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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3268212 No.3268212 [Reply] [Original]

What was your mom-and-dad-are-arguing vidya?

>Super Mario RPG

>> No.3268489

They argued almost every day and they are still arguing to this day so every game I ever played while I lived with them

>> No.3268508
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>> No.3268554

All games, my father hated video games and resented my mother for buying them, he also hated computers and mobile phones, basically all the things a kid my age wanted growing up.

>> No.3268607

My father hated them because they thought Id played them too much and would led me to be a failure in life

He was right

>> No.3268615
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Mom and Dad, always on a united front to undermine any relaxation time.

To this day they have no idea why I went into residence when my university was less than 20 minutes away.

>> No.3271468

Eh when you die nothing matters anymore anyways. At least you're enjoying yourself rather than being a wage slave

>> No.3271531 [DELETED] 
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Daily reminder that if your parents were divorced, they don't love you.

It doesn't matter how much they hate eachother; if they really cared about you they would have found a way to make it work.

>> No.3271547 [DELETED] 

>I'm miserable despite coming from a loving two parent household so I'm going to project my problems on everyone else: the post
"Making it work" is going through with divorce but making sure to raise their child properly despite being in different households.

>> No.3271553 [DELETED] 

staying together "for the kids" doesn't work. Can create a horribly unhealthy environment

>> No.3271567 [DELETED] 

>making sure to raise their child properly
>living in different households
Pick ONE. If your parents don't live in the same household, they are certainly not raising you properly. Kids who are raised by single mothers are statistically proven to be way more likely to be drug abusers, more likely to commit robbery and other violent crimes, more likely to be sex offenders, more likely to suffer depression, more likely to suffer from ADHD and other behavioral problems, more likely to be gay or trans, more likely to be carousel-riding sluts (for girls), more likely to be beta foreveralone virgins (for boys), and at last, more likely to create more dysfunctional single-mom kids if they ever manage to breed.

Divorce = child abuse. Full stop.

>> No.3271592 [DELETED] 

To be fair it could have also been his lack of confidence in you as an individual

>> No.3271597 [DELETED] 
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>when you die nothing matters

Yes it does.

>> No.3271605 [DELETED] 

Perhaps the same could be said of living in a house with domestic violence or constant verbal abuse.

Basically, if your parents were good parents in the first place it wouldn't matter if they split up, but if they were shit to begin with holding together isn't going to make anything better.

Ultimately, don't rely on your parents for your own sense of security and well being, and instead foster your own source of confidence.

>> No.3271614 [DELETED] 

back to >>>/pol/

>> No.3271625 [DELETED] 

not if you believe in lies it doesn't

spiritual integrity is something you have to cultivate, it's not something that's just dropped on you for joining the correct team, if you're a lazy shitter your soul is still gonna be blasted apart and recycled when you die

>> No.3271643
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>> No.3271659 [DELETED] 

>spiritual integrity is something you have to cultivate, it's not something that's just dropped on you for joining the correct team

Yeah but Islam isn't like Christianity where you get bonus points just for giving yourself the label. Islam actually requires you to make sacrifices and do things.

>> No.3271664 [DELETED] 

Islam implores you to murder all non-islamic peoples and worship a pedophile. 'Religion of Peace', lol.

>> No.3271670 [DELETED] 

Being a bitch slave isn't going to make you stronger or increase the mass of your soul, bitch. Your entire religion was made for the sake of protecting the heritage of the few individuals who already have power in your culture.

>> No.3271673 [DELETED] 

I hate the /pol/ boogeyman mentality, you don't have to be political to have shit opinions.

>> No.3271675

All of them.

>> No.3271705 [DELETED] 

That hit too close to home

>> No.3271712

My parents very rarely argued.
Last I remember was maybe 11 or 12 years ago, I was playing Warcraft 3.

>> No.3272006
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My teenage years are very blurry.

>> No.3272014

The folks split before I remember playing vidya much.

>> No.3272017
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>devil machine
That's what my great grandmother called computers


And an unrelated story
>she's eating those black liquorish candy babies
>leans forward from her rocking chair, raising the bag of them toward me

>> No.3272019

Oh fuck that was how it was for me. Right down to the pothead brother.

>> No.3272028

We are talking proper licorice, right? Not the disgusting knockoff you get in America right? We're talking bassets-quality black licorice, right?

Hell yeah grams I want a nigger.

>> No.3272030
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They were never home.
Anyway growing up I only had famiclone with few games since we were poor and by poor I mean broke 24/7/365 even though my mother was a nurse and my father dentist.
Living in an ex-communist country did that.
They were arguing always when they were home and I just got beaten up and yelled for playing video games.
had a rough childhood even at school so that put nice mental scars.

>> No.3272034 [DELETED] 
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Having kids is a death sentence for a man at worst and a huge gamble at best. Furthermore, only a sadist would bring a child into this world if they weren't obscenely wealthy (which I'm going to assume OP is not).

But you're not going to listen to me anyway. So preserve the white race, yada yada, behind every great man is a great women, yada yada, happy wife happy life yada yada.

>> No.3272042
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>> No.3272045

Yeah, proper black licorice. Unfortunately these days it's hard as fuck to find around here unless you go to one of those huge Candy shops in a city.

>> No.3272048

Poor you, I can buy them from any corner shop. The look on an American's face when they taste proper black licorice is glorious.

>> No.3272174

Damn, this is a depressing thread.
Can't really participate since my dad left when I was very young...not sure if that's any better.

>> No.3272190
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>> No.3272215

You act like North America doesn't have it at all. Everyone knows what red and black licorice taste like here, you aren't part of some secret licorice-hoarding society, m8. Both are widely available.

>> No.3272227

Bonus points for not painting him black.

>> No.3272228

I've been to America, when I tasted your "licorice" I spat it out like the poison it was.

>> No.3272234

The worst part of having a messed-up home situation is when you grow up feeling like it's perfectly normal, but then you visit someone else's house (who has family who care about them) and you get a small inkling for what you missed out on.

My mom was a chronic weed smoker, though sometimes she'd sober up just enough to tell me what a disappointment I am. Her only "friends" are people who sell weed, why form meaningful relationships with other people when you can just get high?

I feel like I've become her, and it sickens me. Sometimes I wonder how much her smoking has affected my brain development. She smoked while she was pregnant even, so I've literally been smoking weed since before I was born.

>> No.3272257

all of them. parents fought a lot. video games were my escape as a child.

>> No.3272287
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>watches the intro of THPS2
>ready and excited to play
>go to room and listen to music with low volume

>> No.3272301
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>> No.3272304

What the fuck how did you get that picture of my house

>> No.3272307

My parents argued a lot but I never really cared all that much, I lived in a world of my own and I cared more about that world than my parents arguing over stupid things.
I was glad when they got a divorce though because I knew it was best for both of them and I still got to see both of them on different days.
I don't really remember what I played when they argued.

>> No.3272308 [DELETED] 


Now it is truly confirmed that you're a troll

>Yeah but Islam isn't like Christianity where you get bonus points just for giving yourself the label. Islam actually requires you to make sacrifices and do things.

Imagine being this delusional

>> No.3272357 [DELETED] 

Well I've been to both sides of the pond and you're full of shit. Maybe that's what you were tasting.

You've got the better chocolate, but that's about it.

>> No.3272360 [DELETED] 

That's because you're biased and hate anything American, Aussie-kun

>> No.3272370

Man people are really miserable aren't they?

>> No.3272380

narcisistic baby boomer parents: the thread

>> No.3272597
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>> No.3272612
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>> No.3272621 [DELETED] 

>Divorce = child abuse. Full stop.

Two Christmases and two birthdays was fucking awesome though.

>> No.3272625 [DELETED] 
File: 409 KB, 970x1810, artificial real anger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what's even better? Two parents.

>> No.3272627

You're just mad jealous I was the kid with all the new video games due to my parents desperate to buy out my love from the other.

>> No.3272634 [DELETED] 

>You know what's even better?

Two dads.

>> No.3272642 [DELETED] 

dylan and eric are largely misunderstood for what they did.
Hope some day people will realize that.

>> No.3272646 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3272647 [DELETED] 

>le fedora meme

Nah try again

>> No.3272651 [DELETED] 

Are you saying this in the sense that they helped the Earth? They're just two stupid kids that took life for granted

>> No.3272659 [DELETED] 
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Good point!

>> No.3272673

Who's the rightmost bespectacled cutie?

>> No.3272674


looks p comfy

>> No.3272680 [DELETED] 

you're just projecting your shitty r9k memes onto your family. your home life sounds fine

>> No.3272683 [DELETED] 


>> No.3272689 [DELETED] 


>> No.3272692 [DELETED] 

yeah that was the prime reason also lets not forget that they were gay

>> No.3272758

wait... i thought we all liked old games because we just want to be nostalgic and remember the good times when we were young and before we got older and depressed and everyone we loved died...

>> No.3272924 [DELETED] 

so so naive my sweet child....

>> No.3272941

Nothing, because my parents actually loved each other.

>> No.3272949

both sadly. good memories and bad.

>> No.3272970

No I like old games because they're fun. If I wanted to escape a shitty life I'd just resort to alcohol.

>> No.3272974

I'm not a walking talking white suburban stereotype, so my parents never argued.

>> No.3272989
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>> No.3273024
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Parents never argued and I was always left to do what I wanted for the most part.

Even if they did argue I never heard them beacause my setup was always in my room.

Would have liked a little more guidance instead of the total laissez faire attitude but it looks like my life was pretty gud in comparison to some of these posts, jesus christ like.

>> No.3273034
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>> No.3273038
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Jani-kun if you're gonna delete more than half a thread you may as well prune the whole thing in general.

>> No.3273040


I definitely wouldn't class myself as normal, but who really is?

>> No.3273049

Games aren't what made you a failure.

>> No.3273059

Like and share if you agree!

1 like = 1 amen
1 share = ten amens

>> No.3273080
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Let's just say I had it good and still do :)

>> No.3274450
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>always hear about crazy religious parents
>my grandpa was a theology professor who specialized in postmodern biblical criticism a few Wikipedia articles reference him

My mom was still crazy about vidya time and violence (she had a device called the "TV Allowance" to ensure we only used it a certain number of hours), but that was secular over-protectiveness.

>> No.3274486

>mods delete posts where Australia-kun got BTFO over licorice
>leave his posts alone
>delete a bunch of other off topic shit
>still leave his retarded licorice posts alone

Oh GODDAMMIT one of our mods is an Australia-kun

>> No.3274506

Are you telling me that one of those two retards arguing over bullshit is a mod?
wew what a world we are living in

>> No.3274534

Okay, have fun pretending that "normal" is even a thing.

>> No.3274547

White, Christian, Heterosexual is normal.

>> No.3274551

what thread?

aussie-kun's shitposts were deleted on the CV thread

>> No.3274553

In the US, yes. In much of the Middle East, brown, Muslim, and heterosexual is considered normal. In Japan, Asian and non-religious except on holidays, births, and funerals is the norm. There is no one singular "normal" anything around the entire world.

>> No.3274560

>giving a shit about third-world abnormal degenerates.


>> No.3274561

nevermind, this one. I didn't bother to read through it.

>> No.3274576

Why are you linking that here? I'm straight, but I don't see any point in being proud of it. You are who you are.

Also, you're fucking nuts if your definition of "degenerate" is "not American", and you probably think Trump's wall is a good idea that Mexico will TOTALLY pay for. True, many countries outside of the US are very backwards in many respects (see my earlier example of most of the Middle East, where "brown, Muslim, and heterosexual" is enforced by law and violations of that are punished by death). But there's also several aspects in which we are not so good ourselves (for instance, the fact that religious fundamentalism is on the rise, and it wants to turn America into the Middle East, except replacing "brown" and "Muslim" with "white" and "Christian").

>> No.3274591


>> No.3274606 [DELETED] 

"You're an alcoholic. You must have had like three or four whiskies at the bar, plus beers. And now you're continuing to drink at home, like always. Lord knows how much you're already had here... And you've been promising to fix the bathroom sink here for six weeks."

"I work my [hic] ass off for this famly, and i deserve [hic] every once in a while I can have [hic] some drinks... Ya gotta be... uh... cognizant of [hic] that. Finish up that Ninny-tendo game there boy. Your mother and [hic] I have both had hard days and we will want to watch the news [hic] soon."

>> No.3274625

>in current year
Maybe in the deep south US

>> No.3274628

>Play video games growing up.
>Dad walks in.
>Says a couple of words, hangs their with complete disappointment, and walks out.

Mom didn't like it either, but she at least didn't think it was a particularly unique vice or anything. Some people get wasted as fuck on their time off, others spend it all partying, I just happened to spend mine in front of a computer. Same failure, different drug.

>> No.3274656
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>> No.3274659
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>> No.3274690

Lemme guess you think Islam is peaceful don't you? I am so tired of cucks demeaning the US. Perhaps move out?

>> No.3274772

>Lemme guess you think Islam is peaceful don't you?

Where are you getting that? I specifically say in >>3274576
>most of the Middle East, where "brown, Muslim, and heterosexual" is enforced by law and violations of that are punished by death

Islam is peaceful only where and when its practitioners don't have absolute power, just like every religion ever. Where Islam is violent now, so too was Christianity hundreds of years ago, before the notion of "separation of church and state" was a thing.

I'd rather we get rid of religion altogether, but I'll gladly settle for letting people worship whatever made-up deity they like in exchange for not letting their religion have any legal power (and yes, this includes not being able to break the law simply because their religion says they must do something that society deems illegal, so ISIS-style beheadings, underage marriages, and honor killings should be illegal even if your religion says you have to do them).

>> No.3274803

>le turn the other cheek
you're one to talk m8

>> No.3274827

>not turning off the NES and giving your bitchy sister a good dicking

You failed as a brother.

>> No.3274858
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>> No.3274862

Do you think the fact that you need to inform others that you are successful might show that you yourself have some insecurity about it?

>> No.3274871

I'm sick of you PC faggots so.much. stop strawmanning you dumb fuck. I didn't even bring up Christianity idiot

>> No.3274882

You can tell he's lying because first he says America doesn't have black licorice, then says he has tasted American licorice (that's also probably a lie.)

I'm surprised I haven't been banned yet for calling out the mods, I've been banned for less here. I'm probably already pushing my luck, so if so, I'll see you on desustorage.

>> No.3274885

You're right. If Christianity/Judaism were followed orthodox-ly/fundamentally by the majority as is more close to the case with Islam, you'd understand it to be just as bad. If you read the Torah/old testament, the first, like, four or so books, are just the Jews wandering around and the irascible, petty Yahweh (acting like he's got the emotion of a human) making one tribe of Israel kill the other for any sort of minor infraction, full of verses like "And God said to the Hedditcites, 'Go into their city and slaughter everyone you see brutally. Kill the men, do not spare the women or children. Gore the babies from womb with thy sword, for they dishonored the lord with their graven image."

>> No.3274892

>I don't listen to foreign music
haha what the fuck

>> No.3274897
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My mom would always get very pissed because she'd always have to drag me to the dinner table. She gave zero fucks about my games though, she even thought it was fun when I tried to run people over in Driver.

>> No.3274914

>3.2 GPA

>> No.3274940

What country? A nurse and dentist would be rolling in money in the US, too bad you couldn't move. Hope things got better.

>> No.3275010

Balkans,Macedonia to be exact.
Things are not changed and there are too many things to explain why.
I am thinking about moving somewhere to europe and actually doing some work that will allow me at least to pay the bills,not starve and have a social life.
I keep telling myself since half Africa already moved in Europe maybe they will have place for one more.

>inb4 how do yo pay for internet
I steal wifi
>hurrr how did you buy PC
its $200 acer laptop that I saved 5 years for to buy.

>> No.3275019

How is a 3.2 GPA in college?

>> No.3275058

Fine unless you're going to grad school. Reminder that C's get degrees.

>> No.3275079


>> No.3275139

Oh christ, this was high school, mang. In university I did much better.

>> No.3275140
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>> No.3275161

Sounds perfectly normal. Actually it sounds above average. 3.2 out of 4 is still 80% which is a B overall.

>> No.3275209
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>> No.3275217

I didn't have one, since I didn't live in a white trash broken home.

>> No.3275238


I was actually the opposite. I had a 3.6 in high school, but I had back to back 2.7's freshman year of college. After that though I worked it back up to end with a 3.2 for my Bachelor's. I'm still undecided whether or not I should go for my Master's.

On point with the thread though, I would just escape into my room and play Pokemon and Mario Tennis on my Game Boy Color.

>> No.3275243

>playing Doom on console

I laughed at the kid playing an unplugged controller though. Reminds me of the times at arcades when little kids would think they're playing and it kept saying INSERT COIN on screen.

>> No.3275293

This is the Midwest

>> No.3275296

Depends, Masters in what? I know someone who went $90,000 in debt for his and the job he got only pays $6,000 more a year than the one he had pre-Masters. He'll be paying this off forever.

>> No.3275310

He isn't actually successful.

>> No.3275325

what's it like to have parents who don't constantly make you feel bad about everything?

>your grades
>your friends
>your hobbies
>your haircut
>your favorite TV shows on the rare occasions when you were actually allowed to watch TV
>your clothes
>your music


>> No.3275330

They were just preparing you for 4chan.

>> No.3275334

I would like to know also

>son are you still working at wal-mart why aren't-
>shut up fag, check the digits on my debit card

>> No.3275341
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>Trump's wall
>Not working

>> No.3275376
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>> No.3275408

I'm an engineering major, so I guess that makes things a little better? Mechanical, I like thermodynamics and SOMEHOW aced fluids but fuck material deformations.

I'm actually leaning that way, no way I'm pulling an Ivy but maybe I pull Wisconsin-Madison since my brother went there? I also have a looooooooooooooooong shot at Stanford because my grandpa got his masters and doctorate there.

If I can pull Carnegie Mellon and do robot shit I'll be hype as fuck.

>> No.3275418

Parents really weren't all that restrictive except for vidya, and even then I could have M-rated games with some restrictions (no GTA or other "really bad" games) at 13 1/2. I'm a fucking square, though, I probably would've gotten a few talks if I blasted Marilyn Manson CD's or something.

My always had to be careful about screaming on TV, my mom made me fast-forward through Itchy and Scratchy.

>> No.3275470

They just want you to achieve better. Like that comic of the artist who takes a portfolio to his professor and even though it's really good the teacher says it's shit. The guy is then encouraged to work even harder and ends up making true works of art as a result.

>> No.3275663

Oh I know. I just wanted to remind him that he knows.

>> No.3275668

This is true because an artist is incapable of nurturing another human being.

>> No.3275674

If you wanted to into robotics, you shoulda gone EE.

>> No.3275680

I went in wanting to do airplanes, and am still interested in that, though I did develop an EE interest my sophomore year and am minoring.

>> No.3275691

Just join the air force or something. It's free to join and they pay you to do plane stuff.

But you have to live where they tell you and you can't quit.

>> No.3275720


like degenerates aren't talking about their fetishes 24/7.

get jelly, reject.

>> No.3276183


That's the thing, I don't even know. I would just get it to help get a better job, not because I actually want to learn more about something.

>> No.3276225

I really don't go out of my way to inform people about myself. That seems like a mental illness. You shouldn't be telling people things if they're not asking questions.

>> No.3276256
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everytime he comes home... it's peaceful and quiet when just me and my mom are inside and my mom doesn't give a crap about anything so

>> No.3276709

Pick up Teddy bear and bury your face in her shoulder because your senses are hurting you and you want peace and you're too mute to ask for headphones: 1996 edition.

I don't know how I functioned with my brain issues as a kid. At least I had a kickass teddy bear.

>> No.3276725


This was a funny "fuck you" to STEM majors but then it turned into tumblr asspain

>> No.3276752

>everyone else is terrible except for me

Yep that's autism alright

>> No.3276795

The point is that people do it anyway and no one ever complains. The only time people complain is when someone throws around buzzwords that trigger overly sensitive liberals

>> No.3276802

>This was a funny "fuck you" to STEM majors but then it turned into tumblr asspain
>but then

but then what? The more tumblr asspain the better

>> No.3276814
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>> No.3276867
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>> No.3276986

masters doesn't automatically equal better job though. My boss has one and she only makes 35k. My old lab instructor got one and last I heard he was part timing at a truck stop gas station.

>> No.3277005

I watched anime like a real homo

>> No.3277186

Nothing means better anymore. You have to get lucky or know someone. A degree doesn't mean shit anymore

>> No.3277193


If you have to go through some level of HR screening your degree probably won't matter nearly as much as how well you can endear yourself to the interviewer.

>> No.3277197

Or when somebody bitches about that and sees fit to inform others of their worthless opinion

>> No.3277215

No way, you can totally land an Ivy; I got in with a 3.0 GPA (Quantum Mechanics kicked my teeth in). You never know until you go for it.

>> No.3277262
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>> No.3277272

this thread is gold

>> No.3277287

>not secretly watching while you rub one out

What are you, gay?

>> No.3277290
File: 126 KB, 1057x716, gamerpose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True story. I love you, Mom.

>> No.3277521

I hope this isn't based on a true story.

>> No.3277559

Cannot unseen now.

>> No.3277575

I always did homework to look like I was being productive if parents got angry

>> No.3277595


>> No.3277598

I have trouble in interviews because I always treat people as equals

especially when it makes them angry

>> No.3278014

You got my mom to a T. I think she just wanted me to do something constructive and would invent chores on the fly and I'd end up moving one pile of shit across the yard into another somehow superior pile.

>> No.3278175

>Don't listen to foreign music
You will also never see me watching a foreign movie! Subtitles are the devil's work! Dubs are evil!

>> No.3278531

That stove is way too close to the sofa, anon.

>> No.3278608

What was your "dad came home drunk and is beating up mom" vidya?

>> No.3278646

All of them, because they literally haven't gone a single day without a shouting match since the fucking '80's.

Why they are still married to eachother, I have no idea.

>> No.3278656

Because of you, probably.

>> No.3278676
File: 138 KB, 1059x716, gamer pose 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3278684

Nope, I'm almost 30 and moved out years ago.

>> No.3278689

I repeat, because of you.

>> No.3278836

They're so adapted to each other that fighting is all they know. Anything else would be too drastic a shift from normal so the cycle continues.

>> No.3278914

Upvoted and reblogged

>> No.3279917

They're probably just fans of psychological sadomasochism.

>> No.3280257

Hell yeah, your folks have good taste.

>> No.3280345
File: 120 KB, 800x673, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents divorced when I was less than a year old, and I was raised by my super liberal mom.

Love her.

>> No.3280562

>super liberal

I'm so sorry.

>> No.3280715
File: 262 KB, 1059x716, Based on a false story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life was strange

>> No.3280916


>> No.3280919

>got into an Ivy with a 3.0

Tell me your secrets, anon.

>> No.3280995

Be a visible minority, disabled, or have community organizer accomplishments (ie found a charity in your teens, run an actual successful startup business, etc.)

>> No.3281001


>>3268615 here, I also would like to know what a childhood without soul-crushing criticism feels like.

>> No.3281037

I fucking hate these people who ride to success on their minority status. Work hard to achieve it like the rest of us dammit.

>> No.3281117

Working hard is for chumps. Unless it's for something you really believe in or helping others don't bother working hard, life is too short. You're really not helping anyone or anything by being a part of the rat race, just upping the level others like you need to work. Every time a technology progress is made they'll fix it again so you have to do the same amount of work. I'm not saying don't work, I'm saying don't work hard and don't think doing so is an "achievement" any more than some dumb videogame one.

>> No.3281137

Autist here, I completely agree. I've pushed my boss into writing people up and even suspending people for even acknowledging my spazziness.

Hard mode doesn't unlock a hidden ending, crips.

>> No.3281138

Dude, you had graves in your house? That's pretty awesome. Best Halloweens ever, I bet.

>> No.3281636

He must live in Paperboy's neighborhood.

>> No.3281650

get triggered, trumpcuck

>> No.3281657

my father still calls them nigger babies

>> No.3282175

looks like you're triggered already based on that ad hominem there