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File: 171 KB, 400x300, MK4_Arcade_Scorpion_Bio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3257785 No.3257785 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here really like Mortal Kombat 4, as in they highly regard it as a really good game?

I'm sort of meh about it. It should have had more classic characters, in my opinion.

>> No.3257791

I had it for the PS1 and played quite a bit in order to get all endings and get familiarized with the characters but I'm also meh about it.

As far as 2D to 3D transitions go it wasn't bad but didn't set the world on fire either, it's squarely in the middle.

>> No.3257842


>> No.3257892

My interest with the MK series was at the lowest with MK4.

It went like this for me:

MK: I'd hear kids at school talk about it because of the violence but didn't pay much attention, I was into SFII mainly.
MKII: by the time MKII released I was hyped and found the gameplay and fatalities to be better than that of the first game. Became a huge fan of MKII and would play religiously every day, I also remember lots of kids came to my house to play it because I was the first one at school who got it.
MK3: I was hyped as fuck but when it came out it was a bit disappointed, still fooled me into thinking it was at least as good as MKII, at the very least I had a lot of fatalities, animalities, etc to learn and in the end I still had fun with it.
UMK3: things started to get clusterfucky with the franchise. Still a cooler version of MK3 with more characters and the return of scorpion.
MKTrilogy: It was like ice cream mixed with steak. It was good to have all the characters in one game but something didn't feel right.
MK4: must have played it only a couple times, I gave MK a last chance but it failed to hold my interest.

>> No.3257912

this is my sentiment as well except i was hype af for the first one and got it for genesis and was even more stoked for mk2

>> No.3257923


>> No.3257941

It's generally regarded by fans to be the worst mainline Mortal Kombat game. Yes, even moreso than Armageddon and MK vs. DC.

>> No.3258000
File: 172 KB, 400x300, 1427652416891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excessively mediocre.

>> No.3258480
File: 4 KB, 200x150, mktm-characters11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3258502

I wasn't really aware there was an MK 4 until much later. I think I was vaguely aware that it was indeed a thing, but MK 3 kind of killed my interest in the series until V, and V wasn't really marketed as V, more as the next gen PS2 era MK.

>> No.3258528
File: 163 KB, 1202x762, MK - goro vs art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3258529


I think it's ass. Just everything about it is tacky, and the controls are just frustrating to me. It was the lowpoint of the entire series for me, and I didn't end up picking the series back up until MK9.

>> No.3258560
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I really enjoyed this game. I liked the style and themes of it. According to John Tobias, he was listening to a lot of NIN while writing this games. Which explains a lot about characters like Quan Chi and those three netherrealm assassin girls from Mythologies.

>> No.3258561
File: 12 KB, 212x194, kayno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3259124

Nah MK4 sucked and all the rest that followed did as well.

>> No.3259423

Can I get some more of these?

>> No.3259435

It had a more badass fatality jingle than the first three to be honest

>> No.3259440

>any mortal kombat

they are all shallow style over substance games.

>> No.3259454

Crown jewel of the N64 3D fighting game library.

>> No.3259562

I like MK4, for an early 3d fighting game it's playable and fun.

>> No.3259854

I really liked it. I was 9.

>> No.3260624


>> No.3260757


>> No.3260854

>It's generally regarded by fans to be the worst mainline Mortal Kombat game. Yes, even moreso than Armageddon and MK vs. DC.

This simply isn't true. While Armageddon an DC are god awful, simply terrible games.....MK4 was simply a mediocre game, for the most part it was more of the same action you got in previous games more or less with a couple fairly useless gimmicks thrown into the mix

As for my personal experience with it, I played it a lot back when it came out...I remember feeling like it was meh but like I said pretty much more of the same, while not impressive by any means it did it's job of being the new MK game and giving you some new MK action....once the appeal of it being new wore off me and my friends quickly went back to playing the older games when wanting some MK until the next one came out, to this day I've never had the urge to go back and play MK4

>> No.3260857


>> No.3261493


>> No.3261504
File: 1.87 MB, 1916x1080, Mortal Kombat 1995 1080p BluRay Ac3 x264-CtrlHD.mkv_snapshot_00.50.08_[2010.05.16_16.56.22].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3261660

>This simply isn't true. While Armageddon an DC are god awful, simply terrible games

You want to take it easy on the hyperbole there, anon?

All MK games were decent minus Special Forces and maybe Mythologies. Tons of people were playing Armageddon online until gamespy decided to shut down all servers for all gamespy games.

>> No.3261740

If there is then they're an incredibly small minority in the fanbase. 4 was so shit there weren't any mainline games for five years after it came out.

>> No.3261751


>> No.3261762

the hate on this classic is unbereable. They only know how to shit on small things.

>> No.3261789

>All MK games were decent minus Special Forces and maybe Mythologies.

I'd beg to differ, Deadly Alliance was pretty interesting...a unique attempt to reinvent MK and also a pretty unique take at 3D fighting game, it's hard for me to call it a great game in retrospect but it was a bold attempt and I certainly enjoyed it at the time of release so I have a fondness for it.....Deception on the other hand I didn't think moved things forward at all, thought it took steps backwards from Deadly Alliance in terms of quality.....then we get to Armageddon and DC which (in my opinion) were hot trash, MK has never been a franchise to be uber critical of because a lot of the fun just comes from...fun, you didn't need to analyze it with the same eyes you would more competitive fighting games back then but even with that being said I personally hated those two games, the novelty couldn't save those games from just feeling like utter jokes for me...IMO those games represent all the negative things MK haters have said about the franchise from the start personified.

> Tons of people were playing Armageddon online until gamespy decided to shut down all servers for all gamespy games.
Of course lots of people played it, Mortal Kombat has the most brand recognition among Americans than any other fighting game, that doesn't exactly say anything about quality when you consider lots of people hate other fighting games for being too technical

You could release an utter shit MK game (IMO Armageddon and DC already were) and the lowest common denominator will still eat it up because A. It's Mortal Kombat, not that "nerdy Jap shit". And B. Shitty fighting games are popular among people who don't generally like fighting games, which is a lot of people

Also, have this cool MK4 commercial

>> No.3262053

Lots of people have a hateboner for it because they hated the new characters, but let's be honest that has zip to do with gameplay.

>> No.3262063

MK4 is fun as fuck, but it's not exactly a stellar game