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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3273094 No.3273094 [Reply] [Original]

>own dozens of games
>9/10 times just play mario world

>> No.3273101

SMW is my go-to summer comfy game. I've played it so many times so there's no surprise factor any more, but its good for when I have a weekend to kill as it only takes a few days to get through it

>> No.3273104

Dank blogpost friendo. Upvoted :-)

>> No.3273230

I stopped doing this and now enjoy much more games, from /vr/ games to the latest shit.

>> No.3273275

Same here except with random arcade games.

>> No.3273464

i use to as well but it stopped being fun, so i havnt

>> No.3273484

Same here desu
It always makes me smile

>> No.3273981

>own dozens of thriftstore turds
>9/10 times just play the one game i bought on ebay

>> No.3273997

Whenever I get a new retro console I think "okay, I have a lot of these titles on newer system so I will only play the gems that never got ported", so I do that for like, 20 minutes before I pop in the old classics and just play them.

I've been playing a lot of saturn lately, so for me it's Daytona Championship edition, in spite of the fact that I have the XBLA release.

>> No.3274005
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>Daytona Championship edition

mein neger

I seem to find myself always playing Mario 64.

>> No.3274009
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SMW is just fun as fuck, how not to play it forever?
I know some people get bored of playing the same levels always, and that's why SMW romhacks exist, but I personally never fail to have fun when I play SMW.
There is rarely 2 playthroughs that are the same. Sometimes I try to go for a complete run, other times I feel like blasting through it as fast as I can without using Star Road warps, sometimes I do Vanilla Dome's secret levels and the upper bridge levels, sometimes I use the lower path, etc.
I also love doing stuff like spitting fireballs with Yoshi and then run along with them trying to not lose the fireballs off screen, I do the same with Vanilla dome 4 and the bullet bills, it's fun to run along with the bullet bills and see if I can make it to the goal without losing them, sometimes I get like 3 or 4 bullets on screen at once.

Not getting the switch palaces also add some challenge to the later levels, for example the fortresses and castles.

>> No.3274021

I'm like that with Darius Gaiden.

>> No.3274032

hey nerd why dontcha blay domkey gong fer a change lmao :D

>> No.3274040

>Have a thousand physical games
>Have ~tb of roms and disk images
>Mainly play Skylanders with my kid

>> No.3274115

>Have a few thousand physical games
>Have several tb of ROMS and ISOs
>Have pretty much every console ever made
>Play everything from 2600 to latest gen regularly with the kids
You're doing something wrong bro.

>> No.3274121
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>having anything newer than n64
Git gud m8

>> No.3274139


He's 3 and Skylanders is really cool

>> No.3274174

No, really, you're doing something wrong. No bullshit.

>> No.3274179
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How dare you let your child play the game that forever condemned Spyro? Put some YOTD for him instead, dickhead.

>> No.3274194

Skyl anders is fun with kids fuck the teenage "hardocore" gamers. If your three year old thinks it's fun then cool and keep it up.

>> No.3274197
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I play lots of Saturn arcade ports of fighting games like SFA2/3, Vampire Savior, Real Bout Special.
I could play them in MAME and in some cases it would be better (no loadings for RBS) some other cases it wouldn't be as good (Vampire Savior has the Hunter characters on Saturn), but all in all I still prefer them to play on Saturn because I just love the Saturn pad for fighting games.

>> No.3274204

It's bullshit that you own thousands of physical games and several terabytes of roms and isos so your credibility was already shot

>> No.3274206

I do almost nothing but play Sonic, Pokemon and Doom, and TF2 but not retro

I know how you feel, anon.

>> No.3274208

You have so many things to show your kid. Take advantage, if he's willing to try things out.

I got my niece into retro games and she's been very happy. Of course she likes Wii U games as well but still.

>> No.3274220
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He loves Spyro specifically because of it. We watch LPs of games that are too advanced for him including the Spyro games

It's literally impossible to be hardcore at these games Lord knows I've played enough of them to know. You can max out any character in about three hours. There's only two skill paths. The only remotely meaningful thing is the hats. I suppose it might be interesting to see an arena battle between two "hardcore teens" but I'm relatively sure some characters would be broken unless there were certain arenas that mitigated their advantages. If they think they're hardcore for 100%ing games that's just about getting your parents to spend a stupid amount of money.

>> No.3274229

>We watch LPs of games that are too advanced for him including the Spyro games

I smell bait, but if it's not then I don't care really, kudos if you're having fun with your kid, I just wouldn't let my kid watch LPs, I'd taunt him about gitting gud himself, I'd play the game myself and show him how it's done.

>> No.3274240

Dude he's 3. Nothing will turn a 3 year old off on something faster than it being beyond his ability and being told to "git gud"

>> No.3274247

Like majority of non /vr/ consoles have better libraries than N64.

>> No.3274251

>have an enormous backlog of games from all different eras because of piracy
>actually start slowly playing through my backlog instead of procrastinating and playing the same games over and over.

feels good

>> No.3274252


He doesn't get bored fast?

When I was 3 or 4, I barely had patience to watch my dad play Galaga or DK, I always grabbed the 2nd controller on the coleco and used the controller as if I was playing, and would bug my dad so he lets me play, but he didn't want to fuck up his score so he kept telling me to wait a bit more.

>> No.3274257


Nothing will ever compare to 4th gen anyways.

>> No.3274287

He can play Skylanders for an hour or more. He actually gets frustrated before he gets bored. Some puzzles are hard for him and he's so independent that he doesn't always want me to solve them for him especially if it's close to nap time. I've actually learned how to just barely get him through the difficult part just to the point where he can go on to complete it since before he turned 3 he would get super pissed sometimes at me for doing stuff even after he asked me to. At his current point he's learning concepts like "We did it, Dada!" "You did it! Good for you!" and sometimes he even does what I do for him where he'll solve a puzzle or get a hidden treasure then hand the controller over to me "You get it Dada" and I always praise him for good sharing.

>> No.3274685

Now THAT's a poor reason. If it's the controller you like you could just hook that up to a PC.

>> No.3274686

I dunno maybe your kid just isnt too into videogames. When i was little all my siblings already had consoles so id play whatever i could get my hands on. Didnt mean i was a pro or anything but i dont see how watching LPs is fun for a kid. He will turn into one of those brainless pewdiepie kids that prefer to watch youtube vids instead of just playing the fucking game. Like what is even the point. The fun of a game comes from playing them.

>> No.3274691


I know, but I don't have one.
On Saturn I already have 2 controllers so it's ready to go when I want to play fightan with friends.

>> No.3274703

Fair enough then. As long as you're having fun all's good.

>> No.3274768

I doubt you remember being 2 or 3 years old. I show him all kinds of games through LPs to gauge his interest or familiarize jim with characters. Between LBP and Castle of Illusion I have him playing 2D platformers which is more than most modern kids are interested in, especially not at 3. He's maturing as a gamer just fine whether you approve of his development or not.

>> No.3274936

Top kek kid. If you weren't a bandwagon collector you would have picked up games when they were $0.5-$1 and have thousands as well. My Saturn ISOs alone are nearly 1tb. Just imagine how much space the PS1 ISOs take up. PS2? Damn you're dumb. Be careful not to drop your kid on his head like your mom did with you.

>> No.3274976
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>have thousands of games
>only play super Mario world with my wifes son

>> No.3275016


Why not just do something new? Read a new book, visit a new place, learn something new.

>> No.3275037

Pics of your thousands of games, "oldfag"

>> No.3275401

>I'm the first kid whos demanded pics because I can't believe everyone isn't as poor as me.
Your kek has reached to top, found a rocket, and blasted off. Not all of us live in your little world sport. I buy games in lots of hundreds. It's hilarious you're this assmad and in denial that people do.

>> No.3275453
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we all playing mario. post mario screens.

Heres Luigi

>> No.3275472

>own hundreds of games
>always playing something new

>never really cared for platformers, even as a kid
>everytime someone says SMW, SMB, SMB3, Yoshi's Island, or DKC1-3 are the best games ever I don't understand it.

>> No.3275639

Most of the great saturn fighters had DC ports, I think the only fighting games I really need the console for are the fantastic cyberbots, Pocket fighter and Waku Waku 7.

>> No.3275947

Pretty much only replay 5-10 games on each system. The real worth of a game lies in its replay value, not some pseudo intellectual aspect.