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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 39 KB, 256x256, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3263424 No.3263424[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What retro games do you think Trump would like?

I'm thinking Sim City on account of building things.

>> No.3263434

Sunset Riders, you get to shoot mexicans.

>> No.3263441

you play as a mexican, you don't shoot 'em. you shoot cowboys, women, and indians.

Kuso thread. Do not encourage OP.

>> No.3263445
File: 161 KB, 808x547, 1431485205984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wario because he likes hoarding coins and he's a WASP honorary Jew. And he's vaguely villainous but still sort of likeable in some weird way.

>> No.3263449

Yeah, don't encourage OP. The million "overrated games"/e-Celeb/arguing over scanline threads are much, much better.

>> No.3263457

For some reason, I can see him enjoying Alpha Centuri or Jagged Alliance 2. He seems like a turn-based kinda guy.

>> No.3263458

Fuck off Australia Kun we're just trying to have a good time.

>> No.3263467
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>> No.3263469

When do we get the auto replace for "troll" = "Australia-kun"?

Anyways. I think he'd be all about any of the tycoon games.

>> No.3263470
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>Australia Kun

I'm American

>> No.3263481
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>Kuso thread

>> No.3263504

Postal 1&2

>> No.3263514
File: 830 KB, 1315x998, SnpEr28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metal Gear Solid 1

>not the hero we need

>> No.3263529

Why do you Trump half tards keep coming here to make threads? Fuck off back to your containment board.

>> No.3263531
File: 268 KB, 748x1104, Hibernian_b19e84_5866691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, antihero if you want to look at it that way.

>> No.3263538

Was going to post this, but I was unsure of its Retro Status.

>> No.3263556

He's basically Solidus IRL, but I don't think MGS2 counts as retro.

>> No.3263572

El Greco calls Cormano a "gringo" in the arcade. Clearly there's some deeper lore.

Was Cormano a chicano?

>> No.3263679 [DELETED] 
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Omg, right? Like I just can't. I can't even. Omg such misogynistic racist pigs, like how can you even like a non progressive?

>> No.3263748 [DELETED] 

Trump gets support from lots of people because he's nothing but a demagogue. He just regurgitates popular opinions regardless of how unrealistic or stupid they are.

>> No.3263756 [DELETED] 


Name something unrealistic he has said.

>> No.3263757 [DELETED] 

And yet, he's still the least shit candidate out of Hilly "I'm so incompetent I let people die in Bengazi and leak my emails" Clinton and Bernie "Because I'm poor, everyone else should be as well" Sanders.

>> No.3263795 [DELETED] 

I enjoy watching you proles squabble over which out of touch psychopath will swoop in and save you from your shit lives. Better than television really.

>> No.3263802 [DELETED] 

>gets triggered without any mention of political views

>> No.3263804 [DELETED] 

hey, it IS election year you know, fights could break out at the drop of a hart

>> No.3263807 [DELETED] 

europoor libcuck, FUCK OF

>> No.3263835

It's borderline retro, in the same way that Windows XP is

>> No.3263848 [DELETED] 

>lash out at a person due to their political choice
>be surprised when someone lashes back

Leftists, everyone

>> No.3263860 [DELETED] 

>shitposting thread
>they are always started in early morning US, evening EU
I'm pretty sure the majority of the shitposters on this board are europoors, the evidence points their way.

>> No.3263868 [DELETED] 

I want american /pol/tards and their shitty candidates to leave /vr/ forever.


>> No.3263873

>trump thread
>started by europoor

Doubt it.

Actually, If this board is anything like /sp/ was back in the good days of that board (years and years ago), it's probably Aussies pretending to be Americans and Aussies pretending to be euros.

>> No.3263876

Do you get to fire people in that game.


>> No.3263894

He's asking what this bullshit has to do with /vr/. It probably wouldn't be so bad if you faggots weren't so sensitive and defensive, for example with posts like this.

>> No.3263896

Trying to ban a religion from entering the country is literally the single most anti-American ideal put forth by a presidential candidate. Building the wall is unrealistic, deregulating wall street is unrealistic (unless you want to see the majority of Americans suffer financially), and his tax plan is unrealistic because it shifts tax burden onto individuals and families under 91K, while reducing the burden on those earning less than 25k and more than 150k. Basically it's designed to further damage the middle class and force more people into the lower brackets while protecting those in the upper brackets.

>> No.3263908 [DELETED] 

cry some more you libcuck nigger, I can't WAIT until you get sent to the wall building labor camps.

>> No.3263921 [DELETED] 

>Trying to ban a religion from entering the country is literally the single most anti-American ideal put forth by a presidential candidate

They shouldn't have crashed planes into our buildings then.

>> No.3263924

You shouldn't have trained them and given the means to in the first place.

>> No.3263927
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Age of Empires

>> No.3263932
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>> No.3263936

this thread is shit
fuck off etc

>> No.3263948

In hindsight maybe, but we needed non-American soldiers dealing with Russians trying to take our resources in the middle east.

>> No.3263958

>there's no such thing as cross-posters...
>there's no such thing as cross-posters...

>> No.3263961
File: 19 KB, 200x246, Capitalism_plus_box[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting an obvious one, also this is now /biz/ game general.

>Republican-head supporting Trump
>implying the GOP doesn't hate him even more than any Democrat could

>> No.3263970

I'm mostly surprised that even /pol/ types don't realize Muslims can just lie about their religion and get in that way, regardless of your views on Islam it's gonna be really hard to enforce.

>> No.3263974

Most of /pol/ does realize that.

What we (hope) Trump means is that he'll put a temporary ban on certain countries. Believe me, we talk about Taqiya on /pol/ all the time, we know they'll just lie about their religion.

>> No.3263981

>assumes someone is a leftist because they think Trump supporters are morons
Trump supporters, everyone. How's your first election going?

>> No.3263986

Neocons may as well be leftists too, friend

>> No.3263991

>assumes someone is underage because they support Trump
How's your first shitpost going?

>> No.3264001

That's a pretty good point. It's been proven Bernie is the choice of high schoolers.

Hillary and Trump have far more support among the various age groups, though obviously from different people. They appeal more to people who have been through life and have experience under their belt, not NEETs and underage dreamers like Bernie

>> No.3264002

Trump supports single payer and has seemingly supported raising taxes on the wealthy. That's not conservative fiscal policy.

>> No.3264005

Trump is running a high school popularity contest.

The man's a demagogue. A Rorschach. He'll say anything to get attention, and people see in him whatever they want to see.

Which makes him the perfect candidate. And it doesn't matter, because as Douglas Adams pointed out:

"The president's job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it."

>> No.3264008

All that is true, but it's better than having yet another Soros puppet in Hillary

>> No.3264016

Trump is less wishy-washy than most politicians, though. If he really did just say stuff that people wanted to hear, why is he so consistent on his promises?

>> No.3264149

I hope Trump supporters don't mind that Trump will usher us into World War III.

>> No.3264154

He speaks english for one

>> No.3264160

You know Trump and Putin are good friends, right? There won't be a WWIII.

>> No.3264185
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>this meme

Thank you for making it very obvious that you get spoonfed by Facebook memes and John oliver

>> No.3264318

Why are we getting invaded by /pol/?

>> No.3264334

>Trump supports single payer
I read that as "single player" and was confused what the fuck it had to do with taxes.

>> No.3264359
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>> No.3264404


>> No.3264413


/pol/ can't help spewing their shit everywhere because they think it's the MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THE WORLD that their tupee-wearing champion becomes president

And then they think anything short of screaming support for their shit off topic threads could only be from THOSE DIRTY LIBERALS, GRRRRR

>> No.3264473

I mean, that seems to be what he thinks running a government is going to be.

>> No.3264687

as a foreigner who doesnt live in the USA Trump worries me for economic reasons.
I dont think it is possible to force Apple to build their shit in the USA and not in China, unless the USA stops being a free economy, which will make it a less attractive country for investment.
I think he could hurt the dollar, which would hurt the countries that have a shitload of dollars or American debt, but long term would hurt the USA too.

If he puts a 35% I guess that means the USA will be leaving the NAFTA treaty. And I am not sure it is possible to deport 11 million people in 2 years without something like a police state.

You cant make America great again like decades ago, because decades ago Europe was recovering from WW2, China was a maoist country with no industry, and the Soviet Block still existed. There is much more international competition nowadays.

I also think Americans have never had a right wing demagogue like Berlusconi or Putin in power, so they wont realize how damaging it is until it is too late.

>> No.3264690

>I also think Americans have never had a right wing demagogue like Berlusconi or Putin in power, so they wont realize how damaging it is until it is too late.

Can't be any worse of a fuck-up than Obama's been the last 8 years.

>> No.3264706

Yet another /pol/ thread that the mods won't delete.

>> No.3264725
File: 33 KB, 1280x720, custer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A Rorschach.
I'm no Trump defender, but that's kinda the nature of presidential candidates. 7 years into Obama and I'm still hearing deluded fantasies about how he's actually gonna legalize weed and end all wars, or he would if the political establishment would let him. As a leftist, it's fuckin' depressing since Obama is Bush 3 at best.

Pic included to be relevant to thread.

>> No.3264727

Honestly, what do people think he's done that's so terrible? Please explain to me.

>> No.3264731

Rand Paul and Mike Huckabee (!) come off as the most reasonable in these quotes imo.

>> No.3264745

racial tensions are the highest they've been in years, partly due to the way he handled some high profile incidents

>> No.3264758

Chicken or egg. The right certainly fanned the flames.

>> No.3264760
File: 497 KB, 1600x1200, $_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get why that would get pinned Obama when there's been a string of police shootings of black folks that have gotten a lot of media attention. I also don't buy that protesting against getting killed by cops means you're contributing to "racial tensions."

>> No.3264775

only 30% of police shootings are of black people, whereas black people commit ~50% of violent crime, so no there's not really a problem with police shooting black people. You're right that there is a larger cultural problem with the media inciting division, but the president should be a leader and a uniter, not someone who tacitly endorses that same agenda.

>> No.3264780

Hell yeah!
Trump's going to make vidya great again!
Definitely vr related.

>> No.3264783

Saying they commit 50% of violent crime and they're convicted for 50% of violent crime is two different things. You can bet public defenders aren't getting anyone off the hook.

>> No.3264826

crime surveys corroborate the 50% number though.

>> No.3264858

That game is fucking great.

I'm not even a huge fan of sim/strategy games, but I find international affairs and public policy really fascinating, and this game is amazing.

A long time ago I modified the Super Iraq scenario on the disk into one based on the then-current US invasion of Iraq.

Great underrated title for DOS. Cyberjudas sucked though.

Somebody post that gif/webm of this game where the player launches 5000 nuclear warheads at Israel

>> No.3264872

He endorsed a PC game called Donald Trump's Real Estate Tycoon.

He also said he never plays video games and considers them a waste of time. The current prez said the exact same thing.

>> No.3264910
File: 36 KB, 267x274, saddam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A long time ago I modified the Super Iraq scenario on the disk into one based on the then-current US invasion of Iraq.
That's cool as hell. What was the best strategy for that scenario, you think? In the game, I mean.

>> No.3264919

I understand what you mean, and sometimes feel it myself, but don't short-change the Obama administration.

-repealed "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
-reversed Bush torture policies
-opened relations with Cuba
-enacted (half-assed) health care
-got us (mostly) out of Iraq

..and other notables, all while the majority of congress wouldn't piss on him if the man was on fire.

>Que someone saying "Nixon opened relations with China and founded the EPA."

>> No.3264939

lucid post

>> No.3264994

Oh, did I trigger you?

>Actually believing the official 9/11 story

And I thought Hillary supporters were dense.

>> No.3265004

Oh wow, racial tensions are high because you don't like a black guy in office. Poor babies.

Obama has been 8 years of straight economic recovery, whether you agree with his stances on social issues or not (I think he's made a lot of mistakes, but he's a hell of an improvement on Bush).

>> No.3265007

>le jews did it!
And you're calling others dense?

>> No.3265020

>you will never go back to pre-/pol/ 4chan
>"it's /vr/-related because I said video games in the OP!"


>> No.3265030

I get what you're saying, and I agree with you. As a leftist it is incredibly gratifying to have a president acknowledge the rights of lgbt people to such an extent. And I can also acknowledge the obstructionism in congress is, perhaps, unprecedented.

>enacted (half-assed) health care
Obamacare had some good ideas in it and some potentially very bad ideas, but reducing the number of people without any kind of health insurance is probably a net benefit. I'm still waiting for more data to be honest. It's no single-payer, you know.

>reversed Bush torture policies
>got us (mostly) out of Iraq
These I'm not convinced of. In the case of torture, his DOJ prosecuted John Keriakou, who blew the whistle on CIA waterboarding of suspected Al-Qaeda detainees, but has not prosecuted a single designer or implementer of our torture programs.

And he isn't interested in really closing Guantanamo, just moving it. Indefinite detention has certainly become part of the Obama administration's playbook, as has global extrajudicial drone assassination.

And are we really out of Iraq? Americans are supposedly in "support roles" but one recently died in Iraq in combat and those kind of statements exclude special forces and covert ops. I have no doubt special forces have "boots on the ground" taking out targets in Iraq and Afghanistan, regardless of what the Obama administration claims.

But like you say with Nixon, it's about acknowledging that presidents aren't usually black and white. So to speak.

>> No.3265031

Protip: the Jews didn't do it either.

>> No.3265041
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Eh. I can buy "Bush administration-era intelligence organizations did not sufficiently gauge the urgency of an imminent terrorist threat", or even "the Bush administration knew 9/11 was going to happen and did nothing because they needed a pretense to bomb shit", but claiming Bush and his cronies, or really any representatives of the US government, planned and executed 9/11 is borderline lunacy.

>> No.3265382

Yes they did. There's even a photo of israelis setting up the explosives inside the tower.

>> No.3265387

No it's not. The idea that liberals can call Bush "worse than Hitler" for 8 years and then say "oh but he'd never lie" is lunacy. Don't be such a rube and learn to think logically, you literal faggot.

>> No.3265390

>Obama has been 8 years of straight economic recovery

The current administration STARTED the depression, which has been the worst in US history BY FAR, and erased 80% of all wealth in the nation.

If America were judged against itself 10 years ago it would currently be considered a third world nation by comparison.

>> No.3265392

>he's a hell of an improvement on Bush

This is objectively false and is like saying "stalin was an improvement over the czars". No he wasn't and it's not even open to debate.

>> No.3265396

>-repealed "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
>-opened relations with Cuba
>-enacted (half-assed) health care

These are objectively bad things.

>-reversed Bush torture policies

This never happened.

>-got us (mostly) out of Iraq

This caused ISIS, which makes him directly responsible for millions of deaths. He's literally exactly the same as Hitler and has killed as many people or more.

>> No.3265457
File: 88 KB, 600x416, BabinR20080504_low.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The current administration STARTED the depresson

I find this statement mind-bogglingly narrow minded.


not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased: an objective opinion.

>literally exactly the same as Hitler

>> No.3265531

>there are people unironically defending Obama

this is why /vr/ shouldn't discuss politics

>> No.3265538
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>Trump supports Single Player

I sure hope he does. I'm sick of everything these days needing esports and multiplayer and online connectivity. Just give me a good SP.

>> No.3265776
File: 85 KB, 640x316, trump-tweet-gaming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3265807

Go back to your right-wing hugbox.

>> No.3265813

Did 6 million jews die in the Holocaust?

>> No.3265817

All it did for most people I know was force them to pay for insurance rather than correct the problem of them not having insurance. So now they pay way too high of rates for the cheapest of insurance which puts a critical strain on their budgets.

>> No.3265823

>this is what Republashits actually believe

>> No.3265827

Reminder: Report, filter and hide.

>> No.3265886


the thing Bush son is often accused of with reason is lying about the weapons of mass destruction in order to invade Iraq.

The world supported the USA when they invaded Afghanistan, but things were very different when they invaded Iraq.

>> No.3265918

Quick reminder for everyone:

The vast majority of /pol/fags out there will constantly claim, to the ends of the earth, that 4chan has always been this bad and that every thread on every board has always been chock-full of far-right retards posting dank conservative memes.

These people are trying to gaslight you. Yes, there have always been dipshits posting "NIGGERS NIGGERS XD XD XD JEWS DID 9/11" in random threads, but that's basically all that happened, and 4chan was relatively apolitical on the whole. That's not what's happening now. The recent trend of /pol/fags taking every opportunity to hijack threads with their stupid shit has only been going on for a few years. But they act like it's been going on since the beginning of 4chan, because they want to proliferate the narrative that YOU'RE the one invading THEIR super secret clubhouse, because that allows them to feel even more victimized than they already think they are.

>> No.3265932

>4chan has always been this bad

Before it was good, yeah. The people posting


Are just edgy kids wanting to fit in without having to put any thought into their comments. In turn, people thought mindlessly posting like that was acceptable, and eventually became the norm.

Remember when you'd be verbally berated for using emoticons? Seems like forever ago. Point is, there's more nuance to his situation that you're letting on, and your polarizing view does nothing but hurt the general community.

Let them have their shitty memes, they'll let you have yours. Just expect to be harassed about it, as they're equally harrassed, because that's considered acceptable now.


>> No.3265942
File: 6 KB, 336x240, 660446-rampart-arcade-screenshot-rebuild-the-walls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ctrl+f rampart
no results

>> No.3265957

>telling the truth about how 4chan used to be is now a "polarizing view"

>> No.3266015
File: 162 KB, 281x335, 1452497668776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate playing against my dad in AoE2, he spams walls like a mother fucker and most of his walls are 5 walls thick

>> No.3266048

It seems to me that most of the /pol/ shitposters are newfags who thought that the humor here was not just idiotic trolling. There were always shitposts similar to what they do now, but it was obviously a joke.

>> No.3266173 [DELETED] 


>"not muh 4chan"

Delicious lib tears. Your impotent rage fuels us.

>> No.3266224

>Board about old videogames
>lots of old fucks reminiscing about their childhoods
>fags and retarded children surprised when there's a lot of support for trump

Mildly entertaining. Shows how popular Trump is, too. Spilling over everywhere.

>> No.3266398

It's like they think their bitching and whining proves us wrong?

>> No.3266436
File: 345 KB, 406x380, 1459451076708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't fucking care anymore, man. I don't fucking care about the wall, I don't care if the Jews did it, I don't care if he dindu nuffin, I don't care about liberals, I don't care about Trump. Why does everything have to have a political agenda?
I just want to play and talk about some fucking video games.

>> No.3266446 [DELETED] 
File: 157 KB, 326x434, 1456661266538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one pathetic fag ITT spamming back to pol

>> No.3266454
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>ITT leftwingers get triggered

>> No.3266468
File: 36 KB, 640x480, capmain_005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone actually play biz sims here?

>> No.3266470

Youngfags are the cancer killing /vr/.

>> No.3266543

Making Apple and other electronics companies manufacture domestically would basically upend their supply chains, electronics are made by bringing in components from various (mostly Asian) sources, who in turn usually do a fair bit of sourcing themselves.

There is an essay called I Pencil about how the parts to make pencils come from all over the US. Now, keep in mind that the US is a large country with ample natural resources and relatively few legal barriers to internal travel. Basically cutting off the supply chain and saying "do everything here" for the production of something as multifaceted and complex as modern electronics would be a logistical nightmare, and not just because Apple couldn't use suicidal Foxconn labor.

Unless Trump's plan is to get a huge automated factory infrastructure up and running as fast as possible, in which case bravo.

>> No.3266567
File: 88 KB, 324x268, fauxnews[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To expound on this, 4chan always called people niggers or cunts for a laugh, but there really was an increase in right-wing sentiment here over the years. Things like pic related used to be the default (there's plenty of Fox hate now, of course, but it's from the opposite direction), and GENUINE racists/sexists were universally considered lolcows.

That said, we're hardly unique in this regard, there's been a shift going on in general since around 2010. I have some personal theories, but I'm already stepping too far into /pol/ territory.

>> No.3266586


Automated production of electronics will become a thing. Just because Chinese and Pajeets are cheaper than robots now, does not mean it will remain so in the future.

Plus there's also the fact that Koreans and Chinese basically streal all IP and technology developed in the US, because they do all the manufacturing.

>> No.3266607

>The mods will never do their jobs

Shake my head to be honest pham

>> No.3266610
File: 93 KB, 380x247, Delayclose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who came here a lot in the before times (pre-late 2006/2007), I will say that a lot of the early culture was centered around having fun and trying to be amusing. Whether it came from laughing at how long it took mods to take down illegal images or racist things like bix nood or around blacks never relax, it didn't really matter. I doubt many were really obsessing over a hatred of blacks or anything, just an enjoyment of racist humor and a lack of fear of poking fun at anyone or anything. 4chan really started to change for the worse when people tried to unite the user base for purposes other than idly fucking with live jasmine (or whatever the sites were) cam whores by getting them to put shoe on head. See: Project Chanology, WE DO NOT FORGIVE WE DO NOT FORGET video for examples of cancer.

>> No.3266639
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>> No.3266657
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The particular shift I'm referring to is fairly far removed from Chanology, but perhaps that did foster a general mindset that's more conducive to what's happening now. A "serious business" rally from one side will also cause it in the other; without going into details, that's basically what's been happening with nerdshit this past 5 years. At any rate it's readily obvious there was a certain levity in 2006 that just doesn't exist anymore (though /b/ was much better at fucking your shit up then, ironically).

>> No.3266667

More importantly why haven't you embraced feminism yet?

>> No.3266679

>Remember when you'd be verbally berated for using emoticons?
You get verbally berated either way. Trying to fit in into online communities is a waste of time.

>> No.3266680

Because it destroys females by asserting that women should be more masculine.

>> No.3266684

Since gender is a social construct what's wrong with females becoming the new dominant alphas and males becoming the new nurturing gender? Aren't men better at everything anyways?

>> No.3266754

4chan was always racist and edgy and shit, and that was okay. The real reason /pol/ is so intolerable today is because it's so humorless and preachy. Habbo raids and GNAA and shit are one thing, but /pol/ literally believes that it wages a culture war to the death so it goes around raiding boards with their propaganda and fiercely enforcing anti-PC as the new PC, without as much as a veneer of self-consciousness and irony. It comes off as very crusadery, the same sort of attitude that the extreme SJWs are hated for.

People just take internet way too seriously nowadays I guess.

>> No.3266774

4chan is contrarian. When the left is in charge, it's right wing, when the right was in charge it was left wing.

>> No.3266779
File: 70 KB, 700x723, crazy-red-haired-feminist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know /pol/ wouldn't be so bad if the left wasn't also filled with crazy militant retards

>> No.3266787

>Since gender is a social construct
It isn't. Sex=gender unless you're a deluded libcuck who thinks all bathrooms should be unisex.

>> No.3266791


I don't see many alpha females in construction, transportation or any job that doesn't have heating, artificial lights and air conditioner.

Being the pampered sex does not equate dominant.

>> No.3266794

That's funny. Because I could have sworn it was crooked Hillary who went on black radio and claimed she always has hot sauce in her purse. Because you know how they love hot sauce! He's more honest than that fucking tiwt.
>Game he'd play
Romance of the 3 Kingdoms
>The realm has fallen into chaos
>The people demand change
>The old regime's time has come to pass
>The people want a totally new regime and a great leader to impliment change
Holy Shit, he's Neo Cao Cao

>> No.3266796

There is zero scientific evidence that girls prefer to play with dolls and wear pink dresses. Also why can't I be born into a third gender?

>> No.3266810

>Also why can't I be born into a third gender?
Because there's no such thing as a third gender, you entitled millennial with a mental disorder.

>> No.3266815

My sweet child, yes you can. Yes you can.

>> No.3266839

2012 ronpaul forced everywhere
2016 trump forced everywhere
2020 ??????????????????

>> No.3267148

ayy lmao all these butthurt libs

>> No.3267251

no /pol/friend

you are the triggered

you are the perpetually, permanently triggered

>> No.3267259

>alleged "/b/ collage"

>no Happy Negro

>> No.3267273

Trump says video games cause violence.

So none. Stop shilling the meme candidate here.

>> No.3267279

Funny how they say libs get triggered but you say one bad thing about trump and suddenly...


>> No.3267292

>That's funny. Because I could have sworn it was crooked Hillary who went on black radio and claimed she always has hot sauce in her purse. Because you know how they love hot sauce! He's more honest than that fucking tiwt.
She actually probably does though. It's pretty well-documented going back that she constantly eats spicy shit. I assumed it was pandering too.

>> No.3267295

Damn, good call. You're right, it was a collective failure of everyone involved.

>> No.3267303
File: 69 KB, 906x740, 1450663061452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone who was been browsing for a while now has mentioned that 4chan changed back when anonymous became more of le edgy superhaxor neckbeard than the bored neckbeard who wanted a few laughs. I would like to have seent the old 4chan since I have a soft spot for the early to mid 00s.

>> No.3267401

I don't go to /pol/ to talk about video games.
Don't come here to talk about politics.

>> No.3267473

You must be at least 13 years old to post on 4chan.

>> No.3267496

>coming to a videogames board to talk about videogames

Lel, kek, and jej.

>> No.3267517

>no teh Rei

>> No.3267519

>/vr/ - Retro Games

>> No.3267532

Agree on tax plan, and somewhat about wall street.

But you can't be serious about the wall and Muslim ban. Both are realistic and American ideals bearing in mind the safety and well-being of American citizens. There's nothing remotely wrong or bad about them on any accord.

>> No.3267570

zoomj fuck DONATE TO 4CHAN

>> No.3267604

There already is fencing along large swaths of the Southern border. The desire to wall more of it, while bellicose, I'll let slide for now.

But explain to me how it's possible to ban Muslims. Do we keep out Islamic leadership? Do we allow them in temporarily, but give them special patches and ID cards identifying their theological bents? What if they lie? What if such a move emboldens the less sophisticated Americans to act further violently against Muslims in their own communities?

>> No.3267619
File: 342 KB, 800x430, Yellow-badge-Holocaust-800x430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>country is founded on religious freedom
>country was literally founded by people fleeing their country to escape religious persecution
>too fucking dumb to remember what happened last time a world leader forced anti-religious sentiments by forcing them to identify themselves with a garment
>this thread is still fucking open
>/vr/ will never be about video games again because le epic /pol/ threads don't get deleted

>> No.3267670

>Not inherently a religion of violence and domination

It should be banned from Earth

>> No.3267675

this attitude/shitposting only furthers the cycle of violence

fucking sage

>> No.3267724

>>country was literally founded by people fleeing their country to escape religious persecution

What? No, it was founded by people fed up with their government instituting taxes without input or consent of the public. Everyone who came over was some form of Christian or Catholic or Protestant, the least persecuted religions in history.

>> No.3267738

>be me
>be OP
>start thread and stick around for first few replies then leave
>come back
>people still replying

How is the irony sonlost on you people?
You complain that this board isn't super serious business 100% of the time and yet this thread has the major replies over the last day~day and a half of any thread here other than the doom general.

Hell, my original post was even about games anyway. In the first few replies you have people who realized this and replied with game choices. Then you had people who saw a picture of Donald trump and thought "fuck, how can I be a professional victim today?". It is funny to see how truly unaware some people are. Then on the other hand, you had actual /pol/tards replying to the whiners, and they were equally annoying. You can't bitch about off topic if your own post is more off topic than the one you're crying about. If I had came in here and said "DUDE MAGA DUDE TRUMP 2016", that would be uncalled for. I merely used his image in a lighthearted fashion to open up some discussion about games. No wonder /vr/ has a reputation as the whiniest board, I guess I've been lucky to not see that side of the community in most of the threads I've been in.

Anyway, back on topic, I gave
>>3263961 a try, hadn't actually played that before. Do you have any other good /biz/ games?

>> No.3267928

>country was literally founded by people fleeing their country to escape religious persecution
What a load of fucking bullshit. It was founded by people seeking economic freedom if anything.

>> No.3267938
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, 1450292758390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only argument is you're a fugging nazi le jews sob story
every time

>> No.3267949

>mods delete gba threads within minutes
>this thread has been up for two days now

I guess any thread goes as long as it says "video games" in the OP!

>> No.3267995

I'd actually really like to hear more of your thoughts on this.