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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 67 KB, 638x638, Kept you wating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3166147 No.3166147 [Reply] [Original]

What video games do you consider to be overrated and/or have aged poorly, /vr/?

>> No.3166152

Every day till you like it.

>> No.3166161

Metal Gear Solid
Super Mario Bros
All Final Fantasy's, except 8 and 9
Half Life
Diablo 2

>> No.3166172

These. Also every game ever with the possible exception of Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo. Everything else has aged horribly.

>> No.3166236

>metal gear solid = overrated
Shots fired.

>> No.3166238
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Now that Floody mcSmut is sleeping.

I really disliked Twin Snakes except for a couple stealth sections and two bosses (Psycho Mantis and Vulcan Raven) is the original different/better? Will it wash the bad taste off my mouth?

What about 2?

>> No.3166256

Great thread

>> No.3166265

That faggot flooded the thread because he was mad someone said that MGS isn't a great game.

The original game is a million times better, even if you don't like MGS. The Twin Snakes was literal garbage, and not retro also, but yeah.

>> No.3166273

It depends how much you disliked Twin Snakes. The original is a lot better in a number of ways, but whether that would matter to you I can't answer.

My biggest problem with the game is the first person aiming. You do get the sniper rifle eventually, but for the most part the game wasn't designed to be played with you being able to shoot in first person and it breaks a lot of the level design.

I would say it depends what you didn't like about TS whether you should play the original or not. What's the bad taste from?

>> No.3166278

Why does this thread keep showing up

>> No.3166279
File: 49 KB, 443x267, women-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he posted it again
>what a loser

>> No.3166294

Because the same person keeps making it, genius.

>> No.3166304

Oh yes, switching to first person aiming felt so stiff and unnatural in a top-view game. It probably helps that I'm not used to it, and maybe the GC controller is shit for it, but I didn't enjoy using weapons in that game at all. My biggest issue were definitely the bosses, though. They all had boring weapon tutorial battles, except the two I mentioned, and I didn't enjoy their gimmicks that much. I didn't like any of them.

I also didn't like the cookie-cutter action movie non-story, with all those fucking radio conversations, way more than actual game. But I've been told the next games get way wackier and more original. So I'm hoping I'll like them more.

>The Twin Snakes was literal garbage, and not retro also, but yeah.
Welp, talking about a retro game vs a shitty remake counts as retro, doesn't it?

>> No.3166327
File: 73 KB, 480x432, mgsghost ppa20.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sounds like MGS in general isn't quite your cup of tea. If you liked it enough to continue with the series then go ahead with 2 and 3. I wouldn't bother replaying the original, I doubt you would get your time's worth out of it.

I have mixed feelings about 2, mostly because of the environments but it's a solid game and does get a bit wacky. 3 is divisive, but is my favorite MGS and I really like it overall.

Bringing it back around to retro, if you liked the basic idea of MGS but want a more streamlined approach I highly recommend the Gameboy Color game MGS: Ghost Babel. It's sort of an alternate telling of the MGS story and a wonderful mix of MGS controls and original Metal Gear.

>> No.3166376

Shit, I completely forgot about the older Metal Gears. I should have totally played those first. I'll give that one you mentioned a spin before going for 2 and 3, anon, I didn't even know there was one for GB.

>> No.3166432

If you have MGS3 Subsistence you get the REAL MG1 and MG2 and MG2 is a great game as well.
I played MG1 just so I could complete the whole series.
And yes MG:GB is one of the most underrated GBC games I've laid my eyes on.

>> No.3167130

I've only beaten Twin Snakes. Is it worth playing the PSX game?

>> No.3167143
File: 25 KB, 480x360, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're only missing an ocelot fight
What you should really do though, download a thing called metal gear solid integral and play the vr missions disc.

>> No.3167157
File: 75 KB, 1175x518, delusionalfemale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe if I do it now someone will like me!

>> No.3167705


>> No.3167713


What's the point of posting this massively fedoracore image?

>> No.3167715

Because this thread causes some major butthurt and it's pretty funny to see.

>> No.3167717
File: 25 KB, 400x386, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every day till you like it.

>how's that working out for you?
>pretty good
>thread BTFO

>> No.3167914

Can someone post lewd doujins again pls?

>> No.3167920

dumb frogposter

>> No.3167934

99.999% of games in the N64/PS1 generation.

>> No.3167937


And stay there you fucking faggot.

>> No.3168018 [DELETED] 

I'll get on it. Do they have to be video game related?

>> No.3168028 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3168031 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3168037 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3168039 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3168041

I dont have a preference. Maybe some old ff7 stuff for nostalgia sake.

>> No.3168042 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3168045 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3168048 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3168051 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3168052

Oh noes it looks like the sad mad baby is back again to bawwwwwlete this thread because someone said something mean about Metal Gear again.

Poor baby!

>> No.3168054 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3168060 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3168063 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3168064 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3168065 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3168069 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3168071

mmm butter flavored

>> No.3168072 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3168075 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3168076

Has /vr/ become the worst board on 4chan?

>> No.3168078 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3168080 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3168082

Stupid. All your images are just gonna be removed by the mods. So all the time you spent uploading them will be for nothing.

4chan has a hentai board. Post your images there.

>> No.3168084 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3168089

we still got a ways to go.

>> No.3168091 [DELETED] 
File: 376 KB, 843x1200, ET104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the last thread was just deleted without any images removed.

Anyway these threads themselves are spammed constantly by the same person with the exact same wording every time and thus are against the rules.

>> No.3168092


>> No.3168110

>Anyway these threads themselves are spammed constantly by the same person with the exact same wording every time and thus are against the rules.
Right. But you're still wasting your time on something that's just gonna get removed.
Build something that's gonna last, anon.

>we still got a ways to go.
The wrestling board is probably the worst.
Dear God, do I regret wandering in there.

>> No.3168113 [DELETED] 

>Build something that's gonna last, anon.

It will last as long as this thread does.

>The wrestling board is probably the worst.

Why is that? Unless you're referring to rasslin itself being shit.

>> No.3168116

The only good Metal Gear game was Revengeance.

prove me wrong

>> No.3168118 [DELETED] 

And it was still mediocre at best.

>> No.3168119

>It will last as long as this thread does.
Actually, your images will probably get deleted first. But either way, the thread won't be here for very long, either.

>Why is that? Unless you're referring to rasslin itself being shit.
Go over to /asp/ and you'll find out.

>> No.3168120 [DELETED] 

>Actually, your images will probably get deleted first.

Not if the last thread was anything to go by.

>Go over to /asp/ and you'll find out.

Doesn't look that bad. At least the threads there (from what I can see) are on topic and aren't just blatant shitposting b8.

>> No.3168128

It'd be better if retards like you would stop claiming the board is dead over the smallest shitposts further encouraging the shitposters. You fags are lucky /tv/ hasn't caught wind of how easy it is to kill a thread here.

>> No.3168157

>It'd be better if retards like you would stop claiming the board is dead over the smallest shitposts
Would also be better if retards like you would stop pointing out when others complain about shitposting. Your post isn't reviving the board, either, you dumbass.

>> No.3168159

>Anyway these threads themselves are spammed constantly by the same person with the exact same wording every time
By that logic, the DOOM thread, romhacking thread, crt thread, shmup thread, GCCX thread, and retro computing thread are against the rules and should be deleted.

>> No.3168161 [DELETED] 

Are those threads made for no other purpose than just blatant shitposting and trolling?

>> No.3168164
File: 284 KB, 375x421, 1440813374064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>By that logic, the DOOM thread, romhacking thread, crt thread, shmup thread, GCCX thread, and retro computing thread are against the rules and should be deleted.
OP detected.

>> No.3168168

What's shitposting about people expressing their opinion on videogames they disliked?

>> No.3168173 [DELETED] 

When it's the same thread copy-pasted over and over again it's shitposting.

Also as can be seen from his other posts ITT OP just wants to shitpost.

>> No.3168175

>What's shitposting about people expressing their opinion on videogames they disliked?
How many times has OP made this thread? It's only gonna become a shitposting tread, and you know that.

You're obviously trolling.

If you want to make a thread about overrated games, start using a different image each time.

>> No.3168176

No, you just can't handle people hating your favorite games and are trying to scrape up excuses to get this thread deleted.

>> No.3168181 [DELETED] 

I can't handle the same thread being copy-pasted over and over again when it's nothing but shitposting.

>> No.3168187

>No, you just can't handle people hating your favorite games and are trying to scrape up excuses to get this thread deleted.
I'm not even a Metal Gear Solid fan, and I still cringe when I see this awful thread being posted a million times.

Which is obviously what you want.

>> No.3168191




>> No.3168192

To be honest yeah, fuck you and fuck your thread

>> No.3168195
File: 91 KB, 533x700, Look Mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3168202

Same fag

>> No.3168237

>oh fuck someone called me out on my shit I better call him stupid too that will show him!

Just admit you fucked up screaming the same tired /vr/ is dead meme already. But you won't, instead you'll probably post an image to "prove" you weren't even that guy even though a child could fake that along with manipulating poster count to their advantage.

>> No.3168246


>> No.3168251

>oh fuck someone called me out on my shit I better call him stupid too that will show him!

>> No.3168306

lol mad faggots porn spam utterly failed. threads still up, based mods are based.

Suck my cock porn spammer, MGS sucks and there's nothing you can do pathetic little cuck!

>> No.3168308

>lol mad faggots porn spam utterly failed. threads still up, based mods are based.
>Suck my cock porn spammer, MGS sucks and there's nothing you can do pathetic little cuck!
Autism--the post.

>> No.3168323

MGS is the greatest game of all time, bite me.

>> No.3168330
File: 267 KB, 1126x1000, shenmue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we get back on topic instead of complaining? Post some more objectively overrated games.

>> No.3169391


>> No.3169396

Oh is this one of those threads where people think up the most amazing games ever and say they are shit just to be contrarion?

>> No.3169413

No, this is one of those "OP tries to force a shitty meme" threads. This is what constitutes "trolling" nowadays.

>> No.3169414 [SPOILER] 
File: 62 KB, 276x500, 1461693921197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, it's where people post anything and everything they can in the hopes that someone somewhere will get triggered by it and have a fit.

It's basically all of /vr/ condensed into one thread.

>> No.3169418

Anything that i dont agree with is trolling.

Period. End of the line.

>> No.3169423

It is trolling if it happens every single time a thread dies and OP knows he'll get guaranteed replies..

>> No.3169424

I disagree with that, you casual troll faggot shitposter kiddo!

>> No.3169430
File: 25 KB, 266x240, river kingi_38185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that if you're on 4chan and not trolling, you're a fish.

>> No.3169438

I though these threads lasted a huge amount of time because people who posted on these were just the same faggot bumping the thread to hell.

Now i see it's just one idiot making the same thread over and over again, trying to force a stupid meme.

This is a pretty sad situation, just like those 2 assholes ruining castlevania and genesis threads.

>> No.3169456

>2 assholes
Australia-kun and his obsessive stalker?

>> No.3169459

> these were just the same faggot bumping the thread to hell.

>Now i see it's just one idiot making the same thread over and over again, trying to force a stupid meme.

What is the difference between these two?

>> No.3169481

I just though it was the same thread i saw on the catalog months ago, i didn't knew the OP was doing the thread over and over again.

I think it has to do with MGS being the "example" he always uses

>> No.3169501

Ahh I see. Yes it's not one thread. It's been probably close to a dozen by now, but always the same image and text. Someone is really dedicated and/or autistic.

>> No.3169556

Some tween with too much time and an undeveloped brain.

>> No.3169585

Do you ever get tired of making this thread, OP? Because I get tired of seeing it.

>> No.3169952

Even if people agree you're still going to stick it in their face anyway because you're a gigantic faggot and attention whore.

Go take your hormones

>> No.3169978

OP thinks Metal Gear Solid is overrated?

I would be curious to know what games he does think is good...

>> No.3170428


>> No.3171436 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.3171449


Good taste

>> No.3171462
File: 11 KB, 400x250, river king_deep.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised more people around here aren't into it.

>> No.3171567
File: 181 KB, 935x843, Will_E._Smug_faec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I played the GCB port as my first playthrough

>> No.3171780

well, its note an "overrated" thing per se, because i still think its an enjoyable game, but more "overstated" - i dont get why contra has such a rep as being super tough? it wasnt that hard once you got the hang of it

>> No.3172057

Any Mega Man game after the 6th NES game. They just keep rehashing inferior bullshit at that point

>> No.3172083

The classic series peaked at 4. Everything after that was superfluous bullshit. Though I'll admit that 8 tried a lot of new things and gets too much hate.

>> No.3172128
File: 28 KB, 320x240, Hunchback.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So after probably 20+ of the same thread spanning 2 years OP sits alone in a cold damp basement with a list of "overrated" games he has collected. His knees resting on the cold slightly moist cement floor - deformed slightly erect penis in hand - masturbating furiously to a list of underrated games he has accumulated. At the very top of the list reads "Metal Gear Solid". His pursed drooling lips grinning like quasimodo as he cums. Shouts of pleasure and pain ring throughout the dusty abode but alas nobody is there to hear him.
Moments later he creates another thread.

>> No.3172469


>> No.3172798
File: 22 KB, 480x329, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that impressive in the first place, and the fact that it's aged like crystal pepsi doesn't help.

>> No.3173949

I don't know why this idiot hasn't been banned already.

>> No.3174243


>> No.3174252

It's the jan.

>> No.3174260
File: 10 KB, 2000x1000, 131431432453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3174282

Given /vr/'s shitty moderation, I wouldn't doubt it.

>> No.3174629


>> No.3174650

Deus Ex is absolutely awful in technical department.

>> No.3175184

ur mum

>> No.3175193
File: 106 KB, 609x607, ahegao06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not bombing this shit with ahegao pics

>> No.3175214

But it had a great story and voice acting.

>> No.3175275

Never cared for Sonic 3 much. Don't much like the level design or the music compared to the first 2. I know MJ was involved supposedly, but still

>> No.3175361

>All Final Fantasy's, except 8
easily the worst FF.

>combat relied on GF summons with long ass animations that get real old real quick
>even basic battles could involve 10 minutes of spell drawing making grinding an even bigger chore than normal
>casualized equipment system
>story took a dive in quality once the Laguna sections merged with the main story and the whole OMG WE ALL WAS FRIENDS AS KIDS reveal.

At least the card game was better than 9.

>> No.3175438

Nah 2 is objectively worse, but I otherwise agree with you on 8. Fuck the junction system, fuck that mopey bitch Squall, fuck that retarded manchild Laguna, and fuck anybody who recommends this rancid pile of diarrhea.

>> No.3175442

Mega Man X was fantastic though, shame it went downhill after X4.

>> No.3175445

I like Sonic 3 a lot, but there is something very different about it from the first 2. I can see why some people would consider it a disappointment.

>> No.3176202


>> No.3178735


>> No.3178770

>Game Color Boy

>> No.3178785

I played this for the first time ever about a year ago and I honestly think it's the best in the series.

>> No.3179273

How are you fuckers not violently killed in your beds? You deserve nothing less.

>> No.3179430

Theyre probably faggot weebs or niggers

>> No.3179438

whats wrong with niggers

>> No.3179442

They only like sports games

>> No.3180127