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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 175 KB, 633x869, not for resale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3174043 No.3174043 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most amount of money you would spend on a game?

>> No.3174060

Depends on how good it is and how many hours I'd get out of it.

I spent 200 on Windjammers on MVS, but that game is one of the best arcade vs. games of all time, and it would provide my friends and I hours and hours of entertainment.

I think that's the most I've spent, on just a straight up "game", but I did buy Steel battalion and an xbox for like 300 bucks.

>> No.3174168

Isnt yoshis story kindof shit? Cant be bettet than yoshis island

>> No.3174173

$60 for a physical copy of a new game.

I got into retro gaming because it was cheap.
I didn't adapt over time and become a collector.

>> No.3174365

Would be funny if someone who originally saw this reported him to Nintendo because they are marked with "Not for resale" and he is doing just that.
of course they wouldn't give a shit.

>> No.3174372

Probably fifty bucks, but only for a game I really really love. If it's not one of my top 20 or so favorites, the highest I would go is like 30.

>> No.3174416
File: 42 KB, 1024x536, john-goodman-movies-and-films-and-filmography-u4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you sell that cart I'm calling the cops on you.

>> No.3174556

The most I've ever spent on a single game is $80. I've never been well-off enough to justify more than that.

>> No.3175029

50-70% of what I could flip it on eBay in less than a week.

>> No.3175035

80 dollars and only if it's for a game that I NEED to buy in order to play properly, so for retro games basically never.

>> No.3175061
File: 105 KB, 500x669, 1364267222381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any amount really. What if I really want to play it? How am I going to justify not getting what I want?

>> No.3175084

People like you are the reason listings like this exist:


>> No.3175121

You know games like Sonic the Hedgehog have not for resale versions, right? Because they were sold with the console and not meant to be packaged individually?

Not for resale doesn't mean someone who buys it and owns it can't sell it on his own.

You're a fucking child.

>> No.3175195

That's none of your god damn business.

>> No.3175206

Emulate, faggot.

>> No.3175217

I need to know so I can charge the maximum when I resell.

>> No.3175347

I spent $30 on Zelda 1 because I just wanted to have it quick and fast and it was there at a pawn shop.
I also bought Banjo Kazooie and Tooie for about $40 each for the same reason.

Those were one time things though, I'd never encourage someone to spend that much on old games. But you know, at the time I had disposable income so it made a bit of sense.

>> No.3175356

did you go home and beat zelda 1?

>> No.3175378

I got far into it and then got distracted with other games, but I'm planning on finishing it off soon

>> No.3175661

Most I've ever spent was like 50 bucks for a Secret of Mana that I got years ago. Luckily the resellers and shills weren't as bad as they are now, so I managed to get it in complete condition.

>> No.3175723

I find $35 to really be a tipping point for me, anything more expensive than that has to be something I really want or feel I need to have a physical copy of for whatever reason.

I've gone over that limit a handful of times. I spent $50 on a complete n64 Bangaioh, I really love the game and the price seemed fair considering what it usually goes for. I spent $70 each on Chrono Trigger and Conker's, both games that I loved growing up but never owned. It's hard to justify spending that much on a game but those hold two hold special places in my heart.

>> No.3175753

$100 would be my max, but I haven't done it for a single game. Most I've spent on a single retro game would be $45, which was vanguard bandits complete.

>> No.3175830


>> No.3175870

I did that for a NFR Mario Party 64 cart.
Was like 90 bucks I think. I traded it in exchange for paying my room mates power bill that month or something.

>> No.3175873

These days? probably £40.

Unless it was something with resale value (I'm not a reseller, but I can justify an overpriced purchase subconsciously if I want the thing, and it's cheap for the overpricedness.)

>> No.3175901

I got Conker's Bad Fur Day a few years ago for 180$ and I regret it to this day. For what it is, it's way too much money.
Usually, I would say 40$ is my maximum, with 15$ as the perfect price point.

>> No.3175926

Sell it for $250

>> No.3175990


Holy shit you overpaid!

I got it in 2008 complete for 40.

>> No.3176008

Any amount really. If I really want it and have the disposable income why wouldn't I get it? Last month I realized I had some extra money leftover from the months budget and on a whim decided to get Bravely Seconds Collectors Edition just because. It's just money.

>> No.3176043

$80 for a brand-new game imported from Japan with one-day shipping.

$5 for an actual retro game. Roms are free, niqqa.

>> No.3176050

$40 for a handheld game (any gen)
$60 for a console game (any gen)

>> No.3176203

I won't pay over $100 at the moment, but that changes. The currency in my country is in the shitter right now.

>> No.3176226

I bought mw 2 for full price at launch when I was... 12, I think. Since then, I've been going down steadily, got gran turismo 6 anniversary for 20 $ and now I'm playing mostly old games because I am not prepared to spend more than like 8$ on a game (thanks, steam and gog)

>> No.3176279


Living on the edge, I like to live dangerous.

>> No.3176750

I bought this game last week for 108 yen.
Not for Resale and other "the label is different" games are not worth anything. Anybody buying them is very silly.

>> No.3176773
File: 475 KB, 1600x1200, DSCN0599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Steel battalion
muh nigga

>> No.3176784

I'll do $500 max, haven't done it quite yet. I'm collecting Sega Saturn so I kind of have needed to.

>194.50 for Radiant Silvergun
>194.50 for Batsugun
>112.00 for Shining Force III

I mean, at worst I can always resell thiese and probably make it all back since the market always rises anyways.

>> No.3176836

Never more than $60. I bought Misadventures of Tron Bonne for $150 only because I won $1000 in a work contest. Other than that, the most I spent on a retro game was $50 for Clock Tower.

>> No.3176849

Honestly I can't see myself paying more than $20 for any cart, especially knowing I can just emulate anything. However Playstation and N64 are garbage to emulate so who knows. I would love to own Symphony Of The Night but it seems like it goes for over $100 bucks these days

>> No.3176861

That one's risen a bit, but you can probably order it on Amazon with case and manual for between $50 and $60 if you keep checking.

>> No.3176894

>I mean, at worst I can always resell thiese and probably make it all back since the market always rises anyways.

I think it's eventually going to stagnate and cap out, especially as people get out of the game. Most kids probably couldn't give less of a shit about the Sega Saturn.