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3148684 No.3148684[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which controller is better, Master System or NES?

The MS controller obviously has the better d-pad and buttons, but the NES has start and select buttons which are useful for pausing and bringing up menus. They're both similar in shape, but the MS feels stronger and more durable. The MS also has a longer cord.

I'd say the MS is the better controller overall. Feel free to leave an opinion ITT or compare other controllers.

>> No.3148686
File: 88 KB, 5000x5000, 1446497095652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The MS controller obviously has the better d-pad and buttons
Well at least this isn't one of the spam shitposts.

>> No.3148689

Care to make an actual point, rather than shitpost?

>> No.3148695

MS has the worst D-pad of any controller I have ever used. NES is the better controller.

>> No.3148698

The NES dpad has no diagonals, is too stiff, is sharp on its points, and is too small.

>> No.3148701

There really needs to be a name for this specific shitpost.

>Post obvious bait opinion.
>Wait for post telling you that you're an idiot.
>"Ya well you have no argument"

The shit is really getting spammed here on /vr/ especially.

>> No.3148703

What's wrong with it? It is quite comfortable to use, really. It's no 7800 pad, but it is good.

>> No.3148704 [DELETED] 

Why do Nintendrones on here always think differing views are trolling? Are you so sheltered that you truly believe that your opinions are facts? Maybe it's because your kind infest youtube that other opinions sound so heinous to you.

>> No.3148708


>> No.3148710

I guess that is a post...

>> No.3148715

>Think I'm pressing right or left
>Nope. Apparently I'm pressing a diagonal direction.

I die a lot in R-type or Alien Syndrome and so on because of this. Also the controller is a bit too small for my liking.

The reasons you list have never affected me.

>> No.3148719

Yes it is small, if it was the size of the 7800 pad it would be better.
It's not my fault you don't know how to use a dpad.

>> No.3148789

Master System
+ Eight way dpad
+ Sturdy buttons
- Small
- Rectangular
- No pause button

+ Start and Select buttons
+ Sturdy, concave buttons
- Small
- Rectangular
- No diagonals on dpad

>> No.3148843

MS controller is the worst controller Sega has made for sure. NES controller is a bit too stiff (atleast it's better designed than the N64 one)

>> No.3148848
File: 1.81 MB, 3160x2280, Sega-Master-System-Control-Stick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find both the original MS controller and the original NES controller way too fucking small. I can barely play my SNES now because of how small that controller is. It's like I'm holding a babies trinket in my between my hands.

I have two of these and I've always used them.

>> No.3148926

Worse than the SG-1000 joystick?

>> No.3148927

No one here has used that, I'm sure.

>> No.3148935

The Snes pad really is tiny, it feels very awkward to play with.

>> No.3148946

Diagonals on a d-pad actually make it tough for me to make the character move the way I want him to. Often, when I try to press down, for example, I'll be slightly off-center and inadvertently press down and right, or something.

>> No.3148948

Use the tip of your thumb, not the middle of it.

>> No.3148972

>The MS controller obviously has the better d-pad

No anon, YOU need to back yourself up.

>> No.3148974

It's not sharp and stiff like the NES dpad, it has diagonals, it moves more smoothly.

>> No.3148981
File: 9 KB, 284x200, nesdogbone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The correct answer is the dogbone NES controller. Super comfy in the hands.

>> No.3148983

Well, the Mega Drive 6 button controller is compatible with the Master System and that's one of the best controllers of all time.

>> No.3148997

Still an inferior d-pad to either of the NES controllers.

>> No.3149000

>It's not sharp and stiff

Then it's not as good, then. Those are qualities you absolutely want in a dpad.

>> No.3149001

>one of the best controllers of all time

>> No.3149002

No. Those things are stiff and don't have diagonals. How can a dpad without diagonals be better than anything?

>> No.3149003
File: 238 KB, 2048x1972, 1449650434280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this anon's style.

>> No.3149004

I didn't say that.
No, you want one that moves smoothly and doesn't cut into your thumb.

>> No.3149014

No, you want it to be as precise as possible.

You having a skin condition where a piece of plastic cuts your thumb is something one wouldn't want, but evidently you drew the short straw on that one.

>> No.3149017

Why would you want a pad that doesn't allow you to move and change direction as quickly as possible? The NES pad is also shallow, so holding will not only result in a sore thumb, but also a greater chance of it letting go. An eight way round dpad is the most precise anyway.

>> No.3149047

SNES pad feels just right for me.
t. small hands

>> No.3149051

>Why would you want a pad that doesn't allow you to move and change direction as quickly as possible?

I don't know, why? The NES is the most responsive d-pad, so why WOULD you settle for less?

>an eight-way

OK, so you've been shitposting this phrase ad nauseum here and I'm going to let you in on something all human children figured out very early with dpads - it is possible (and preferable) to use two directions on a dpad at the same time.

Everything else you've said is hogwash relating to you and your evidently frail, osteoporosis-suffering thumb.

>> No.3149052

It was designed for children and Japs after all.

>> No.3149057

It is not responsive at all, it is shallow and stiff. The MS is the third most responsive dpad I've ever used behind the MD and Saturn.
It is much better to have actual diagonals, but you probably only play basic platformers and JRPGs so you would't know how much better it is to have diagonals.
Go press your thumb onto a sharp, cheap piece of plastic and tell me how comfortable it is.