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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3180567 No.3180567 [Reply] [Original]

SF thread dudes.



>> No.3180578

Awesome game

>> No.3180582
File: 640 KB, 1220x911, sss2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.3180828
File: 3.21 MB, 3100x3100, SYPHON FILTER - IPCA EMBLEM NO STROKE copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I hear you like the soundtracks?


Here you go, the entire Syphon Filter music collection, from the first game up to Logan's Shadow.

>> No.3180923

I liked the first Syphon Filter game a lot and played the shit out of it.

The second game I barely remember at all, with the exception of Death Match mode. Me and my younger brother played that quite a bit. In the beginning, he had little experience with the controls. Hella fun for me because I would end every match in seconds with a head shot, and he would get frustrated and charge me with a knife. He'd still lose every time and rage.

Eventually he got as quick with the head shots as I was, and our tactics changed to more of a cat and mouse suspense type of competition. We got to know the levels inside and out and could figure out where one another was 100% of the time due to sharing the same TV screen. So we would stare at a wall point blank and wait while the other attempted to sneak up from behind. Sometimes it would work, and other times it would not. But it was still fun anyway.

After that eventually got old, too, we would just pick whichever levels had a grenade launcher and race each other to it. It wasn't always the first to get it to win though. We had all kinds of epic battles chasing each other around that map with one of us bombing everything in an attempt to win while trying not to get knifed or kill himself in the process.

tl;dr - good times.

>> No.3180946

cool game
best mission/music:


>> No.3184176
