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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3252050 No.3252050 [Reply] [Original]

For a long while, I thought I had dreamed up this Fucking game. I barely see anything about it, so I need to know if anyone else touched this game st all!

>> No.3252256

My sister played it a lot back in the day.

I don't remember much other than animated cutscenes, some flying animal mascot thing, some custscene where a chick throws an axe at MC because he saw her naked, and it being kind of actiony but slow-ish

>> No.3252273

I got it off ebay a few years ago. Played it. Completely average in every way. Sold it on ebay a while later.

>> No.3252275

I rented it from West Coast Video back in the 90's once. It didn't really hold my interest, and I never even got through the first dungeon before dropping it entirely.

For some reason I remember the battle mechanics being very similar to Vagrant Story. Maybe it's worth another shot...

>> No.3252278


It's nice. Some notable things about it are:

-- Fights are completely real-time, but you only ever fight one monster at a time
-- You don't need to grind much because you learn new skills and craft new weapons from exploring
-- There's lots of animated cutscenes for a game of its time

>> No.3252291

It's by Quintet (Actraiser fame), of course people know about it.

>> No.3252375

ah man, I played the fuck out of it back in the day but had completely forgotten. Thanks for reminding me!!!

>> No.3252380

You know what, you're right, but I used to love it. Go figure. I guess when I didn't have the internet to tell me that there are 9000 other better games, life was a bit simpler.