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File: 11 KB, 320x240, sega.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3222817 No.3222817 [Reply] [Original]

How do you pronounce SEGA?


>> No.3222839



Service Games

>> No.3222849

So you pronounce games like "Gawhms" instead of "Gayms"?

>> No.3222854

Thread ends here


>> No.3222861


>> No.3222873


>> No.3222876


>> No.3222878
File: 64 KB, 736x520, adefbe9ab6581eff176ca53f30921c37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point in this thread when they say Sega at the beginning of like all of their games?

There's really little room for this discussion when everybody already knows the proper way to pronounce it.

I'm going to go with Say-Guh

I'm pretty sure the first two could be read the same, but some people might say s -eh-guh


Now go home.

Pic is only Sega related image I had

>> No.3222883


>> No.3222891

These are pronounced differently?

>> No.3222895

I didn't think so, but OP might have mean't it with emphasis on the "eh" or something

>> No.3222903

sonic 2 intro says "SAY-GUH"

but when i'm speaking in my normal inflection it's more like "seh-guh"

>> No.3222917

If you treat it like they're Japanese syllables, it's "seh," but it seems like even the Japanese stylize it as "say-guh."

>> No.3222929

The Japanese "se" IS pronounced exactly the same as "say" though. Why do you even bother opening your dumb fucking mouth when it's obvious you have absolutely no fucking idea what you're talking about? Get fucked, retard.

>> No.3222932

Me mates in the land down under always called them SIIIIIIIIIIIIEEE-GAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRR

>> No.3222936

Either "Seh-Guh" or "Say-Guh" are acceptable.
The entire 2nd sentence in this post was unnecessary, unwarranted, and not helpful at all.

>> No.3222950

If it was meant to be "say" it'd have the i syllable with it, e.g. Saint Seiya.

cf. "sentai"

>> No.3222967

I used to pronounce it like "Sah-Guh", but now that I know Sega means Service Games I pronounce it "Say-Gay".

>> No.3222975

You must not have a fucking Genesis. Its SAY GA. Nobody ever had a problem saying it. If they did they were retarded.

>> No.3222976

What if Sonic pricked you?

>> No.3222981

Why does this fucking thread come up so often? Have none of you cunts played any Genesis games that say "Sega" at the start?

>> No.3222986


>> No.3223003

>people hear what they want to hear from a low quality sound clip due to bias
i forget the name of this phenomenon

>> No.3223009


>> No.3223091

That's not how that works, the "i" sound is it's own and it's pronounced the way you pronounce "E".


>> No.3223101


C Jay

Like how Ghibli is pronounced Jibli

>> No.3223118


saabisu gamu

It's the 1st two syllables of the Japanese garaigo terms

>> No.3223163

There is a reason why the console say SEEEEGGAAAA when you boot your game.

>> No.3223176

>How do you pronounce SEGA?


>> No.3223183

Strictly speaking yes, but we're talking about a compound vowel sound. The "e" sound in Japanese is entirely flat; you need to add another vowel to construct what you generally need a "y" for in English.

When you have the vowel sounds close to one another in Japanese, you're not necessarily going to enunciate every bit of it. You wouldn't say "se iiii," you'd just pronounce it "say," just as "u" sounds are often dropped.

>> No.3223210

Except Sega has never been saabisu gamu. It was Service Games, then Sega, and then acquired by the Japanese, so as far as how to pronounce Sega we should let the Americans take the lead on this, and I say this as a non-American.

>> No.3223215


it's geemu.

Sega should be pronounced "Sah-Geh".

>> No.3223240

God dammit same thread every month.

>> No.3223254
File: 123 KB, 761x1500, saygar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3223619

It's pronounced seh-gah, but here in Italy they changed it to see-gah because Sega means "jacking off"

>> No.3223629


Lol whatever, I don't actually claim to know Japanese. Anyway, I think it's pronounced Seh-gah, considering they practically yell it at the beginning of every game you turn on.

Sega, rhymes with Vega

>> No.3223639


also: In german it's pronounce with a voiced S, as in "rose" (not as voiced as in "gaze and not as unvoiced as in "race")

>> No.3223649

Say-gay, because I'm not a dweeb.

>> No.3223675

Maybe I'm wrong or maybe is the fact that I'm not from the US and I speak Spanish but for me it's "seh-gah" because it's the literal way to read the word here

>> No.3224075

>I'm going to go with Say-Guh
This is what I have always said, because it's definitely what the 16-bit voices always sounded like to me, back in the day.

But lately, I've noticed this militant "seh-ga" movement going on. I didn't know a single kid who pronounced it that way when I was young. We all said "Say-guh" because that's what we heard every time we started our consoles up.

>> No.3224168

autists arguing over the name of a shit tier company, shocking

>> No.3224489


S, flat 'e', g, flat 'a' like in 'afterwards'

>> No.3224558

ahhhhhhhhhh SEGA!


>> No.3224592

"barter" is a better example for "a", as it doesn't become /ä/ in dialects. S can be voiced or unvoiced, I assume you mean unvoiced. I honestly can't think of an english word with a good clean "e" in it...

>> No.3224780


Only stupid Aussies pronounce it wrong (they say See Gah) even the games themselves pronounce it for you when you start them up and they still can't get it right.

>> No.3224784


Like the idiots who use the term Shmups and try to rewrite history when nobody even said that dumb shit back in the day. When are they gonna start calling Beat 'em Ups bmups?

>> No.3225338

We call "beat 'em ups" belt scrollers. But I personally prefer to refer to them as a strolling donnybrooks.

>> No.3225413


Now a semi-related story

>in my language, the word "blind" and sega are phonetically identical.
>I remember getting my md for Christmas at my grandparents house and firing up Sonic 1.
>a few seconds into the game and the sega chant plays
>my grandmother(who is blind) got really fucking pissed off
>she screamed at my grandfather and wanted him to break my md
>told her hell no and asked my grandpa to take me to my parents house
>play sonic 1 at home, it was a damn good game

The thing is, whenever I play sonic 1 I always remember this memory and I get some laughs out of it every now and then.

>> No.3225417


No, we don't fucking call beat em ups belt scrollers. Fuck off weeb.

>> No.3225420

what fucking language

>> No.3225425



>> No.3225426


>> No.3225428

Yes we fucking do you goddamn newfag.

>> No.3225432

Shut the fuck up It was always beat 'em ups.

>> No.3225758

lmao do you say sensei as sayn-say-ee?

>> No.3225775

C'est gay.

>> No.3225960


Sea-Gar confirmed.

>> No.3226176

Well not anymore newbie newfaggerton. We call 'em belt scrollers around here nowadays.

>> No.3226186
File: 67 KB, 485x700, bitch what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not that guy, but nope. Stop trying to force your shitty meme's weebo. Calling other people newfag just makes you look like one because before last year when we had an influx of shitty /v/irgins, no one ever said beltscroller so fuck off.

>tfw don't care that some salty jap from the 80's call it belt scroler

Stay mad.

>> No.3226196

You cannot stop the belt scroller meme. I as a weeboo from /v/ will not allow it.

>> No.3226201


Don't worry, me and others will be in your thread to shit it up. See ya soon.

>> No.3226234

it's a japanese company so "se" like in "same" or "sex" and "ga" like "gutter" "gunner"

>> No.3226236

L'ar en cie Gay.
or was it Dir en Gay?

>> No.3226564

But why call it beltscroller?
I mean, I ger the scroller part, but why 'belt'?

>> No.3226629
File: 129 KB, 1024x500, belt-scroller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3226683

Ok, but that rises even more questions.
If both player character and enemies are on the same belt, they both slide to the left side.
Also, in many games you proceed a bit forward, and are forced to defeat all enemies until you can go further. That whole 'start, stop, start, stop' over and over again doesnt really feel like a conveyor belt to me.
It would make more sense while describing games like r-type, where everything is thrown at your face all the time, both scenery and enemies.
Going by your example, every game preventing you from backtracking could be named a beltscroller.

>> No.3226776
File: 449 KB, 720x564, 2009-03-26-152533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows STG games are just models on strings.

>> No.3226828

So how does this analogy work for games like Double Dragon where there's verticality, then? Are we going to call those globe scrollers, then?

>> No.3226879

gross, this is wayy better

>> No.3227073

This was a shit tier thread anyways so nothing of value was lost when I shit it up.

> Don't worry, me and others will be in your thread to shit it up. See ya soon.

Well I guess I'll see you then. I'm looking forward to it faglord.

>> No.3227289

Great thread and posts all around, keep it up guys.

>> No.3227367

>That whole 'start, stop, start, stop' over and over again doesnt really feel like a conveyor belt to me.
Nigger you never worked in a factory

>> No.3227603


Seaga Meaga Drive

>> No.3227636
File: 123 KB, 500x363, tumblr_lzo71qUBZk1qhi6zlo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this.


>> No.3227646

It's pronounced セガ. Why are people still talking about this?

>> No.3227657

Like this:


>> No.3227725

>It's pronounced セガ

Yeah but it's hard for people who speak languages like english to pronounce that.

Seygay? Saw-Gey? Suh-Gee? See-Guh? Too many possibilities.

>> No.3227774


>> No.3227943

Have you never played a Genesis game before?

>> No.3227982

What's the Bible got to do with videogames?