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File: 28 KB, 250x249, Warioland3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3240776 No.3240776 [Reply] [Original]

This is a perfect game. This is the definitive platforming experience on the market right now. Not only is it perfect, but it built upon everything that made the previous game great, which is rare to see nowadays. Usually in sequels your character has to relearn everything... Not here.. Not Wario Land 3. When people think of "2D collectathons" this is the game that springs to mind. It has everything that makes 2D platformers fun. Large explorable open worlds. Moves and abilities to unlock. Various transformations to control. Fun boss battles. Addictive minigames. Time Attack. Replayability. It's here. It's engaging. It's amazing. It's a 12 hour + campaign length and up to 20+ if you want to 100% it. There is no other game, don't mention Super Mario Bros. with its shit controls and bland gameplay. Don't even list Metroid or Kirby. This is the game. Accept it.

>> No.3240810

Wario Land 1 and 4 are better.

>> No.3240887
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The game feels like a series of fetch quests. You never understand how the items you acquire will help you progress, or use them to explore the game on your own. You beat the level, watch the game tell you which levels are now opened up, go to those levels and repeat the process. Metroidvanias get this part right, Wario Land 3 does not.

>> No.3240901

I must disagree. WL1 has aged pretty poorly and 4 would've been better without the "running back to the start" gimmick.

>> No.3240908


WL1 "aged poorly"

I played it start to finish ~9 months ago on original hardware and it's still fun.

>> No.3240909

Warioland 1 is far superior, and didn't age poorly at all.

>> No.3240918

>far superior
It plays too much like a Mario game. The future Wario games capture Wario's essence much better. Also the superior Wario Land 1 is on the Virtualboy.

>> No.3240961

You face no consequence for doing something wrong and I always hated that as I like everthing else about these games. I have to agree with >>3240810 as those actually punish you for doing something wrong.

>> No.3241357

>not 4
Ah I forgot this is /vr/ only
That being said warioland is one of the greatest platformers of all time

>> No.3241361

Well getting hit in WL2/WL3 gives you some very severe knockback which can set you back several minutes, it's more or less the same as dying. I think it's a cool idea and sets Wario apart from other games of its kind.

>> No.3241605

As >>3241361 said, it sets you back quite a bit.

Warioland 2 and 3 and 4 aren't normal platformers in the sense that you just have some challenging jumps and enemies to deal with. The level design is far more puzzle like, especially if you're trying to go for 100%.

It's not "how do I make this jump?", it's "what status effect do I need to get past this, how do I get the enemy that gives me the status effect I need over to where I need the effect, and then finally how do I time my jumps and movement properly along with properly using the status effect and its associated physics/control changes/advantages/limitations to get through here?"

>> No.3241629

I have only a few problems with WL3, and they're all related to the music coins.

>music coins need to be collected all in one go
>the reward for collecting them all is shit and isn't needed for what the game considers to be 100% so who even cares about collecting them
>and I guess it's better that way because a few are practically impossible to find without a guide

And this isn't a problem I've ever had to deal with myself, but if you sucked really bad at the golf mini game, ran out of coins from repeated failures, and had to grind to get more, that'd be a horrible experience.

Still a 9/10 game that everyone should play and if you don't like it we probably can't be friends.

>> No.3244010

>WL1 has aged pretty poorly
Couldn't have been more wrong

>4 would've been better without the "running back to the start" gimmick
Couldn't have been more right

You did it, anon. You managed to spawn one of the shitiest and the truthiest opinions in the same post.

>> No.3244029

>music coins need to be collected all in one go
Well that's not much of a problem. It's not like you can die and have to collect them all over again, so "in one go" is only a problem if you're really hurting yourself so bad to find them.

But then again, like you said, you should be using a guide for the music coins, and that's only if you really bother to collect something that even the game itself neglects as unnecessary.

>> No.3244490

Only problem I had was that it got rid of the "pay for good ending" gimmick

No greed in this game at all

>> No.3244496

>die in normal game
>sets you back to the last check point
>get hit in WL2/3
>gives you a status aliment that pushes you back to the last checkpoint

really there's no difference

>> No.3244547

I hated how you had to unlock moves. After playing and loving 2, moving on to 3 felt limited and boring. It really does feel like a poorly executed metroidvania. 2 is better, but even that game is kind of dull. 1 was always my favorite. I liked the idea of searching for hidden treasure in the levels, and the jethat was always a blast to play around with.

>> No.3245660

It's called Super Mario Land 3. I call it a transition game.

>> No.3245671

>he didn't play The Colossal Hole stage where you have to soar from the top to a very specific spot near the bottom as flattened Wario which was pretty much impossible to get the first time since the the way you dangle means you can only reach the spot if you don't mess up your fall from the start, which means you have to climb up to the top to try again

>> No.3245709

>dying is the only metric for challenge
Back to >>>/v/ Soulsfag

>> No.3245774

Great game, but Virtual Boy Wario Land was better.

>> No.3245946


WL1 is easily in the top 10 original Gameboy Games.

>> No.3246307

I don't like 2 for the reason that literally 2/3rds of the game (10 out of 15 levels) are hidden behind very cryptic secrets.

>> No.3246341

Funny you say that, I don't like souls game actually, tried demon souls and found it personally shallow in terms of combat.

>> No.3246345


I never thought they were that cryptic except for the one where you have to leave Wario sleeping.

>> No.3247276

They were trying to give an homage to the Metroid series, you dip.

>> No.3247281


>shit controls

you better go prep your wifes bull, cuck boi.

>> No.3247287

>really there's no difference
There is, actually. Wario never interrupts the flow of the game, making the experience more enjoyable.

>> No.3248057
File: 196 KB, 500x375, THAT'S THE WAY YA DO IT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows Super Mario Land 3 is the weakest R&D1 Wario game.

>all those water and autoscrolling levels

>> No.3248073
File: 16 KB, 256x256, 50a963ce6115d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wario ain't got nothing on VGA graphics and adlib tunes.

>> No.3250027

/vr/ doesn't mean pretending games made after 2000 don't exist. (And you could probably sneak in some GBA threads without anyone complaining too much.)

>> No.3250038

>Comander Keen 4-6

mah DOS nigga

>> No.3251374

I loved it as a kid but I replayed it recently and didn't enjoy it at all once the nostalgia wore off. I think 2 is much better. Also what the fuck was up with that robotic mole in the Stagnant Swamp?

A full-on Metroidvania Warioland game would be fucking great. Possibly set in an enormous version of the WL2 Wario's castle.

>> No.3251380


Are you fucking kidding me getting hit in wario land 1 and 3 can be even more frustrating than dying, especially since lots of games have very convenient checkpoints

>> No.3251407

I thought I was the only one op

>> No.3252175


>> No.3252306

Dude I am a young person and Recently played through all 4 warioland games. Warioland 1 is probably my favorite. Warioland 2 has its good points, but 3 is just too damn repetitive.