3D games did, several years earlier. The 3D polygon graphics made possible by the Super FX chip are a bad gimmick and tarnish the reputation of the SNES

>> No.3299432


I'm talking about popular console games that made a difference.

Star wing (star fox in the US) and stunt race are still 2 main titles for the SNES.

You sound like you didn't have a console.

>> No.3299436

>Star wing (star fox in the US) and stunt race are still 2 main titles for the SNES.
Yeah, as tarnish. You got some kick as 2D system there, great palette, huge sprites, smooth scrolling. So you say "fuck it, let's do untextured polygons at 10fps like others did 5 years ago"

>> No.3299447

>So you say "fuck it, let's do untextured polygons at 10fps like others did 5 years ago"

...and make it popular.

That's the part you didn't mention. 5 years before Stunt Race, popular games looked like this

>> No.3299874
File: 18 KB, 1600x1200, indy_000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 years before Stunt Race, popular games looked like this

>> No.3303165
File: 905 KB, 540x384, SFFX.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, that pic looks WAY worse than SR FX.

>> No.3303181 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 484x484, 1463164466473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$10 American Jew-Bucks says I get reported and banned by one of you autistic fuckers.

>> No.3303184

Crusin' USA was great OP.

>> No.3303395
File: 131 KB, 438x370, milons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the shit out of this game, but yeah, can't really argue that it's good with a clean conscious.

>> No.3303405

Done, now send me my sheckels.

>> No.3304528

What the hell was up with the PS2/Wii version of Unleashed? Also, I would highly recommend looking at the name of the board.

>> No.3306186


>> No.3307443
File: 8 KB, 256x240, 1181242183368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3309103
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>> No.3310296

I honestly didn't like it because of the first person elements. Didn't like the FPS part in Banjo Tooie, either.

>> No.3310387

They were better. No 30-minute level marathons.

>> No.3313118
File: 57 KB, 359x500, 51AI78eNebL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The port, not the game obviously