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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 212 KB, 660x485, marioworld_660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3252182 No.3252182 [Reply] [Original]

Super Mario World for SNES is overrated. The graphics aren't just simplistic - they are shit. Often it's just blue skies with clouds and a platform. Not even much parallax. Look at the backgrounds in Sonic. Green Hill Zone. God there is so much going on. Parallax layers, great animated water ... Stuff is busy and fun to look at. Mario looks like done by a child. Also his skin colour looks like awkward sunburn. Shitty shading. Then you have a bush background which is also just a pattern that loops forever. The backgrounds in Mario are lazy and dull. The engine is a personal taste but Mario is always sliding like if there was bukake on the platforms even when it isn't ice. The acceleration and slowing down when running is just annoying too.

1) I am dead serious and not trolling 2) I am open for everything so you can still convince me

>> No.3252192

This is your opinion, and while you're entitled to it it in fact does not make it right or wrong.

>> No.3252193
File: 13 KB, 238x192, 1464267850090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm, fresh new pasta!

>> No.3252194

Then why is SMW the epicenter of Mario romhacking?

Why isn't Sonic more popular within the romhack scene?

Reminder that SMW is one of the 2D games with best physics.

>> No.3252201


>> No.3252204
File: 1.78 MB, 400x225, 1374515640186.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people are gonna fall for this console warring bait

>> No.3252212


>> No.3252219

well since we're giving our snes mario opinions, i enjoy smw, enough to 100% it and beat it a couple times, but id agree that it is overrated. it's basically mario 3 with mild upgrades. smw2 beats it in every gameplay related category except the baby crying and the baby crying is so fucking bad that it effectively re-fuels my nostalgia for smw1 and now i think its the greatest evar!!!!

>> No.3252239

>If SMW is so shitty, then why do so many people try to fix it?
This is what you sound like

>> No.3252242

>yoshi's island
>traditional mario game

Is Wario Land a Mario Land game?

>> No.3252243


What? the physics are left intact, what people are doing is basically adding more levels (a lot of it is auto-play kaizo shit though, but there's good stuff out there as well).

It's like implying Doom .wads are "fixing" the original game.

>> No.3252276

The background is simple so you can focus on the action around you. I never liked Sonic backgrounds, they are plain confusing: I always ended up hitting enemies I didn't even notice because of the mess that was going on the screen.

The game itself is great, it has a huge variety of levels, power ups, hidden secrets, is challenging without being frustrating and is the best 2D Mario game. I don't see your point about acceleration and slowing down, since it's always been the core of the Mario 2D series.

Are you for real? That just means people want MORE of a game that came out almost 20 years ago, not that they're trying to fix it.

>> No.3252283

Yes, in fact it's Super Mario Land 3.
True story bro.

>> No.3252314
File: 37 KB, 550x224, ff comp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like the graphics

Take into consideration it was one of the first games made for the snes. This happens a lot, first games doesn't fully explote the potential the console has to offer because it is a new thing for both developers and artists. Think of FF IV vs FF VI, for example

>> No.3252316

>The background is simple so you can focus on the action around you. I never liked Sonic backgrounds, they are plain confusing: I always ended up hitting enemies I didn't even notice because of the mess that was going on the screen.

Yeh I think I should keep in mind playing SMW on a tiny 4:3 screen back in the 90s. I've played both games back then and they weren't a problem for me but maybe Sonic could have been a mess where you were like: WHAT IS JUST GOING ON?
I mean I had a small TV and still I could see everything just fine but I can see the reasoning for the "minimalistic" approach - I also do not want to fully roast such a well loved game even though I just hate the way it looks.

Yoshi's Island is PURE BEAUTY and a great game. I do not consider it to be a Mario game though. It is a Yoshi game and the crying baby is annoying. Super Mario Land 2 for the GB is fun and has nice graphics for the GB. Also yes the crying baby is annoying as hell.

>> No.3252354

>Mario looks like done by a child

Correction: it was done FOR children.

>> No.3252374

Nice bait.

But I'll bite just on the off chance you're some teenage retard who knows fuck all about retro games.

Super Mario World was a launch title for the SNES and the system doesn’t brake a sweat running it.

It's an underpowered title for a reason.

Sonic pushes the Megadrive pretty hard.

But in any incase it doesn’t fucking matter. Graphics aren't everything and Sonic isn't fit to lick the shit from Mario's hairy taint.

>> No.3252376

>brake = break

Fuck my fone

>> No.3252381
File: 16 KB, 400x300, 036ae6ef59aae1842a64b02393664b30[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one big <b>FUCK YOU</b>

>> No.3252385

>and the system doesn’t brake a sweat running it.

That's cause it has optimizations like a hard limit on how many sprites it is allowed to draw. Like, on star world 5, fly up to where the key is with a blue Yoshi and hit all the exclamation mark boxes; you'll only spawn 2-3 powerups at most despite hitting 30 of them in a row.

>Sonic pushes the Megadrive pretty hard.

It didn't really. It just had good aesthetics, and the system itself was capable of super fast scrolling, unlike anything else that came before.

>Sonic isn't fit to lick the shit from Mario's hairy taint.

Put down that edge son, you might cut yourself.

>> No.3252395

There's like a 5 frame input lag on the game, even on original hardware.
it's shit.

>> No.3252398

>Super Mario World was a launch title for the SNES and the system doesn’t brake a sweat running it.
>It's an underpowered title for a reason.
>Sonic pushes the Megadrive pretty hard.

How does that alter what he said?

Did he say: "it emphasizes the weaknesses of the SNES graphics engine"? hmmm? Did he say "Nintendo messed up in the graphics"?

No, he didn't say shit about any of that. He said the graphics don't look very good and I agree with him.

What's more, the game is broken in many ways. It doesn't hold a candle to DKC2 or SMB3.

I love how you just assume we're all supposed to take into account when it was released on the console.

>> No.3252404



>> No.3252408


Stop playing on LCDs then.

>> No.3252614

>I love how you just assume we're all supposed to take into account when it was released on the console.

Not him, but launch titles (in those days) rarely had good graphics.

>> No.3252625

OP is a faggot and his whole post is bait.

Implying that SMW's graphics are in any way an indicator of the game's quality.

>> No.3252632

Tell that to kanjiklub...

>> No.3252665
File: 22 KB, 267x312, sonic-mario.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is everyone really THAT retarded in here? If you do NOT like big mainstream game number 1 and you even give POINTS and reasons why you must know nothing about video games or you must be trolling. Very sure you are trolling because there is no other option. Are people really that fucking stupid? Just look at the horrible drawn Mario sprite and compare it to different versions of Sonic. Hideous garbage!

>> No.3252769

Sweet Jesus how can you not not get what I'm saying?

What good is it to the gamer actually playing the game that it was released early in the console's lifetime and so shouldn't be expected to have that great graphics?

Whether or not Nintendo had "a good excuse" at the time doesn't matter a shit. A good game is still good, a bad game is still bad. Good graphics are still good, simple/crappy graphics are still simple/crappy.

>> No.3252783
File: 3.22 MB, 400x372, lana 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3252791

>Stuff is busy and fun to look at

I was ready to call you out on your GameFAQs level console war posting, but this gets to me. Sonic levels are ugly as fuck. Mario levels have much better aesthetics because they're so simple and effective. Basic platformers don't need loads of details.

>> No.3252825

>Look at the backgrounds in Sonic. Green Hill Zone.

Chess board floor background - nothing cringes me more!

>> No.3252923

And taste is still subjective.

>> No.3253095

>Then why is SMW the epicenter of Mario romhacking?
Probably because it was one of the first games to get a game-specific level editing tool.

>> No.3253226

>it was one of the first games to get a game-specific level editing tool
I wonder why.

>> No.3253228

good game but definitly not the best mario.

>> No.3253282

>I am open for everything

just like your mom's thighs, fuck boi

>> No.3253292
File: 5 KB, 121x125, suggestion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Again, all this is just your opinion man.

>> No.3253856


Mario's sprite on SMW is actually my favorite Mario sprite.

As for Sonic, I like his 1/2/CD sprite, looks badass, but I never liked his 3 sprite too much, he looks kind of dorky there.

>> No.3254057

Nice b8 m8

>> No.3254559
File: 7 KB, 256x224, Super%20Mario%20All-Stars-3-full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Mario World is worst Mario.

>> No.3254568

This. Anyone who thinks there's such a thing as overrated and underrated is an idiot.

>> No.3254593

Have we really gotten to the point where people are shitting on smw because of the graphics? Has /v/ finally taken over?

>> No.3254605

You are now banned from playing anything made after 1983 for one full year. Maybe after that year is over you will be able to appreciate games for what they are rather than their goddamn graphics, you dumb little child.

>> No.3254607

>Has /v/ finally taken over?
Actual /v/ doesn't give a fuck about us. This is just typical /vr/ trolling. But yes, people here complain about graphics a lot now. It's very surreal.

>> No.3254668

>Actual /v/ doesn't give a fuck about us
That's because all their in/v/aders have already setup shop here.

>> No.3254712 [DELETED] 

World has noticeably worse graphics that All-Stars though.

>> No.3254715

>in/v/aders have already setup shop here.

That's a complete myth. Almost no one from /v/ comes here, and the few that do are usually at least initially friendly. The worst trolls here, including OP are /vr/ natives. They're the ones who call out about the /v/boogeyman all the time. It's all a smokescreen.

>> No.3254718 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 380x262, SMAS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

World has noticeably worse graphics than All-Stars though.

>> No.3254721
File: 34 KB, 380x262, SMAS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

World has noticeably worse graphics than All-Stars though.

>> No.3254728


Everyone is entitled to an opinion, sure.

But not all opinions are equal. Some opinions hold more water than other opinions because they are backed up with reason, intelligence and taste.

OP's opinion is wrong. He's a troll or, even worse, a fucking imbecile. Take your pick.

>> No.3254732


Taste is 100% subjective.

>> No.3254741

That's just your opinion.

>> No.3254756

That's not an opinion though. That's simple fact. What appeals and interests people is highly personal and varies a lot. When you say someone has bad taste all you're really saying is you're self absorbed and don't understand the basic concept of opinions.

>> No.3254774

>The engine is a personal taste but Mario is always sliding like if there was bukake on the platforms even when it isn't ice. The acceleration and slowing down when running is just annoying too.

Your post would be better if you just said "I don't like Mario" and left it at that.

I agree that SMW is vastly overrated, but the reasons you gave here are dumb. Mario stops on a dime and accelerates very fast compared to 3, which is a vastly better game. Mario having actual weight and momentum are what makes the game fun.

>> No.3254781

>bait thread
>top of front page
Never change vr

>> No.3254804

While I agree Super Mario anything is overrated, you're a fucking retard for focusing on the graphics.

>> No.3254839

I'm with you. To me, SMW has always looked fine. Maybe it's that I am older, and I had been playing 8-bit, and lower for a long time before it came out. In general, if a game has easy to understand sprites, and good gameplay, why would you bitch about it? It's a fun game. As are all of the Genesis Sonic titles.

As for over/underrated... Who cares? Things are simply rated. You can agree with the rating, or disagree with it. The bottom line is, that you are setting a personal rating above or below the rating you are referring to, and your opinion carries an equal weight. It's only more valid in your own mind.

>> No.3254875

I remember a near identical post like this years ago. Shig admitted this game was incomplete.

I have a ton of nostalgia for it but it's hard to ignore how easy it is once you get the basics down.

Graphics are irrelevant since NES trilogy beats Genesis Sonic

>> No.3254895


Yes, and?