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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3240289 No.3240289 [Reply] [Original]

Who here likes to play MUD's?

A MUD is sort of like a text-based virtual world where players can log in and interact with eachother via console commands. LambdaMOO is a very old one (established 1991) with an interesting history.

HellMOO is based on the Lambda core, and quite possibly the greatest game ever made.

What are some of your favorite MUD's, /vr/?

>> No.3240297

>Who here likes to play MUD's?
>allow me to explain what they are, even though it doesn't make sense to after asking that question

>> No.3240302

A thread might be read by multiple persons, some of which may already know what a MUD is and some don't.

>> No.3240312

Any story about it? please describe some examples of how you play it.

>> No.3240315

I used to play on Darkwind pretty regularly. I actually have a development binder for it. I was pressured into becoming a wiz, but never had the time to contribute beyond bug fixes.

>> No.3240323

I'd love to be an admin on HellMOO, I have so many great ideas I'd like to implement. Like the masjid in Weezer (13899 on *id).

>> No.3240342

I don't know. Admin for a type of game that is more or less defunct just never seemed that great to me. I always did love playing. The community around DW was fantastic. I even met up with several people to play some 40K.

I still run into a few of them at gaming cons.

I think MUDs would be more appreciated by /tg/ than /vr/ though. I'm obsessed with both.

>> No.3240349

I played a bit of HellMOO, never got very good at it but it's amazing to me just how much depth there is.

I've played a few ASCII games, Stone Soup and Dorf Fortress mostly.

I'd like to get more into them, but it's also not especially easy since I don't know anybody whose interested in em.

>> No.3240350

i was in 3rd or 4th grade playing a Mud and I remember always hanging out around town because my kiddie brain wasn't good at keeping a mental map and too retarded to use gridded paper.

Anyway, I remember sitting in the "donation" room where people drop shit they don't need. I posted on the public board that someone should "clean up the donation room" because I couldn't sort through all the free stuff to find anything good, nor have the level/inventory space to do it myself.

some fossil of a neckbeard went on a long winded rant in reply to me about how I should do it myself and play the game.

but i was, just as an autistic babby

>> No.3240375

I'd very much like to play HellMOO offline, because it would allow me to jerk off to its questionable material without being in the virtual company of other people.

Is this possible through some sort of proxy server?

>> No.3240416

Anon, if other people are playing HellMoo chances are they're jerking off too.

>> No.3240431

Is Alter Aeon any good?

>> No.3240543

You should really just give it a shot. I was hesitant to play it at first but then I just went for it and I've absolutely loved the game and have played it a ton over the last month or two.

It's really great and the player base really isn't as bad as it's been made out to be in the past. Not to mention you're usually pretty safe around the areas you'll be at when you first start, so you don't really have to worry about other people messing with you.

As far as dirty stuff goes, there's almost always some really crazy shit going on somewhere, so nobody's really going to bat an eye if you decide to have some fun with the npcs or whatever else. Plus sometimes you can just shove them into a more secluded tile to do your business and nobody will ever know.

>> No.3240854 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3240960

Hot. :3

I actually haven't tried sex as a spivak yet. I bet there's some interesting text.

>> No.3241529


HellMOO sure was a trip. The first time I played it, I got recruited into a guild or whatever within minutes, and then a few members had me follow them to an island where they gangbanged me for like ten minute then killed me.

Wish it wasn't so grindy though.

>> No.3241572

One of my earliest HellMOO memories was hanging out at Any Port with like a dozen other people there, and then one guy filled the room with poison gas, killing anyone who didn't have a gas mask on (this was back before the zone system was implemented and you could literally kill anyone anywhere).

>> No.3241594 [DELETED] 

pls tell me you were female

>> No.3241606

>text based

this is a board for video games anon

>> No.3241610 [DELETED] 

I think that's implied. Males can't be raped, because rape is a means of asserting male dominance over women and other genders through sexual violence.

>> No.3241639 [DELETED] 

silly second wave feminist, third wave is best wave

>> No.3241660 [DELETED] 

well I hope it was at least a female irl who schlicked to the experience of being virtually raped

>> No.3241703 [DELETED] 

But what he posted WAS third-wave feminism.

Second-wave's stance on rape was that it should be illegal and they got anti-rape laws put into place to close loopholes such as there not being a self-defense excuse for attacking/killing a rapist in the act, or that it is impossible for a man to rape his wife - fairly reasonable stuff, unlike the crap third-wave has been spouting.

>> No.3241735 [DELETED] 


Nope, I was a guy. came buckets, too.

>> No.3242017

The last time I played a graphical MUD, the admin spazzed out and banned me because I wasn't LARPing enough. What a faggy genre. Should stay dead. >>>/v/

>> No.3242575

To this day I still don't get the point of MUDs.

It's like ERPing BUT wih command lines, no wonder it died when you can simply write stuff in a post without needing to use a shitload of commands just to say that you picked a glass of water.

>> No.3242590

Well, outside of places like HellMOO it was a place to get your D and D fix until you had a chance to get together with your regular gaming group.

>> No.3242639

So can I connect to these with just my terminal?
Do I connect to a server like with nethack?
Linux btw

>> No.3242668

Yes. Hell, these days I don't even use a dedicated terminal. I just connect through mudportal.com.

With in game aliasing I don't even miss my macros

>> No.3242686
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>To this day I still don't get the point of MUDs.
That's because you suck at them.

>> No.3242692


I used to like the AvP MUD.

There was an x-files one that showed promise, but community was too thin by the time I found it

>> No.3242901

Probably bait but using HellMOO as my main example,

You can do more than just ERP or RP in them, as they can offer a big persistent world that you can explore and do a ton of things in. It's like an MMO without graphics but way more depth.

If we want to use ERP as an example, the process of finding a partner and setting up a scene and playing it out in its own little contained thing between the two of you is a lot different compared to finding somebody to ERP with in games like this. From my experiences in here you could just walk down the street, wave to somebody, start chatting with somebody and it could lead to them pulling you off into some secret little area in the city to do dirty stuff in. Or in another case, I had a girl brought to me because I was a doctor and she needed some help. Brought her into my apartment, treated her and she kept coming back whenever she needed help so we could play doctor again.

Having these things unfold organically and entirely in game, sometimes blended together with game mechanics, feels a lot different than thinking up a scene with somebody and creating stuff that's only there when you're playing out that stuff. There's things you don't know and can explore, people you don't know, etc.

Also typing
>get glass
>drink glass
is literally easier to type than
>X picked up the glass of water and took a drink.
So I'm not sure what you're complaining about with commands

>> No.3242940

There are no more MUDs worth playing. Good ones all died, everything left is just p2w cash shop shit.

>> No.3242993

Are there actually MUDs with cash shops? Jesus Christ how horrifying

HellMOO is still pretty alive with around 100 people online at any given time and is totally free. I haven't messed with many others other than offshoots like Inferno so not sure how other MUDs are doing. I'd say it's worth playing though

While on the topic, PvP is actually still pretty open and you can kill even in green zones if you get creative. You just have to take advantage of the challenge system and not be afraid of that person or their friends coming for revenge while the challenge is issued.

The "opt out" corps are all dead and there's like a total of two nobodies who still play in them. Any Port's bartender offers a bit of extra protection though against basic shit like tossing grenades into the bar, so you'd have to get a bit more creative or Allahu Akbar it up if you want to kill everyone inside.

>> No.3244263

>tfw OOLing level 7s with your disposable 50
Anyone ever play Sanctuary?

>> No.3245283

It sux. No anon login allowed. BS. Hates my freedoms. >>>/g/

>> No.3245285
File: 9 KB, 821x665, no anon allow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit NSA shills y'all.

>> No.3245843

When I was younger I played a lot of Achaea. It was cool.