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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3159258 No.3159258 [Reply] [Original]

is this the perfect sonic game? why hasn't sega made a game with this quality after this?

>> No.3159261
File: 135 KB, 320x222, sonic1cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic 1 is the perfect Sonic game

>> No.3159284

Mario is the Mario sonic

>> No.3159530

It's difficult to churn out perfect games on a daily basis, but they produced plenty of good games even after that one.

>> No.3159567

They blew their load as a company, and had to recover before their next splooge.

>> No.3159579


yes it is.

i dont get why s+k was so shitty..

s2 is right behind s3 w/k though

>> No.3159601

Not only was it my favorite Sonic game (Sonic 2 was pretty good) It was the only moment where Sega Genesis music didn't suck massive turds

This song in particular. The bouncy envelope filter bass and fart trumpets actually work for once.

>> No.3159946


Sonic games are complete shit OP.

>> No.3160078

>It was the only moment where Sega Genesis music didn't suck massive turds

Look at this fucking nigger

>> No.3160124

Great music. Still listen to it from time to time

>> No.3160167

You mean Sega or Sonic Team OP?
Sega did release a bunch of good games after this but Sonic Team itself is having a hard time reaching for that 1994 quality again. There's Ristar though, only one year later after this.

>> No.3160720


Then don't play shitty games with shitty music?

>> No.3160963

I think it's because with the advent of the saturn coming they wanted to make a new sonic game that would build hype for the console, but those plans fell through and we had to wait until Dreamcast and even then it was a let down.

>> No.3160987

Why can't sega make another Sonic game that just continues the classic tradition, like what Megaman did for 9/10?
There's still plenty of potential and crazy zones to design instead of Sonic 4's lazy graphics and remade zones

>> No.3161025

Agreed. Also playing as tails and knuckles in a new 2D game would be nice... Speaking of which I don't know if any of you heard but Sega is going to start endorsing fanmade ROM hacks on steam through steam workshop.

>> No.3161047

Would you play a Sonic game in the same vein of Paper Mario? There's a bunch of endearing characters on the Sonic franchise, I think they could pull one really good Sonic RPG if they really want it to.

>> No.3161064

I know the sonic topic comes up a lot here (and regularly on /v/ a la "sonic was never good" threads). I'd really recommend watching this series called "Sonic Spitball". I'm not gonna lie, the whole series is over four and half hours long, so you really gotta settle in for this one. The reason is that it thoroughly goes through all of the games and explores what was right and wrong about them (more or less subjectively of course, but I think he gives good points). I think it helps give some clarity to the Sonic debate, if only because it gets to the point of the matter on each main series game and does so effectively.

If you've got some time to kill in 2 hour chunks, and feel like seeing a really comprehensive view of the sonic series, then I'd recommend giving it a go.

>> No.3161116

>why hasn't sega made a game with this quality after this?
I really want this kind of comment to just be a ban. Obvious underageb&.

>> No.3161124

They already tried with Sonic Chronicles.

It was terrible.

Most modern Sonic titles are ridiculously tongue in cheek anyway, so the writing aspect shouldn't be that hard. Chronicles managed to fuck that up too.

Lord, I hate the Sonic franchise. On one hand, I've kept the dream that another game will be as good as S3&K alive somewhere deep in my heart for so long, but on the other, that's caused me to buy games like fucking Sonic 4.

>> No.3161129

>Sonic Chronicles.
It wasn't terrible but certainly it's not great. This was a bioware thing, I wonder what they could do if they actually managed to put Sonic Team and a couple of Nintendo guys to pull one really adorable, funny and fun Sonic RPG. I can only dream.

>Lord, I hate the Sonic franchise. On one hand, I've kept the dream that another game will be as good as S3&K alive somewhere deep in my heart for so long, but on the other, that's caused me to buy games like fucking Sonic 4.
Same here. I'm not even mad actually for some reason I'm still waiting for that game, people who grow up in the 90s playing Sonic is now on their mid to late 20s and are entering on the game industry. Maybe they know how to make a real Sonic game. I'm willing to give another 10 years. Who knows.

>> No.3161150

After the shit show that was Sonic Lost World, I have given up hope. Colors raised my hopes about the franchise but it all can crashing down again. I'm convinced Sonic Team doesn't know what they're doing.

I feel you on getting competent RPG developers to tackle a proper RPG, but I wouldn't really cite Nintendo as the answer (or Intelligent Systems, the creators of the Paper Mario franchise). It could be possible, but it needs to be handled delicately.

Also, Freedom Planet was a better Sonic title than anything that's come from Sega since Sonic Rush.

>> No.3161153

I need to know what it will take for me to finally admit I need to enjoy something besides Sonic.

>> No.3161173

Playing any of the modern entries might help you break the habit.

Or you could play a really good platformer instead.

>> No.3161179

>really good platformer instead
Give me 3 of your favorites then.

>> No.3161206

In regards to classics, Wario Land 2 or 4, Super Mario Bros. 3 or Super Mario Land 2, and Kirby's Adventure or Dream Land 2.

More recently, I'd recommend Mutant Mudds, Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails, and Mighty Switch Force!.

>> No.3161320

What did you like about Mutant Mudds and MSF? I found them both really stiff in inputs, just hated the way the characters moved. I ask because I think your other choices for platformers are all great, classic games, so I don't see the connection.

>> No.3161403

Well, I think rigid movement doesn't detract from a platformer, it just limits player options. In regards to Mutant Mudds, the relatively simple moveset must be applied to the challenges of the level design in countless different ways, and once you factor in the Grannie stages that expand your power up usage and the ghost levels that further detract from your arsenal, you have a game that is extremely varied in level design and requires precise inputs and patience. While some games overwhelm you with multiple elements, Mutant Mudds states rather clearly what you need to do, it's just up to you to do it properly- or break the game and make it easier on yourself.

Mighty Switch Force, and its sequel even moreso, demand precision from the player with a limited amount of movement options. The cleverness comes from the level design and how the player is expected to overcome it- sometimes with precise inputs, the exploitation of the central switching mechanic, or the combination of those factors.

I think that many people find issue with platformers that don't allow freedom of approach and movement, but I don't really see that that way. While freedom is nice, and I would argue that of my three "modern" choices Scram Kitty both has the most freedom and is the most fun to play, sometimes the joy of platformers is having tight command over clunky controls and the ability to subvert increasingly complex platforming challenges with them.

Just my opinion, though.

>> No.3161535

>why hasn't X made a game with this quality after this?
Because devs are lazy, selfish cunts.

>> No.3161629

I actually do not like Sonic 3. I like 1 and 2 the best, although I will say I don't like Sonic all that much anyway.

>> No.3161724

they could if they gave a shit and put effort instead of pulling a sonic chronicles.

>> No.3161727

yume penguin monogatari, bio-miracle bokutte upa, and alex kidd in miracle world would be good ones to play.

>> No.3161732
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>> No.3162005

Kinda wish Sega would just use Taxman's Retro Engine to make new Sonic games instead of doing shitty Sonic physics approximations in awful 3D engines.

>> No.3162067

this is the only sonic i have played, it was on a cd i bought, but it crashed on the end of the 2 stage when knucles appear

>> No.3162202

I think the closest to something decent in 2D is Sonic Generations, is not as good as the classics, but was ok.

Sonic Advance is annoying as fuck because of the shitty framerate, it literally hurts my eyes (on emulator, I don't have a GBA).

>> No.3162865

All sega games were trash after the genisis

>> No.3163898


Sega probably doesn't have any of the original guys that knew how to make classic Sonic games. Hirokazu was probably the most important developer of the original Sonic games and I don't even know if he's still working for Sega.

>> No.3163919

Also the market have changed a lot. Besides, it's not like Sonic games are not selling right?

I'm wondering, is a new Sonic 3 would appeal to anyone outside of /vr/? I can't imagine a 12 year old giving a shit about how true to the source is their Sonic games.

>> No.3163925

You have people doing Sonic clones, Sonic hacks and all sorts of fiddling in their spare time. People at Sega can make another Sonic 3 game. Hell, they probably have one just on the leftovers from the previous games. They don't do it because it wouldn't actually sell to people outside this board.

>> No.3163926

s3&k is amazing, but 1 will always be my favorite

>> No.3163929


Yeah, it all boils down the old green paper. And to get more green paper, you need to market to lowest denominater. But to be fair, I can't imagine 12 year olds giving a shit about Sonic in any context. I remember in playground, these games were talked about 24/7. Everyone was sharing secrets, making up rumors, bragging about highscores. Now its like: "dude, you online tonight",
"yeah bro packing a bowl and gonna kill some noobs lol".

>> No.3163998

I would say Sonic CD and NiGHTS were pretty good.

>> No.3164097
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, xt7xtspepiaup0twms1g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOT RETRO but Freedom Planet is a pretty good Sonic clone. Fast-paced, lots of collectables/achievements for the completionist autists out there, a couple decent 16-bit furfag waifus, neat music... it's worth playing. Goes on sale constantly, too.

>> No.3164110

>And to get more green paper, you need to market to lowest denominater
If you're a fucking idiot, yes. Do you really think people like Undertale for the gameplay?

>> No.3164134

Sega is ran by retards. Nintendo is ran by elitist retards.

>> No.3164139

>not knowing when to use "ran" or "run."
>still being in middle school

>> No.3164423

How fucking stupid were the kids at the middle school you went to? I mean, shit. That's has to be a below-kindergarden level of knowledge.

>> No.3164426

>wonder why "kindergarden" is underlined in red
>look up the word
>I'v been spelling it incorrectly for the entire span of my existence

>> No.3164429


>> No.3164476

A good watch. A person not already a fan of any Sonic games probably won't have the patience to watch all of that, though. However, if you really want to know why the Sonic fandom is such a mixed bag of crazy from SEGAs fumblings, he lays it out pretty clearly.

>> No.3165084

I don't trust modern sonic team because the graphics would be shit tier lazy digital colored sprites instead of detailed environments with a lot animations and the music would be worse than sonic 4 episode 1 instead of going for a full Sonic CD styled production and it would obviously be made by dimps so expect lazy level design and obligatory homing atack everywhere because sega only gave the devs 6 months to make the game so we end up with a rushed and disappointing game.

>> No.3165635

>instead of going for a full Sonic CD styled production
What do you mean?

>> No.3165652

I think he just means colorful and detailed levels. CD had those, with Stardust Speedway being a good example. You can see the Eggman statue in the background if you're playing bad future. It's pretty ominous, I think.

>> No.3165740
File: 15 KB, 320x224, Sandopolis_Act_1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't Sonic 3 be a better example? Sonic CD is my favorite game of all time, but Sonic 3's graphics are just out of this world.

>> No.3165749

I personally think Sonic CD was more colorful and nicer to look at. Definitely because of the Sega CD having more horsepower. 3&K look nice, but I think CD looks a bit better.

>> No.3166047
File: 77 KB, 632x476, SbtS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate when people recommend Freedom Planet as "the last good Sonic game" or some such. It takes the basic Sonic premise of going fast, and then adds as much extraneous stuff as possible that detract more than they give. While some of it is good (non linearity/exploration focuses areas a la Sonic CD), it also has shit like a laughable, cringe inducing plot that plays like a bad fanfiction, combat sections reminiscent of the most despised parts of Unleashed, one of the characters is basically a Shadow ripoff using weapons and vehicles are totally unnecessary in 2D Sonic.

You want a good Sonic fangame? Play Sonic Before the Sequel, and to a lesser extend After the Sequel. Plot is minimal, basic bridging between Sonic 1/2/3, classic Sonic gameplay (Tails is also playable, every second level in BtS), graphics and music are godly, and it's not trying to pretend it isn't Sonic.

All said there are a few iffy bits - 3 Acts a Zone (not counting the Boss Act) no special stages in the first one (still a good ending, gotten by beating it in less than two hours), also in the underwater stage it gives you a unlosable Bubble Shield which lets you double jump, used most prominently in the third Act). After the Sequel has full Kirby-esque powers, but they only appear in like 3/4 levels and are only mandatory in the second Act of the third Zone. The plot is also more fanfictiony with some random end-base and almost entirely unhinted subvillian, but the music is better, it has special stages and Tails isn't forced on you.

All in all a lot of After the Sequels serves as a precursor to a third game, which is like a Metroid/Sonic hybird that has the most fanfictiony plot it's surprising it was parody.

>> No.3166086

Sonic 1 is better

>> No.3166272

I'm not a Sonic fanboy by any stretch of the imagination so I'm not qualified to comment on which games in the series are shit and which ones are GOAT. I'm also not saying Freedom Planet is a masterpiece or anything, but it scratches the itch for fun 2D platforming and has an obvious Sonic vibe to it. The boss fights are neat, too... way more creative/interesting than the boss fights in Sonic 1 or 2 (those are the ones I played the most growing up).

And yeah the story is pretty gay and basic not that anyone should ever play vidya for the story, and the voice acting is dogshit, and I have zero interest in getting the achievements in it, but it's a good time. Plus you can completely turn off the story/cutscenes if you just want to move quickly from stage to stage... that's a nice perk.

tl;dr Freedom Planet is a serviceable and enjoyable clone/homage to old 16bit Sonic games. It's nothing more or less than that, and the 81/100 it got on Metacritic is right on.

>> No.3166284

As someone who played both, I enjoyed more Freedom Planet. For me it was simply more original and fun.

I am starting to think it was perfect by accident.
After all, it was 2 games merged in 1.
I doubt sega can redo something like that today.

>> No.3166332


>> No.3167065

One of the dudes that plugged Freedom Planet here, I understand your perspective but I still think it's a worthy recommendation. The story can be skipped over in classic mode, and I would disagree entirely regarding the combat. It's cleverly integrated into the boss battles so that you need to plan your I-frames carefully.

It also allows you to run past enemies that aren't in an attack animation, which is another aspect of Sonic that, love it or hate it, interrupts the feeling of speed.

Sure, it's not as closely ingrained in the core mechanics of Sonic titles, but it is comparable to it, and it's worth checking out.

>> No.3167075


opinions otherwise shall be discarded

>> No.3167147
File: 54 KB, 407x360, _-Chu-Chu-Rocket-Dreamcast-_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I love Chu chu rocket