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File: 255 KB, 500x438, Turtles in Time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3239490 No.3239490 [Reply] [Original]

This game feels sloppy. I never sense I'm in full control.

I have to maneuver my Turtle with the D-Pad, and alternate which attacks I perform with the D-Pad, as well.
I can't get the hang of doing both at the same time, so I end up pulling off attacks I don't mean to execute.

Anyone else have this problem? Or did you get use to the controls the longer you played?

>> No.3239512

Fuck off back to /v/

>> No.3239514

Its because you are not playing the far, far superior version: Hyperstone Heist.

>> No.3239516

>Fuck off back to /v/
I came here to discuss a problem I'm having with a retro game. Perhaps to get tips from others on how to overcome what I may be doing wrong, and/or see if anyone else experienced the same issue.

My post is on topic and just fine.

>> No.3239518

>Its because you are not playing the far, far superior version: Hyperstone Heist.
Is there truth to this statement? Are the controls better in Hyperstone Heist?

>> No.3239520

You need to get gud. I was a master at this game when I was 5 years old, come on man.

>> No.3239526

>You need to get gud, come on man
Well, maybe that's why I'm posting this here. I'm generally curious if I'm doing something wrong, or if the gameplay actually is kinda flawed but never gets pointed out because it's a Turtles game everyone has played a million times and has memorized. Therefore they never notice anything wrong.

>I was a master at this game when I was 5 years old
And I could beat all the Mega Man 4 bosses using only my Buster Arm when I was five. Kids rule at video games.

>> No.3239538

It's a little touchy, there's not a lot I can say here except you need to get a feel for it. Some moves have longer presses than others. Try learning how to throw reliably first, that's the easiest one to get down.

>> No.3239592

>Genesis controls

>> No.3239608

Isn't it just like, three buttons?
Attack, Jump, and when running you can press one of the buttons to do a flip which is never needed.
Anyway, take a "fresh" foot soldier that hasn't been hit yet. Hit him once, take a very small quick step forward toward them, and then hit them again. You'll either slam them back and forth, or throw them at the screen. It'll kill them quicker and it's worth more points.

>> No.3239650

play hyperstone heist. way better.

>> No.3239656


No, just a dumb console war shitposter.
HH is a different game, not a "version" of Turtles in Time.

>> No.3239662

It's an improved version of TiT.

Much like how Dracula X on SNES is an inferior version of Rondo.

>> No.3239667


I know you're memeing, but it's funny because you are right comparing those games, HH is to TiT what DX is to Rondo.
Neither is superior or inferior to the other because both are different games.

You are just one dumb console war shitposter who has shitty childhood memories of only playing 1 of them, and now shitpost about it as an adult on a taiwanese cartoon board like an autist retard, misinforming newfags in the process.

>> No.3239682

nah nigga you said it backwards. he said hh:tit rob:dx

>> No.3239690


How do you even divide by games?

>> No.3239694

are you retarded?

>> No.3239696


You missed this part

>Neither is superior or inferior to the other because both are different games.

Saying which one is "superior" doesn't matter because it's his shitty fanboy opinion, the fact is that these games can not be compared side by side because they're different games.

Also, HH and Dracula X share the same "black sheep" status due to people actually believing that they're inferior versions of Turtles in Time and Rondo of Blood, don't care how much of a Sega fanboy you are, general opinion is that TiT is the best and HH is the "shit port", much like how the general opinion is that Rondo is better and DX is "shit port".

The sad thing about this is that some clueless people might be missing from playing those games because they actually believe those memes. If you like Rondo and Turtles in Time, there's a big chance you're going to enjoy HH and Dracula X, since they're similar, but also different, new games.
People who get polarizing opinions about one of them being "great" and the other "shit" are just shitty hyperbolic console warriors who don't even play games.

>> No.3240121

Not the guy you're arguing with, and I do agree both TMNT titles are different games. However, the definition of the word, version, means: "a particular form of something differing in certain respects from an earlier form or other forms of the same type of thing."
So Hyperstone Heist could be considered a different version of a TMNT game because of its different qualities. I think anon was comparing the two different games because they're both Turtles games. It makes more sense to compare Turtles in Time with Hyperstone Heist than say, Streets of Rage and Guardian Heroes.

>> No.3240140


Not that other guy, but I was one of those idiots who believed this until my friend forced me to sit down and play Dracula X. That game is literally dope as hell.

>> No.3240150

Dracula X is fucking sweet. I enjoy it more than Rondo.

>> No.3240151

>these games can not be compared side by side because they're different games
>things cannot be compared to each other unless they're EXACTLY THE SAME THING
Wow. You think you've read the dumbest thing on the Internet and then posts like this get made...

>> No.3240154

Duh, obviously the only things that can be compared to each other are things that are the same. Like the other day I was comparing Super Mario 64 to Super Mario 64.
>Super Mario 64 is greater than or at least equal to Super Mario 64

>> No.3240179


Me too anon

>> No.3240180


Learn to read nigger, he said they can't be compared side by side, not that they can't be compared.
The other anon saying "HH is the superior version of Turtles in Time" is inherently wrong.

>> No.3240186


Gasp, such heresy.
Me too.

>> No.3240193

Same fag. You're dumb as hell.

(Now edit a screenshot of this post and show us how well your MS Paint works.)

>> No.3240203

super mario 3 is the best version of sonic suck a dick, fag

>> No.3240208


You're dead wrong, the best version of super mario 3 is Toki.
why are you mad, though?

>> No.3240213

>there will never be a decent Turtles thread thanks to Sega vs Nintendo shitposting

Sometimes I really hate this hobby, at least the internet discussion aspect of it. It's always the same.

>> No.3240214

>You'll either slam them back and forth, or throw them at the screen.

Sounds like you don't know the controls either. Whether you slam or toss isn't random.

>> No.3240215

not mad i just wanted him to go out of his way to highlight the text to be told to suck a dick

>> No.3240218


Not samefag, but if believing so makes you feel better about yourself, be my guest, I don't care.
You still can't win the argument and you're dumb because of saying Hyperstone Heist is a version of Turtles in Time.

>> No.3240220


sounds mad and passive-aggressive as fuck to me

>> No.3240223

It was designed with a joystick in mind, so there's probably gonna be a bit less precision when playing with a d-pad. It might be worth it to buy a Super Advantage or something if you play a lot of arcade games for SNES, but it's not like TMNT IV or Street Fighter II are unplayable with a d-pad.

>> No.3240224

>you're dumb because of saying Hyperstone Heist is a version of Turtles in Time.
I never said it was. But if believing so makes you feel better about yourself, be my guest.

>> No.3240226

Nigger thread derailed by Niggers that can't shut up.

>> No.3240242

If you're playing the SNES version, you should wise up an play the one true superior version, which would be ARCADE.

>> No.3240251

you're spending too many replies convincing me of my anger, are you sure you're not mad?

>> No.3240256


No, i'm sleepy as hell and probably won't hit the bed until late night. Thanks for reading my blog

>> No.3240276

It still makes no sense. It's like calling Super Metroid a different version of Metroid. It's part of the same series sure. But it's an unrelated game. Different story, etc.

Now if you want to say Zero Mission is a different version of Metroid, then cool. You're correct. It's the same game and story with some enhancements.

>> No.3240280

night night

>> No.3240285

And the stupid thing, is that they're both great games, and since a huge portion of this board emulates anyways, there is absolutely no reason not to enjoy both games.

I suppose people need something to fight over. At least it's not politics.

Make gaming great again.

>> No.3240365

I can't stand the controls in TiT.

>> No.3240370

Try real hardware. Every SNES emulator I've tried has terrible input lag.

>> No.3240571

Honestly, Hyperstone is better. Run is mapped to a button so it makes doing combos easier, and there's a higher enemy count, like 200 more in HH.

Only get TiT if you care about the mode 7 special throw.

>> No.3240862

I agree to an extent. Like doing the throw into the screen or the other throw. I'm never 100% sure which one is gonna happen.

Which is important on the Shredder bit.

>> No.3241761

>actually playing the meme snes version
just play the original arcade version of mame ffs

>> No.3241785

>Every SNES emulator I've tried has terrible input lag.
It's not the emulator it's your LCD monitor

>> No.3241793
File: 90 KB, 1440x1080, facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every SNES emulator I've tried has terrible input lag.

>> No.3241816

>he thinks the arcade plays better
who is the meme now

>> No.3241818
File: 65 KB, 512x512, 1445965524903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread reaches its target audience
boy that water sure is wet

>> No.3241841

they ported this to xbox live arcade, ps4, etc. arcade version is much better plus it has netplay. and you can always play it on mame
but it does, git gud

>> No.3241845

this is the shittiest fucking thread I've read in awhile.

>> No.3241850

>but it does, git gud
i get that the arcade has higher quality visuals and sound, but at the end of the day that's it

consoles versions are more fair

>> No.3242869

>i blow dicks at this game

>> No.3245338

Turtles in Time is way overrated. Hypsterstone is a much better game. Play that one.

>> No.3245387

>someone having an opinion on a game means he sucks.
C'mon anon, don't do the things /v/ does.

>> No.3245741


They both suck tbqhf, just go play TMNT III The Manhattan Project on NES, it's the best turtles game.