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3217350 No.3217350 [Reply] [Original]

Retro games you've played as a kid and still haven't beaten to this day

>No rings for a two part boss fight

Fucking how.

>> No.3217361


Ninja Gaiden III

I've beaten the shit out of 1 and 2, but seriously 3 has some long long ass levels sometimes and some seriously tough bosses. Maybe I just need to git gud. sigh

>> No.3217365

Don't feel bad. I don't think I've beaten Metal Sonic either. The first game is better.

>> No.3217369 [DELETED] 

same senpai. Don't think I ever beat it. (I know now there is a cheap way to kill him).

Also never gotten all the jewels in either 1 or 2.

>> No.3217379

Play the Japanese version. It has unlimited continues and even a password system

>> No.3217383


Seconding NGIII. I'd be more motivated to power through it time and time again if the game was as good as the prior games and not such weird float-jumpy shite.

Also, Ghosts and Gobilns and Battletoads.

>> No.3217396

Castlevania 1 is my white whale. Death has always kicked my shit in and I'm just not able to alter my playstyle into everyone's recommended "Get Triple Holy Water" bit because I fucking hated using any of the subweapons except for the clock MAYBE. IF I was feeling particularly like-a-bitch-y.

>> No.3217407

>Fucking how.

Jump and hit its torso when he is inbetween steps and the spikes are not too forward. You can get something like 7 hits in before he first flies up. Then another as it falls down twice in a row, then it repeats the pattern.

And for the robot sonic, as it comes down, go in the right corner, take two steps to the left, charge up a spindash. Then let the spindash go when the robot curls up. You just scored 4 hits on him, which is half the fight - you can do the other 4 doing a low jump and bouncing on its head, you can kill him before the timer reaches 0:14. If you can't land 4 hits, his next pattern is dashing without spinning, so you can literally spindash through him for 2 more easy hits. I don't remember the rest of his patterns well (there's a ground spin, a jumping spin, and a jumping spin where he shoots spikes, but I don't know the order), because I never fight that thing for so long.

S2 final boss music is the tits by the way.

>> No.3217415

Sonic 2 last boss isn't too bad, although I'll admit I looked up the pattern to beat it the first time.

Now the Sonic 2 special stages, they can go fuck themselves. Still haven't got the emeralds, and my autism dictates that I have to do it with Sonic & Tails, or I'm taking the easy way out.

>> No.3217420

>Fucking how.

>> No.3217427

I remember having rings when you first get to it but then it's no rings if you died and had to try again. Am I right on that? I can't remember.

>> No.3217434

Nah, new level so no rings.

>> No.3217459

This and Metropolis Zone makes Sonic 2 the hardest classic Sanic game.

>> No.3217497


I am going to do this, thank you.

>> No.3217562
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Too much cryptic bullshit for me to handle.

>> No.3217565

that's sonic 3

>> No.3217569

s3k rather
sonic 3 alone let you have rings I think

>> No.3219726

Only two years ago did I actually manage to beat that fucker

I only ever got past the boss of Spring Yard Zone in Sonic 1 once I think

>> No.3219769

Super Mario Bros.

World 8 wrecks my shit if I'm lucky enough to get there. Doesn't help I'm unable to do the infinite 1-up trick.

>> No.3220108

How did you guys manage to beat NG1? I can't get to the last stage without ragequitting every time.

>> No.3220283 [DELETED] 

My sempai (who I think is worse at videogames than me) managed to beat Death without the holy water quick kill. I think he had triple boomerangs though.

Anyway, if sempai can beat Death then so can you.

>> No.3220645


I fucking hate this shit, especially if I'm Super/Hyper Sonic and I accidentally fall off the bottomless pit

>> No.3220958

Don't get hit. I know how easy it is to get lazy and use rings as a crutch, I do it myself. But for just one level learning to not get hit is really not that hard.

>> No.3220969


Simply trial and error, and lots and lots of patience.

>> No.3221059

Are you stuck on Jacquio? Stay on the ground when he shoots his fireballs and dodge them there and only get airborne to take a shot at him as he passes by. Jumping makes the flames much harder to dodge.

>> No.3221176
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lord of the sword

fuck this game

>> No.3221191
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>> No.3221193

Woah, I haven't played this in years. If I remember well you have one or two continues, that I used on the most annoying bosses. Some giant on an island and a demon in a dungeon.

It was a tough game but I managed to beat it. Keep at it, anon!

>> No.3222201
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>Never beat Sonic 2
And miss the finest ending in retro gaming?

>> No.3222979

Gunstar Heroes on Expert

fuck you seven force

>> No.3223714

Yea if you think there are rings on that stage yoy been playing the 3ds version on easy mode.

>> No.3223851

I used to rage quit at him all the time, the I did a recent run as Knuckles in Sonic 2 and he's actually quite easy. Stand as far to the left as possible, let him shoot his arms at you, the when he jumps in the air and targets you, get as far right as possible, spin dash to left as he falls (you'll have to learn the timing), the hit him in the chest as his body bends forwards AND ONLY when its bending forwards, or you'll go right through him and die instantly hitting his spike hands. Repeat like 16 times and you're done. You've just got to be slow and methodical - I wouldn't blame you at all for not assosicating those with a Sonic game, especially the earlier ones where all boss fights were "hit the enemy as much as possible, you won't die" until the last bosses where it became "watch us for 30 seconds before you get a 2 second chance to attack, do this 20 times".

>> No.3223869
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Robot sonic isn't really a boss, he's so easy I feel sorry for him.

>that mix of songs

>> No.3223891

Revenge of Shinobi - that maze level before the end. A combination of the memorization needed, slow transitions and hurrying music makes for a frustrating end to my play throughs. A shame as the rest is pretty amazing.

Sonic 2 Death Egg is fairly easy once you learn the patterns.

>> No.3224198
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>watching that ending for the first time as a kid

>> No.3224202

The only part of the game I hate is that goddamn harbor level.

>> No.3224213

Super Mario Bros is the first video game I ever played, and ironically it's one of the few NES games I own that I still cannot beat.

I can beat any other Mario game (except Lost Levels) in my sleep, I can beat Mega Man 1 and Contra, but for some reason I always choke on SMB.

>> No.3224215

I haven't beaten most games I play. For whatever reason, I'll get to the end of the game and stop playing.

>> No.3224217

He's an easy boss if you play it safe, but he takes so many hits that you get bored and start taking risks to hit him more often.

>> No.3224243
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>Super Mario Bros is the first video game I ever played, and ironically it's one of the few NES games I own that I still cannot beat.
Which part of the game are you getting stuck on? Is it the Hammer Bros. in world 8-3, by any chance? I find them harder to dodge because they're on flat ground.

>> No.3224246

It's not even a specific part, I just start making mistakes and losing lives gradually through World 8.

>> No.3224251

Not anon but I haven't managed to clear it yet and I remember getting stuck around 8-2 or 8-3.

>> No.3224253
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>Everyone loving the Sonic 2 ending
Let's watch it!


>> No.3224258

World 8 is definitely the toughest part of the game. What's the hardest NES game you guys have beaten?

>> No.3224262

Currently on my White Whale shelf:
Ikari Warriors 2 (Mostly because I can't bring myself to play it for more than 15 minutes. This game blows)
Legacy of the Wizard
Fester's Quest
Deadly Towers
Dragon Warrior
Snake's Revenge
Pinball Quest
Milon's Secret Castle
RC Pro-Am
ST2 Zoda's Revenge
Ultima: Quest of the Avatar
Wizards and Warriors

to be continued...

>> No.3224267

I'm not sure about hard, Megaman and Batman?

>> No.3224280

Jurassic Park
Splatterhouse 2
The Faery Tale Adventure

Darius Gaiden
Dark Savior

Blue Stinger
Crazy Taxi

Majora's Mask (Never even started it)
Star Wars Rogue Squadron
Starfox 64
South Park
Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness

More coming

>> No.3224281
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>Megaman and Batman
If you can beat Mega Man and Batman, you can beat Super Mario Bros. Maybe you're just losing your patience too quickly. Have you tried using the extra lives trick on world 3-1?
If you're a purist, and rather not win that way, are you aware of the extra life near the beginning of world 8-2? That usually helps me make it through.
Here. I circled it on this screenshot for you.

>> No.3224283

god 8-2 is so bullshit, even with the infinite lives it just keeps going on and on until you die for that damn spring jump, for some strange reason i always found 8-3 a lot easier

>> No.3224294

>Not posting the superior Sonic 2 with the best ending in the series

I just love that sound chip

>> No.3224296

Wing Commander
Wario's Woods
Breath of Fire II
Q*bert 3
Donkey Kong Country
Castlevania IV

Parasite Eve
Parasite Eve 2
Vandal Hearts
Wild Arms 1 and 2
The Legend of Dragoon
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
Suikoden 1 and 2
Romance of the 3 Kingdon's IV
Brave Fencer Musashi
Sol Divide
Beyond the Beyond
Chrono Trigger
Chrono Cross
Crash Bandicoot
Crash 3
Destruction Derby
FF 4, 5. 8, 9
Intelligent Qube
Abe's Oddysee
Project Overkill
Space Hulk: Vengeanve of the Blood Angels
Silent Hill
Syphon Filter
Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat

Why do I buy games so much faster than I can ever clear them?

>> No.3224319

I actually have no idea about the extra lives trick on world 3-1 whatever it is.

>> No.3224339

you could also just use a turtle shell

>> No.3224346

>I actually have no idea about the extra lives trick on world 3-1 whatever it is.
Here ya go. It's easier than it looks once you get the hang of doing it.

>> No.3224350

Also, I should probably explain how it works. You keep tapping the A button rapidly.

>> No.3224370

I'm enjoying final fight guy (mainly because I love the rites of spring / fugazi connection) but are mike and cody better characters to get gud as or does it not make a difference?

>> No.3224380

Time Lord

>> No.3224458

I had an NES in elementary school and I never beat the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game. I could get through the dam/underwater section, but I always ended up getting lost in the city and couldn't figure out how to move forward in that area.

I should try it again sometime. I haven't tried playing in since I was 9 years old.

>> No.3226034

SNES Shadowrun--mainly because I can't talk to Drake before Kitsune attacks him.

>> No.3226046

ninja gaiden 2 is one of my favorite games but i've never beaten it. recently i got to the last level but i was so irritated by that point that i gave up. oh well.

>> No.3226074

Sonic 2's last boss is buggy as shit but he's not that hard. If you wait until he's upright to attack him you'll never jump through him. It takes a couple of minutes but it's nothing too extreme.

Metal Sonic can be beaten in seconds if you know what to do. When he lands on the right side of the screen, do a short jump onto his head and hit him three times. Repeat this twice.

>> No.3226113


Next time, just pause the game for about an hour and come back. I've beat the absolute balls out of 1 and 2, but I could never beat 3. I'm currently running through it now.

>> No.3226129

>tfw never really had a problem beating a game
Dunno guys. All I can say is stop being a gurl gamur?

>> No.3226141


Not saying sonic is hard or anything but why don't you go try to play some actual hard retro games and get back to us.

>> No.3226143


I know this feeling, I'm trying to break that habit.

>> No.3226461
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>> No.3226473

For me I sometimes do it because if I beat it it's done, but if I leave it unfinished I still have the potential to have just as much fun without feeling like I'm wasting my time on something I've already beaten.
It's kind of a stupid thought but there it is.

>> No.3226498

I usually wait until he's bending over from landing to hit him, the way Knuckles has to do it. It takes a long time but the hitbox on his claws while he's walking is too fucking ambiguous for me.

>> No.3226502

What clicked for me is memorizing when I have to jump, since the "balls" always go in the same order. When he moves I think to myself "jump, stay, stay, jump..." for example. I forgot the order now but once I memorized it the boss become manageable.

>> No.3226515

Friday the 13th on NES

One day a few buds and I decided to get drunk, delegate characters to people and play. We made it past round 1 Jason but with just one person alive and he killed the last person on the first screen on round 2 right after leaving the cabin.

I had never even beat him once as a kid so this was a small victory.

>> No.3226540

took me like 4 hours to beat the last stage. The key to killing Jacquio is get a fuckton of ninpo, and use the flame powerup. if you die, you get to keep half your ninpo, and all the lamps refill on the room refill their stock. use that to your advantage

>> No.3226553

What level's are you stuck on? NG3 is definitely harder due to its limited continues, but IMO the level design doesn't require as much precision in NG1

>> No.3226572

i couldn't get past the wild west stage. It sucks too because the music is so good in that game I fucking love the opening theme.

>> No.3226579

at least post the real song anon


>> No.3226597

did you get the jester to help you?

>> No.3226620

Mega Man 2 and Castlevania 1. Both are among may favorite NES games (probably in my top 5) and I have yet to beat them.

Fuck this boss. It's the farthest I've ever gotten in MM2.

As for Castlevania, I've only ever reached the final stage, never up to Dracula though.

I bet I could do it, but I simply just don't play games enough.

>> No.3226627
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This boss.

>> No.3226658

If it makes you feel better I didn't beat SMB until the GBC Deluxe came out (1989-1999, damn). Beat 3, when I was like 9. It was the pits in 8-1. 8-2 and 8-3 just take practice. 8-3's hardest part is the hammer bros section, but if you can manage to get both power ups, you'll be fine for the rest of 8-3 and 8-4.

NGIII gets kind of stupid on later levels. It's not so much git gud as it is the game won't stop throwing shit at me. Still love it, not as much as two.

I still haven't beaten Wizards and Warriors II. There's some things I could do to make Icefire Mountain a bit easier, but I'll pass.

With that said, given it's meme status, how come nobody ever complains about Rat Race in Battletoads, and sticks to fucking stage 3's shit?

>> No.3226685

Castlevania 3

Falling blocks always eat at my lives so I have to beat the boss on one try. Bar that...Dracula's pretty ridiculous.

Dracula X

I can get to Dracula just fine but Drac himself is just ridiculous.

>> No.3226706
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This guy's annoying as shit. If you don't wind up with the right amount of crash you're hosed.

For me, pic related. I've been trying to beat Special Cup 150cc for about two weeks, trying two to three times a day. Holy fuck is it hard.

>> No.3226732

Same guy you replied to here.

That game is brutal. Goes from comfy to come-the-fuck-on in a matter of 50cc to 100cc, and even more so in 150cc.

It's one of those things where yes, you do need to git gud, but it only takes one fuck-up to make you have to start the whole cup again from that you were doing fine with otherwise.

I did manage to achieve it though.

Also, Koopa for life.

>> No.3226746

>If you don't wind up with the right amount of crash you're hosed.

Then after you die, refill your crash bombs from the enemies that spawn from the wall later in the level. All the walls you break stay broken unless you game over. Anyone should be able to brute force it in two tries.

>> No.3226763

>I can get to Dracula just fine but Drac himself is just ridiculous.

Protip: don't take any hits or fall into pits.

>> No.3226793

It isn't that it's hard, just irritating. I hate having to kill myself to start over like that.

>> No.3226845

Try Sonic 3. Big Arm is an absolute nightmare. I finally managed to do it, but fuck me, it took me so long and I would have given up if not for the save system.

The key to all bosses, ofc, is learning the pattern. The problem with Big Arm is those spikes on top of his visor and the fact your position to him will always be different with each and every time he swoops down, which makes it absolutely impossible to learn a sort of pattern to timing your jumps and hitting his weak spot. Even with Super Sonic he's a nightmare because if he grabs you he'll make you lose all your rings.

>> No.3227783

Pain. So much pain.
But so worth it when you win.

>> No.3227919

it will always be the same spot if you're in the same place moving in the same direction at the same velocity, your actions always control the actions of all enemy characters, whether you have awareness of it or not. If you restarted the game and took the same actions at the same frames everything would occur exactly the same.

>> No.3227921

Seven force isn't even the hard part though, the fucking shooting stage in the space ship is

>> No.3227938

Mortal Kombat 2
KOF 94 and 95
Parasite Eve
Chrono Trigger

>> No.3227939

And even if you can get past that, Orange, Black and Green are nightmarishly difficult on expert.

I've gotten to Green on expert once, and he thoroughly trounced me with his superior ninja skills. Of course, Green's a real bitch on Hard too. I'd even go so far as to say he's harder than Golden Silver on most difficulties.

>> No.3227957

Holy fuck I hate Orange so goddamn much

Grappling characters really piss me off, being picked up and thrown with no escape is fucking infuriating.

>> No.3227958

I came to the thread to talk shit like "how can you not beat Sonic 2" but then I realized I never got all the emeralds either. That sixth special stage is absurd.

>> No.3227963

I've played FF6 to the world of ruin three separate times and never beat it

>> No.3227967

Any megaman game before 8. I ALMOST beat 3 but gave up. Just too much shit to dodge.
>mfw I knew a heroin addict that could beat megaman literally while carrying on 2 separate conversations and barely looking at the screen.
>I mentioned it once and he said "lol I memorized them when I was a kid, look Im not even trying lol"
>He then proceeded to beat an entire level only looking at it 5 times during the level, once at the boss and only died once
He got clean and cant do it anymore

>> No.3227981

I'm almost totally certain that when I beat Orange Green and Black on Expert I actually didn't use my gun at all, and exclusively used slides, ledge kicks, throws, and jump kicks instead.

You could also always cheese it on two player by throwing your partner and having them use a jump kick after getting thrown, which does like a hundred damage or something ridic like that.

>> No.3227986

I remember having a bitch of a time when I first got to that boss but once you figure out how to shoot right through with a long low jump he's dispatched easily.

The very final boss is harder and follows a similar mechanic

>> No.3228031

Orange isn't so bad if you're good at throwing and body-slamming him (and not getting hit by that one attack that takes off 50 vitality), but I can't imagine trying to do that with Black, and I don't think I've ever beaten Green without guns (but then again, I've never beaten him on expert).

>You could also always cheese it on two player by throwing your partner and having them use a jump kick after getting thrown, which does like a hundred damage or something ridic like that.

Maybe I should try it with Blue instead of Red next time and see if I do any better - I do remember the drop kick dealing more damage.

>> No.3228067

World 8-3 can go fuck itself and the "no checkpoint" rule for World 8 makes it even worse.

>> No.3228074

The timing is to jump into him as soon as you hear his footstep. Then back up until the next footstep, then jump again.

>> No.3228175

I remember how suprised I was to see the credits scene in Crazy Taxi. I didn't know the game had an ending or that you could even beat an arcade game.

>> No.3229776

X-men II clone wars (what a great game)
Adventures of batman and robin
The flinstones (I think?)
Golden Axe II
Road Rashes
Robocop vs Terminator
Sonic 2
Lion King
Alien Soldier
Mrs Pacman
Double Dragon II Rosetta's Stone (fucking shite)
Moonwalker (>ooooh)
Mickey Mania Timeless Adventure (masterpiece)
Taz-mania (the mine level haunted me in my sleep)
Jungle Book
Spider-man vs Kingpin
Spiderman and Venom
Jurassic Park
Shove it!
Goofy's Hysterical History Tour
James Bond the duel
Home Alone 2 (last level come on)
Championship Pro-AM
Wrestle War
Afterburner 2
Asterix and Obelix Power of Gods (dat classical)
Caesars Palace
Ecco Jr
Revenge of shinobi
Super Battletank
Top Gear 2
Side Pocket
Road Blasters
Double Dragon (shite)

>> No.3229790
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>> No.3229943

King Arthur's World. Lovely game but gets rock towards the end. I remember seeing it reviewed on Gamesmaster and the guy even said "you won't complete it". How right he was.

Zombies [Ate My Neighbours] as well. By level 40-something it just gets silly.

Earthworm Jim. I ended up smashing up my cart and, the more I think about that stupid submarine level, the more I'm still glad I did - over 20 years later. Fuck that game.

>> No.3229948

I can get to the last boss on Secret of Mana but I just can't be bothered pissing about with all those items and spells necessary to beat it.

>> No.3229965

I got to some helicopter on a building roof but I don't know how to get the pilot to fly me somewhere.

>> No.3230129
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>mfw beating American NGIII on one continue

>> No.3230139

What? You literally just have both your partners buff the hero when he's holding the macguffin sword and all your hits do 999 damage

>> No.3230167

I could have added Super Mario RPG, but beat it last week after 10 years. I had tears when I got to the credits.

>> No.3230241
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You know what I'm actually very embarrassed by? I have never once beaten Sigma. In any of the games.I always get to him, I've seen each final form from MMX1-4 and 6 several of them down the the last grain of health but I've never been able to actually beat any of them myself. Speedruns were the first time I ever saw any of the endings.

So I can say I've played the X games a lot, and that I know a lot about them, but I also must say that I haven't beaten any of them. I might dig out the X collection and actually try again as an adult.

>> No.3230592

Probably cuz stage three in battle toads is where most people quit the game.

>> No.3230630

I didn't beat any of them until I tried again with the GC collection way later

as a kid, sigma was serious fucking business compared the the usually pretty fun main levels/bosses
I thought X2 sigma was literally invincible because no health bar
also serious spoiler I thought X1's transformed/giant robot sigma had no weakness so even when I replayed it as an adult I ended up being it with only fully-charged shots (don't think single shots even did damage)

on another note, I never actually beat the first mega man, because I didn't know magnet beam was a thing until I saw someone else get it

>> No.3231475

>King Arthur's World
Main problem for me is that you spend 20-30 minutes killing enemies, deactivating traps and building shit but if you make one mistake when you finally have to use arthur then the level is reset.

Still, I would recommend anyone who ever got even a little joy from lemmings to at least check out some gameplay footage and maybe try the first few levels. Game is solid until you get to the overly long levels in worlds 2 and 3.

Free bonus tip
Build a raised platform at the start of every level and leave arthur on top. You do not want to lose a level because you missed one enemy who then goes on to chip arthur to death whilst your attention is elsewhere.

>> No.3231603

These 2 bosses are easy as soon as you learn their patterns you casual

>> No.3231606

Not that great of an ending
Sonic 3K had a better one and so did CD
That's not mentioning other games from other franchises

>> No.3231607

>Metal Sonic
It's Silver Sonic

Metal Sonic is in CD
The one in 3&K is Mecha Sonic btw

>> No.3231616

>Sonic 2
>the hardest classic Sanic game.
Fuck no
It's the easiest one

The hardest one from the trilogy Sonic 1 and even that is not that hard

If we're going with all the games tho than Sonic Spinball is the fucking King...fuck that game I never made it past the first stage

>> No.3231625


I made it to the last boss quite a few times, and every single time I fluffed it. It wasn't even that hard, just tedious. I was embarrassingly into Sonic when I was a kid though so I loved the game, even though objectively it's pretty shitty.

>> No.3231626

a u t i s m

>> No.3231630

King of Dragons, not even past the halfway point

Maybe one day

>> No.3231634

Spinball is easy until you get to The Machine, then things can get kind of 'Well, what the fuck do I do here?' Still, the Launchpad or the next stage after is even worse. They're not hard as in difficult, just way less forward like the first two stages.

>> No.3231772

>Big Arm is an absolute nightmare.
You can't make this shit up folks
Big Arm is ridiculously easy...you just jump and insta shield into him and then when he's flying you go to the edge of the screen and keep jumping when he does his right-left thing and then you just repeat this whole thing over and over

It's a literal baby-tier boss I have no idea why would any one struggle with fucking Big Arm of all bosses

>> No.3231776

>All of these fucking casuals complaining about easy games ITT
Samsho 3
Zankuro third round always does me in(if I'm lucky to get in the third round)...that shit is just ridiculous

>> No.3231781

>even though objectively it's pretty shitty.
It's not that bad for a spinoff it's just 30fps(which sucks) and it's ridiculously hard

>> No.3231784

>The King of Dragons
Just play it on MAME it's the superior version(with the much superior sound in particular) anyways and you get unlimited credits

It's a great game one of my favorites

>> No.3231787

>superior version
>unlimited credits

Thanks for the recommendation, I'll try that version next time

>> No.3232539

I don't think I've ever done it on a console, but I did manage to complete it on an old Nokia 6500c phone once. Literally no idea how, still no rings and the exact same boss fight with shitty controls and a tiny screen

>> No.3232585
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The claw usually took a few lives for me to beat. When I was a kid I didnt know how to beat it at all but I figured out what yours supposed to do when I got older. No amount of age or experience will ever help me in Sid's room though.

>> No.3232734

Really? Maybe it's not that big a deal but it sounded like too much farting about for me at the time. When it comes to bosses I just want to hit them until they die. No fancy shit.

>> No.3232748

Yeah I got pretty far, don't get me wrong. But it became a bit of a chore by the cloud world. I used to do the platform thing because I discovered it was a surefire way of protecting Arthur from those teleporting green tongue creatures in the goblin world - they never spawn on them.

>> No.3232756

Holy shit this game. I remember having so much trouble on the RC car level. Every time I beat a new level it felt like a major accomplishment.

>> No.3233107

The final level really isn't that hard. Metal Sonic has the same pattern. If you gather enough lives you can definetely beat him pretty easily. Eggman is easy as fuck. Just run away from him. When he drops down he also drops his guard so just keep running and jumping as soon as he lands. I used to think Sonic 2 was hard but after playing it for awhile I got the patterns down and have probably beaten it at least 3 times over the past year.

>> No.3233221
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I've platinumed Wipeout HD Fury but I can't beat Wipeout XL's Spilskinanke on Piranha Challenge.

>> No.3233239

most of them
I suppose since this is just an extension of /v/ these days I'm going to be called a casual or some nonsense.

>> No.3233254

The original Wipeout games are fucking balls hard because of the physics. You have to have all of the corners memorized or you are completely fucked on the higher speeds, whereas in Pure, Pulse, and HD it's much easier to eyeball the track and play reactively.

>> No.3233261

I don't mind needing to familiarize tracks in racing games, but the fact you need to slightly prewind your air brakes in early Wipeout games really busts my balls. But I never see it as cheap and make me hate the game, I just simply feel my brain melt and I hate myself for not getting gud.

>> No.3233790

Sometimes I think people pretend to misunderstand posts just to help the 'reading comprehension' meme propagate.

>> No.3233865

>reading comprehension is a meme
What the fuck does this even mean, retard?

>> No.3233904

Talking to Drake is one of the things you have to do before you can get the jester's help, but if you have any Shadowrunners with you, they attack him automatically, he calls security and you never get it. And of course they had to put this after the only chance to have your fox waifu in the party forever.

>> No.3233957

i will never not scream incoherently at the car chase level, its like the RC level but on roids, its a special brand of shit that even battletoads never gave me that much autism.

>> No.3236290

As long as you had fun along.

Fun is what's important, gitting gud is just something that usually facilitates it.

_____casual :^)_____

>> No.3236325

>reading comprehension is a meme
Sounds like what I said after I failed Literature class.

>> No.3236393

Dude what are you talking about? I don't remember this at all

The only two times you can talk to Drake is on the phone and when you fight him in his Dragon form

Everytime I've played the game I already had his help when I got there, cause you get it after doing that dumb vampire quest

>> No.3236401

holy fuck how are our kids this retarded

>> No.3236416

Yea, I think you just delved into a new level of autism.
Hang up your keyboard and smart phone. Put them in a glass case and please never touch them again.

>> No.3236649
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Sigma in X4 is easy as fuck m8. You have to collect the energy tanks. You get two of them in the game that will fully heal your health mid battle. Once you get to Sigma you get unlimited amount of retries to beat him. Even when you lose your last life you are just spawned right next to him with full tanks. So just practice his pattern for a bit and when you are confident you got it down pretty good than use the energy tanks. By my second play through with Zero I didn't even need the tanks. You gotta especially focus on the pattern of the three element things because once you got that down it becomes pretty easy to avoid most damage.

>> No.3236665
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I actually think the second form is stronger than the third form. The best advice I can give about this form is to try and make him throw the scythe at the wall. When the scythe hits the ground there are just way too many projectiles to avoid.

>> No.3236671


Silver Sonic is just memorization, but the timing for Robotnik is difficult. Use level select but don't cheat with savestates.

I managed to beat all those classic Sonic games as a young teen.

>> No.3236678

When Robotnik lands his spikes drop really low which leaves him open for a free hit.

>> No.3236680


I got the MMX collection and I only managed to beat Sigma with Zero in X4. The final final boss of X1 is insanely precise. It's hard to believe they made games that fast in 199x. The other games I didn't like as much.

>> No.3237732

Comix Zone. I can get really far in the game but one life just isn't enough.