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File: 51 KB, 640x454, star fox 64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3149801 No.3149801 [Reply] [Original]

how the fuck do i beat star fox 64? i'm pretty new to videogames and i've never beaten one, and i want to beat this game but it's so hard once i get to the train stage.

>> No.3149806

Do a barrel roll

>> No.3149818

Sometimes when they shoot at you, do barrel rolls.
Apart from that, shoot at everything. Never not shoot.
Also, I was just thinking of making a Star Fox 64 thread, because yesterday I played it for the first time in 15 years.
I even got a new highscore. 1075. It is a lot for me, since the highest I have gotten before that was 862.
Also, I felt stupid when I realized you could get out of Andross' brain tentacles with the turbo. Was near death by then, though and on my next try I beat him with almost no shield lost.

>> No.3149968 [DELETED] 

haha funni xD
ok, haven't gotten to andross yet. farthest i've gotten is the train. thanks

>> No.3149982

Is this the second
>I never got into N64 until I saw YouTube...

>> No.3149987

I thought my high score of like 1500 was low.

>> No.3149995

no, when I was a kid my parents didn't let me play videogames. I always wanted an N64 but they didn't let me get one, so now i just got into it

>> No.3150008


>> No.3150084
File: 649 KB, 1936x2592, ZlZwz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man that kinda sucks. but you've started with a good console, just be aware that alot of n64 games havent aged that well. With that in mind im sure you'll have a blast

>> No.3150256

I think there's a loop in the macbeth boss that you can milk for infinite points.

>> No.3150273

I'm glad that you're enjoying Star Fox 64 as one of your first games, OP. There's actually a secret way to clear the train stage without having to fight the boss, and it nets you some extra points in the process.

There are 8 or so switches throughout the level, and if you hit each of them and then the final trigger (should be obvious, it's a lever that you can shoot), you'll trigger the event.

Hope this helps!

>> No.3150297
File: 149 KB, 882x667, Touhou-Easy-Mode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking the east path

>> No.3150301

Except it's really only feasible if you've memorized where they are or have Kat helping.

>> No.3150304


It's not a very easy trick, but if someone's stuck on the level badly enough that they find themselves repeating it, learning their locations bit by bit should be easy enough.

>> No.3150307


SF64 is actually probably a great first game or similar

Easy to understand, easy to get into, fairly short but fun the whole way

>> No.3150396

It's pretty simple, really. All you have to do is kill all the bosses and not die.

>> No.3150412

use the boost and remember to do loops also if shit gets too crazy.

use the bombs sparingly.

>> No.3150484

This. I've been playing the game for years and getting pretty good scores, but even I sometimes forget to save bombs.

>> No.3150517

Here's a bunch of useful but probably obvious stuff:

-Use the charge shot to take out close groups.
-Don't forget that you can detonate bombs by pressing B again.
-Don't forget that if you're locked on to an enemy, you can also fire a bomb

>> No.3150523

I really like this game. In essence there's not too much I can say is "my favorite" aside from the voice acting at times, but damn did this game get so many things right.

>> No.3150524

Charge shot.

>> No.3150526

Peppy is right, do a barrel roll.


It gets pretty annoying, but barrel rolling almost all the time will really save your ass.

Also get really good and mashing the A button as quickly as possible, not for the levels, but for the bosses. You can drop some bosses in under 5 seconds easy. Andross is this way, though his final form is fucking brutally annoying on hard mode.

Star Wolf will easily be your hardest enemy in the hard mode. If you get to them without your entire crew, its a really, really difficult fight. Try to keep everyone alive and max HP.

>> No.3150531

awesome first reply

>> No.3150538

Under fire? Barrel Roll. Enemy behind you? Backflip, never brake (unless it tells you to). For the highest score, go Co>SecY>Aq>Zon>Mac>A6>V2.
Only few times is charged shot used over tap laser, such as when things are in a formation. Sometimes Lock on bombs are good too.
Bombs are relatively easy to come by, don't be afraid to nuke a cluster of enemies if you don't think you can take them out.
The most valuable thing you can do is upgrade your lasers to max.
When fighting any incarnation of Starwolf, tap laser their asses (some fights you can even cheese and aim up where they are to land, I have killed 1/4 before they even finished their monologues doing this)
Sector Z is the worst stage
Finally always keep your wingmen alive, they help even if slightly or situationally.

>> No.3150547

When playing the first level, Corneria, make sure to rescue Falco. Then when you pass the part with the giant robots throwing gurdurs at you, you will come to a lake with odd stone arches Fly through all the stone arches. If you do the first one, Falco will compliment you. If you fly through them all, Falco will take you through the waterfall and you will fight the alt boss, taking you to Sector Y. I know this sounds like something >that kid would say.
I bet Starfox Zero is going to do something like this too. I am so looking forward to playing that game.

>> No.3150614

Under fire? Barrel Roll. Enemy behind you? Backflip, never brake (unless it tells you to). For the highest score, go Co>SecY>Aq>Zon>Mac>A6>V2.
Only few times is charged shot used over tap laser, such as when things are in a formation. Sometimes Lock on bombs are good too.
Bombs are relatively easy to come by, don't be afraid to nuke a cluster of enemies if you don't think you can take them out.
The most valuable thing you can do is upgrade your lasers to max.
When fighting any incarnation of Starwolf, tap laser their asses (some fights you can even cheese and aim up where they are to land, I have killed 1/4 before they even finished their monologues doing this)
Sector Z is the worst stage
Finally always keep your wingmen alive, they help even if slightly or situationally.

>> No.3150616

Are you a robot?

>> No.3150617

>Backflip, never brake (unless it tells you to).
That's not what I used to do, tapping break instead of holding it down seemed to work better.

>> No.3150621

No, only he has the brains to rule Lylat

>> No.3150626

Destroy all 3 energy balls.

>> No.3150676


I feel the need to point out that a good path for high scores is:
Corneria-> Meteo-> warp zone to Katina-> switch back to Sector X-> Macbeth-> Area 6-> Venom

>> No.3150731

When you go through the secret area on stage 1 you have to fight Starwolf on the final level, only this time they have upgraded ships. Could never get past it despite lots and lots of attempts.

>> No.3150742

It does, if I recall, you get more brake for the bar than you do if you hold it.

>> No.3150868
File: 170 KB, 500x303, SKULL JOKE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I just completed it the other day for the first time
>only time I cut it close was against the Lava monster boss

Seriously that shit had me sweating i made it out by the skin of my teeth and could've sworn I died but just as I looked back up he exploded and it turned out I was okay.

What a rush. Fell in love with the game after that but still haven't played all the levels i guess. Are the other Starfox games this good? Because I seriously have not felt this way after playing a game in YEARS.

>> No.3151110

No, the n64 version is the only one worth playing, and trust me when I say A6 is a much better level.

>> No.3151114

The Gamecube/DS ones are very controversial in terms of whether or not they're shit. Some people love them, some people hate them. But yeah, the only game in the series that's entirely worth playing is 64.

>> No.3151151


A6? dont know what you're talking about

to be frank I don't even know how to exactly get to each level, but I love this game so much now that I'll figure it out eventually if I just keep playing it


I've been looking at gameplay for the new one and it looks fun enough.

Star Fox Assault looks pretty good to me as well. What exactly is the issue? Is it just something you have to play to get because in video they look fine. I could do without the on foot combat, but everything else looks practically the same just newer.

>> No.3151173

PROTIP: If you bank you Arwing in the direction you're turning with the L and R buttons, it will move faster in that direction, just like a real airplane-starship. Also, doing a barrel roll while moving in a direction will make you do a sprint-jump, which is very useful for super-fast dodging.

>> No.3151181

It's just a nostalgia thing. I personally think assault is trash because it just isn't as fun as SF64. Idk.

>> No.3151184


Well I'll try them out after I've annhilated 64. Maybe make a thread about it.

Perhaps I'm lucky that I'm only getting into these games now.

>> No.3151187


correction: I'll make a thread on /v/.

>> No.3151192

There's a manga set between 64 and Adventures if you wanna look that up and give it a read as well. I haven't read it myself though so no idea on the quality or what it builds on, all I know is Falco is the main character.

>> No.3151196

Gee, I've been saved by Fox, how swell.

>> No.3151202


There's a story?

I thought I was just killing a a mad scientist again and saving the day.


Keep this shit coming, gaming industry. I don't care how much its abused.

>> No.3151221

Okay, so I have to get ready for work, but when I'm done, I'm gonna do a quick playthrough. Well post score.

>> No.3151301

It's me. I didn't have enough time to finish it, but here's how my playthrough went. I'm a little rusty because I haven't played in months, but
>Sector Y: 136 (I dunno what happened there but that's a shitty one)
>Aquas: 169
>Zoness: 231
>Macbeth: 153

>> No.3151307

I just did some quick math and found out that I probably wasn't going to beat my record of 1512 anyway, so maybe next time

>> No.3151314

Assault has fun gameplay if you don't mind a lousy plot and voiceacting.

>> No.3151326
File: 81 KB, 480x640, 1414820659428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love star fox 64. Games designed with a ton of replayability in mind, as well as DYNAMIC GAMEPLAY are the best.
Also branching paths. The best. Those two warps on the easy path are so cool to get.

I sincerely hope star fox zero is good.

>> No.3151340
File: 193 KB, 888x1500, Hello Internet - AND WELCOME TO FIIILM THEORY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3151367

Oh, God. Don't start that shit.

>> No.3151373

You picked the right time
Star fox 64-2 is happening on thursday
>inb4 people bitching about motion controls

>> No.3152057

Keep playing till you get better

>> No.3152213

A6= Area 6

>> No.3152230
File: 138 KB, 536x763, p07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Farewell, Beloved Falco
It takes place 2 years after Fox defeated Andross and explains why Falco disappeared during Adventures.

>> No.3152790

Anyone tried the 3DS version of this?

I borrowed it from my brother and I find it really awkward to aim with the circle pad.

>> No.3152932

No, but it sounds terrible.

>> No.3152946

I've been playing this game since launch and I've never hit all those fucking switches.

>> No.3152951


I downloaded it for free, and I thought it was pretty good, didn't have any problem with the aiming that I can remember, I actually thought it was pretty smooth. Framerate is higher and lighting is less dark, it's easier to see everything (especially on the submarine level).
I still don't know if I like it better than the original, I think the original has a charm of its own, but I actually think the remake was pretty good.
It also has some extra modes if you like to play for score.

>> No.3152959

Assault pissed me off not only with the braindead plot and equally braindead VA work but it's like you spend over half the damn game running around on foot. If I wanted that I sure as hell wouldn't be playing Starfox in the first place.