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File: 85 KB, 650x600, sydney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3177065 No.3177065 [Reply] [Original]

This might have been talked about when it first launched, but I forgot about it up until now. Did anyone here end up backing the project? Is anyone looking forward to the game?


>> No.3177072

>hay guise
>shill shill shill
Fuck off.

>> No.3177075


>muh boogeyman

>> No.3177101


>rip off of Arumana no Kiseki

Well at least they ripped off a good game

>> No.3177110
File: 5 KB, 640x400, Montezuma's Revenge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of Montezuma's Revenge!

Never heard of Sydney Hunter until now, so I didn't pledge any cash to the project. It looks neat, and it's great to see a new Super NES title being released all these years later.

The Sydney Hunter game for the NES captivates my attention even more. Has anyone played it?

Just because someone is excited about a new Super NES game, that doesn't mean they are shilling. Lots of retro gamers who post here long for the days of classic gaming. So when a new Super NES title pops up, excitement and interest naturally occurs.

>> No.3177234
File: 99 KB, 655x653, 1448250891298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lots of hipsters get excited
Fixed that for you.

>> No.3177257


Of course not, because the game looks like shit.

When I see SNES games that actually look like good fucking SNES games I'll give a shit. When someone comes along with Demon's Crest or Terranigma looking games then I'll care.

>It's not about the graphics
It kind of is, especially when the gameplay looks like shit to boot.

Making a "new SNES game" for the sake of a new SNES game is stupid. I get that development is significantly harder for older consoles, but you can just make a really good looking game for PC or your phone now that doesn't need optimization in the slightest.

>> No.3177268


>it's not (my favourite) genre so the game sucks

what kind of shitty attitude is that? the game looks pretty good for a dungeon crawler/puzzle platforme

>> No.3177362

I like the art and the game looks cool on NES, underwhelming on SNES. Not something I'm gonna pay more than like $15 bux for but also not something I'm gonna utterly dismiss because it's not really retro.

>> No.3177853

Looks like a half-assed ripoff of La-Mulana.

>> No.3177881

Collectorvision are the cancer in the homebrew scene. They make one shitty tech demo for Colecovision and then all of a sudden announce NES, SNES and other versions with little intention of following up.

They're the same ones who were bullshitting about porting Snatcher to the Dreamcast for cheap social shares.

Until they finish everything they supposedly started, don't give them a dime

>> No.3177915


I don't think they really have anything in common


I'll be honest, I know nothing of the developers of this game. however, I made a pledge (for the snes cart) back when it first started. I do hope they follow through with the game and so far it seems like from the updates that it's on track to be released in the summer.

>> No.3178172

This is Gamester81, what else do you expect?