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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3224658 No.3224658 [Reply] [Original]

Should I get this? I've got a 2 hour commute there and back to class twice a week for the next four years and I need my phone to not die before I get home.

It's in my price range, I'm really considering it.

>> No.3224663

If I see you riding my bus with this shit, I will not hesitate to scream 'nerd' at the top of my lungs.

>> No.3224670

and then we can play timespitter's 2 or something right

>> No.3224691

Get ready to have unwanted conversations with the most autistic of your fellow commuters.

>> No.3224692

Those things have horrible long term quality. Do not buy from Hyperkin, they're the worst. Look it up, there's lot of reports of units being DOA or soon after. I hear the Retro Duo portable isn't that bad if you still want something like this.

Personally I would recommend emulation. Maybe something like an Xperia Play. Plus it's a little more subtle.

>> No.3224694

go get that autism checked

>> No.3224695

Just get a psp and mod it, you can play games and don't need to haul game carts around.

Yes it's emulation, but for your scenario it's more practical.

>> No.3224718

dude the SNES emulator isn't perfect on PSP its barely passable NES/GBC/GBA/SMS/MD is great but SNES is not.

OP why don't you just get a fucking Powerbank for your phone?so you can charge it whenever?

>> No.3224721

or a dedicated android tablet for emulating. It will be much better than a psp if you mainly want to emulate SNES.

>> No.3224732


Phones don't come with controllers and the ones you attach usually suck. I think OP is going for ease of use. He wants his phone to be a phone and his handheld console to be a handheld console.

>> No.3224741

>If I see you riding my bus with this shit, I will not hesitate to scream 'nerd' at the top of my lungs.
See? That's why I always use headphones.

>> No.3224743

get a playstation portable and stop playing nintendo games like a child. play sega genesis.

>> No.3224746


You should not if you are above 13 and care about having a normal social life in the places you commute between.

>> No.3224756

Anon.please. Get a PSP, or a GCW Zero, or literally anything that has decent emulation.

Just buy a fucking GPD XD man.

>> No.3224774

OP here, thanks for the responses
I'm technologically inept so and I'm kind of fearful about breaking things when attempting to jailbreak
Might try a PSP, seems like the safest/cheapest option

>> No.3225073

I would recommend installing homebrew channel on a 3DS, the New model can handle SNES emulation quite well not to mention at the same time, you will have a dedicated portable console

>> No.3225082

If you want a portable emulator, just get a real portable emulator not this turboautist thing you have to cram a massive cart into. Its not gonna get you street cred when everyone sees you playing snes games.

>> No.3225094
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Just buy a $60 2DS from store.nintendo.com, and play some great games, period. If you want to emulate some NES or GB/C, you can get an 8$ Old DS flashcart from AliExpress, and you can get a bunch of good games on the Virtual Console if you want to spend a few bucks rather than jailbreak (which is totally cool, though some might think I'm a 'shill' for even suggesting it). Not to mention the enormous back catalog of original DS games, many of which are solid remakes of /vr/'s greatest hits.

>> No.3225215

You'll look like a turboautist with that thing. Get a bloody PSP or a Dingoo.

>> No.3225217

just get a gpd-xd or a pyra

or get a new-3ds and hack it

>> No.3225883

I would dead ass get up in your fucking face for him and probably knock you out. Don't fuck with people.

>> No.3225897

Shit is not practical at all, either emulate that shit on your phone or get a small android tablet. Just get a nice controller to pair with your phone/tablet.

>> No.3225901


Here's a better idea. When you're on the bus and crap, put your phone in Airplane mode. You can't receive or send calls, but your battery will literally last for days. I'd be surprised if you even used 5% by the time your commute is over.

>> No.3225906

I'd get one of those smartphone controllers instead and emulate. This is just not very practical and the screen resolution is butts.

>> No.3225915

You should spend that time studying instead. You can play video games once you have the high paying job. Stop wasting your time.

>> No.3225916
File: 67 KB, 485x700, bitch what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>studying on transit

>> No.3225921

If you can pay attention to video games you can pay attention to studies

>> No.3225923

>You should spend that time studying instead
Have you ever used public transport?
I have for the past 5 years every day 2h commute.

>> No.3225925

Oh i see you are just a contrarian.
My bad,carry on with your bs.

>> No.3225927

A child could jailbreak a PSP, it's as easy as dragging a file to the memory card and executing it.

>> No.3225931

Ear plugs or music m8. Set a timer for about 10 min before you get off. Make sure you have a seat. There you go m8. You can even study on your phone. I commuted to uni 2-3 hours every day for 4 years and studied with flash cards and audio books. It takes more focus to drive the beltway homie.

>> No.3225936


Not him, but honestly I never crammed right up until the last minute. Best to relax right before you get in, so you're fresh and ready to go. You don't need to study on transit if you study properly/take notes properly/etc.

>> No.3225940


>> No.3226003
File: 51 KB, 500x481, ipega-controller-4-500x481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one works fine for me. I use it with my samsung galaxy.

>> No.3226015

My supaboy still works fine, but the FC mobile II I own is slowly dying. So, yeah, their quality is not very consistent...

>> No.3226091

>Make sure you have a seat

Implying that's in any way a practical suggestion. I haven't had a seat on the train in my entire life.

>> No.3226350

You're all overreacting. People his age will still remember the SNES as a console from their childhood, and everyone else won't give a fuck. In fact, as long as he doesn't use the speakers, people will probably be GLAD that he's playing that thing and not doing the shit most bus riders do.

OP, use something besides the SupaBoy. Hyperkin products are hot trash, and there's no sense restricting yourself to one console if you're gonna emulate anyway.

>> No.3226373

Not retro, but I recommend getting a DS LITE.
Very Small.
can play GBA games

>> No.3226381

If you really want that hipster cred tho get a SEGA NOMAD

>> No.3226394

Get a 3DS and a Supercard DS2 Plus. Can emulate tons of shit. And you can have the entire original DS collection. All on one microSD.

>> No.3226491

Don't get it. The quality is mediocre, plus you will look like a total nerd playing that giant contraption in public. Assuming you don't already have a sizable SNES collection, emulation would be a much better decision anyways since many of the SNES' best games will run you upwards of $40 each.

Wow, you really scared me tough guy!

>> No.3226671


>> No.3226679

The snes emulation isn't even that bad. Yeah there's better options for snes itself, but all the other good stuff about its capabilities and it's cheap as well.

>> No.3226694
File: 251 KB, 1400x1351, moga pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moga Pro (pictured) or Moga Hero are apprently good and they have a battery built in so you can charge your phone while you use it. If you're just playing RPG's and don't mind the touch screen then I'd say just get a battery pack for your phone, they're super cheap these days.

Those SupaBoy's are fuckhuge and your games will look better on your phone. You could also consider an Xperia Play. PSP won't do SNES too well. New 3DS will but it's more expensive than the SupaBoy.

>> No.3226801
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No one's hiring, cunt.

>> No.3226818

Thanks, Baby Boomers!

>> No.3227032


Is it that easy now?! I remember years back it was a fucking pain to hack a PSP, unless your PSP was one of the old ones.

>> No.3227075

Emulate, or I will hire some homeless people beat your skull in and take your super rare cart for $20.

>> No.3227079

That thing looks chintzy as hell.

Moga has a very poor reputation for quality, look up some reviews online.

>> No.3227083

Don't listen to the people here. The PSP is fucking trash for SNES emulation.

>> No.3227112

> caring about what other people play like a child

>> No.3227116

kek. No you wouldn't. Even if you did you'd get your ass knocked out.

>> No.3227118

Nobody's hiring fat unskilled pampered video gamers?

Holy shit. What changed?

>> No.3227120

>probably knock you out
pleb living in a non concealed carry state or cucked anti-gun country detected

>> No.3227123


>> No.3227132


>> No.3227137

>i work as mcd because i didnt study

You say one thing but your assumptions give you away. No one said, or even implied, that you should cram. But the fact that you jumped to that conclusion shows you don't take your own advice.

>> No.3228662


>> No.3228717
File: 601 KB, 2977x2198, 1463702242308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not defending boomers but holy fuck this comment am I on tumblr this shit is pure cringe

>> No.3228721

I'll just repeat what I say in every SupaBoy thread.

If you're going to play anything that only inputs straight left-right, up-down, cool. I played Act Raiser on it with no problem.

If you're going to play anything that inputs eight directions (ex: Super Metroid, pointing upwards while walking), you're fucked. The D-Pad is absolutely disgusting.

>> No.3228738

Forgot to add: that advices runs if you ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY MUST FALL for the retro portable meme.
I did in a time were I had too much disposable income at my hand and little common sense, and I used it literally twice (yeah, Act Raiser and Super Metroid) before putting it back in a box and getting it out of my sight because of how dissapointed I was for voluntarily trading hard earned money for this piece of shit. It's actually a stepping stone on my adult life, it made me realize how low you can fall getting videogame crap because you think it'll be cool but deep down you know it has a zero common sense design. If you want to spare your phone's battery, get a portable charger, it's a better purchase however you see it.

(But it's your decision. If you're still set on a SupaBoy, well... it has a crappy D-Pad. Don't play Metroid on it.)

>> No.3228750

I have one its pretty cool but its large and hard to hold for a long time so i wouldnt bring it anywhere public like a bus