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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 64 KB, 992x772, fotress of fear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3263879 No.3263879 [Reply] [Original]

idiotic video game music:



what is this for a ugly music?

>> No.3263883

password (as highscore name): W[heart symbole]W

>> No.3263904


>> No.3263907

This is a slow board. Don't bother bumping more often than once or twice a day.

>> No.3263919

"zap" "pow"

>> No.3263946


Friday evening i take drugs and go to disco in japan.
Listening Yuzo Koshiro as dj.
Videogame music tüdeldü.
Soundtrack changed my life.

Serious, what is this?
Street of rage music in a club?


I try to understand this.
Please explain that.

>> No.3263978

There are 6 posts in this thread and only 3 unique posters.

Stop being an idiot, OP.

>> No.3264019

oh shit my worst music thread died? fuck.

well since this isn't "worst" here's some i just fucking hate


the worst fucking music and it plays at like the ABSOLUTE top volume possible on the genesis. it's so fucking loud.

>> No.3264029

>NES-style arpeggios on a genesis
What the fuck, I can honestly say this is something I've never heard before.

>> No.3264042


>> No.3264056


>> No.3264162


>> No.3264176

WoW FoF is one of my favorite games, I didn't know for years how I'll received it was by everyone else in the world - and Jesus Christ, this is some of my favorite music ever. Especially the title screen ;_; it hurts not to be understood

>> No.3264198


>> No.3264225

My aunt got it for me, I remember liking it but I hated some of the jumps.

>> No.3265921


>> No.3266041
File: 448 KB, 455x395, bwahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3266062


too obvious?

>> No.3266072

>too obvious?


>> No.3266165


>> No.3266178
File: 19 KB, 499x499, 1464972242525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have shit taste

>> No.3266404

>>NES-style arpeggios on a genesis
I don't know how arpeggios can be "NES-style", but they were definitely a rare thing in the 16-bit era. I know one SNES soundtrack that stil uses them, but it's actually a good one.
Also, Hybris on the Amiga, but it's quite the opposite of bad.

Now for something actually on topic.

>> No.3266448

When I said NES-style, I meant the fast arpeggios that are used by Western devs to make up for a lack of sound channels, which wasn't really a problem with 16-bit systems (although it was a problem on the Amiga, since it only had 4 channels).

>> No.3266453

Jesus, at times it sounds like the fucking sound engine is glitching.

>> No.3266469

Let's not forget the most ear rapping arpeggios brought you by the Codemasters.

But the Amiga has sample tune. Sample tune really doesn't need arpeggios.

Considering the music is emulated, that could actually be the case.

>> No.3266529

>people who don't even understand asyncopation or the purpose of a disharmonic chord itt

Here's is an actually terrible piece of videogame music that I absolutely love:

>> No.3267107

Siper-Man 32X


>> No.3267151


>> No.3267156
File: 105 KB, 2000x4500, Peridot_w-o_enhancers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is that Peridot????

>> No.3269340

It's so easy to fuck up with chiptune.

>> No.3270821

But this is actually pretty good.

>> No.3270950

I don't really hate this.

>> No.3270951

Not retro, but it makes me think of the intro of this song for some reason: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICjD3f-8SXE

>> No.3270954

I like pretty much all of Soul Blazer's OST, even if it really isn't "good".

>> No.3271571
File: 10 KB, 300x235, CURTIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>single note trill

Y'all niggas need to learn what an arpeggio actually is.


>> No.3272214

That's not a single note trill, you fuckwad. That song plays arpeggiated "chords" in the background by rapidly cycling through the individual notes at high speeds, which was a technique common on the NES because of the limited sound channels but not on the Genesis.

>> No.3272314

Except that IS a single note being played, dipshit.

What you're calling an arpeggio is:


What an arpeggio actually is:


The video linked even said as much, if you had bothered to watch it, you fucking cunt.


Now fuck off with your misinformation, bitch ass nigga.

>> No.3272350


Jesus you assholes. From the beginning until 0:07 is a proper arpeggio.

>An arpeggio is a musical technique where notes in a chord are played or sung in sequence, one after the other, rather than ringing out simultaneously.

>> No.3272356

Forgot the link:

>> No.3272375

There's nothing wrong with the music itself, it's the inclusion of it in the these games what's idiotic. It's really out of place:



... and who could forget the "poor man's my hearth will go on"


>> No.3273175

You obviously have no idea what people mean by "arpeggio" in a chiptune context.

I'm not talking about the melody. I'm talking about the chords that play in the background. You hear how they sound "busy"? That's because it's not actually a chord, it's a single sound channel rapidly cycling through a series of notes so that it sounds like a chord. That's what chiptune composers refer to as an arpeggio, and by the classical definition that literally is what an arpeggio is. The difference here is that they play it at a high speed so that you can't easily hear the gaps between notes.

Now shut the fuck up, you autistic twat.