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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 714 KB, 2258x1503, 1464585749281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3253790 No.3253790 [Reply] [Original]

>Think about replaying FF6
>Remember that they have it on steam

Wow, this is the power of a remastered version :)

>> No.3253803

woah anon we have to support our dementia grandad or we won't get to inherit any of his delicious IPs

no matter how offensive and racist and belligerent he is

>> No.3253807

If I remember correctly there is a mod available for the pc version that restores the original graphics. Under the hood the game is literally just the GBA version though, it actually contains the rom data of that game.

""Final Fantasy VI is sort of unique compared to the other Final Fantasys on Steam," said modder Christopher Cooper, who goes by the handle Krisan Thyme online. "Square actually have a copy of the original Final Fantasy VI inside the Steam release of Final Fantasy VI, and what they do is reference the original copy as a database to pull information such as cutscenes, where sprites are located, how the map is constructed, item stats, AI. It references all the stuff out of the original game, pulls it out, and constructs it in the new engine. It's pretty cool stuff, honestly."


>> No.3253808


Someone should be punched in the face for making that

>> No.3253812
File: 687 KB, 1920x1080, ss_b3a5dd32e3a8882ff71d0c50ff084a9724d696dc.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it's amazing :)

>> No.3253824

It's fucking baffling.

They made new versions of V and VI for mobile. But they were only x2 resolution of the original. Meaning... why bother? It's not HD or anything. So there's no benefit.

The sprites are x2 the size. But the originals were designed like they were to pack as much detail as possible. The new sprites are bigger, but they have the same detail. And they have worse colors and less shading. Making them technically inferior.

The whole thing is utterly pointless. If they were HD I would see a point.

>> No.3253846

The lesson here is to never start a company in Japan unless your Yakuza friend is gay.

>> No.3254438
File: 128 KB, 512x512, HDTextureCat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's basically a ROM, emulator and a shitty texture pack like picrelated?

Someone better unpack those resources pronto and repalce them with actual quality stuff.

No the lesson here is you can cash in on fans of the old franchise by selling them products made with even less than minimum effort.

>> No.3254456

I want to suck on celes' mammaries!

>> No.3254481

>they made a new game but didn't mess with the graphics boohoo
Why do kids these days continually cry over graphics? I swear to fuck. Play the goddamn game, I don't give a shit if they downgraded it to stick fucking figures if the gameplay is the same.

>> No.3254483

How many times will you fags fall for the remakes, remaster, spiritual sucessor bullshit.

just emulate it retards.

>> No.3254498
File: 20 KB, 217x290, 5735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rereleases ff7 without changing anything
>looks better than on emulator or actual psx
>rerelease ff6 with hd sprites
>looks worse than original

>> No.3254523

>missing the pont so hard

>> No.3254543

And what is the point? The fact that you're mad over fucking graphics?

>> No.3254562

Not the same man that posted the post you referenced to.

Im angry that they made graphics _worse_ (I mean how the fuck did they even managed). and try to _cash in_ on the legacy.

It also takes some extra ammount of retarded not to see all that shit.

>> No.3254567

nice bait

>> No.3255350

Is Square even trying anymore?

>> No.3255419

I hate turning on the over world map, but besides that its too tier!

>> No.3255437

Shit nigga what are they doing? Couldnt they just emulate the original and sell that

>> No.3255821
File: 2.09 MB, 2000x2000, 1444937797619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make it stop

if you buy that - you support those remakes, torrent only

>> No.3255837

>FF1's remake looked great
>FF2's remake looked great
>FF3's remake was okay
>FF4's remakes looked great and were okay
>FF5 and FF6's remakes shit the bed

>> No.3255910

Yeah I don't get it either.

It sucks, because I love Final Fantasy VI and would probably buy it if it had a good-looking 3D remake, or even just a faithful SNES port.

>> No.3255914


>> No.3255916

Actually the FF7 release was altered. Most notably the lighting effects are brighter and there was different textures here and there.

>> No.3255936
File: 73 KB, 268x281, FFV_iOS_Bartz_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3256023

>>rerelease ff6 with hd sprites

They're STILL SD. They sprites are just larger than original.

>> No.3256448

Snes or Sound Restoration GBA Versions are the only best versions

Here is Final Fantasy Advance IV-V-VI Sound Restoration with lots of fixes (Uncensored, Fixed Colors, Better font etc)


Includes mGBA emulator

>> No.3256454

World of Ruin indeed

>> No.3256757

Someone should mod this and replace the script with the Ted Woolsey Uncensored Edition patch's script

>> No.3256776

I hear good things about the 7-9 Steam re-releases, at least.

>> No.3256779
File: 141 KB, 673x448, 1464585847379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even when it's smaller, the differences between the polygonal town model, Celes' sprite, and the overworld are just staggering.

>> No.3256827

20th Anniversary Edition [PSP]
20th Anniversary Edition [PSP]
Steam version...if you can take precautions against the save corruption bug. Otherwise, DS version will do.
PSP version for great 2D graphics, PC version for so-so 3D graphics (I recommend the PSP version)
SNES, Ted Woolsey Uncensored + Bugfixes (GBA version suffers from bad sounding music that still isn't perfect with sound restoration patches, reduced screen resolution, shitty palette, and arguably a less fun script)
PS1 on CRT or PSN with the smoothing enabled. If you'd rather emulate it on PC, use shaders that soften out the whole image and make the contrast between polygons and backgrounds as less jarring as possible. The PC version allows for improved field model mods, bugfixes, and (arguably inferior in certain regards) "remastered" music, but the animations were designed for the original chibi-esque models and thus it looks bad with better models
The Steam version has low quality FMVs and iirc you have to patch in the PS1 version's music, so you might want to go with PS1/PSN.
[!NON /vr/ ZONE!]
PS4 version, because it has the original soundtrack as an option.
PC, but is this even played anymore?
PCSX2 probably looks better than it would on PS2, though there's a glitch with shadow rendering unless you switch to CPU-intensive software rendering.
PC version WITH UPDATES. (But I heard this one sucks.)
PC version is the only way to play it, I think.

>> No.3256880

No, they redrew all the graphics, the new graphics are just awful. In spite of the new graphics they did apply an aliasing filter though, the whole thing is a fucking mess.

>> No.3256957

How did you mess XIV?

>> No.3259936

That's because it's just the 90s PC Version which had some minor differences

>> No.3259940

X is on PC now so that's better than PS4
But X/X-2 remasters have terrible new models so PS2(or PS2 Emulation on PC) is the way to go

>> No.3260085
File: 132 KB, 600x338, square-enix-lanzara-romancing-saga-2-en-ps-vita-ios-y-android[3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3260115

>Nice redone backgrounds
>Blurry repetitive mess with some 3D models for more stylistic contrast
They do it because they know most FF fans will eat almost anything up.

>> No.3260136

>20th Anniversary Edition [PSP]
>20th Anniversary Edition [PSP]
Lolno, they changed mechanics in both, thye don't play like the originals and they look like utter shit. PSX Origins remake is the best version of both games.

>Ted Woolsey Uncensored

Might as well leave Woosey's normal one, if you get hot and bothered by censorship but not about Woolsey rewriting characters and changing their names you're just a hypocritical moron.

>> No.3260274

At least it looks better than that Final Fantasy travesty.

>> No.3260284

XI is still played by a small but pretty damn loyal player base, to answer that one, can personally confirm

like enough people play it that they don't plan on shutting it down cause they still profit on it pretty heavily

>> No.3260317

What the Christ

>> No.3260361

Of course. When Chrono Trigger came out for DS, the retail price at the time was $40... when DS games were normally priced at $30.

>> No.3260385

Holy fuck you are fucking BAD at this.

>1, 2
PSX Origins
PSP for original flavour (and ALL of the extra content), DS for extra crispy
SNES or GBA, neither version is perfect
PS4/Original non-Steam PC release
Original non-Steam PC release
HD Remaster for PS4 (or PC), PS3 version is shit.
PS2, snag IZJS if you can
>Nova Crystallis series (13, 13-2, 13-3LR, T0)
PS3/4 where applicable

>> No.3260386 [DELETED] 

Square Enix sell almost all there old games at a premium, their mobile games are like, 3X the price of regular mobile games, their psp games are still at a high pricepoint too. I suppose you could argue that the value of these games is higher as they are high production value games with dozens of hours of content, though.

>> No.3260404

Square Enix sell almost all their old games at a premium, their mobile games are like, 3X the price of regular mobile games, their psp games are still at a high price point too. I suppose you could argue that the value of these games is higher as they are high production value games with dozens of hours of content, though.

>> No.3260407

The DS and SNES versions of FF4 are the only ones you should ever play.

>> No.3260408

With regards to FF9 -

Why PSN instead of the original PS1 version?

Steam version? Fucking why?

>> No.3260498

>when every other version is superior

>> No.3260505

But FF4 GBA is better

>> No.3260509

How come every /vr/ FF thread turns into "best FF version" shitposting?

>> No.3260510

Because people don't play it anymore, and so they get into ridiculous arguments.

>> No.3260513

The best version is always the one you played, everyone else's subjective experience is wrong and they need to be corrected.

>> No.3260654


It'd be one thing if the game was a NEW game. A NEW IP. But this is a supposed "remaster" of a supposedly "legendary" video game but it looks like fucking ass.

It isn't JUST about "wah wah the graphics!" its that its 2016, this is Final Fantasy possibly the most well known RPG series from Japan and the FACE of video game RPGs, and we still get shit like OP's pic related. No game deserves to be butchered like that, least of all Final Fantasy.

>> No.3260661


because you always have fags that think they need to share their opinions and other fags get butthurt about said opinions

>implying you aren't just a hipster for loving FF6, a furry for loving FF9, a drone for loving FF7, a faggot for loving FF8, and a nostalgia turd for loving FF1

It's incessant and part of why I don't come into FF threads as often anymore. The way I see it all FF opinions are valid provided you don't think 13 is worth a shit.

>> No.3260668


>a furry for loving FF9

And to add onto this, its absolutely ridiculous to think someone is a furry for liking this game.

>> No.3260676

It's almost as if this game is meant to be played on a smaller screen or something.

>> No.3260681

>The best version is always the one you played

What if you've gone through multiple versions and picked one that wasn't your initial experience? Some of us have actually done that.

>> No.3260685

Stop buying the same game over and over you shill.

>> No.3260686

XIII does suck until about halfway in, then it picks up. However it's a total slog until you get to that. Not played the sequels.

>> No.3262259

A noble endeavor

>> No.3262680

>thinking this looks bad
The original looked like shit.

>> No.3262815
File: 798 KB, 1618x2048, Amano_Japan-0013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want a version where it's just scanned in yoshitaka amano drawings.

something like this for the in game sprites, and more realistic proportions for character portraits etc.