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File: 303 KB, 720x1200, Ocarina_of_Time_N64_3DS_comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3172871 No.3172871 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3172890

I personally likes the remake better, even though the nostalgic part of my brain tries to override that.

>> No.3172913

Original all the way

Until 3DS is playable on my computer

>> No.3172937

I generally like the remake. The original was too dark sometimes in the dungeons. I remember getting stuck in the forest dungeon because I didn't find half of the exits in the center room.

The remake could have been less cartoony, but the 3DS can't deliver realistic graphics like the N64 could at the time.

I missed using the old inventory screen too.

>> No.3172941

Remake is trash. Looks like shit and is far too bright.

Too much changed.

>> No.3172957

In my opinion, I personally like the look of the original better. The remake looks good, and most likely appeals to a wider audience, but I happen to like the darker and more angular look of older games.

It isn't really nostalgia for me, considering I only played this game for the first time a couple years ago, because I never owned an N64.

>> No.3172960

The Ocarina remake should have borrowed from the look of Twilight Princess, would have been tits

>> No.3173090

Colors look off in "superiority".

>> No.3173096

Remake is a little too oversaturated and bright, which is a result of the 3DS screen handling dark colours like crap

Even Luigi's Mansion was brightened up

>> No.3173102

OoT3d > OG Oot
OG MM > MM3d

It was so stupid the changes to Majora 3d. Ruined the Deku Scrub movement. Ruined the Zora swimming.
Maybe MM3d will be superior when a patch is released to fix Nintendo's fuck ups.

>> No.3173128

Why can't Nintendo just do a straight remake without any changes or "improvements." Take a page out of Resident Evil's book.

>> No.3173132

why did the remake remove the fog from the original? totally changes the atmosphere of the game

>> No.3173154
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gc version is my favorite oot port

>> No.3173162
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I found mine on ebay just as the gamecube was dying off.

>> No.3173214

originals are better but i played the remakes and enjoyed them well enough

>> No.3173316

If the original OOT was bright and cartoony, the contrarians would complain that the remake was to dark and lost some charm.

>> No.3173347

The framerate of the originals really kill them.

>> No.3173357

Really loved Majora's Mask 3D.
Never got around to getting OoT 3D, I have quite a backlog of games to play/buy. Maybe i'll get it in a couple weeks, depending on whether or not I can find a good deal on a RAM upgrade, that shit can be expensive.

>> No.3173360

To all the people complaining about the remake: while I agree with you that the style of the original is better, you have to remember the remake is one the 3DS. They probably made it brighter and with less fog so that you could see what you were doing on the tiny ass screen easier. Now if we could do the improved models and textures of the remake with the color palette and fog of the original on a TV screen I think that would be ideal.

>> No.3173362

Original Vs. Piss Filter

>> No.3173367

Yeah I get that, and while I do like the remakes better, it kind of sucks that they have to lose the more realistic color palette of the originals.

One of the things that does piss me off are the handful of dumb changes to the bosses in MM, I know people bitched about their difficulty originally but they're so fucking easy in MM3D that you don't even need to wait for their patterns anymore. I really hate when remakes change things other than slight technical improvements and general QoL enhancements.

>> No.3173421

I guess they needed the remake to look brighter since it's on handheld. Not a fan. I have a lot of issues with the original to begin with anyway.

>> No.3173448
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>> No.3173528

Must have been playing some european release.

>> No.3173550
File: 347 KB, 1920x1396, PJ64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emulated at 640x480 (fullscreen) with no AA or AF is great too. I much prefer the upscaled blurry graphics, to how it looks in high resolution with AA and AF.

>> No.3173560
File: 9 KB, 238x273, 1428360625012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game was also really slow paced thinking back, which made the silky smooth european 17fps a little less annoying. The amount of thought put in this game never fails to amaze.

>> No.3173610

Game plays like molasse on european releases, it's unbearable.

>> No.3173638

It's not a port, OoT is running on an emulator there.

>> No.3173642

>"enhanced graphics"
>Only change is all the items are shiny now
>ALL the items, even that mushroom from the item chain.

>> No.3173650

Soon, then https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0gAcxhIccI

>> No.3173656

those colors in the remake look completely shitty.

>> No.3173721

I'm playing the remake now. The graphics are awesome and it's a fine reboot.

People who bad mouth it are edgy cunts

>> No.3173926

>tfw played the original 2 years back and loved it
>instantly become one of my favorite games of all time
>talk about it
>be told to take off nostalgia glasses

I know this has nothing to do with the gameplay of the series, but why are so many people quick to shit on this game as if it aged terribly and is a terrible game in today's age. The game, outside of the graphics, has aged incredibly well. It plays fantastically and remains one of the best designed games of all time.

>> No.3173928


Because it's a popular game and people, especially on the internet, are contrarian as fuck.

>> No.3173962

Oot3d is great, but I don't really like some changes is MM3d. Like Bosses and removed colored stairs.

>> No.3173979

Because those people are stupid. And there's no way we can show them any different no matter how much there's that illusion.

>> No.3174046

This would have sucked ass

>> No.3174069

The colors seem a bit over saturated in the new one. I really like the original's look, gameplay, and atmosphere still, so I don't see the point in remaking it.

Remake a game that could actually benefit from it, like Kirby 64. Add more characters, more levels, more minigames, polish up the weak aspects of the game like the minibosses and the final boss.

>> No.3174079

Handheld games have fucked up brightness to compensate for the screen. The colors in those GBA FF games that people always annoyingly recommend are fucked up, too.

>> No.3174105


The only authentic version has moon and star on the desert temple, and red blood, and Arabic chanting in the fire temple. Everything else needs to be burnt the ground and if you play it you are scum and a pleb

>> No.3174131


Thats why people recommend the Restored versions, newnoob.

>> No.3174160

>Handheld games have fucked up brightness to compensate for the screen.
The original GBA had a super dark screen. The 3DS has a great screen. There's no reason for it to be brighter besides to match the recent art style trend for Zelda games.

>> No.3174753

To be fair, those pre-rendered interior scenes on the N64 always looked gash.

>> No.3174820

But Ocarina IS cartoony. I can't picture a realistic Ocarina of Time.
It would look ridiculous.

>> No.3174867

Dunno, I personally don't like Ocarina because I liked the previous Zelda games more and it being popular meant no more classic-style Zelda games for me, or very scarcely so.

Shit on my opinion all you want, but it is what it is. I prefer top-down dungeon crawlers to what Zelda became. It's not being contrarian, it's just personal taste.
I don't think OoT is a bad game, but it's just not what I, personally, wanted from the series I grew up with.

Besides, I also dislike the "hero of time" gimmick. You are always playing as Lonk now. I don't care if it's a reincarnation or some echo of the hero's soul or whatever when it's not quite the same Link, always with a different "origin story" but meant to be the same. It's like if the series was allergic to sequels or continuity, making a reboot of the story every time under the excuse of "hero of time", meaning the general story is usually the same with slightly different parameters/support characters.

Given that it gave up on a more "free" adventuring for a more involved story, it's kinda baffling they did (and kept doing) that. I am more fond of Majora's Mask because it at least tried to move forward like Zelda 2 and LA did. (In the sense of "you are already acquainted with Link, so here's a new adventure" instead of a reboot in another era of Hyrule).

>> No.3175851

>Creative risk and benefit of being first
>Safe, marketer approved "improvements" released solely as a cash grab

If you like any older version of anything you're nostalgic, it's only reasonable to like the modern version of everything

>> No.3175858

I have absolutely zero interest in the remake.

>> No.3175868

The glasses-free 3D on the 3DS can't cope with dark scenes without ghosting like hell, which is likely the main reason.

>> No.3175930

New one looks too gay cartoony for my taste.

It's funny though. If the original looked like the right and then the new one came out looking like the left, everybody would be pissed in unison and call it muddy and shitty looking etc

>> No.3176478

new version is too piss filter and bloom

>> No.3176727

You can nostalg over the console of your youth but the superior original version is best.

>> No.3176745
File: 658 KB, 1600x960, oot3dhighres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3176757
File: 1.50 MB, 853x480, WACKO.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>creative risk
>another entry in one of nintendo's most well known and fiscally successful franchises
>creative risk

>> No.3176837

They could have just rehashed ALTTP with improved graphics like Alundra did and get away with it. Instead they banked millions on an extremely ambitious reinterpretation in 3D of the concept and it paid.

>in b4 trolls shitting on OOT

>> No.3178518
File: 66 KB, 313x337, 1461334267466-3-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3178530

I thought my disc was defective, as it skipped half a second when opening the menu. Apparently it's normal

>> No.3178534

It's a solid good remake, as long as you were not hoping for any interesting extra content or way too many unecessary changes (which MM3DS unfortunately did).

Still, they fucked up the lighting making it too bright and most people just prefer the darker look. The title screen in OP's pic is the best example, as imo the right just looks piss-awful.

>> No.3178541
File: 782 KB, 2560x1440, 20160430_113027[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plebe here, don't even have a 64,
waited for price to drop to $20 and playing on poorfag 2ds

>> No.3178563

The remake is objectively the superior version. Frame rate improvement, graphical overhaul, and fixes of annoyances like the slow ladder climb speed and the iron boots switching. Plus the repeatable boss battles. If OoT3D could be played on an actual TV screen it would blow the original away.

>> No.3178587
File: 70 KB, 250x250, 1442152243755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I stepped on and broke my copy

>> No.3178941

If Nintendo had any sense they would put the 3DS version on eshop so we could play it on Wii U (simply because it would be an easy port before y'all start the Wii U hate at me).

>> No.3179254

Probably because the fog didn't work so well in 3D.

>> No.3179286

impressive that you managed to find an angle that could snap such a small disc

>> No.3179381

Not sure if serious...

>> No.3179396

If you place your foot entirely on top of a GC disc while walking you will break that fucker like thin ice on a dry day.

>> No.3179439

If you weigh 100 kg, maybe.

>> No.3179507

The gyro controls are a god-send. Doing the geurdo horseback challenge was never so easy. You can aim and shoot pretty fast while riding Epona.

>> No.3179509
File: 28 KB, 320x237, OcarinaOfTimeDebugCode7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this a jojo reference?

>> No.3179732

You could not have cherrypicked a better room for framerate, but even then you fast forwarded it to make it seem smoother

>> No.3179778

>he remake could have been less cartoony, but the 3DS can't deliver realistic graphics like the N64 could at the time.

You're a moron. The 3DS has better specs than the N64.

>> No.3179823
File: 60 KB, 521x523, garlicbreddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You idiots complaining about it being too bright are aware you can adjust the brightness on the console, right?

>> No.3179842

Downies are usually fat.

>> No.3179870

I'd actually imagine him turning into an over cooked hamburger.

>> No.3179872

No amount of new graphics fixes the horrible gameplay of N64 games.

/vr/ should be pre-N64 generation.

>> No.3179874

no you can't..

>> No.3179879

oh boy, it's you again, and boy are you getting lazy

>> No.3179894

It should be apparent to anyone that the N64 was garbage. If it's not, then that's your problem

>> No.3179898


*unsheathes katana*

Pfff no offence kid

>> No.3179904


>> No.3179914


>> No.3180238

This entire post screams "I played the PAL version"

>> No.3180248

I like the remakes that include the original game as well.