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3211107 No.3211107 [Reply] [Original]

>Mediocre Story
>No job / spell learning system
>Straight level grinding
>Easy bosses
>Great Music

Not saying it was terrible game but was this the worst in the final fantasy series? It didn't have improved gameplay like any of the previous games did. I feel like this game was as barebones as an rpg can get.

>> No.3211110

The story was pretty great for SNES era. This was the first game I ever played where party members permanently died or left.

>> No.3211114

I don't know, it was my first RPG so maybe I'm biased but I always liked it. It's simple yeah, but there's nothing wrong with that since it's entertaining and short.

>> No.3211121
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Ai from deathgaze likes it, so it can't be bad.

>> No.3211125
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what i'm saying is that the game it'self was alright but compared to other final fantasy game it was pretty lackluster in terms of gameplay

>> No.3211126

If you think IV is the worst in the Final Fantasy series, you haven't played II, III, VI, VIII, IX, X-2, XII, XIII, or IV:TAY.

>> No.3211137

Not sure if trolling or not but please explain why you think II, III, VI, and IX are worse games than IV i can understand VIII being pretty shit though

>> No.3211139


>liking II

I know you guys like to be contrarian and everything but that game is absolutely garbage.

>> No.3211147

II is in my top 3, but it's not good. Only the PSP version is tolerable. But even then, I set aside an entire week for grinding spells, and I didn't max any of them out - that's how slow progression is in that game. I don't think I even got any of them above X.

III is just shit. It adds a job system that's filled with useless or obsolete classes, only to try to justify some of them with otherwise extremely difficult boss fights and areas.

VI introduced the ideas of characters being mostly blank slates, it's way too easy, and it's way too easily broken. Almost as much as VIII is. You're able to cast Ultima five times in one turn for 6 MP, and the strongest boss is Kefka? Really?

IX is a 'love letter to the franchise'. Meaning, almost every aspect of its plot is ripped from another Final Fantasy game, and executed much more poorly in each case. The ability system was okay, but the battle system itself was fucked - very slow and janky.

I'll stick with a well-executed game that shoots for the moon over a poorly-executed game that aims for the stars.

>> No.3211150

Care to backup this claim? I already stated what i disliked about IV. Could you at least give me some insight on why you think this game is "absolute garbage" ? serious question

>> No.3211153

Nigga, the best parts about FFII are:
1: Toad works to insta-kill anything.
2: The Emperor is a fun villain.
3: The music.
Aside from those, the leveling system is fucked, the plot sucks ass through a straw, and

>> No.3211181

Its was only FF2 in burgerland, and a bit of a step up from FF1. Then FF3 was even better and then FF7 and 8 came out on a whole nother level. I think the psx titles are the epitome of FF. not 9 tho

>> No.3211185

Its totally good if youre into classic ff

>> No.3211194

>Easy bosses
You played easy version, perhaps? There are 2 versions for FF4, normal and easy.

>> No.3211453

It also introduced the awful ATB system.

>> No.3211463

Job system is overrated and has too much overlap between jobs to be very interesting. Much prefer to have a large cast of characters that are unique and offer different playstyles, rather than 4 characters that can all do everything.

>> No.3211954

>It didn't have improved gameplay like any of the previous games did.
Complete fucking bullshit, you don't know what you're talking about. FFIV introduced or standardized a ton of JRPG mechanics that became mainstays and it's one of the only FFs that took into account that they're using ATB.

>> No.3211980


>> No.3211990

> introduced a ton of JRPG mechanics
> names none of these mechanics
Great argument

>> No.3212001

It's true that FFIV introduced nothing new to the series, other than realish time combat. Other than that it was a step back in every way from FFIII.

>> No.3212010

It's not /vr/, but the DS remake was better.

>> No.3212015

The ATB system. More plot heavy than the last, the fact that you learn magic instead of buying it.

>> No.3213012

>It's true that FFIV introduced nothing new to the series,
What is reactive scripting?

>> No.3213039

I had fun with it, but it's absolutely at the bottom of the series when looked at with any amount of scrutiny. The plot itself is the biggest mess in the series, with events being threaded together by completely unrelated set pieces. Even FF13 had some effort put into its universe and story once you got deeper in it, regardless of the overall quality.

>> No.3213417

This meme needs to end, ff9 wasnt a "luv letter for da franchise" at all.

It is widely considered the best ff ever made so i don't know how a game based on luv letter can be the best one.

>> No.3213424

>Cool memes
>Dank shitposting
>Being a gigantic retard
>Not killing yourself
>Five lines of greentext

>> No.3213832

Stop complaining OP and go play the best FF; FFV

>> No.3213853

I think 3 is the worst in its series. dull characters and story, a lot of useless jobs.
But 4 is definitely overrated. I prefer 2 over 4.

obvious shitpost, ignore.

>> No.3213856

Fuck you you dumb nigger. FF7 and 8 are far and away the best final fantasies. 9 is shit

>> No.3213909


Yeah everyone who spouts "it's a love letter" can never articulate why they say so. Last time I had someone respond, they said a bunch of retarded shit like "zidane is just a bad copy of Cecil"

>> No.3213921

>the fact that you learn magic instead of buying it.

That's done in many other JRPGs already.

>> No.3213938

I just finished the DS version a couple weeks ago. It's the best version. Thanks /vr/ for suggesting it!

>> No.3213947

>worst FF

that's II

II tried to be interesting but good lord all the mechanics backfired. Evasion is broken and shields can block fucking everything, dungeon design likes to waste your time with empty rooms, difficulty is more of a rollercoaster than a curve.

I can see why people don't like IV due to lacking customization compared to previous FFs but its pretty great at what it is and set a lot of standards.

>> No.3213984

You spoony cunt!

>> No.3213996


Lacking customization is what makes 4 fun to me, though. It gives each character a more defined role in battles.

>> No.3213998

Same. But I can see why other people woudn't prefer that approach.

>> No.3214001

No job system is a plus in my book.

>> No.3214049

Yes, it is the worst. II was probably more poorly designed, but it was much more fun. IV is hands down one of the most overrated games ever.

>> No.3214063

>Thread full of bait, memes, buzzwords, and rampant shitposting.

Must be a FF# sucks thread.

>> No.3214076


Every FF thread is like this, because everyone wants their stupid game to be "the best." I wish people could just realize that pretty much all of the games in the series are good, especially when you take them in context (FF2 isn't great but it was super ambitious and paved the way for SaGa just for example)

>> No.3214097

I think it's because it goes back to pre-PS1 Final Fantasy themes and aesthetics. VII and VIII had an entirely different atmosphere than I-VI, and they're also darker when it comes to colour schemes. IX is far more colourful, like the older FFs.

>> No.3214102


That's all fair enough, but just the graphics and aesthetics isn't enough for it to be "a total copy" like all the morons like to say.

>> No.3214107

Yep, I like pretty much all of them. The exceptions being 2 and 8 (I've only played up to 10 and haven't played 9 much), but I'm not going to shit all over them because I can see how people would enjoy them. Those 2 games just weren't my style and I can move on without resorting to meme-tier responses and shitposting. /vr/ has fallen so much since it's introduction.

>> No.3214109

>that magnetic cave

>> No.3214202

That's not what 'love letter to the fans' means, though. I always thought it was an overstatement, anyways.

Modern games like Bravely Default/Second are far more like a love letter to retro FF fans than FFIX ever was.

>> No.3214235

Nah, BD isn't that at all, 4 Heroes of Light on the other hand is the most old school thing to be released since the 80s

>> No.3214236

based edward

>> No.3214362

Nice meme.

>> No.3214363

My african-american.

>> No.3214416
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FF4 aged poorly.

It was a pioneer to multiple gameplay and storyline elements that are now jprg staples, especially for the western audiences which never saw much Dragon Quest.

FF4 DS improves the game a bunch, though. Bosses and even random fights are more dynamic, and the augment system enables a variety of customization.

>> No.3214423

The DS version has the best gameplay and script of all versions but the PSP version is the best looking one.

I like IV but it's not very fun to play unless you're talking about the DS version. The gameplay is barebones, the characters are honestly quite mediocre and there's not much to do other than just go on-rails with the character progression and experience the plot that went out of its way to be different by stealing the sci-fi theme from Phantasy Star but ultimately disappointed by a proper script being too much for the system and relying on overused tropes too many times though I guess you could say that for most FFs :^).

Nice music though.

>> No.3214434

>bosses have unique gimmicks which make them memorable
>no customization makes characters feel more unique
>historically important for introducing ATB
>game moves at a relatively brisk pace compared to other FFs which have you draw magic, hit yourself to become stronger, grind ABP for jobs, level up materia etc.
>great music

there are other FFs I love, but this one is the most replayable IMO

>> No.3214506

which character other than Tellah and her daughter permanently died?

>> No.3214563

>The gameplay is barebones
And with those barebones mechanics, it managed to demand more from the player than newer FFs did. What does that tell you?

>> No.3214581

That complexity and depth are two entirely different things.

>> No.3214612


>aged poorly

I'm not even reading the rest of your retarded post.

>> No.3214625

Tellah's daughter wasn't a party member.

>> No.3215058

What I'm trying to get at is those are the only two that died that had a name. You also have the mages in Mysida early on and some villagers of Mist.

>> No.3216284

That you have shit taste. FFX-2 and FFXIII-2 have two of my favorite battle systems next to Grandia 3's.

>> No.3218627

So, what ARE the gameplay changes between the original versions and the DS remake?
Thinking of playing this game, but I'm torn between the many versions. What makes the DS version more fun to play?

>> No.3218629
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>aged poorly

>> No.3218638

>the fact that you learn magic instead of buying it.
Fucking Dragon Quest 1 says hi.

>> No.3218654

>The plot itself is the biggest mess in the series, with events being threaded together by completely unrelated set pieces.

Sounds more like FF8 tbqh

>> No.3218698

It's a great title that succeeded within its form and has a respectable amount of content which is all good.

>> No.3218706

Now, that's fine.

But what killed the game for me was that you had no say in who was in the party. Absolutely none.

XIII was a hallway but at least in the second half I got to decide who I played as in the hallway.

>> No.3218806

>it managed to demand more from the player than newer FFs did.

This is some next level delusion right here, and it comes from a guy who doesn't even like FF, but if you seriously think that the explicitly more streamlined and simplified FF required more thought than say, FFVIII or FFXII you're simply being a vocal moron like many others on 4chan that feels the need of defending his precious toy with ludicrous claims.

But considerind the average quality of the posts in this thread I'm not surprised.

Maybe you guys should just be more honest with yourself and just say you like the game for what it does and what it is instead of trying to find pseudohistorical arguments or simply trying too hard to make other people believe your bullshit on an anonymous imageboard.

There's nothing wrong with liking linear RPGs meant for a young public, or any other kind of game really, but please don't try to shove the usual amateur reviewer tripe in other people's throat, FF as a series has barely, barely introduced staples or innovated the genre, and FFIV relies so heavily on both past entries in the series and other RPGs it's actually a big step back in terms of quality besides graphics and introducing reactive scripts, which was quite something though, no denying that.

>> No.3220909

It's the least mechanically interesting out of the first 8, that is certain. Certainly a massive step down from 3. But the easymodo 'cinematic' focus does have a certain appeal, I've played this one the most because of how you can so effortlessly and thoughtlessly breeze through to the very end, at which point it starts to feel like a real RPG. But I may never play it again because autopilot games don't really do much for me nowadays.

>> No.3220914

No. There's an easy version and a just as easy but with dumbed down gameplay version.

>> No.3221645

>"Zidane is just a bad copy of Cecil"

What the actual fuck? How the heck did those guys actually come up with that? Apart from the two of them being all-around great people (Cecil had a rough start, admittedly), there isn't much similarity in character at all between the two.

I remember when you get him in the GBA version and level his ass all the way up, he has pretty much the best stats out of anyone in the game or summat. I remember stomping shit into the ground with a high-level Edward and using his weapon from the Lunar Trials.

>Edge: "Stupid, sexy Rubicante."

Also, yeah, DS version is best, even if it's not retro. How long do we have to wait for that? 2023?

Both of those games are pretty much entirely devoted to having fun, or at least it feels like it. The fighting done in them is genuinely entertaining.

>> No.3221675

>but if you seriously think that the explicitly more streamlined and simplified FF required more thought than say, FFVIII or FFXII
If you don't think that, you're an idiot who never understood what FFIV brought to the table. It's trivial to break FFVIII on accident, for fuck's sake, and the only time FFVIII is harder than IV in any regard is a tiny fraction of its optional content.

>> No.3221827
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>you're an idiot who never understood what FFIV brought to the table.


Really son?

You're telling me that the game with unwinnable scripted battles, that at more than one point literally tells you which move you need to use to win requires more thought processes than any of its successors? The game that explicitly streamlined and simplified the franchise and whose most exotic mechanic is reactive scripts requires more thought than a Materia/Junction system and a game that has enemies growing stronger the more you do?

Yeah, no, you're just one of those try hard dumbasses who needs to hit your own party members in FFII to beat the game and claims that it's "trivial" to break FFVIII when the vast majority of you morons proved times and again don't even know how to properly minmax, let alone making sense of a system, heaven forbid if you actually open your mouth regarding games that require more thought processes than selecting Attack and using elemental weak points.

But then again, it's easy to make those claims after almost 20 years, you probably couldn't even hold a controller by the time FFVIII came out, let alone play actually good RPGs.

But yeah, keep boasting on /vr/, keep spreading misinformation like your ilk does, because it's sure a great thing to defend your precious little SNES game over the internet, even at the cost of sounding like a complete tool to anyone with a functioning brain.

>> No.3221861

Yes, I am telling you exactly that. Who cares how 'deep' the Junction system is or how much customization Materia enables is when you can break both of them wide open on accident and neither game requires anything close to a deep understanding of the system to beat the game? How stupid do you have to be to pretend that breaking FFVIII is hard when something as simple as junctioning a healing spell to HP, sitting in critical HP, and spamming on Triangle until you get a limit will carry you until Ultimecia's castle? God forbid you bring Aura into the discussion because then you don't even need to do that.

>> No.3221949

>when you can break both of them wide open on accident
Sure, keep telling yourself that, that must be why people complain about drawing and not figuring out what magic should be junctioned to which stat or function to this day.

But then again, I'm sure FFIV, with its deep customization and thought provoking battle system and enemy design requires much more thought than that?

Who would have thought that premade characters and party members carefully imposed by the game to blast through each boss with ease could be even remotely easy to handle?

>neither game requires anything close to a deep understanding of the system to beat the game

Still requires more thought than FFIV, at the very least because it doesn't outright select party members for you and holds your hand by also telling you which attack to use on which boss.

>How stupid do you have to be to pretend that breaking FFVIII is hard

See, that's exactly where you show that you are just a butthurt fanboy.

I never said that it's a hard game, I've only said that it's harder than FFIV, which is the objective truth.

You need to manage a much bigger and extended system, regardless how easy you claim it to be, it was magnitudes more complex and technical than anything FFIV had to offer.
Same with games like FFXII, they were magnitudes more complex than anything FFIV has to offer and only a deluded moron like yourself would say otherwise.

But pray tell, what did FFIV exactly "bring to the table" besides reactive scripts?

A "story and characters focused RPG"?
That was already FFII shtick(to the point that FFIV completely rips off the character archetypes of II) and Phantasy Star already did that too.

Sci-Fi elements?
Ultima, FF1, Phantasy Star and the GB SaGa games already did that years before FFIV

Set standards for cast roles in the story?
DQ and PS already did those.

FFIII already did those

>> No.3221970

They don't count due to the fact that they need to RTFM

>> No.3222162

>But then again, I'm sure FFIV, with its deep customization and thought provoking battle system and enemy design requires much more thought than that?
Yes, because unlike in FFVIII, you can't coast through the game with a single strategy the entire fucking time, resource management is important as opposed to nonexistent, random battles are an order of magnitude more difficult and require you to take note of things that might as well not exist in VIII, like enemies that need to be hit with status effects or else, positioning, or focus firing a single dangerous enemy in a large pack before it ruins your day. None of these are unique to FFIV, but it should tell you something that games that bothered to include highly complex mechanics couldn't be fucked to do any of those things.

>> No.3224676

I just passed the magnetic cave and the game is kind of a chore, I don't like how they keep changing my chars all around. How much is left? I'm thinking of skipping it

>> No.3224712


What's really weird is this argument/thread is as old as the internet.

no lie, I feel like I'm rereading shit posted decades ago

>> No.3224803

It's like the old Sega vs Nintendo rivalry. The types that still argue about it must be in their 40s by now. Pretty sad really.

>> No.3224893

>>Mediocre Story

I'm going to disagree. Part of the appeal of JRPGs (for me) is that they're grand soap operas that go to insane places. FFIV has such a silly story that it's charming.

It progresses from a shell shocked medieval knight wrestling with his actions to that same knight fighting the physical manifestation of an evil wizard's hatred in the core of the moon. And every bit is campy as hell.

Though perhaps I'm too generous. Maybe I'm just comparing it to the angst and self-seriousness of modern JRPGs. I like camp and fantasy.

>> No.3225430

I've only played IV and VI, and while I haven't finished VI I enjoyed IV a lot more. I only played the DS version of VI, though, which I hear is more demanding than the original.

The combat wasn't deep or anything, but the enemies and bosses did feel somewhat dynamic if not outright difficult. Buffs and debuffs will get you through the game, but bosses nonetheless required some coordination in timing. Some of the more potent lesser enemies were the same.

>> No.3225436

>DS version of VI
Meant IV, obviously.

>> No.3225456

>played II, III, VI, VIII, IX, X-

I agree with him on 6 and 9, but 2 and 3 are some of teh more interesting ones.

9 is terrible straight up, and 6 is probably the single most over rated one.

>> No.3225457


I'm just gonna butt in and say X is the worst Final Fantasy. Sorry it's not retro, and you can all bite my dick.

>> No.3225462


I like 2 because the stat up system is reminiscent of Romancing SaGa. The storyline is ok, Firion is a cool dude and so is Guy (or the big dude, whatever his name is)

2 isn't great by any means but it's not a bad game if you know how you're supposed to play it.