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3260684 No.3260684 [Reply] [Original]

Where was Winston? What would his stats have been?

>> No.3260690

So he's not even in the game? Man, Eddie Murphy leaving really gimped the character.

>> No.3260693

At least it gave Ernie Hudson his claim to fame.

>> No.3260702

>Where was Winston?
he saw some shit that turned him white

>> No.3260759


>Where was Winston?
I don't think anybody knows for sure.
Probably racism.

>> No.3260784

The NES can only display so many different colors and shades at the same time.
It should be noted that this game took place during the part of Ghostbusters Movie Universe Cannon after Winston became a father. The developers were just on point with the details.

>> No.3260789

>Winston became a father

So that's how they wrote him out, huh

At least they explained it, that's nice

>> No.3260819
File: 292 KB, 1025x746, new-ghostbusters-ii-e-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The NES can only display so many different colors and shades at the same time.
That's a Genny game, anon. Winston was playable on New Ghostbusters II game on the FC and PAL NES (alongside Louis).
>It should be noted that this game took place during the part of Ghostbusters Movie Universe Cannon after Winston became a father. The developers were just on point with the details.

>> No.3260873
File: 2.53 MB, 480x360, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking that whole post seriously

>> No.3260903
File: 76 KB, 884x928, 1381580001435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The devs thought it unrealistic that the Ghostbuster would team up witha spook

>> No.3260921

I always had a theory that Winston was added to the movie at the last minute because they realized there were no black people in the film, and the video games were made before the movie was complete.

>> No.3260927

>Winston was added to the movie

Winston was a replacement for Murphy, a huge new star in the early 80's, he left the project and the role diminished but not erased.

So from the ground up, there was always gonna be a token black guy, with Murphy in it in addition to Murray and the other two guys, it would have been even better than it turned out. Imagine that.

>> No.3260931

Huh, that's interesting, I didn't know that.

If Eddie Murphy were in it, they probably would have made him the lead.

>> No.3260932

You have too much faith in Eddie Murphy. There was already an over the top character in Peter. A straightman like Hudson was the right fit.

>> No.3260971

I like Winston as he is, I don't really think I would like Ghostbusters as much if it was just another Eddie Murphy playing RAW Eddie Murphy movie.

>> No.3260974
File: 5 KB, 320x224, the-wrong-side-of-history.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's literally two stats with three values each. They needed one balanced character, and one to be better at one at the cost of being worse at the other.

Every possibility was covered, so they said "fuck it he isn't even in the movie until 1/3 in so whatever"

>> No.3260994
File: 73 KB, 619x438, Peking duck its whats for dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I swear this game got a late in development Ghostbusters makeover.

Don't get me wrong, I love it. but it always struck me as being designed as an anime game or something.

>> No.3260998

looks like common NYC dining to me. I mean, crap, potstickers and duck. I bet they could get those delivered to the firehouse.

>> No.3261025

It's Genesis, you dumbass

>> No.3261051

Clearly the entire post was a joke *clap* good job

I mean unless you believe the game was written specifically without Winston because he became a dad and disappeared because he was black.

>> No.3261063


They eat Chinese takeout in the film.

>> No.3261082


And bombs?

>> No.3261275

>took place during the part of Ghostbusters Movie Universe Cannon after Winston became a father
>Movie Universe Cannon

Well there were only two movies and he had a kid in neither, so I'd say that's some bullshit. Cartoons and comics don't count for "movie universe".

>> No.3261325

>it would have been even better than it turned out

No it probably would've been far worse. Murphy would've hogged the scenes and been too over the top. Winston was played as the plain blue collar straight guy to perfection as it is. He's not supposed to be a jokster.

>> No.3261560

It was clearly a joke you idiot.

>> No.3261561

>can't read previous posts
>can't see implied racism

>> No.3261653 [SPOILER] 
File: 5 KB, 121x125, 1464826486919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was Egon's Wife's Son.