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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 83 KB, 1280x720, SFII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3252974 No.3252974 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Stuff in retro games that they could get away with at the time they couldn't get away with today.

>> No.3252986

Releasing a complete game.

>> No.3252993


I never understood why they couldn't have just made that intro random, and you never know who's going down.

Couldn't have been a rom space issue, there's a ton of unused crap in there so they could have easily fit in a sprite of the white guy going down.

>> No.3252994

>scene in the original where the guard is beating up Celes
>cut from all rereleases

>> No.3252997

Even the wii virtual console rerelease?

>> No.3252998 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3253003

Anon, rapelay isn't retro.

>> No.3253005

whats wrong with fist to the face equality? too many pussies these days.

>> No.3253006
File: 88 KB, 480x600, Black-Orchid-Car-Wash-Service-by-Rareware.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3253007

>there's a ton of unused crap in there
In Street Fighter 2? Not really. If you want to look for lots of unused stuff in a Capcom fighter, look at Darkstakers and Jojo.

>> No.3253012 [DELETED] 

In todays hyper politically correct world, a blonde hair blue eye'd white guy punching a black guy in the face just wouldn't fly.

>> No.3253020

they didn't get away with that then

>> No.3253023

If orchid got pregnant, could she still fight in the game?

>> No.3253027

Capcom can always get away with it. Resident Evil 5 happened.

>> No.3253028

>Releasing a complete game.
in the case of SF2 it may have been complete but it was re-released several times to remove bugs and balance it. not bad if you only played it in the arcades but kinda sucked for the console releases

>> No.3253030


Well okay Mr Connery I lied a little, but there are some unused sprites and obscured background elements.
they could have easily trimmed the game and just added one sprite of the white guy going down.

And I'm not even an SJW, would have just made the intro more exciting.

>Who's going down? who's going down?

>> No.3253037
File: 14 KB, 640x480, goldman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey!

>> No.3253038

what i still don't get is why those 2 guys aren't in the game but are featured in the intro

>> No.3253054 [DELETED] 

what about a black hair black face nba rapper cucking me while my wife plays the retron5 ?

>> No.3253060

oh yay this fucking thread again

>> No.3253061 [DELETED] 

very progressive.

>> No.3253069
File: 605 KB, 640x434, Street Fighter II Special Champion Edition 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could get away
You do know they replaced the black guy with another white guy in Genesis version?

World Warrior was a complete as it was in its original state. Bug fixes aside, which were fixed in actual revisions (by that, I meant later prints of the same PCB, not the obvious Dash/Turbo/Super/X editions). The so-called upgraded versions were mostly made due to fan-demand (making the bosses playable and added in mirror matches in Dash), as well as beating the bootleggers at their own game (as was the case with the faster gameplay and extra moves in Dash Turbo).

>> No.3253079

What are you talking about

>> No.3253093
File: 24 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brown-skinned humanoid monsters.

>> No.3253125

not him but, basically this thread is an excuse for /pol/fags to whine instead of talking about games.

>> No.3253135

>muh /pol/ boogeyman
This thread is clearly talking about games and how things have changed over the past 20 years, you're the only one who's whining.

>> No.3253140
File: 142 KB, 1024x768, 53873-sid-meier-s-colonization-windows-screenshot-encounter-with.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I havent posted in this thread yet, I am not a polfag or American, but it is true that nowadays you cant make a game like pic related without a big media controversy, and that sucks. To me it is a kind of censorship.

>> No.3253141
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>> No.3253142
File: 74 KB, 407x546, 1463365980553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh pol boogieman

>> No.3253150

>nowadays you cant make a game like pic related without a big media controversy, and that sucks. To me it is a kind of censorship.
true, but how many threads do we need about it?

>> No.3253162

It's one single thread and it doesn't come often. You can easily hide it if you don't like it.

>> No.3253165

>It's one single thread and it doesn't come often.
define 'often'

>> No.3253168
File: 6 KB, 320x224, Winners_Dont_Use_Drugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize the 90s Clinton Years was a time of extreme political correctness right? Do you think political correctness was invented in 2015?

>> No.3253180

not nearly as bad as it is now

>> No.3253182 [DELETED] 

What this guy >>3253180 said.

Political Correctness in the past 6 years is far worse than its ever been.

>> No.3253192


Not really. I dont see any court cases going on right now.

>> No.3253194

Video Games were the big new scary thing that few understood at the time. There are no court cases today because there is an effective system for rating games and everyone has gotten sick and tired of Jack Thompson demonizing video games. That's not political correctness, nobody was demanding there be more women, gays, or blacks in vidya at the time.

>> No.3253201

i was speaking about the general culture not vidya(maybe I shouldn't have here but I did).

>that few understood at the time.
some still don't understand video games, but yes there is always something that people need to blame their problems on. comic books, rock and roll, dungeons and dragons, video games; I wonder what will be next.

>> No.3253208 [DELETED] 

>I wonder what will be next.

Social media. It's already started.

>> No.3253212

>Social media. It's already started.
oh, never got on social media, what will be next after that then?

>> No.3253216

The Night Trap case was all about misogyny towards women. Same shit happening with todays games.

>> No.3253218

Underrated post

>> No.3253227 [DELETED] 

>The Night Trap case was all about misogyny towards women.
white knights were around long before aggressive feminists

>> No.3253235

the game was still made, and that was more about protecting children from 'degeneracy' than feminism.

>> No.3253236

Yeah, but they were nowhere near as aggressive or powerful back in the 90s as they are today. Companies are today going out of their way to make games more politically correct not to offend these harpies that don't even play video games, even if it harms the game.

>> No.3253239

Oh please. It's not the harpies their trying to appease, it's the radical reftist Tumblr users who scream misogyny at the slightest idea of sexism.

>> No.3253248
File: 1.69 MB, 6144x3584, Punched.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That Compressed image

Disgusting. I still don't understand why people don't save these.

>> No.3253256

what do you think he means by harpies?

>> No.3253263


>> No.3253268 [DELETED] 

>In todays hyper politically correct world, a blonde hair blue eye'd white guy punching a black guy in the face just wouldn't fly.

But a black guy that looks like Django or some shit punching a white guy is A-OK!

>> No.3253272

>excuse for /pol/fags to whine

Looks like you're whining right now faggot

>> No.3253273

Ha, no it wasn't. Back in the 90s popular American consciousness believed that videogames were a children's medium. Yes, "misogyny," or as it was more appropriately termed back then "sexism," was an aspect of night trap's criticism, but the large share was that the content was called pornographic (which we know it pretty much wasn't) and thus was not fit to be in the hands of minors. The criticisms were levied at Mortal Kombat and Doom and that's why the resolution of that business was mostly the creation of a standard system for rating games.

Saying Night Trap "was all about misogyny towards women" is revisionism just because you want to contend that what's happening today is comparable to what happened in the 90s.

Aren't you agreeing with that guy or is harpy supposed to be something specific in your mind when it's a catch-all term for any woman who is screeching?

>> No.3253274

Once a month

Now shut the fuck up and go away

>> No.3253275 [DELETED] 

Exactly, it's insanity.

>> No.3253278 [DELETED] 

white privilage

>> No.3253279 [DELETED] 

straight white men

>> No.3253280 [DELETED] 


>But a black guy that looks like Django or some shit punching a white guy is A-OK!
And a black man raping a white man in the snow?

>> No.3253302 [DELETED] 

which retro game does that happen in?

>> No.3253306 [DELETED] 

He's talking about that Samuel Jackson movie The Hateful Eight that came out last year, look it up.

>> No.3253307 [DELETED] 

I digressed (Django name, tarantino film, political correctness, etc)...

>inb4 go to /pol/

>> No.3253315 [DELETED] 

Snow Bros

you have to get the bad ending

>> No.3253331

Why do conservatives bawl about political correctness, all the time? No one is stopping you from saying what you think. Just consider how you say it.

Unless you are actually saying something demeaning, bigoted, or plain wrong. Are people complaining about not being allowed to be assholes? Who wants to be an asshole? And who wants to defend assholes?

>> No.3253341

I had this poster on the back of my door as a kid

>> No.3253345

man, as a kid, I'd rewatched the opening so many times hoping it'd be random since that'd be cool as fuck

this bugged me a bunch too

>> No.3253362 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 640x480, 1458601078450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope no one responds to this comment seriously. Leftards cucks cant be reasoned with.

>> No.3253373

I was almost going to respond to him seriously, but said fuck it because it wasn't worth arguing with. It honestly feels like bait.

>> No.3253376

Who gets to decide who is an asshole? If I think you're an asshole first posting this does that mean you shouldn't be allowed to post it?

>> No.3253398

you seem like an asshole yourself. Why do you need to attack people for no reason?

>> No.3253440

Because many times in these conversations certain facts come out that are uncomfortable, sensitive, and many times racist. Unfortunately emperical evidence is apparently nothing compared to emotions, and as such actual civilized progress stagnates by actual discussions being ignored and censored.

>> No.3253443

The white guy is Cody.

>> No.3253452

Its the entitled mentality that gets me. Someone is butthurt and they have to demand that something is done to 'fix' it or they have to go insulting people because they're triggered instead of just disagreeing and ignoring it or participating in the debate without whining and using buzzwords

>> No.3253457

What bothers me is that this trend is prevalent on both sides, predominantly on the Left, but it's sickening that no one seems to want to learn from anything they disagree with.

>> No.3253473
File: 265 KB, 400x540, scott01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His name is Scott. Black guy's name is Max.


>> No.3253496

That's not political correctness though. If you were to say that all drug users are losers, that's politically incorrect.

>> No.3253502

Everything I don't like is political correctness

>> No.3253534

The difference was that no one paid attention to that shit. Games were still full of violence and titties and no one cared but old bible bashers.

>> No.3253537

Fun fact; more people are being arrested for writing or saying something in Britain today then they were in the 18th century thanks to newly introduced hate speech laws.

>> No.3253541

Me. I'll defend an asshole's right to be an asshole to the death.

Don't like what he or she says? Counter it rationally or ignore it.

>> No.3253548


You "I can be mean if I want!" retards are all the same. You're an asshole, then people tell you to shut the fuck up and you start crying about your freedom of speech. Literally kill yourself my dude.

>> No.3253571

Nope. You kill yourself. Feelings never trump the right to free speech. I'll defend assholes, people who write smut about little children, Islamists, Communists, Scotsmen, Priests, Fascists, Racists, Trade Unionists, Pervets, Jehovah's Witnesses, Anti-gunners and your right to free speech. Because I have principles and you're just a whiny little bitch who can't stand people being nasty and so wants to surrender your right to free speech and take away everyone else's.

>> No.3253573

And tell me to shut up all you want. Scream it at me if it makes you feel better. Just don't push for laws to lock me up for hurting your feelings because that shit is obscene. I'll defend your right to say we shouldn't have free speech, but you're a cunt for doing so.

>> No.3253582 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 643x557, 1279052383758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>White guy punches white guy.

>White guy punches a black guy.

>Black guy punches a black guy.

>Black guy punches a white man.
Haha, take that whitey! ur a cuck fear the bbc!

>> No.3253584 [DELETED] 


>call an asshole an asshole
>immediately starts putting words in my mouth and screaming MUH FREEDOM OF SPEECH

Like fucking clockwork. Don't worry, a few years from now you'll be able to look back on your current opinions and get embarrassed a little and move on.

>too retarded to understand the very real negative effects of pushing negative stereotypes

I bet you think child porn should be okay too, because it's free speech.

>> No.3253590 [DELETED] 

Not gonna lie, you're a decent troll.

I didn't get it until your last sentence when he beat you with a solid argument and you just kept talking shit.

Maybe next time tone it back a bit with the instant "you're a pedophile if you disagree with me" rhetoric.

>> No.3253597 [DELETED] 

>I bet you think child porn should be okay too, because it's free speech.

You're fucked in the head if you're advocating that child abuse is a form of self-expression. You can't make analogies like that - you may as well say "I bet you think it should be illegal to murder people because it's not part of the tax code!"

>> No.3253598 [DELETED] 


Considering his fucking post literally says "I'll defend assholes, people who write smut about little children" in it, no, I'm pretty sure he's just a piece of shit.

>> No.3253647 [DELETED] 

I'd that's the first thing you thought of when he said that, that says a lot about you.

I thought he meant talking shit about kids. "That kids a faggot" "what an ugly child" "that girl is retarded"

Etc., but if your first thought is fucking kids, well....

>> No.3253658 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 1000x750, pedos not even once.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>too retarded to even know what the word "smut" means
>"y-you're the REAL sicko!"


>> No.3253691
File: 78 KB, 1024x576, $(KGrHqQOKo0E6ezJugwqBOudQ!T3Y!~~60_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great thread, guys.

>> No.3253702


It was a le epic /pol/ thread from the first post, report hide and move on.

>> No.3253723

> pol boogyman

I can tell you are insufferable

>> No.3253743


Oh, was this a very genuine thread for racism circlejerking created by /vr/ regulars and not crossboarding shitposters?

>> No.3253753
File: 24 KB, 513x209, piero.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tengai Makyou games didnt really give two shits about copyright. Although really copyright law is different in japan. Not sure how this kind of stuff would age today now that games are so far into the mainstream. A lot of other politically incorrect stuff in the series likely wouldnt fly either.

Tengai Makyou fuun kabuki den in case anyone is asking.

>> No.3253760

I never had even the slightest sense that this was racist until SJW's started pointing it out, the game has Black characters already, how is it racist to show them fighting a white guy?

>> No.3253767


You fags sure are good at recognizing every manner of false flagging except for "sjw racism bullshit."

>> No.3253780
File: 122 KB, 933x541, IMG_20160529_221747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another example in TM Apocalypse IV that I grabbed in my current playthrough:

Loose tl: "If I donate money here, the Dark Cult will give me a surgery to turn me into a white boy. But i don't have any money..."

In this town in the game, all of the residents are runaway children and all of the Native American kids highly consider getting the surgery "so boys will like me" or "so I can marry my idol Candy" or such and such.

>> No.3253795

This thread reeks of underage. The game industry was under so much more scrutiny in the retro era than it is now. The recent (and fringe) SJW trend is nothing compared to the political/religious/media frenzy of the 90s over "explicit" content, which was mostly violence-related, but extended much further, as reflected by Nintendo's ridiculous censorship policies at the time.

>> No.3253797

calling something racist makes people pay attention to you. Just look at this thread.

>> No.3253798


Fucking thank you.

>> No.3253802

A lot of research has to go into it. Nintendo doesnt get away with too much shit because it's fucking Nintendo. They cause an outrage over "spastic" and in the meantime small time publishers like WD can use "retarded" with zero publicity issues. Certain games hit certain niches. Those niches are pretty much exposed thanks to the Internet's insane word of mouth range.

>> No.3253804

*outside of japan

>> No.3253806

Sorry if I poorly translated this so take it with a grain of salt, but I remember reading a couple months ago on Shoji Masuda's twitter that they considered bringing Linda Cubed Again stateside, but ultimately didnt because they wanted to avoid controversy because people dressed up as Santa Claus stab the shit out of people.

Truly a strange time.

>> No.3253810


Really? I thought the game has been banned in Japan since then.

>> No.3253813

>upscaled, massive PNG
you dumb motherfucker

>> No.3253892 [DELETED] 


>> No.3253894 [DELETED] 


>> No.3254132

>plain wrong.
Right and wrong are subjective

>> No.3254264

how many games in modern days have been kept from being made due to feminism?

>> No.3254268


>> No.3254287

To be fair, every human or humanoid besides the rogue has a dark skin.

>> No.3254329

>Anyone who doesn't agree with my views is /pol/
You must be a delightful person

>Haha, just accept the fact feminists and SJWs who don't even play video games having a lot of control over the industry, just accept more politically correct and shitty artsy games.

>> No.3254332

you pig

>> No.3254335

DOA Extreme 3 says hello.

>> No.3254337

>>Haha, just accept the fact feminists and SJWs who don't even play video games having a lot of control over the industry, just accept more politically correct and shitty artsy games.
Burden of proof is yours

>> No.3254343

>More politically correct
Are you blind? Have you not noticed how feminists and SJWs keep demanding more minorities in games because feelings and how easily offended they get? Take a look at all the drama from dead or alive extreme 3 for example, it didn't get a US release because of all the screaming feminists. To these SJWs, anyone who isn't pandering to the left is a racist transphobic homophobic misogynistic neo nazi. Everyone nailed the AVGN to the cross because he refused to review the new Ghostbusters movie.

>Shitty artsy games
Gone home is a great example. It's just a walking simulator only some liberal arts major would like because it features lesbians, but game reviewers gave it 10/10 like it was something amazing.

>> No.3254359
File: 12 KB, 300x300, 1428992712388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3254368

There' a huge difference, back in the 80s and early 90s it was mainly about "what content should our kids be viewing, is it right that children play games that..." etc. And as you said it was more about the violence and/or sexual content. When games with adult content started to come out, they censored accordingly and nobody with fuck them over since only adults could buy them and have access to them and play them, theoretically at least, yes of course there were exceptions...

Today gaming is a different phenomenon, regardless of your political view you have to accept that everywhere in the media, gaming included (which is now a global phenomenon that includes adults as a target audience, openly, and moreven has blurred the lines between kids and adults as it's target audience) is full of motherfuckers pushing their shit opinionated views on you in a creepy and stealthy way which would make anyone with a normal level of criterion want to cringe... btw, gaming is dull and soulless nowadays, and that is a personal opinion, regardless of it's content and how self righteous faggots push their agenda with it.

>> No.3254406

OP was posting the CRT version. That's the way it's supposed to be enjoyed, right?

>> No.3254425

not without half of the enemies becoming random white people pulled out of a shopping mall.

>> No.3254432 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 252x120, 7837263_sized[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that's the bad ending

>> No.3254442

You're not really proving anything about things being "more" politically correct. You're just pointing out the obvious, that it's still an issue that comes up. But it's on a smaller (and different scale) than what it used to be, when devs had to scrub their games clean of any content that could even be distantly "questionable" (i.e. nude statues or crosses on coffins) because companies like Nintendo were terrified of backlash.

>> No.3254553

It wasn't released in the west, but it was still made. And I really can't think of any other modern examples. If people complain about misogyny enough then games get altered, sometimes only in certain regions, but rarely cancelled.

>> No.3254608

Politically correct types who get all offended and indignant when you say things they don't like and try to tell you not to say those things are not trying to force you to stop saying those things, though. They aren't opposing or infringing on your right to free speech.
They're trying to make you stop saying certain things, of course, but not trying to FORCE you.

No doubt there are a lot of politically correct types who want to outright ban certain speech, but that's not just anyone who has a PC attitude and tells you to shut up.

>> No.3254609

>No one is stopping you from saying what you think.

I think you're a nigger. Defend that. Oh wait

>Unless you are actually saying something demeaning, bigoted, or plain wrong

>> No.3254618

>They're trying to make you stop saying certain things, of course, but not trying to FORCE you.

Stop lying you fucking disingenuous faggot.


>> No.3254632
File: 26 KB, 600x375, come on now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3255005

Milo is a faggot, but you shouldn't disregard the website because of him.

>> No.3255140

>"CRT Version"
Are you retarded?

>> No.3255147

Back to >>>/tumblr/ you degenerate landwhale
Kill yourself

>> No.3255153

I know they couldn't get away with her boob flash move today.

>> No.3255173

It seems like its a slow process where it is being infiltrated from the inside. Isn't there certain series where feminists became employees at development studios? I know Duke Nukem is one such example

At least in the early 90s it was clueless out of touch politicians and not dumb fuck 20 year old college aged idiots that feel morally superior

>> No.3255175

Not only is the SJW bullshit affecting vidya nowadays it's affecting politics too

>> No.3255180

Tacky and mysognist.

>> No.3255181

The slow infiltration of the feminist agenda might as well be the title of a book about the history of Bioware.

>> No.3255185

That was before the rating system idiot. Once the rating system came about, no one gave a fuck anymore. Feminists won't ever be happy until their agenda is projected in every game tho.

Nintendo is a different story. they have been scared to offend people since the 80s and they decided not to stop the whole time. Nothing has changed with Nintendo and that's their decision. Has nothing to do with what we're talking about here.

>> No.3255189

Fucking this

And I also echo your sentiment about today's gaming being shit
Gaming was better when it was a "kid's toy" when devs really had to try and impress kids with their creativity rather than just constantly making your run of the mill First-Person Shooter

>> No.3255193

Also now people are obsessed with the story and "canon" of games more than the gameplay, creative level design or whatever. They've become movies now and with movies along come pretentious agendas to try to push onto people

>> No.3255195

Mgs was a mistake

>> No.3255207

People are just tired of this extreme leftist SJW type crap that is being force-fed to everyone everywhere on the internet. I really don't blame them honestly. It's gotten tiring, especially with people like you who justify that cancerous behavior.

How about if you don't like something fuck off? Not only isnt there a point to someone saying shut up to someone you disagree with but that is really self righteous to think that their opinion is valid just because they want you to stop "saying certain things".

>> No.3255389


>> No.3255412

Nope, Japan gave zero fucks about the game. Only thing that did change is the outrage ensured Japan was less likely to localize it outside of Japan.

>> No.3255413

The creation of a rating system only proves my point that things were much more scrutinized back then. The industry wasn't just being nice by creating rating boards, they were forced into that position by politicians and consumers.

Go ahead and keep picturing this grand puppetmaster feminist agenda ruining everything you like, but really the "misogyny in games" discussion only thrives because people like you perpetuate it. The media and average joes don't give a fuck about it and it'd be dead in the water if you guys stopped getting butthurt over it.

>> No.3255415

*localize it and their other games

>> No.3255446

Whiny conservatives shut the fuck up for the most part once the ESRB was created. Feminists and SJWs will never shut the fuck up, It's a huge difference between the two.

>> No.3255489

Yeah, whore! Put som clothes on, whore!

Check out Overwatch on Wikipedia...

>> No.3255504

>Whiny conservatives shut the fuck up for the most part once the ESRB was created.
Except they didn't. Like I already said, games are brought up at EVERY mass shooting, and the PS2 GTAs are at least on the same level as any pre-ESRB game in terms of notoriety and media attention. But it seems like that was before your time.
>Feminists and SJWs will never shut the fuck up, It's a huge difference between the two.
Okay, but their audience really doesn't extend further than the people who read their tumblrs and the angry gamers that think this is a major issue. You really need to get out more if you think SJWs have a prominent voice in any kind of public discussion.

>> No.3255517 [DELETED] 

I'm not sure why you think far left progressive movement is non-existent or that it is not having an impact on Western culture. The recent rise of SJW and feminist attacking video games in greater frequency is simply a side effect of this phenomena. And it is not going away, it is going to get worse.

>You really need to get out more if you think SJWs have a prominent voice in any kind of public discussion.

You really think that? Have you seen what's happening in universities? All I can say about the far left progressives is that they are the biggest source of acceptable anti-scientific rhetoric in academia.

>> No.3255526

>Okay, but their audience really doesn't extend further than the people who read their tumblrs and the angry gamers that think this is a major issue. You really need to get out more if you think SJWs have a prominent voice in any kind of public discussion.
But then there's the alpha men who gets power by ruin everything else for other men...

>> No.3255527

I'm not sure why you think far left progressive movement is non-existent or that it is not having an impact on Western culture. The recent rise of SJW and feminist attacking video games in greater frequency is simply a side effect of this phenomena. And it is not going away, it is going to get worse.

>You really need to get out more if you think SJWs have a prominent voice in any kind of public discussion.

You really think that? Have you seen what's happening in universities? All I can say about the far left progressives is that they are the biggest source of acceptable anti-scientific rhetoric in academia.

>> No.3255560
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, UN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You really need to get out more if you think SJWs have a prominent voice in any kind of public discussion.
Not him, but dude, what are you even talking about? The president has repeated misinformation or outright lies that originated from feminists and SJWs. They just gave talks at the UN under a year ago. They make a dedicated effort to shape public discourse, successfully changing the policies of sites as large as Google, Twitter and GitHub as well as having notable presence and control in universities as high up as Harvard and Yale, to even scientific communities where information that goes against the ideology is shut down in fear of the "harmful effects" even if said information may be true.

I didn't want to get involved in the conversation but people on this site for some reason will not accept the blatant elephant in the room that even the most mainstream of sites have accepted. You might be tired of the backlash, fine, but don't deny that they're there when we live in a time of phones that can take pictures and video.

>> No.3255584

>They just gave talks at the UN under a year ago

Wrong. Go look up where they actually held a speech. Stop spreading misinformation.

>> No.3255592

dont start posting these two chucklefucks on /vr/ please.

>> No.3255596

That wasn't about video games, it was about harassment, you retard.

And speaking of things that aren't about video games, what is this thread doing here?

>> No.3255615

I can't find what you're talking about. I'm finding them talking at the UN. However, the UN did retract the report later to look into it which is great and a big step forward.

>That wasn't about video games, it was about harassment, you retard.
That's the point, "you retard". It isn't just something in games, though "these two chucklefucks" >>3255592 have been notorious for trying to control games, too.
>And speaking of things that aren't about video games, what is this thread doing here?
It's about games. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you can silence it.

>> No.3255621

If it's not video games, it has no business on this board. Fuck off, shitposters.

>> No.3255625

>I can't read

>> No.3255627

This thread was originally about stuff in retro games that wouldn't be allowed in more hypersensitive 2016. So yeah, it's allowed here. This thread was going fine till one faggot started complaining about muh /pol/ boogeyman.

>> No.3255632

I stopped reading when you admitted it wasn't video games. If it doesn't meet this simple requirement, it's not for this board.

>> No.3255634

It is about video games.

>> No.3255635

>2016, current year
>being a misogynist
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.3255637

It's not a boogeyman if a retard is in here talking politics.

and secondly, this thread is repost troll bait, along with that overrated games thread that always starts with the same MGS image. OP knows the thread will veer off course and it wouldn't surprise me if he's one of the shitposters here.

>> No.3255639

Am I a misogynist if I hate women but I don't do anything TO them. Don't talk to, date, interact etc.

I go so far as to refuse to have a woman check me out at the store?

>> No.3255641

No, it makes you a virgin neckbeard piece of fucking shit tho.

>> No.3255643


Yes, in the same way you can be a pedophile without being a child molester.

>> No.3255649

>Am I a misogynist if I hate women
That would be the only requirement needed, yes.

>> No.3255650

The report in question was generally more about harassment. That's true. That's because someone on the other side of the argument disputed that SJWs and feminists had any real input on anything. It was a response. Complain to them if you don't want them being ridiculous. However, you conveniently ignored the actual subject matter: the thread. Is it about video games? Yes. As stated in my post. Honestly, even the UN thing was partially about video games although it didn't have to be because it was a response to something in the thread.

>The September 24 report, issued by the International Telecommunication Union, was published on the same day that the United Nations hosted a symposium at its New York headquarters that gathered women from across the world to talk about the Internet's potential as a platform for harassment and abuse. The accompanying report touched on those issues, but its accusations about video games as a broader inspiration for violence included messy citations that failed to back up such assertions.

>One lengthy takedown, posted by Jaime King, was able to discredit over 30 percent of the citations in the report. They ranged from circular (the UN citing itself) to dubious (citing Wikipedia) to baffling (just straight-up blank entries).

>> No.3255651

holy shit die you autistic fuck

>> No.3255652

It was going great till fags started complaining over nothing. People were having fun till you showed up.

>> No.3255657

Over nothing, while retards are in here right now not talking vidya.

>> No.3255658

This is why we have to bring back euthanasia, seriously.

>> No.3255660

>Am I a misogynist if I hate women

>> No.3255665

Kill yourself man. I'm not even being ironic here, PLEASE kill yourself.

>> No.3255669


Go blow yourself up for ISIS already Ahmed.

>> No.3255674

Back to >>>/r9k/ with you

>> No.3255676

Dont worry anon I also hate woman they are annoying as fuck.

>> No.3255678

There is nothing wrong with being MGTOW.

>> No.3255679

Triggered SJW leftist faggots.

Remember kids, never bother with a woman unless you're fucking.


>> No.3255685

>>>/r9k/ you autistic MRA faggot

>> No.3255690

Hey, he's entitled to his own opinion but opening with that line is as hilarious as saying "I don't hate black people but I kinda want to kill them." It got a bunch of people and I'm not convinced it was more than fun on the internet.

>> No.3255695

He's still a faggot though

>> No.3255703

>I'm a simp who's entire world is centered around and dominated by women. Please kill me.

>> No.3255706

>still caring about 3DPD
This is why you will always be a faggot

>> No.3255708

You'll never breed, and that's a good thing.

You're most likely some form of nigger anyway.

>> No.3255712 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 600x800, 1457493864225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3255715

>I can't get laid so I hate women, wahh wahhh!

>> No.3255730

>"I don't hate black people but I kinda want to kill them."
The fuck? That and what he said aren't comparable. He just doesn't want to deal with women, not kill them.

>> No.3255738

Funny in the sense that he asked if he was a woman hater because he just hated women. Not meant to be a literal 1:1 comparison.

>> No.3255757

Simps who are condition by our gynocentric society believe any slight towards women, even disliking a woman, is eual to murder.

>> No.3255764

And people who still complain about females are fucking faggots. If you don't care about females, why are you bitching about them? Clearly you must care greatly about them.

>> No.3255772

Because I care about my fellow MAN and the things that bother him, which women are pretty high on that list. Plus ignoring a problem won't make it go away, that line of thinking is stupid.

>> No.3255794

Females are like Internet trolls: they thrive off attention you give them be it positive or negative attention. If you don't give a flying fuck about them, they'll go away. Encouraging other men to strive for glorious 2D females is much more productive than bitching about 3D females all day.

>> No.3256002

Is that a man?

>> No.3256010

It is now. That, or they won't take either gender.

>> No.3256016

Dope gender roles senpai! Makes me feel fucking great to have a penis!!!

>> No.3256396

I meant to say Nuke this thread pls.

>> No.3256539 [DELETED] 


>> No.3256545

At least womyn aren't like men who are all rapists.

>> No.3256578

0/10. Put some effort into it next time please.

>> No.3256580

Deal with it misogynist.

>> No.3256582

Anon-kun, please put some effort into your baiting. I know you can do better than this.

>> No.3256960

Liberal faggot

>> No.3257004

Cut the bullshit you white knight

>> No.3257145

It's Pat!

>> No.3257226 [DELETED] 

And yet, Capcom has announced Scott and Max have canonical names and they have updated artwork with the SFV logo. Hrm...

>> No.3257240

Naturally, these days it would be a black guy punching out a white guy, and nobody would give two shits or a fuck.

>> No.3257246


>> No.3258589

>You do realize
You do know


>> No.3258676


So this is why the white race is dying

>> No.3258734

Why would you want a beta autist retard like him to breed? Is this how desperate you guys are that you'd fuck up the gene pool just to stay the majority?

Master race!

>> No.3258976

Bump for.more of the two fags fighting.

>> No.3259771
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>> No.3259778
File: 117 KB, 510x546, Pyron drinking coffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread's still here?

>> No.3259786

>Instead of you telling me to shut up, I'm going to tell you to shut up

>> No.3262313
File: 25 KB, 396x400, smuk_frok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this. in for more fedora on fedora shitposting. it's gotta ramp up, they didn't even start memeing at each other yet.

>> No.3262527
File: 48 KB, 500x267, game_list_donkey_kong_1981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this image were released on a new game today, it would be called racist and people would also be saying that Mario is a cuck

>> No.3262652
File: 63 KB, 152x166, 1464489200270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is going on here?

>> No.3262976

Yeah, it's not breaking any rules.

>> No.3263018

Racist? no, sexist? Anita Sarkesian seems to think so.

>> No.3263115


more like Sweden, 2016

>> No.3263118

What unused crap is in there? Anything interesting?

>> No.3263132

There were news crews and PROTESTERS the day I bought my copy of Mortal Kombat. Even got interviewed for the local news.

>> No.3263429

Requiring the player to git gud.

>> No.3263446

did you also happen to win a contest and got interviewed for that, chris?

>> No.3263464

Are you kidding? Music was banned. Now is a cakewalk compared to then.

>> No.3263476
File: 377 KB, 266x200, custerev.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seems like it would be triggering to kids and their safe spaces.

Also pic.

>> No.3263486

Literally every game NOT by Ubisoft called.

>> No.3263492

Have you ever heard of Dwarf Fortress?

Anyway Ubisoft fell off the wagon, I was a hard core R6 / Rogue Spear player in the day.

Kids these days and their "tactical" games.

>> No.3263562
File: 88 KB, 320x450, genesis-prince-of-persia_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3264847
File: 24 KB, 336x240, 0050wc6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The First Funky Fighter. Animal cruelty to the maximum. As an obscure arcade it got away with it but if they decided to release same game for smartphones today (its gameplay would be ideal for touchscreen), they would instantly ban it.

I don't know if they would label it as sexist since they only have sexualized anthropomorphic animals. And SJWs are furries.

>> No.3264861
File: 41 KB, 400x300, just_a_girl_get_out_of_here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a short line but you know how paranoid SJWs are.

>> No.3264874

Pretty much all fighting games with bikini girls and stereotype characters like native americans. HG101 made few months ago an article about Kasumi Ninja, whining about the native american character. Strangely enough, they didn't whined for being sexist.

>> No.3264902

I think they would take more issue with the fact that she's getting kidnapped and/or killed all the time.

>> No.3264950

It involves a strong masculine guy saving a hot damsel in distress. It's sexist by default according to SJWs.

>> No.3264972
File: 43 KB, 449x339, baddude_arcade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3264976
File: 5 KB, 320x200, BadDudes-Amiga-PresidentReagan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3265158
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>> No.3265168

racism is fucking hilarious to me. what was that sjw fighting game on DOS?

>> No.3266145

>HG101 made few months ago an article about Kasumi Ninja, whining about the native american character. Strangely enough, they didn't whined for being sexist.

>> No.3266158

I'm not sure about birth gender, but no. not in any sense of the word.

>> No.3266425


Hey its that Negasonic girl from that Deadpool movie!

>> No.3266434
File: 108 KB, 800x750, double-dragon-2-intro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first 5 seconds of the game
>let's just straight up murder the damsel from the previous game

>> No.3266727

Ηοw would that trigger tumblrinas?

>> No.3266731

They hate any macho masculinity

>> No.3266737

>DOS game
>SJW game
How is that working?

>> No.3266740

Then they should hate almost all '80s games and movies.

Yeah. That too.

>> No.3266749

They do. I think they even hate the alien franchise which has a strong female lead.

>> No.3266757

Aren't they supposed to like strong female leads that kick ass? Or they hate it because most alpha males loves this movie? You know, like in Metroid's case...

>> No.3266765

>the building in the background is one half-sprite mirrored to look bigger
>the buildings behind it just had their heights modified to look different

Lazy and disgusting, just how I would expect from Capcom.

>> No.3266801

But is he really?
What IS freedom? Is any of us truly free?

>> No.3266816

Games are way more violent and politically incorrect now than they were in /vr/ times.

>> No.3266820


>> No.3266824

>Making new games of old franchises less sexualized
>Political incorrect
Pick one

>> No.3266832

more violence

less sex

less butthurt about religious symbols

more butthurt about sex/gender/race/ethnicity

less "pokemon is the work of satan"

more "pokemon is racist because goldeen represents trans mongolian christian hindi women being oppressed"

its a trade off i guess

>> No.3266836
File: 109 KB, 960x720, lsl1vga_faith2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Leisure Suit Larry 1, you have to get a girl horny by giving her Spanish fly.

Of course, this is done in the least creepiest way. The girl is fully aware that it's Spanish fly and snatches it from you and she doesn't even hook up with you.

But, the SJWs would cry and moan if they saw something like this today.

>> No.3266842

>more "pokemon is racist because goldeen represents trans mongolian christian hindi women being oppressed"
Please tell me they never said anything like that.

>> No.3266846
File: 80 KB, 600x600, 124Jynx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3266847

237 replies for a thread that could be solved with one answer: "Everything."

>> No.3266848

>less sex

>> No.3266849

I think it was only changed because of the limit of colours the Genesis could have on screen at one time.

>> No.3266851

Fuck of faggot

>> No.3266852

That's no fun though.

>> No.3266853

That's not Goldeen

>> No.3266859

Still a nigger though.

>> No.3266860

suck my dick you fucking SJW piece of shit faggot

>> No.3266862

>suck my dick
>you faggot

what did he mean by this?

>> No.3266863

McFucking Killyourself you multi-culti libcuck.

>> No.3266868

eat a chode you fucking nigger


>> No.3266870

Catch AIDS and die you faggot retarded cuckold.

>> No.3266872
File: 33 KB, 500x399, 1453125073540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit dude, nice catch!


>> No.3266876
File: 30 KB, 600x457, YouMad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3267185

I don't get it, why is everyone calling him a faggot?

>> No.3267232

It's just Australia-kun samefaging.

>> No.3268571

>Don't talk to me or my husband's daughter ever again

>> No.3268681


>less sex

No fucking way.

The rest of your post isn't about the games themselves, but about blog websites on the internet that you are forcing yourself to read.

>> No.3268805

i think street fighter used some wierd 12:7 aspect ratio
384x224 correct me if im wrong

>> No.3268996
File: 120 KB, 768x1024, 0731010823a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is being displayed on 4:3 screen mate. So both screenshots are wrong.

>> No.3269003

This is why the characters oddly wide in CPS II games, especially in SFIII.

>> No.3271336


>> No.3272437

She's a man with boobs according to Sarkeesian.

>> No.3272452

Is there even one strong female character from an old game/movie that Anita approves? I bet the answer is "No".

>> No.3272457

Not /vr/ but God Hand for PS2 would trigger lots of tumbrlinas if it was made today with the male lead character spanking female sexualized enemies.

>> No.3272465

God help them if they found out about Rance.

>> No.3272927

If it won't get a western release at Steam, I doubt if they will even bother. It's not like Rapelay (Japan only game) where you actually play as a rapist.

>> No.3272948

>being this closeted

>> No.3272961
File: 158 KB, 625x626, e56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>abusing the word "misogynist"
This is not NeoGAF, faggot

>> No.3273089

Well you do play as a rapist.

>> No.3274196

Are there any /vr/ games that let you do that?

>> No.3274239

>Okay, but their audience really doesn't extend further than the people who read their tumblrs and the angry gamers that think this is a major issue. You really need to get out more if you think SJWs have a prominent voice in any kind of public discussion.
This is a shill. SJW shills always try to deny the existence or importance of SJWs.

>> No.3274840

That and white knights who mistakenly think they'll get laid if they're a good male feminist.

>> No.3274964
File: 598 KB, 384x288, ewak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not accepting someone's sexual preference


>> No.3275024
File: 182 KB, 640x480, 1407566748909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jewish style theme music
>Monetary racial benefits

>> No.3275456 [DELETED] 
File: 129 KB, 354x504, 1444257146398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No! The goyim know! Consult the protocols!

>> No.3276205

To be fair, all but the Genesis game were shit so Winston got lucky he wasn't in them.

>> No.3277425

Good game, love it.

>> No.3277438
File: 81 KB, 800x430, robertson-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who knew pat robertson posts on /vr/?

>> No.3277446
File: 68 KB, 476x448, 1429301213389.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont see anything wrong here.

>> No.3277478
File: 276 KB, 466x354, fg20.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its Tough Guy for DOS. Its Taiwanese and you fight black homosexuals as hitler over a SF golden gate stage.

>> No.3277491

>how paranoid SJWs are.
This whole thread is hilarious

>> No.3277494

He actually got the job because he could dance tho.

Or is it the lips? Damn I just noticed that.

>> No.3277528

The lips fo sho

>> No.3277590

Oh yes, I forgot there is a vast SJW conspiracy, funded by the Jews, for the purpose of White Genocide.

>this is what reactionaries actually believe.

>> No.3277626
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>> No.3277631

If that was made today, I don't think the Japanese would have given a single fuck if some westerner was offended.

>> No.3277638
File: 494 KB, 643x490, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when Agumon was a Fuhrer? Also all the Agumon in the background are Jews, they even have numbers on their forehead. You have to save them from being holocausted with Digimon Card Battling.


Yes they would. They censored Jynx from Poogeymon in the 90's and in modern times they changed things like Takara's logo which is a kawaii ugu~~~ black baby.

>> No.3277639


>> No.3277640
File: 19 KB, 280x280, Takara-logo_design.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3277641
File: 637 KB, 750x760, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair they removed his entire stage in Veitnam.

>> No.3277643
File: 29 KB, 297x145, takara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3277646
File: 2.15 MB, 2477x1754, _prw_fl7_Q5jGuz6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah it was based on a toy so Takara changed its logo and removed the big red lips on the toy. Plus they made it x100 cuter by turning it into different colours and also a bear.

>> No.3277647

What the fuck? DCB is one of my favorite games and I never knew this. Need to play that version.

>> No.3277652

It's the Japanese version. The one we got was actually the sequel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kU2cgX_JMhg

>> No.3277658

Oh, that's the Japanese exclusive one? I see. I wonder if anyone ever bothered to translate it. There's a team out there fixing and translating some Digimon games right now. They did that PSP game and worked on fixing the bugs in DW1.

>> No.3277660
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>> No.3277696

Why wouldn't this be acceptable

>> No.3277707

>He doesn't know about the Punch Out on Wii

>> No.3277713

Its subtle, something a dumb fuck like you would never pick up

>> No.3277716

The Chinese sure don't give a fuck to this day how racist they are


>> No.3277723

It was released before GG. Also it was less offensive with all characters speaking their native language instead of gobbledygook.

>> No.3277802

Is Taiwan the most weeb country?

>> No.3277824

>LEE is all caps
>no other names are
The animations are actually amazing compared to what you'd expect.

>> No.3277828

Holy shit that volume spike at 2:07. And just as I was praising the animations, too.

>> No.3278896

That's not what was considered offensive about Punch-Out, guy who just had to Google it.

>> No.3278910


Damn the plane level over SF is a fucking awesome background for a fighter.

>> No.3278960

Doomguy over there in the back is like "wtf is this? this ain't phobos. where da cyberdemon at?"

>> No.3279103


>> No.3279730

And what was racist about Wii's Punch Out, guy that implies that I didn't knew about Punch Out and yet I am on /vr/?

>> No.3280003
File: 200 KB, 440x577, Zangief-hdstance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> misogynist

That word doesn't mean what you think it means.

As an aside, why do people flip out about video game portrayals of women with idealized forms but nobody bats an eye for the converse? Men in games are also idealized and depicted in ways that most men in real life are incapable of ever achieving.

Why is Orchid bad but Zangief is alright? Why is Zero Suit Samus bad but Solid Snake is alright?

People are too damn uptight about things, nowadays. I think people want to enjoy controversy more than they want to enjoy games.

>> No.3280013

Feminists in the first world have ran out of things to complain about sometime in the late '80s and have slowly begun to loose their minds.

>> No.3280085
File: 738 KB, 1091x700, male_power_fantasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Men in games are also idealized and depicted in ways that most men in real life are incapable of ever achieving.
If you bring that up, they usually give you some bullshit excuse about idealized men male power fantasy. In reality, it's just an excuse for fat women and their beta orbiters to idealize another type of women.

>> No.3280095

>Male power fantasy
>Implying that franchises like Game of Throne isn't full of handsome, muscular men which often go naked or half-naked with female fans drooling over them

>> No.3280102

>Men getting uncomfortable over male character designs like that
>Implying that this shit happens in real life
I doubt if she ever watched anime like One Piece where even non-macho, gay-looking characters are very popular among male fans

>> No.3280148

Gamer gate didn't do shit, most overblown series of events I've ever seen.

>> No.3280167


Zangief is sexy, but he doesn't cup his hands on his bulge, give us a boobs and butt pose, leap at the enemy ass first, or have lewd dialogue. I'd love it if he did, though.

Orchid herself isn't bad, but advertising your game with a sexy picture of her washing a car is, as it's got nothing to do with the game or her character and reduces her to nothing but her sex appeal. Am I getting through at all?

>> No.3280169

You can tell the author is a woman. A male power fantasy is having power as a ruler, be it politics or corporate, or tons of money.

>> No.3280172
File: 577 KB, 550x818, BxYPkXwIMAA8Rut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or any issue of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure for that matter.

>> No.3280178
File: 61 KB, 500x375, 2704082175_23c6b41f26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. The author is just some random cuck trying to get fangirl pussy by espousing feminist bullshit he doesn't really believe in.

>> No.3280202

>The irony when this edit is more accurate than the original

>> No.3280232

>As an aside, why do people flip out about video game portrayals of women with idealized forms but nobody bats an eye for the converse?
Because feminism was founded on the insecurities of some women. Do you see how hard they try to pull down anyone more attractive than them and limit and discourage men from interacting with them, especially sexually? This has been going on forever and was a big deal with porn in the 90s. Before then, it happened with prostitution as well. They don't care if they tear apart economic opportunities for women as long as it gives them more perceived chances with men. It's absolutely nothing more than the female equivalent of men who complain women always go with the "jocks" except extra embarrassing because they actually, unironically somehow feel threatened by video game characters and pillows. I can't believe people take this shit nearly as seriously as they do and let me tell you, it's going to get an awful lot worse for them because you can't run from biology and reality forever. As the world continues to globalize and come together, they're going to be forced to face the music as they already have been.

People who hate people generally don't want to fuck them.

As for my opinion on Zangief and the others, I think they're excellent. Same with the girls.

>> No.3280357

When I see people getting offended by cultural things such as this it makes me laugh but
also angry at the same time that they themselves
do not see the irony in how ignorant they themselves are being.

>> No.3280367

>but he doesn't cup his hands on his bulge
In SFV his V-Reversal is bulge thrust and he flexes instead all the time, which is same depiction of sexuality, just adjusted for his bara looks

>> No.3280378
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I think when it pertains to the 90's about politically correct bs It was mainly the allustrious cunt
that is Tipper Gore, The WBC and crazy conservative christian mothers along with a few cases of feminists back then.
We didn't take as much notice because it wasn't spotlighted as much as it is today thanks to ease of access to the internet as well as the creation and wide spread popularity of
social media.Now it's in your face 24/7 and everyone is talking about it.

>> No.3280404

They definitely and unfortunately do and did so back then that's why Capcom censored
Final Fight for the western release because they
stated they were afraid it would have outraged feminist and they didn't want to deal with that.

>> No.3280781

>i-it's subtle and totally exists despite lack of evidence

lol k

>> No.3280873

i always wished they'd make a mod of wolfenstein wherein you were a SS guard and you had to shoot your way out of a kike camp wherein the steinbergs were holding u hostage and the last boss would be the stereotypical jewish carachture with the big nose that would be so cool lmao :D

>> No.3281038

I don't think SJW means what you think it means. That's, like, the opposite of SJW.

>> No.3281110

try the moonman mod for doom 2

>> No.3281152

It's funny how you didn't mention how the crowd is duplicated 3 times. But tiles take up space and that scene is only a few seconds long, so who can blame capcom?

>> No.3281628

That mod is a hell of a lot of fun, downloaded it just for the moonman.

>> No.3282229 [DELETED] 



>> No.3282230

If it makes you feel better I had a childhood crush on Zangief and masturbate to rule 34 of him to this day.

I wish there were more cock bulges in videogames. Throw us a bone.

But to answer your question modern feminism takes its political views from Marxism. So in their minds men are the oppressing class which is why there are mostly men in politics and women are the oppressed cast and victims to everything. They're also racist and sexist.

>> No.3282232

Stay delusional champ

>> No.3282236

The Hiker in Pokemon Red/Blue got high as a kite on mushrooms.

Wait no in Black and White a pedophile Hiker wants to fuck you...

I love Japan.

>> No.3282240

Okay, so Male video game characters wearing thongs and speedos isn't necessarily a power fantasy....but it's like humor, you know? "Hey! look at his butt all tight like that!" When a woman character has spandex on, it's for the sake of male lust. Zangief and Solid Snake are for something to chuckle at, or perhaps it's just a neutral depiction of near-nudity for sheer novelty which is quite tame and non-objectifying. Unlike Tracer from Overwatch which is clearly for the purpose of basement ejaculation.

>> No.3282289

Who knew there were so many leftist bitches on /vr/?

>> No.3282303


Pixel aspect ratio

>> No.3282317

It's ok, the story of David Willis is a sad one

- He really liked a girl name Trixter in the Transformers fandom
- She ended up dating another guy cause he had money.
- Ends up a Lesbian later. Like super dyke
- David settles for plan B, man looking chick that comes from money
- Both of them have rich parents so don't need to work
- David Willis to this day still posts his shit on /co/ to keep himself in the public eye

>> No.3282359



That's great, are you going to address anything that I said in my post?

>> No.3282364

How about we laugh at female butt too then? Would that satisfy you?

>> No.3282380

I'd buy you a beer and a gun.

>> No.3282448

No.Go to Sargon of Akkad on youtube he explains shit better.

>> No.3282625

Just when I thought /co/mblr couldn't get worse. Does /co/ like him?

>> No.3282630

And naked Raiden is something to chuckle about, huh? Bishounen characters in jrpg are something to chuckle about, huh?

>> No.3284000

And thankfully we have plenty of right wingers to counter them

>> No.3285392

My nigga

>> No.3285398

It's Joe and MIke from Street Fighter 1. Mike was recently confirmed to be the same character as Balrog (Mike Bison JP), but that's bullshit... No one from back in SF2's production is at Capcom anymore anyway.

>> No.3285424

>That wasn't about video games, it was about harassment, you retard.

>Wikipedia says so, so it's gotta be true

I feel sorry for you, anon.

>> No.3285430

>it was about harassment, you retard.
Prove it.

>> No.3285457

Capcom actually redesigned Mike and Joe for SFV, even though they're not in the game at all

As said earlier, the guys on the SF2 intro are entirely different people named Max and Scott and have new redesigns too


>> No.3285471

How dare you, sir? Asking a man to do research and risk being triggered by facts in the current year. Tsk, tsk.

>> No.3286173 [DELETED] 

Quick reminder for everyone:

The vast majority of /pol/fags out there will constantly claim, to the ends of the earth, that 4chan has always been this bad and that every thread on every board has always been chock-full of far-right retards posting dank conservative memes.

These people are trying to gaslight you. Yes, there have always been dipshits posting "NIGGERS NIGGERS XD XD XD JEWS DID 9/11" in random threads, but that's basically all that happened, and 4chan was relatively apolitical on the whole. That's not what's happening now. The recent trend of /pol/fags taking every opportunity to hijack threads with their stupid shit has only been going on for a few years. But they act like it's been going on since the beginning of 4chan, because they want to proliferate the narrative that YOU'RE the one invading THEIR super secret clubhouse, because that allows them to feel even more victimized than they already think they are.

>> No.3286179 [DELETED] 

Stale pasta is stale.

>> No.3286332 [DELETED] 

Youre on a nonexistent crusades my friend. KYS plz.

>> No.3287160

Oh please, all the harassment against anita was fabricated.

>> No.3287183


>> No.3288421


>> No.3288760
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>> No.3288770

>guy who's always complaining about PNG files
Found dial-up-kun.

>> No.3289778


>> No.3291074


>> No.3291131

i think this thread has been invaded by tumblr.

>> No.3291213

I can't believe this is real

>> No.3291214

People stopped bitching about the thread being offensive days ago

>> No.3291226

People like you seem to phase out mid to late 90s from your memory.

>> No.3291317

Wait, is this post supposed to demean "back then"? Cause it does the opposite.

>> No.3291325
File: 4 KB, 300x300, Terrorist man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only to be back in 6 haha.

>> No.3291349
File: 40 KB, 320x171, time traveling sjws.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What particular games are you talking about? DOOM, Diablo, Build shooters? The graphic violence of these games wouldn't make anyone today flinch. They were controversial (DOOM was even blamed for Columbine) and the only reason they weren't censored out of the ass was because PC was pretty much "indie" and under less scrutiny than consoles. Mortal Kombat and Pokemon came out in the same timespan and were centers of major controversies. In general, games today can get away with much more than what games in the 90s could.

>> No.3291350

This isn't a very good thread. I don't see why it had to survive for so long.

>> No.3291359

There was never any actual controversy over some of the regional censorship changes developers decided to apply to their games of their own retarded volition. I doubt anyone would have cared about SF2's title screen involving a white-on-black brawl. If anything, they game would be praised for its inclusiveness today.

On the other hand, good luck having any LGBT themes or characters in retro games. The Christian right would have staged a boycott, and since most gamers were likely underage, that probably would have put a serious dent in sales.

>Stuff in retro games that they could get away with at the time they couldn't get away with today.

If GG is any indication, developers aren't allowed to have liberal themes or LGBT characters in their games anymore because something something SJW boogeyman pandering.

Curiously, this is something that Nintendo refuses to permit on its platforms even today. The Sims for GBA and DS had same-sex character romances nuked, but the corresponding PSP versions did not. Then there was the whole Tomodachi Life controversy. Nintendo eventually loosened up its character romance policies with Fire Emblem, but only in the form of DLC I believe.

>> No.3291362

What's wrong with pokemon? Also it's a natural progression for violence and shit getting more severe, autistic cunts reverse such progress.

>> No.3291375

PC and PlayStation were pretty much central to gaming in the late 90s, and one of the defining elements of video games were dark aesthetics and gruesome violence. The culture itself had an anti-authoritarian spirit reflected in media like the aforementioned games and mainstream 18+ programming. Saying it was "censored" is beyond asininem but that not the heart of the problem.

The shocking games your talking about (Mortal Kombat, Doom) belong to the early 90s zeitgeist which is different to the one I'm talking about. They paved the way for it, sure, and that's why they were so shocking, because it later became the norm. So yeah, again I'm asking you again, why are you phasing out an entire period of time?

>> No.3291386

Top Kek

>> No.3291395

There was a ton of controversy about Pokemon a couple decades ago because it allegedly caused epilepsy, made kids kill themselves like Tamagotchi, and converted them to Satanism. I remember my aunt strictly banning her kids from owning any Pokemon merch and even trying to steal my Pokemon carts because it was a wicked Japanese plot to make kids into jaded murderers.

Basically it was popular.

I'm not arguing the state of industry is better now. I'm arguing that censorship and moralfaggotry were much more entrenched back then.

>> No.3291404

> because it allegedly caused epilepsy
But that's just one moment from anime.
> made kids kill themselves like Tamagotchi
Tamagotchi made kids kill themselves?

>> No.3291408

Neither am I. I just gave you the lowdown on how lenient it became near the end of the decade. The moralfaggotry and censorship was prominent from the beginning to about the middle.

>> No.3291415

>"Violence in the media is wrong!"
>"Sometimes, children just deserve a good beating!"
>"Indoctrinating my child into the Lord's Army or shipping them off to some overseas oil war is my duty as a United States citizen!"

'90s parenting in a nutshell. No wonder so many kids ended up batshit crazy and went on shooting sprees. Of course, the dumbshit parents tried to scapegoat the media instead of examining their own poor choices.

>> No.3291807

>gender politics and libtard agendas are so cool in games you guys

>> No.3292185
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They even updated him for .exe but at least this time he didn't have literally Vietnam for a stage.

>> No.3292512

I thought that was just a rumor.

>> No.3292561

Yep this was considered "humor" 20 years ago. Something todays society doesn't understand

>> No.3292592


i had a magazine with that in
there was another one for C&C which was the famous photo of Hitler looking out over all his troops and it said something like "It's a great feeling, isn't it?"

>> No.3292603

It's sad that initially I thought you're one of those tumblr cucks.

>> No.3293202

Tragedy + time = comedy. If it's not worth joking about, then it doesn't worth jack.

Political correctness used to be a minor annoyance. The news would tell you Pikachu is the son of Satan and you'd just brush it off and move on to the next gym. Nowadays you can't even start a quest without the NPC asking you if you have a problem with them being trans. You see AAA companies being bullied into changing/removing stuff left and right, by oversensitive retards who don't even buy their products in the first place. The SJW plague is spreading like wildfire with no end in sight. It started with vidya and moved on to comics and movies. It's fascism of the highest order, it's dangerous and it's killing fun for everyone. All in the name of hurt feelings. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.3293297

Good thing anime is immune to SJWs.

>> No.3294240


>> No.3294251

Guess who's next?

>> No.3294264

People think the genesis game is shit? First I've heard this

>> No.3294265

Japan doesn't give a shit about exports, and will not give up the steady stream of otaku money for bitter harpies on the other side of the world who will watch it on Netflix (zero ad revenue) and buy zero merchandise.

>> No.3294269

Fuck, nm

>> No.3294271


>Political correctness used to be a minor annoyance.

The days of early Nintendo censorship policy infringed all over a number of developers' creative visions in ways you can't begin to imagine, and all of this was borne from far-right politics, not your SJW boogeyman.

>The news would tell you Pikachu is the son of Satan and you'd just brush it off and move on to the next gym.

Overly-religious soccer moms were whining about violence and Satanism in the media to such a degree that Nintendo wouldn't even permit religious references or any explicit mention of death in any game published on a Nintendo platform. I'd hardly call that minor.

>Nowadays you can't even start a quest without the NPC asking you if you have a problem with them being trans

BioWare has always had shitty writers. And speaking of BioWare, let's be clear that Baldur's Gate II did *not* feature any LGBT characters despite constant fan requests for them, and the game did not allow the protagonist to have relationships with NPCs of the same gender even though opposite-sex relationships were possible with a variety of characters. The only way to enable such a feature was through a fan patch that simply toggled all character states to bisexual - something that posed no technical challenge to BioWare.

(continued; fucking character limit)

>> No.3294273

>You see AAA companies being bullied into changing/removing stuff left and right

No, they just hire retarded writers who shoehorn politics into the storyboard of their own volition. Since when did developers give a shit what gamers think? We're talking about the same people who rush bugged out, non-functional software onto the shelves to meet deadlines and take advantage of holiday shoppers.

>The SJW plague ... It started with vidya and moved on to comics and movies

"Social justice" has appeared in comics since comic ratings boards stopped being so retarded about their censorship policies. Back in the day, comics weren't allowed to touch down on "mature" subjects like LGBT characters - at least not without being published independently, which meant no major retailers would stock them.

Creative outlets have wanted to explore civil rights issues for decades, but have been too hampered by ratings boards and censorship policies to do so.

>Fuck this gay earth.

No, fuck you for being selectively retarded.

I want back the IQ points I lost. Your entire post is one massively hypocritical rant about how "Wahh! This offends me, so it shouldn't be allowed to exist!" Stop buying games you don't like, idiot.

>> No.3294287

All that shit you spewed is completely different than what the other anon is talking about regarding modern PC shit. You sound like you're a little offended by the fact that people are sick and tired of your morally superior agenda that you like forcing onto people. No one cares how it was 20 years ago. It's still a lot worse now whether you like it or not

>> No.3294318

>All that shit you spewed is completely different than what the other anon is talking about regarding modern PC shit.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

>You sound like you're a little offended by the fact that people are sick and tired of your morally superior agenda that you like forcing onto people.

What agenda? Developers having more creative control over their content? Go back and re-read my post, particularly this part:
"Creative outlets have wanted to explore civil rights issues for decades, but have been too hampered by ratings boards and censorship policies to do so."

This has shit-all to do with anybody "forcing their agenda" on you or anybody else. The video game industry isn't completely enslaved by ratings and sales figures. Some companies just *want* to explore themes such as civil rights, and this has been the case for fucking decades. This sudden influx of LGBT characters and similar phenomena is SOMETHING PEOPLE HAVE WANTED TO DO FOR DECADES.

No one said you have to agree with the existence of "social justice" in the media. Be a responsible consumer and stop giving your money to these people if it bothers you so much. Just don't presume you have any authority to bully developers or writers from being able to publish these works in the first place.

>No one cares how it was 20 years ago.

You should, because you're proposing that history should repeat itself.

>It's still a lot worse now whether you like it or not

You're an idiot.

>> No.3294335

Are you a shill for some developer? The damage control in this post and the smug self assured attitude makes me think you are being paid to make these posts. Why do you even care what people do? Why do you care about lgbt characters? Those people probably don't even play video games so who cares what they want for decades. Not our problem

>> No.3294342

Doom was blamed for the Columbine school shooting cause the kid who did it was an avid Doom player and also built his own maps. That was all just the media attention whoring though, they called Doom as a training software for pipebomb murdering, despite Doom not having pipebombs.

I'm sure if the kid was playing Pokémon or Sim City, they would've came up with some creative way of blaming those for his violent tendencies.

>> No.3294353
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Mostly PCE/CD games?

>> No.3294531

I need to start getting into those kinds of games more.

>> No.3294764

>muh shill meme
not him but i love you pretend neutrals being unable to go a single post without parroting internet neonazi memes and then pretend it's not what you're getting at here
>i-i just want free expression in my vidya as long as it panders to my racist/sexist power fantasies alone. it's not like the market has been oversaturated with these tropes for decades, gimme moreeeee. fuck new ideas! heil hitler! muh kikes! muh cucks! muh sjw! reeeee etc.

and lgbt people don't play games now? then who are these people pressuring devs to be more inclusive in their games then? pick one /pol/-oops i mean gamergate.

>> No.3294802

You've been conditioned to accept the PC/SJW takeover of gaming, television, movies, etc

>> No.3294810

Wow.. you strawmanned yourself into a frenzy didn't you?

>> No.3294860

Tumblrs calling nigger, you have to go back.

>> No.3294959
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>> No.3295296
File: 1.26 MB, 974x1161, 2809471-6499373576-final.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are males in gaming designed for a female audience but largely the only people who would get turned on by Zangief are gay men into bara. Yes he's wearing barely anything but the truth that both guys like you and gamer feminists are missing is that men and women are treated very different by the majority of society.

The buff dude in the new Final Fantasy whatever his name is is a better example of a character that's designed to be both masculine and attractive to a female audience. He's not a kawaii desu bishonen like the rest of the characters but still has a clear increased focus on prettiness and handsomeness compared to Zangief who is not going to be seen as a sexual character at all by most men OR women. Even though he wears far less clothes that doesn't make him more of an idealized "sexy guy" character.

The examples on the right in this pic >>3280085 are also different from Zangief in that regard. Even just the way Zangief is posed makes it obvious he's not meant to be seen as attractive to the great majority of the gaming audience.

>> No.3295307

>seriously implying every single non-straight person on earth is a turboSJW
That's what the agenda-pushing retards want you to believe. You can have gay characters or options without blatant agenda-pushing bullshit; there's a huge difference between a game like Read Only Memories which creates an autistic Tumblr land where everyone is some kind of broke-brained Tumblr loon's idea of "diverse" and say The Sims which has offered same-sex relationship options since its inception. Or, say, some Japanese bara dating sim which is just wank material for gay men and doesn't concern itself with shitting blood about straight white male privilege or whatever.

>> No.3295354
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> as reflected by Nintendo's ridiculous censorship policies at the time.
And what the fuck else?

Other marketers took advantage of Nintendo's baby-friendly image by being as controversial as possible. Games like Mortal Kombat on every non-Nintendo system showing plenty of gore and games like Duke Nukem and Shadow Warrior on the PC were full of objectionable material. Nintendo themselves got more lenient over time too by allowing and promoting things like Conker's Bad Fur Day.


Except that the left has completely replaced the right as far as "soccer mom" complaints go, both in terms of violence and sexualization. This time it's even more of a threat than it was the last time because what is basically social conservatism is being successfully pushed on youth. The last time it was just a matter of waiting for for old people to die off. Now promoting beliefs about as prudish as those of a hardcore fundie Christian is the cool rebellious teenager thing to do and that is what makes it so fucking dangerous.

>> No.3295380

>This time it's even more of a threat than it was the last time because what is basically social conservatism is being successfully pushed on youth. The last time it was just a matter of waiting for for old people to die off.
Not to mention many SJWs themselves are actually part of the gaming industry, rather than being limited to just congress and political activists.

>> No.3295381

>If GG is any indication, developers aren't allowed to have liberal themes or LGBT characters in their games anymore because something something SJW boogeyman pandering.
Have you ever asked yourself why the group you strawman as "GG" never complains about lesbian or gay VNs or The Sims allowing same sex relationships & marriage since forever or anything of the sort?

Are you being willfully dense to push an agenda, or are you actually too fucking stupid to realize the difference between creating gay characters and in-your-face politics?

>> No.3295406

"You really need to get out more if you think SJWs have a prominent voice in any kind of public discussion"
>every single mainstream, vaguely left-leaning media source uncritically approving of Anita Sarkeesian, a woman who thinks porn is inherently harmful and "feminist porn" is a patriarchal ploy to market misogyny as female empowerment
>mainstream news sources like Huffington Post, The Guardian and Vox pushing ideas like "white fragility is racial violence" and literally saying that jailing a few innocent men and even women for rape is a "necessary evil", framing incidents like the Cologne rapes and the Orlando shooting as the fault of toxic white male culture
>the UN giving a platform to said woman along with a scumbag who sexually harassed a dude and then had her indie friends bully him into silence
>academia, just fucking academia
Also this. It used to be outsiders vs. people who actually care about games. These days popular influential figures like Tim Schafer and Josh Sawyer become mindless ideologues.

>> No.3295410
File: 44 KB, 380x486, Elder_Scrolls_Arena_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old games were turbo-censored and entirely ruled by soccer moms
>because Nintendo
you fuckers are delusional

>> No.3295419
File: 466 KB, 1200x600, Rise-of-the-Tomb-Raider-header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomb Raider blatantly went from being hugely marketed on sex appeal to completely dropping that aspect because ~current year~

>> No.3295420
File: 71 KB, 500x497, ToE_PSX_(JP)_game_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And if you think this is unfair to female players, why do you retards want the women covered up instead of encouraging games to appeal to women with their male characters more?

Here's a primarily female-targeted JRPG with shoujo-esque art where the male character wears less clothes than the women.

>> No.3295423
File: 160 KB, 1024x768, Dante-Devil-May-Cry-3-devil-may-cry-3-10480516-1024-768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DMC3 Dante is obviously designed to be sexually attractive to women. He also had a huge male following.
Yeah, and they're the male equivalent of Anita.

>> No.3295430
File: 72 KB, 270x206, Vaan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Orchid herself isn't bad, but advertising your game with a sexy picture of her washing a car is, as it's got nothing to do with the game or her character and reduces her to nothing but her sex appeal. Am I getting through at all?
How do you feel about this obviously pin-uppy fangirl pandering illustration of a male FF character

Is it ~misandry~?

>> No.3295434

ITT: Desperate /pol/tards make shit up and perform complex mental gymnastics to push their retarded anti-liberal biases and revisionist views.

Not even /vr/ is safe from the cancer that is Stormfaggotry.

>> No.3295441

>Anyone that doesn't agree with me is an evil neo nazi!
>Implying hardcore libs/SJWs aren't revisionsts
>"It's okay when we do it!"

I'm certainly not /pol/ but fucking hell Anon, I always thought being liberal meant being open minded.

>> No.3295442

>SJW in full damage control mode

>> No.3295449
File: 95 KB, 634x475, 29D14B8600000578-3132886-image-a-1_1434832711207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Most anti-SJWs on the internet are not the alt-right or /pol/ crowd. You're the one making up a paranoid "boogeyman" if you think everyone taking issue with the gaming industry's modern hyper-senstivity on a site as popular as 4chan is the kind of faggot who reads American Reneissance and watches Ramzpaul vlogs.

By Youtube standards, every single alt-right "celeb" is a fucking nobody. Compare their subscribers to those of "I'm a liberal and I support gay marriage and hate racists but SJWs are still faggots" channels and you'll realize how utterly fucking delusional you are.

>> No.3295473

Even fucking Alison Rapp spoke out against Anita Sarkeesian's influence on the industry and how she's been convincing male devs that women are all complete fucking prudes and sees the general trend towards "woman-friendly = desexualized" to be an industry problem.

How does it feel to be more indoctrinated than fucking Alison Rapp, someone who defends pedophiles as an oppressed group and thinks she was fired from Nintendo because of misogyny?

>> No.3295481

Willis is a deeply broken person with a deeply broken view on sexuality and all it took to find out was pretending to be a SJW offended by his work: http://itswalky.tumblr.com/post/77236614719/im-kind-of-torn-about-your-nsfw-comics-on-one

>I am a wreck. I seriously did not ever grasp my dick until I was nineteen because I was afraid my dead grandmother was watching me.

This is the man trying to tell us what healthy sexuality is.

>> No.3295515
File: 31 KB, 281x320, alakazam-mega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except Pokemon actually does have an evolutionary line based on Baphomet and has had it since the first gen. The fundies who complained were just ignorant retards who had no idea what they were talking about so they didn't notice.

Of course this doesn't mean Pokemon has a "satanic agenda"; Japan isn't America and to them it's just another cultural thing to reference for variety's sake. But they'd actually have had a point if they brought it up.

>> No.3295519
File: 65 KB, 250x250, 250px-064Kadabra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kadabra even has a freaking staf shape on its forehead.

>> No.3295525
File: 61 KB, 250x250, 250px-065Alakazam (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*star shape
god dammit

And yeah they also have the pentagram goat head shape.

>> No.3295551
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>> No.3295565
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So, anybody who fights against the narrative is a stormfag, right? It can't possibly be a disgruntled gamer who hates seeing their community crash and burn, right?

>make shit up
So, the "Gamers are dead" articles never happened, right? The vast majority of game journos aren't corrupt SJWs colluding against the community, right? Literally who indie devs don't suck dicks for good reviews and competition prizes, right? There's no wannabe writers trying to push their gender politics agendas through games set in medieval fantasy worlds, right?

>Not even /vr/ is safe
/vr/ does not exist in a vacuum, anon. I understand the need to defend your hugbox -it's my hugbox, too- but facts will always bleed through. Either accept that or stay in denial. Remember all those crazy goobergaber conspiracy theories? Funny how they all turned out to be true, huh?

The SJW invasion is something that concerns all of us still proud to call ourselves gamers. And guess what, that means you too. Maybe none of your favorite titles or franchises have been violated yet. Maybe that provides you with a false sense of security for the time being. Or maybe you're under the impression that by staying neutral and doing your best to fend off the hordes of meanie /pol/tards you'll hold on to your supposed moral high ground. But the truth is you're chasing windmills, because the people ITT, no matter their political leanings, are one thing and one thing only: Gamers fed up with this modern incarnation of fascism that the dragon of political correctness has evolved to.

These conversations need to happen. You should be thankful that we're still allowed to have them here.

>> No.3295606


Jesus. I play games, but people who call themselves gamers, and are incredibly proud of that label, have a massive fucking cultural problem, full of 30 year old man-children, children, and just in general social spastics. I'm not saying you're one of those, but listen to yourself. Who gives a shit? Why do you people care so fucking much that people find certain games to treat women as sexual objects instead of as actual characters (they do, its very widespread.)

Notice how no women gamers ever weigh in on these discussions? Its because the overwhelming majority of women actually DO feel like they're not catered for in culture, and that women aren't usually positively depicted in games. They're just too fuck scared to argue on the internet about it because psychopaths get way too into it, find out their IP addresses and potentially make their life a living hell.

Take that fucking Zoe Quinn shit, what kind of no life douche's would spend so much of their time being obsessed over something that should just be a trivial thing to be forgotten in 2 minutes?

Anita Sarkeesian? I've seen a couple of her videos, and I agreed with a few things she said, some of it sounded unreasonable. Yet there are people who spend inordinate amounts of time making Youtube channels that are almost COMPLETELY dedicated to saying she's a worthless piece of shit, like wtf.

A lot of gamers might be against racism (though there's certainly still a lot who aren't), and support gays and whatnot, but you have to admit, there is a massive segment of misogynist gamers who are just obsessive psychopaths if anything outside themselves challenges the way they think the world is/should be like.

>SJW invasion
Bullshit. Games haven't changed for the worse. No one's forcing anything on anyone. You're precious game industry isn't under threat from some moralistic boogeyman. People are just changing what they think is acceptable, and they're requesting that their media responds .

>> No.3295615


> Political correctness ... fascism

That's facetious. What people are saying when they complain about political correctness is that they think they should be allowed to say whatever they want, but people shouldn't be allowed to react negatively to it. There is no censorship. No one's censoring you if you're complaining about PC. You're just complaining that people don't like your shitty opinion, and that your in the minority with your shitty opinion. Companies aren't becoming PC either, they're just responding to their customers changing values, which has happened all throughout history.

Anti-PCers are the fascist ones. You want your opinion heard without criticism, to say outdated, oppressive and offensive things.

Just like how people eventually decided we should get rid of minstrel shows, and elephants in circuses. And to stop using the N word. People definitely made similar arguments about people becoming PC.

>> No.3295628

>Anita Sarkeesian? I've seen a couple of her videos, and I agreed with a few things she said, some of it sounded unreasonable. Yet there are people who spend inordinate amounts of time making Youtube channels that are almost COMPLETELY dedicated to saying she's a worthless piece of shit, like wtf.
Even other SJWs are taking issue with her and realizing she's a fucking loon >>3295473

If you don't see anything objectionable with this
>a woman who thinks porn is inherently harmful and "feminist porn" is a patriarchal ploy to market misogyny as female empowerment
you're just as much of a far-gone ideologue as her.
>Why do you people care so fucking much that people find certain games to treat women as sexual objects instead of as actual characters (they do, its very widespread.)
By Anita logic, the moment a character is drawn to look sexually attractive to the audience she ceases to be a character and becomes an object.
>Notice how no women gamers ever weigh in on these discussions? Its because the overwhelming majority of women actually DO feel like they're not catered for in culture, and that women aren't usually positively depicted in games. They're just too fuck scared to argue on the internet about it because psychopaths get way too into it, find out their IP addresses and potentially make their life a living hell.
Except there are tons of women that dislike Anita-brand feminism you delusional mental midget.
>make their life a living hell.
Name a single woman whose life is now a "living hell" because of internet shitposters.

>> No.3295635
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>Companies aren't becoming PC either, they're just responding to their customers changing values, which has happened all throughout history.
Yeah man, what the media tries to push as "changing values" absolutely represents the beliefs of the average consumer. That's why the media was talking about the "Washington Redskins controversy" as if it were the most important fucking thing in the world, and yet surveys on general audiences AND EVEN ON NATIVE AMERICANS showed that the great majority did not give a flying fuck.

GG have become a hivemindey and obnoxious as fuck group of contrarians but I can't help but see people like you as even more delusional.

If you're just fakeposting I'll have to congratulate you because you're extremely good at it and sound exactly like a GamerGhazi/ShitRedditSays/whatever moron.

>> No.3295648

>The SJW invasion is something that concerns all of us still proud to call ourselves gamers.
This is one of the reasons I see GG as reality-deying contrarians. "Gamer" was a term that was constantly mocked on 4chan but as soon as SJWs started shitting their pants about "gamers" suddenly everyone started using it. I'm not saying you're necessarily one of those people but fuck if I can't notice a general trend.

For the record, I don't think "gamer" was ever a bad word. Just as there is a difference between a film viewer and a movie buff there is a difference between someone who plays video games and a "gamer"; it's a matter of dedication. But once again, this used to be an unpopular opinon on 4chan that suddenly changed out of the blue when people realized that using the word would piss off their ideological opponents.

>> No.3295653
File: 42 KB, 651x489, sjw-comic[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People who want free speech, free thinking and no damper of creative freedom are facists.

>> No.3295661
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A question worth asking is, how is modern game devs self-censoring to not offend a loud minority of leftists different from Nintendo of America removing any mention of alcohol, religion or sex or any trace of blood from games to not offend a loud minority of conservative fundies?

Why was one evil and wrong and worth fighting but the other is just "natural evolution of culture"?

>> No.3295667
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Not trying to be a cunt here, but it's pretty obvious from your post that what you think you know, you got from mainstream media outlets, so I won't go further into this with you. Presenting people with facts they deny to acknowledge is a very thankless job. If you're genuinely interested, you'll do the research yourself at some point.

Just to make a few things clear, though, no one is pro sexism, no one is pro racism. That's like saying you're pro murder. It's when politically correct hashtagtivists try to spin this as if there's nothing BUT sexists and racists and what have you in the gaming community that people fight back. And why wouldn't they? Okay, we get it, discrimination of any kind is wrong. Can we please have our vidya back free from gender politics and assorted agendas now?

The funny thing is that the SJWs bitching about all this shit and crying harassment over valid criticism are talentless hacks. Wanna make a difference and change the world through your holy ideology? How about creating some original content and groundbreaking new IPs instead of trying to shit up the already established work of people who love the industry and have dedicated their life to it?

You don't get how free speech works, I think. It goes like this: Speak your mind, deal with the consequences. Anti-PCers aren't the ones disabling comments and likes/dislikes in their videos, friend. It's the other way around. It's the SJWs who are trying to force their agendas down our throats. If you can't see that, then I don't know, man.

>their customers
SJWs are not their customers. You know that, and I know that. Stop lying to yourself. We built his industry and now it's shunning us for fear of offending SJW sensibilities.

I don't know. I've been a gamer my entire life. No one on here ever gave me shit for using the word on the odd occasion I did so.

>> No.3295681

Conservative fundies don't mail you knives or syringes filled with unidentified liquids, nor do they dedicate their lives to destroying your career through character assassination just because they heard you make a joke they didn't like during lunch break.

Also, see >>3294959

>> No.3295684

>Just to make a few things clear, though, no one is pro sexism, no one is pro racism.
The alt-right are, openly.

However, the alt-right are an extremely small group that left wing journos are trying to portray as huge and influential. Ramzpaul, a guy that pretty much everyone involved in the alt-right follow (aside from people so extreme that they find even him to not be racist enough) has 34 thousand Youtube subscribers. The SPLC act like he is a huge threat that is somehow converting young people en masse to the far-right cause, going as far as to use an out-of-context image of him dressing like a thug and holding using a (fake) gun ironically to make it look like he's some kind of violent terrorist and not just an old man with nothing else going on in his life getting mad about liberals and cuckservatives on Youtube.

Meanwhile Shoe0nHead, another anti-SJW youtuber who dislikes the alt-right, is pro-LGBT (yes including the T part) and generally socially-liberal has 308,635. And she's not even close to being the most popular.

>> No.3295690

I was saying both are bad, dude.

>> No.3295691

What's there to say Anon? They're both as dellusional as each other and people like us get fucked as a consequence. Earlier post pic related.

>> No.3295698

I wholeheartedly agree. It's just that, with the social media boom the SJW invasion is much more invasive/loud than the 90s fundie one could ever hope to be. And that's the reason they get shit done. That's the reason the actually bully people out of a job and companies into catering to them. Meanwhile, they don't buy jack 'cause that doesn't get them any moral points to show off to their friends and the ones who end up suffering are the actual gamers and the industry itself.

>> No.3295705

That's my point. I highly doubt the "ANTI SJWS ARE THE REAL FASCISTS" samefagging guy whose posts ITT are really easy to pinpoint would describe the influence of right-wing moral guardians on 90s Nintendo games as the company "just responding to their customers values".

Honestly the only reason I'm even addressing him is because the way he's typing seems way too accurate to be a troll. If it is then it's gotta be an insanely good one who's very familiar with SJW communities instead of simply basing his idea of what they're like on 4chan strawmen like the typical fakeposter. His posts are fucking spot on what a brainwashed Neogaf user would write.

>> No.3295709

That's what the liberal media does.
>FEAR THE NOBODY WHO'S GONNA TURN YOUR CHILDREN INTO TURBONAZIS THROUGH HIS NONEXISTENT MASS APPEAL but pls no look at smart girl videos cuz she not on our side and make us look bad lol

>> No.3295731

The thing is, I don't think most people are dumb enough to be manipulated by that stuff; see my earlier Washington Redskins example.

Really I think those that buy everything the media says are a special kind of stupid. Not even Tumblr SJWs were brainwashed enough to get behind dumb shit like "shirtgate" or "bernie bros"; I've seen only a couple of ~Twitter elite~ morons living in a bubble completely separate from the normal world unironically parrot that stuff.

>> No.3295869
File: 206 KB, 640x514, final fantasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f "retard"
>22 results, but none of them are this

You just know this is going to be removed in the remake.

>> No.3295992

Is that all you know how to do? Use buzzwords and kick and scream like a child when you don't like something? Jesus the amount of buzzwords and liberal rhetoric in this post when we're having a perfectly fine discussion is fucking embarrassing. This right here shows what is wrong with these sjw people right here, in addiction to the other guy who wants everyone to say "everything is fine!" And if you don't you MUST be literally hitler. It's getting to be self parody forms of ridiculous at this point

>> No.3296873

Who'd have thought a country bumkin that has joined a terrorist cell would have non pc language? I am shocked and appaled.

>> No.3297628

Yeah, what a shocker there

>> No.3297638


Nah, black people say it all the time.

>> No.3297656

It's sad that that makes it okay

>> No.3297963

Not really. Political correctness was never about protecting drug users.

also weed is not a drug

>> No.3297969

Lieberman you little cunt, two decades later and Postal 2 gets an expansion, suck a blurry texture polygon dick. Hah hah.

>> No.3297993


>some guy obviously makes fun of political correctness

>is immediately berated for being politically correct, for no logical reason

YOU people should all kill yourselves. Learn to read simple sentences. What a bunch of autistic retarded manchild shitbags.

How do you fucking work in everyday life? How can you fuck up one sentence? Just read it and understand it with your toddler brain.

>> No.3298065

>ignoring women
>kinda want to kill women


>> No.3298503

All those posts are all by the same guy. It's just australia-kun shitposting hard.

>> No.3299579

Yeah it is.

>> No.3299862

They're both dumb.

>> No.3299912

>"Like, everything is a conspiracy, man!"
>"Better kill them before they kill us!"

This is exactly why I have no faith in humanity. Centuries later, we're still sectarian shitheads, so evidently the core of human nature does not evolve alongside social paradigms. it just gets repressed until it explodes into another retarded genocide war.

I'm ready for the nuclear holocaust. Just end this species' misery quickly.

>> No.3300790

You're overreacting anon.

>> No.3300809

>"Games industry is glorifying killing people"
>The guy in the picture of an E3 conference is wearing an Orlando ribbon
I thought we were done with the whole "Games cause violence" bullshit that has been proven wrong every single time

>> No.3301781 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3301862

post it

>> No.3302003

I don't know whether to say NOT RETRO or "They quite obviously did"

>> No.3302246

Anon, not retro.

>> No.3302418
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Wonder Boy jigaboos

>> No.3302434
File: 1.21 MB, 1340x1031, WonderBoy_System1_JP_InstructionCard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this

>> No.3302472


>> No.3303516

I'm interested also, please post it.

>> No.3304312

I'm pretty sure that could still get away with that in Japan.

>> No.3304340

>t-the conspiracy is real! i-i'm not crazy, everyone else is!

>> No.3304352
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I'm surprised that Game Freak went with biblical inspired monsters for Ruby and Sapphire considering what happened in the states. Also Houndoom in Gold/Silver was pretty demonic, and I'm surprised they made Smoochum (A baby Jynx) too. Although, they did make Bellosum green in that game to make it look less Polynesian. I guess the religious people fucked off after Red/Blue?

>> No.3304353
File: 56 KB, 260x260, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you imagine how racist this thing would look in Jynx's colors? And by racist I mean fucking adorable. I'm sorry but Japan made me love tiny kawaii black babies.


Why is it so fucking cute? It's like if your grandma was racist but on the opposite end of the spectrum, because they're babies instead of seniors, and it's all based on ignorance and naivety so it becomes so fucking kawaii.

Niggas are kawaii I'm not afraid to say it.

Has anyone ever seen one of the first hentais where a super blackface looking kid like, sucked the soul essence out of that girl? Did I just imagine it?

>> No.3304427


its geese howard

>> No.3304549

guess what none of those tweets you posted in the image fucking matter worth shit. Those games are all still going to sell millions of copies. It doesn't fucking matter. You're making it matter by dedicating your life to getting upset over it.

>> No.3304605


Just like Doom and Mortal Kombat sold like crazy too after the 90's soccer moms started moaning about it. So you're just proving his point. These people are every bit as irrational, every bit as fascist and every bit as bad as eachother. Make no mistake about it, if you gave any one of these SJW whiners the option, they would censor and ban every single game (and piece of art in general) that they feel to be 'offensive'. And they'd absolutely believe they were doing the right thing ultimately.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

>> No.3304614


And thankfully there's some reasonable people to counter the both of you.

>> No.3304629


Every so often a thread about censorship will show up on /vr/ and I swear, this fucker shows up every time. I can't be sure it's the same person, but like you said, it's very easy to pinpoint. They make the exact same arguments every time, focusing around this idea that censorship is "a natural evolution of our culture" or whatever. But of course, this only applies to censorship based on their SJW style dogma of what is 'acceptable' and what's not. I've come to expect this cunt in every thread like this. I'm not going to bother arguing with them again though, you can't use logic on someone who doesn't use it themselves, even if they try really hard to make it look like they do.

>> No.3304653

>after mass shooting on queer brown people

Wasn't the Orlando shooter a muslim closet homosexual? Can't be just white people, then.

>> No.3304662

I don't think it's about 'good intentions'. I think that's what these people tell themselves. They want to feel good about themselves by 'solving' problems that weren't there until they decided they were problems. They probably also like the rush of power they get from achieving something - it's thanks to them that this content was removed, that this game was not released. These are people who accomplish nothing in their life and strive for things like this instead.

>> No.3304970

Keep telling yourself that

>> No.3305323
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The most dangerous villains are the ones who think they're doing the right thing. SJWs would paint their babies blue and toss them into the sea in order to protect narrative. We're talking about people who have openly defended pedos here.

>> No.3305483

That's a mighty large delusion you got there
Can't face the fact that women's lives don't revolve around rejecting and accepting men
At least not in the times we're living in

>> No.3305493

Easy there sperglord

>> No.3305534

It is absolutely nothing but jealousy that other women are prettier and more desired. Complaining about objectification is nothing but an attempt to level the playing field. They're actually upset that people find people attractive.

>Can't face the fact that women's lives don't revolve around rejecting and accepting men
Then why do they go out of their way to interfere with what other people do in their free time? Do you think models are offended by their own bodies? For these women, their world does revolve around it enough that they develop these controlling behaviors.

I'm not apologizing for telling the truth.

What they don't realize is even if they got there way, it still wouldn't make people want them. They're just as bad on the inside as they are on the outside.

>> No.3305575 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 168x299, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never met a female feminist I could get a hard on for. Never met a male feminist who I couldn't kill using only my pinkie finger.

If feminists really cared about "women's issue" where are the femminist campaigns and charities for female genital mutilation? The mass rape of poor girls in West Africa? Forced marriages?

It's just a bunch of spoiled rotten middle and upper middle class western bitches trying to get attention. Girl from a well off family in the richest country in the world attending one of the top 10 Universities in the world with more than half the students being women going on the professional careers, acting like a whiny cry baby, while in rural China a newly born baby girl is smothered to death just for being a girl. Subhuman pieces of narcissistic trash.

>> No.3305619 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 600x906, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never met a male feminist who I couldn't kill using only my pinkie finger.

>> No.3305623 [DELETED] 


>> No.3305628

what about that conquistador game they made recently?

>> No.3305630 [DELETED] 

>forgot to mention I'm a Navy SEAL with 90 confirmed kills in multiple combat zones across the globe, kiddo.

On /vr/ no less, top kek.

>> No.3305634 [DELETED] 

Found the male feminist.

>> No.3305646 [DELETED] 

>someone called me out for being a tool on the internet, waaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaah you're obviously a feminist! mods!!

>> No.3305658

lol the internet tough guy got so butt-blasted that I called him out so he reported my posts. fucking top kek m8, way to go.

>> No.3306891

What about it?

>> No.3306912

wew lotta triggered polcucks in this thread

>> No.3307636

God damn dude
You really hate women

>> No.3309104

More like a lot of triggered tumblrites

>> No.3309394

It's a leaf

>> No.3309402

it's funny how americans gasp about how 'offensive' obvious mexican characters are when they're actually popular in mexico.

>> No.3309423

Like Speedy Gonzalez, he's actually very popular with Mexicans.

>> No.3309440

>it's funny how americans gasp about how 'offensive' obvious mexican characters are when they're actually popular in mexico.

Except we don't. Political correctness (in the context you're referring to) isn't pushed by even a sizable minority of people. It's mostly just tumblr shit, and you're most certainly not going to encounter it anywhere but online.

Europeans have a really warped view of American politics. You guys seem to base these views on whatever sensationalized bullshit you might see coming from American media. American media is far removed from reality. It's just a consequence of freedom of press. The media is going to parade around the most dumbshit views it can because drama and sensationalism mean higher ratings.

I bet if you watched enough Jerry Springer or Maury Povich, you'd also think all Americans were trailer trash and welfare mamas.

>> No.3309620

Anything the least bit stereotypical will be cried about by a bunch of tumblr idiots. Yet they will be totally fine spamming depictions of redneck white men or something like that.

I hope these idiots realize how hypocritical they are and that no one but buzzfeed takes them seriously.

>> No.3309685

>It's a leaf

Look at this retarded ass stoner. You don't smoke the leaves, burnout. You smoke the flowers.

>> No.3309697
File: 23 KB, 320x224, misc_downloads_sor3ash.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could noone mention this guy yet?

>> No.3309731 [DELETED] 


Because it's usually alt-right babbies who whine about political correctness. These are the same individuals who revive the Confederacy, reinstate slavery and put gay men to death.

As much as they claim to be concerned with institutions encroaching on freedom of expression, I didn't see any of these groups fighting against the censorship of LGBT people all throughout the media in the '80s and '90s. Homosexuality was even criminalized up until 2003, and it took decades of violence and systematic persecution against gay men before the courts finally considered repealing sodomy laws and recognizing sexual orientation in hate crime statutes. (And hate crime legislation varies from state to state - some states refuse to punish offenders who target people specifically because they're LGBT.)

>> No.3310013

Here we go with another neurotic tumblr-ite with "muh alt right boogieman" again. Don't you have anything better to do then shitpost your bullshit here? Who the fuck likes political correctness anyway? You can be anti-PC and still be pro-gay, pro minority etc.

>> No.3310020

But anon, homosexuality is nothing more than a degenerate fetish. They should not have their rights just as much as a serial killer shouldn't be allowed to go around murdering, or a pedo allowed to touch the childrens.

>> No.3310021


Jesus. Fucking. Christ. I can't abbreviate "to be honest" but people like you can use the above mentioned words in 90% of your posts. I'd rather have "nigger speak" than constant bitching about a group of people who isn't even fucking here.

>> No.3310030

That post (>>3309731) has plenty of bitching in it. What makes your leftist bullshit any less annoying? That's my whole point dipshit

>> No.3310224

>Wanting to put gay men to death
That would mean killing themselves you know

>> No.3310279

He was talking about canada

>> No.3310527

Why do you keep posting this irrelevant off topic crap no one cares about?

>> No.3310583

Where in my post did I show affinity towards any side?

>> No.3310616

What game?

>> No.3310662
File: 1.42 MB, 1050x1555, memin_50_aniv_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obvious mexican characters
Nigga, T. Hawk is mexican in name only, our natives never adopted that style of clothing and his name is in english for fucks sake.

The thing about stereotypes or caricatures, is that context doesn't carry over from country to country, we have no reason to find them offensive. The negro caricature for example, has no negative connotations here in Mexico, the character in my pic is almost universally beloved in here, but foreigners see it and immediately assume the worst.

>> No.3310818

DLC on suicide watch

>> No.3310837


>> No.3310849


>> No.3310857

I don't have anything to add aside from saying I'm so fucking glad she was fired

>> No.3311314

One thing I'm glad they don't get away with anymore are hidden pathways, especially those which involve falling down a pit you otherwise wouldn't think to fall down.

>> No.3311462

They could still do this because the racist here is the enemy.

I don't get the problem here.

>> No.3311557

>As much as they claim to be concerned with institutions encroaching on freedom of expression, I didn't see any of these groups fighting against the censorship of LGBT people all throughout the media in the '80s and '90s.
I'm one of the biggest "anti-SJWs" as far as video games get and I'm one of the biggest pro gay rights people you'll see. Before arguing with internet SJWs I was consistently arguing with my own country's batshit far-right nationalists.

You're a fucking piece of shit for trying to paint all your ideological opponents as the alt-right.
Say what you will but I've used both Tumblr and Reddit enough to know that they're full of 4channers and 4chan has plenty of actual Tumblr-type SJWs. /co/ and /u/ is where you will easily find them.

I just like to spend time on every online community and see what they're all about. 4chan has been my main one since 2005 but I think the whole "internet war" shit is really gay so I like to make up my own mind. For example, I decided Reddit is by design an inherently bad website, but Tumblr is capable of intelligent dissent from the majority opinion and said dissent is not censored as often as it is on Twitter.

>> No.3311567

Thought Crimes

Yesterday's science-fiction is today's frightening reality.

>> No.3311572

>I'm one of the biggest "anti-SJWs" as far as video games get and I'm one of the biggest pro gay rights people you'll see.

Then you're approximately 1% of the individuals who are opposed to "social justice," as the rest of your allies unanimously equate homosexuality with being a tumblrtard and go out of their way to promote anti-gay censorship and legislation.

>You're a fucking piece of shit for trying to paint all your ideological opponents as the alt-right.

Because they are?

You can fuck right off with your golden mean fallacy.

>> No.3311578

To add to my earlier tl;dr:

the idea of Tumblr as the "evil SJW central" is wrong. I used to be wary of saying this because of the Charlie Hebdo controversy sparking some really terrifying Tumblr posts but the Orlando shooting made a lot of people on Tumblr, even teenage girl SJWs (http://trqncywhore.tumblr.com/post/146036893625/ithelpstodream-muslim-community-this-wasnt-an proof), realize that the SJW narrative of "brown people good, white people are the villains, always" is garbage.

Meanwhile Twitter is the place where the absolute craziest shit will be posted AND justified by actually-influential figures, in either the mainstream media or "nerd culture". Twitter, not Tumblr, turned games industry people like Josh Sawyer, Tim Schafer and Anthony Burch into mindless ideologues. Twitter turned Lauren Faust into what she once satirized in Powerpuff Girls (she got behind the "shirtgate' fiasco; most of Tumblr did not). Twitter is where I saw animation industry celebs unironically buy the fucking "bernie bros" meme' not Tumblr. Twitter is why Platinum employee JP Kellams never shuts the fuck up about how Bayonetta is a feminist game and is fighting the cishet patriarchy with its mere existence.

Twitter is the most cancerous social media and "Twitter culture" is a huge part of why so many game devs ended up this way.

>> No.3311580

>as the rest of your allies unanimously equate homosexuality with being a tumblrtard and go out of their way to promote anti-gay censorship and legislation.
Prove it.

>> No.3311596

>Prove it.

Crtl+F "SJW" / "liberal" / "leftist" / "libcuck" / "mental illness" / "degenerate"

Pretty sure any anti-SJW thread is going to bash trannies and gay people just the same, because /pol/ perceives them to by byproducts of a "leftist brainwashed civilization."

Where you even here when all that GamerGate shit started? I was, and it subsequently caused me to migrate from /v/ to /vr/ to get away from it. I read one iteration of GG general after the other. Between doxxing and harassing figure industries, /v/ was outright calling for the abolition of LGBT characters in the media because that would "stick it to the left."

No rational person should condone censorship, be it from the left or the right. But the point is that all this fuss over "leftism" invading the media or pushing political correctness on everyone is completely asinine conspiracy shit and has no basis in reality. And if that's what you subscribe to, then yes, you're a delusional alt-right jackass.

While you're whining about your SJW boogeyman, the conservative majority in my state (and other Southern states) is pushing anti-gay and anti-trans legislation as we speak. Because these are the individuals who have actual legislative power in my country, and thus pose the greatest threat to our civil liberties.

>> No.3311609
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Thread successfully derailed.

>> No.3311639
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Ever notice how Code of Princess, a game whose designs are literally done by a "queer woman of color" (christ I feel dumb even saying that), is a game that constantly gets accused of misogyny?

If the current clique of culture-policing retards had their way (see the UN begging Japan to ban any comic book or cartooon with rape in it) a ton of women who make "problematic" works would be harmed by it. I'm not just saying this because it sounds nice but directly quoting a woman working for the Japanese government who was responding to the UN crybaby shit.

And yes the goddamn UN are treating video game "objectification" like a serious problem. If you seriously think there's not more pressure to censor sexual shit today compared to the old days just because Nintendo pandered to soccer moms you're delusional.
I was there from the earliest days when it wasn't even called that and wasn't a cancerous Reddit upboat circlejerk and I've never seen a single fucking post saying gay characters should be censored. If they existed they must have been a tiny, tiny minority.

I did see some /pol/fags try to push their Youtube celebs like Ramzpaul in the early days of that other chan but it did not work. Figures like Shoe0nhead who are liberal as fuck and even have actual transsexual people as guests in their videos became far, far more popular with that audience. Internet Aristocrat & some retard who went by "King of /pol/" became butt monkeys for trying to push holocaust denial and other shit instead of talking about video games and the former toned down his rhetoric significantly as a result; once again he even had some non-insane trans people on his podcast whose pronouns he respected. Which, to be honest, is a fucking huge change from his early edgelord days.

The actual decent people gave up on the "movement" eventually and now it's just a bunch of cancerous circlejerking retards, but even then it's not an alt-right circlejerk.

>> No.3311646
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Shit like this used to be seen as a middle finger to those very soccer moms that Nintendo of America pandered to and you didn't have people like Tim Schafer shitting blood over it.

>> No.3311651
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> Then you're approximately 1% of the individuals who are opposed to "social justice," as the rest of your allies unanimously equate homosexuality with being a tumblrtard and go out of their way to promote anti-gay censorship and legislation.

wow, you're retarded.

I am not that guy but i'm also anti sjw/feminism and totally pro equality, i think most people are like me nowadays.

>> No.3311730

The funny thing is that I've actually argued with the /pol/ types constantly on THAT OTHER CHAN when they were trying to promote their idiot celebs. I've watched Ramzpaul's videos for the same reason that I read far-left articles and even that guy, who I think is a hateful piece of shit with many horrifying opinions, has never pushed for the censorship of gay people and said that he's totally okay with men fucking each other in the ass. I'm talking a borderline David Duke-tier guy who's unironically said that he's "happy" that "we took America from the Indians" because might makes right; not even THAT fucker fits anon's strawman.

>> No.3311742

Dude you're fully autistic. Stop fighting a manufactured rat race.

>> No.3311809

You mean it hit bump limit, I enjoyed the butthurt from leftists and SJWs.

>> No.3313097

I agree with you. I never went on Tumblr much at all but I'm sure you have a point, especially judging with all the fucking insane screenshots of Tweets i've seen over the years. I've always hated that place the most and agree its the most cancerous site out there besides those other shitty leftist sites like Huffpo, Buzzfeed, Salon or what ever other shitty sites are out there.

>> No.3313497


Because as much as SJWs claim "/pol/" is ruining 4chan, they're the ones who want a soapbox to complain about "anti-SJWs", "alt-right" and "/pol/" on 4chan and do it at every opportunity. Everything they "blame" /pol/ for, they're guilty of.

>> No.3313509
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>cries about muh phobias on fucking 4chan
>muh doxxing and harrashmunt!
>he thinks the idea that political interests push certain ideologies and political correctness in media is outlandish and a "conspiracy"
>SJW is a "boogeyman"
>he keeps deflecting from people who literally control academia and most the media, pushing hate speech laws and other authoritarian legislation every day, as if not letting certain people go into certain bathrooms was the great threat to humankind

Please kill yourself or go back to tumblr.

>> No.3313517

So when will SJW apologists finally leave 4chan for good? This thread was painful to read.

>> No.3313521

U delusional or something? 4ch hit the point of no return fucking years ago thanks to greedy moot wanting more people on the site. There's gonna be more and more of them, and less and less of intelligent or at least adequate people. Our shitty best hope is that Trump's gonna change the mentality of these sheep and we're gonna have equal rights AND equal rights for majorities.

>> No.3313681 [SPOILER] 
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Equal rights would inherently be equal rights for majorities.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with social justice. It's just that it's completely stolen by people who are ironically super authoritarian and hateful. If the word lived up to its definition, it would mean not censoring people just because you disagree with them or preferring one to another based on race, background, gender, etc.

Somehow crazy people have hijacked the trademark to decency and now it can never mean anything except what they want it to mean. Of course, true equality would not make the people in SJW groups happy because equality never produces equality in outcome and guess who would get hit hardest by that. There's a reason no one talks about Asians as a minority except in the context of sexuality.

I'd like to see them explain this picture because this wasn't that long ago.

>> No.3313702

> Equal rights would inherently be equal rights for majorities.
I expected some intelligence on the part of the reader, I should've said equal rights for minorities and equal rights for majorities. The point here is that "equal rights" now means "some equal rights, but mostly privileges".

> There's absolutely nothing wrong with social justice
But as you say this term evolved and now it's like saying there's nothing wrong with feminism.
> it would mean not censoring people just because you disagree with them or preferring one to another based on race, background, gender, etc.
> or preferring one to another based on race, background, gender, etc.
So if a woman prefers to fuck white males it should be corrected by SJEnforcement?
> crazy people have hijacked the trademark to decency
It's natural to be antagonistic to other social groups and minorities.

As for misogyny, women deserve most of it, if we're honest. Not like blacks do have lower IQ and do commit more crimes, but it's not necessarily race-inherit and it's not proportional to the hate they get - no, I mean women are dumb bitches who ruin everything due to their primitive nature. Conservatism is literally hard-wired in them, what do you expect?

>> No.3313715

Either you missed the point of what I was saying or you deliberately interpreted everything in the worst way possible to make a counterargument to things we mostly agree with.

>> No.3313734

I just responded to parts I disagree with or that sound ambiguous.

>> No.3313753

Well, I'll go through them then.

>I expected some intelligence on the part of the reader, I should've said equal rights for minorities and equal rights for majorities. The point here is that "equal rights" now means "some equal rights, but mostly privileges".
We both meant the same thing here. It's not even an argument. What you said is what I meant. That's why I brought up the next parts about how it would mean that if people didn't merely shift the definition.
>But as you say this term evolved and now it's like saying there's nothing wrong with feminism.
>So if a woman prefers to fuck white males it should be corrected by SJEnforcement?
Dating/fucking has nothing to do with justice at all.
>It's natural to be antagonistic to other social groups and minorities.
Sure, I mean it's natural to do a lot of things but that isn't saying anything. The main place my point differs in the rest of yours is that I was saying we generally don't mind people who do well, whereas we dislike people who don't and cause problems. That's probably the only partial disagreement we have and it's not even really a disagreement. From there it derails a bit.

>> No.3313774

> Dating/fucking has nothing to do with justice at all.
See but I had to ask cause so many crazy cucks.
> The main place my point differs in the rest of yours is that I was saying we generally don't mind people who do well, whereas we dislike people who don't and cause problems.
Who's "we"? People? In that case, there's lots of nuances that fuck shit up. What usually happens is you have this natural tendency to antagonize, let's say, other races. Stemming from there it becomes an instilled part of societal culture and ideology - still not too strong and aggressive though. But then something happens to your Joe, that corresponds with the bad stereotype and he now hates every member of that race for being <insert_sin>. This can lead to active confrontation. Even if it doesn't, now media starts to force equality of cuck variety (which if it's the only way, I'm fine with that unless it's literally insane), which converts most people, but then the circle of racists becomes small, but very proactive or at least much more hateful on the inside - which leads to steady increase in racist followers all over again and shootouts.

>> No.3313804

Yeah, I meant "we" as people collectively in that case, not as a racial thing.

Antagonistic feelings shouldn't run the country, of course. If they did, we'd end up back here again because it works for both "sides". But I think there's nothing wrong with having opinions.

I'll agree with you that trying to suppress and demonize people only creates super hateful mass shooter types, particularly when you're making them out to be someone they're not. That's definitely a problem but people care more about looking good on social media than solving problems, so they'll start a fire even if it makes things worse. It's very selfish and dishonest.

>> No.3313924

They're hypocrites, thats why. When I think of it in that perspective, then it is just plain old stupidity that doesn't anger me as much as make me sad for people that ignorant. It's funny how they act tolerant and promote anti-hate and equality, yet they turn into a lunatic if someone disagrees with them.

I don't think SJWs really care about any issues either. They just get triggered by certain buzzwords and ideologies from the alt-right and instead of ignoring it, they go full autist about it. Its fucked up how the mainstream media really fuels the fire by being biased and alienating certain people.

>> No.3314153

mortal kombat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.3314948

This is the best thread we've ever had.

>> No.3314952

sjws are literally intell operatives working for the federal reserve bank

look this shit up and stop being gullible

>> No.3314953

Aside from the sjw propaganda shills from reddit/jidf/tumblr of course.

>> No.3314956

>mass shooter types

youre an idiot if you think those aren't false flags

>> No.3314957

youre subhuman

>> No.3314958

literally nothing in your post ever happened

>> No.3314962

literally nothing in your post ever happened

>> No.3314964
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>all the sjws in this thread

>> No.3314967
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>all the sjw apologists in this thread

>> No.3315047
